Wildfire roaring in my veins, the entire universe blazing in my eyes.
751 posts
Raia: Pride, Greed, Wrath

Raia: Pride, Greed, Wrath
Rozália: Wrath, Pride
Karma: Pride
Cindy: Envy, Wrath, Pride, Lust
Wanted to do this a while ago, the main sin of each Véghváry along with their other, less prominent ones. Raia is...a mess in every meaning possible (mostly thank Leviathan for that) which her own deathless pride has had played a large factor in it. She may have lost even her identity, but the ghost of it lingers along with ghostly memories and knowledge that no matter how deep the ocean is, she will always make it to the surface. With her mind shattered, she has trouble pinpointing the source of her anger, but feels overwhelming pride as a whole at the life she has lived.
Rozália is a ticking bomb, ready to explode at the time she deems right, for a case worth fighting and dying for. In her life she made it to the General rank, she was built, trained & born for war; she's no stranger to aggression nor murder. While even with the Hellfire curse she still has a relatively good grip on her ire, she still displays violent sociopath tendencies and occasionally lets them loose. Arrogant to a degree, too tired of brushed aside especially if the matter revolves around war. She has been playing the game for too long.
Karma is the sane one odd one of the bloody history, yet bearing many parallels with Raia while the eldest was alive. Her death was a sacrifice, a life dedicated to hunting the most dangerous criminals in the Wild West made her proud of her marksmanship and esquetarian skills. No one could ever outshoot her, never missed her target and the now (relatively) peaceful wraith rider is extremely defensive of her achievement following her to the grave. We don't talk about Spiderverse Karma.
Cindy. Envy is a surprise to most, isn't it? Her envy also carries a mixture of pride and wrath; it's not the surface level of trivial things but extremely deep rooted and vicious. She is aware of her talents, the amount she suffered and she feels like she deserves happiness. Even at the expense of others. Even over corpses of others. Deserves the brightest spotlight in the music industry because she has both worked to achieve it and insanely talented. Slowly lost everything, only with her voice, skills in combat and fire stayed. The others are undeserving of their fame, recognition and in some cases, family; she has fought, died and soared to have those. So Lord help whoever tries to take from her.
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i was just a kid i was just a kid i was just a kid