Wildfire roaring in my veins, the entire universe blazing in my eyes.
751 posts

Tears at last began to pour at the gentle gesture and the hushed reassurance. She held probably one of the greatest forces in the Universe, yet she still remained incredibly damaged. Shattered.
“I do.” yet an another heavy secret, her only but worst failure

“I was- I was a few seconds late.” the gunshot still a deafening echo in her mind “and I watched life leaving my mother's eyes in my arms. I failed and I didn't have this fused with me to bring her back.” golden tears refused the laws gravity and began to slowly swirl in the air
“I cannot let it happen with you too.”
The world took and continued to take whatever it could get its claws on, her fears only heightening as she realized how deep her feelings are towards Erebus. And that it is probably, possibly mutual, if she wasn't too damaged to love.
“What” she swallowed, to grasp control of the tiny unstable galaxy formed from her -nonsense that she couldn't even cry without setting off a cosmic reaction- “What was that you first saw in me?”


The touch grounded her, much better than her mangled mind ever could’ve. She has mastered switching between forms with ease, one with the voracious hunger of a newborn star, the other the blazing supernova of a dying one. And she was still capable of feeling somewhat human. Especially when Erebus was near.
“You have nothing to be sorry about.” probably the firmest tone she ever used with him, but how could she allow him berating himself for her decision
“You aren’t relying on me. I am well aware that I can…overreact. And the outcome is brutal but final. I know I’m…much.”

“You can take care of yourself. It was me who stepped in without asking.” the entity couldn’t remember one time in her life when she apologized or at least came close doing so.
“I…” gone the unforgiving burning void, only vulnerable jade gazed up “I lost my family. My virginity. My life. Some parts of my sanity. My physical health.” interpreting it as a sign, her heart picked up a brutal rhythm, one that made her seek his embrace even further
“The only thing I hold intact from myself is my voice. The ones I can save are because of my losses. And one time I still failed. I just- I couldn’t stand and watch.” she was soaking up the reassurance, she felt unnecessary to say she will tear this dimension apart with her own hands if someone manages to take him away
“I can say with confidence that unfortunately, you’re stuck with me too.”

He was quiet for a moment, absorbing her words. Erebus had always known her life before becoming the entity she was today wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine. Just like his wasn’t either, but he just never truly fathomed the extent of what she suffered through.
“I had no idea…” He murmured, wrapping his free arm her and gently tugging her into his embrace.
It honestly kind of funny how they came to be together. They’re opposites in most every way. He was quiet and reserved, and standoffish and she…wasn’t. But it was their shared love of music that brought them both together.
“I know, sweetheart. I know. You did the best you could. No one faults you for that.” He assured her, his hand sliding up to run through her fiery tresses.

He allows a smile to tug at his lips after hearing her echo what he said. “Then I guess we’re just stuck with each other now. Guess we’ll have to make the most of it.” He chuckles softly.
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