7 / seven / sette ✧ 20 yrs old ✧ any pronouns
198 posts
Picatchu - BOO! - Tumblr Blog

hooray for gnc pokémon

I’ve been playing a lot of ACNH so I drew some of my pokésonas as villagers! :)
^_^ tumblr why are you not letting my recent drawings appear in tags ^_^ not even in search ^_^ (murderous)

Inktober never really inspires me, but I do love the concept of drawing prompt lists- so I made my own! #Fantober2024
I need an excuse to draw some fun, self-indulgent art!! It's literally been years. I hope some of you will join me~
Resources for Writing Sensitive Topics
As always, when writing about sensitive topics/injuries/illnesses, we encourage everyone to research and tag works appropriately. This is to ensure that the whump community can remain a safe space for everyone, as well as assist writers in creating well-informed works that avoid offending people and stereotyping, romanticising, or sensationalising hard topics.
Below are some links to resources we and others found useful - we'd like to thank the wonderful members of our community for helping us with finding great resources.
Blogs/Tumblr Posts:
@cripplecharacters - A whole blog dedicated to helping people write disabled characters.
^ A Guide to Writing Disabled Characters
@writingwithcolor - A whole blog dedicated to writing and resources centered on racial, ethnic and religious diversity.
^ Stereotypes and Tropes Navigation
Resources for Writing Injuries (Tumblr Masterpost)
Resources for Writing Sketchy Topics (Tumblr Masterpost - please note that a couple of links are broken due to the post being 7 years old, but many are still working!)
A guide to designing, drawing or writing characters who use mobility aids (Tumblr post)
Writing A Blind or Visually Impaired Character (Tumblr Post)
Independent Websites
Avoiding Stereotypes in Fiction: Characters with Mental Health Issues (WritersHelpingWriters)
How Do I Depict a Disabled Character Respectfully? (Fay Onyx, Mythcreants blog)
Respectfully Depicting a Character Adapting to a Disability (Fay Onyx, Mythcreants blog)
Writing Deaf Characters (T. Frohock, author.)
How to Write Deaf or Hard of Hearing Characters (Melanie Ashford, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association)
How to Write a Blind or Vision Impaired Character (AllWriteAlright)
If anyone has any additional sources, feel free to share them in the reblogs/replies!
@psychologeek - Thank you for sharing some of the primary resources with us, it helped us a great deal :)
🏆 i finished my task despite the adverse conditions (demanding cat on my lap)
cat just climbed on my lap so nothing will get done today. she makes the rules
"the blog i use to archive my art can't be that far behind haha" i check and it's 50 posts behind
"the blog i use to archive my art can't be that far behind haha" i check and it's 50 posts behind

homura always gets to keep a piece of madoka but she can never have the full thing

bunch of silly fursona doodles
writer’s block isn’t real, it’s just your characters deciding to go on strike because they’re mad about how you’ve been treating them

this sunshine beats down on the best day ever!
hi all, i am in a not insignificant amount of debt due to months of unemployment and am being called on to pay back £900 of rent arrears that i have no means of getting on fairly short notice, if anyone can support at all with a ko-fi donation it would be a huge help. if you'd like me to rank a set of cards for a specific pokemon family feel free to include in the tip notes and i'll do it.