Wildfire roaring in my veins, the entire universe blazing in my eyes.
751 posts
The Entity Only Could Stare Wordlessly At The Cowboy As If He Had Grown A Second Head.

The entity only could stare wordlessly at the cowboy as if he had grown a second head.
“....I...it's warm enough thank you” she eventually arrived to the very intelligent conclusion, snuggling closer to the pillow and deeper to the blanket to prove her point. Wrath had a great climate, enough even for her to feel comfortable without burrowing three blankets under.
“...You are very considerate” jade hues told the tale how unfamiliar was all of this; maybe she was allowed to rest for one night
Cindy considered the offer, although wary of the amount of information could flow once the gates opened. A crash followed by a cackle downstairs caused a tiny jolt and a tighter squeeze of the pillow.
“Pride is an absolute shithole full of predators and I feel like I can't get the filth off me.” she hissed venomously, voice now more steady. Of course humans find a way to ruin everything
“The amount of women, men running to me for help while chased by scum every day...and of course I take care every one of them very fucking permanently. How could I ever turn someone away- no that would never happen. That's who I am, that's what I do.” both on Earth and in Hell. Only that in here it was draining due to the lack of direct access to the cosmos.
“But that's not the shit part, saving people I mean. It's that...” a laugh that was somehow filled with sorrow
“I know can't count on anyone doing the same favor for me, just because it's the right thing to do.” she gestuted at the injury “Not like that's a surprise.” now that sentence held the most secrets, full of bite, knowledge and the worst: experience.
“You are something else. In the best meaning possible.” then it occurred to her she probably hadn't even introduced herself, only crashed into his establishment
“Bit late introduction I know, I'm Cindy. Pride's number one rapist killer but I also specialize in murder other criminals.” she let go of the comfort pillow briefly to stick her hand out from under the covers for a handshake

Selfish. Eyes shut tight at the realization, the demon already showed more than enough courtesy by properly treating the injury and not even bolting out of the room after she revealed her blood was probably radioactive. Cindy rarely - better said never - felt even the flicker of need to apologize for anything, yet…

Carefully shifting to her good side, she snatched the other pillow to curl around, her hold reflexively tightening with every occasioal boisterous laugh reaching the room.
“You…don’t have to do this. If you don’t want to.” she said carefully as he returned and seemed to be even prepared to go through the selfish request
“I’m not gonna die on you, if that’s what you worried about. I’ve had worse. Much worse” she tried to reassure, a tiny, tired smile “I’m just-” she cut herself off before ‘exhausted’ could tumble out of her mouth. She can’t be. Millions relied on her, million fates depended on her. She had no right to be exhausted. “Just had a shit day”

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More Posts from Phoenixborn
I don't know if anyone made this connection yet:
Striker is pretty much Izzy Hands of Helluva Boss. Poor dude just wants to murder but everyone is horny instead of terrified. Badass hitman trapped in a sex comedy
tired of walking on eggshells pretending like i don’t care about shipping when i do actually. sue me but i crave romance and i think it’s fun to write. i WANT to ship my characters. i don’t care if our first interaction is setting the foundation for a plotted ship. the best part is this still doesn’t mean shipping is my main focus but god the purist culture the rp community has developed around shipping and painting it as some moderately taboo thing that you should only ever indulge at a strict minimum is so exhausting. ship with me.
How do you need to be loved?
Deeply, like the vastness of the sea

You are a very passionate person. You feel everything so intensely, and that definitely includes love. You need someone who will match that passion, that intensity. You need someone who will care about you as much as you care about them, but you have a hard time finding that. You're usually the one who loves more, and it's sad sometimes, but it's okay. But you will find someone who loves you just as much as you love them.
Thanks for the tag @spxcemuses !
Dark Earth Zodiac
The Lightning

Sharp, jagged, brilliant-- lightning sweeps down from the sky in a moment and leaves the earth forever changed, charged with the incandescence of a world above. This sign is defined by its energy, audacity, and spontaneity. To lean too far is the tendency of the Lightning. This sign can tend into the brash, but their bold decision making also fosters inspiration in those that look up to them. There is no such thing as doing things by halves to those who fall under this sign. Lightning signs may find themselves unpredictable, even to themselves, having trouble with emotional regulation and overcommitment-- but they are enthusiastic and their energy often leads them, sometimes even accidentally, to success. The Lightning throws themselves into relationships with the same fervor, defined by their eagerness and honesty. The most common complaint that the lightning receives is that they are 'too much'-- too loud, too brash, too ready to go without thinking up a how or even a why. When it comes time to be serious the Lightning often has trouble settling down and following a single path through; they are often of the opinion that things will simply 'work out'. Masters of the last minute, of making up for mistakes, and making do with what they have-- things often do. Those born under the Lightning benefit from an occasional grounding, but many fear that if they lose their momentum they'll stop completely.

Selfish. Eyes shut tight at the realization, the demon already showed more than enough courtesy by properly treating the injury and not even bolting out of the room after she revealed her blood was probably radioactive. Cindy rarely - better said never - felt even the flicker of need to apologize for anything, yet...

Carefully shifting to her good side, she snatched the other pillow to curl around, her hold reflexively tightening with every occasioal boisterous laugh reaching the room.
“You...don't have to do this. If you don't want to.” she said carefully as he returned and seemed to be even prepared to go through the selfish request
“I'm not gonna die on you, if that's what you worried about. I've had worse. Much worse” she tried to reassure, a tiny, tired smile “I'm just-” she cut herself off before ‘exhausted’ could tumble out of her mouth. She can't be. Millions relied on her, million fates depended on her. She had no right to be exhausted. “Just had a shit day”


“I don’t give a fuck about Hell’s outdated feudal system nor Heaven’s fucking cult. I’m not like that.” the entity announced, allowing crimson hair to pool on the pillow
“In the era I’m from they said everyone is equal yet they preached water while drinking wine.” probably not much of her words made any sense, fragments of different lives thrown around as replies. In her haze she hasn’t even felt the necessary pain of his work. When was the last time she had proper sleep again?
Jade eyes stared carefully, but made no inquire; she wouldn’t enjoy to recount the story behind the tattoo covered scarred skin of her right side either. His question forced her tired brain to begin a throughout thought process, after all he still did a great work despite the quite alarming information.

“I think-” too raspy, lets try that again “I think it depends on a number of factors and fluctuates instead staying on one consistent level.”
“I’m in a pocket dimension, away from my main sources of power. I’m unable to morph and to summon enough energy to get myself out of Hell. My wound despite the result of a simple knife didn’t heal on its own. I’m actually dizzy from blood loss too, meaning my healing factor currently is under a frog’s ass.” where she was going with this? Ah yes.
“You will be fine. Maybe minor nausea, dizziness and possible fever. No lost body parts. Or anything permanent. Otherwise I wouldn’t have let you do this” Cindy concluded, feeling her body getting heavier with each second passing.
Well he was done… That meant being alone in an unfamiliar environment, in an establishment full of…drunk demons. Fire sparked in her eyes at the realization, she could get up to bolt, barricade the door with the risk of opening the stitches. Would that faux protection be even useful to worth the effort?
“Can you…” why was everything so difficult “Would you…”

Striker had only intended to be helping with a wound, considering she had looked pretty active and awake a few moments ago, he imagined that the loss of blood(radioactive or not) did take a toll on anyone as he had an experience with on several occasions. He listened intently to her while she spoke, about her health and the prospects of him and whatever reactions he might be going through in a while, though he imagined the iodine would help him with most of it he hoped.
The last part was what had him worried, not many people wanted him to stay by their side, and the times he was asked, it was at the bedside of someone dying, so he had a moment of hesitation before he continued to clean up after himself, the blood as he spoke.

“Sure, ah can stay here and keep watch over ya, would be a lousy host if ah just left ya to be alone after… “he motioned to the now stitched-up wound.” That happenin’, and ya bein’ in an unfamiliar place. Just gotta clean this up and get a new shirt, then ah will be here by your side.”
Taking the shirt and everything bloody to be thrown away, he’d return after cleaning his hands and putting on a new shirt so he’d look at least appropriate while staying there. “Ya want anythin’ to eat, maybe now or later after ya get some rest?”
He had pulled up a chair to be right beside her, even getting a book to read, preparing himself for a long night ahead to make sure she felt safe and secure.