Walpurgisnacht Rising - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Nos Calan Mei

The Beltane Ritual*

Hardly any direct written sources have survived for Celtic mythology in prehistoric and ancient times; in pre-Christian times, Celtic mythology was passed on almost exclusively through oral tradition. Just as this ritual is whispered into the ears of every generation by myself.

hound of Belinus

The etymology of Belenus as the "god of springs" (Celtic *Guelenos to Indo-European *guelH-; compare also Low High German "quellen") favours the interpretation of Belenus as a healing deity. Older research derived the name from the root *bhel- ("bright", "shining"). However, there is also a derivation from the Celtic word for the hallucinogenic henbane belenuntia, bellinuncium, bellenium. The fact that it is called apollinaris herba ("Apollo herb") in Latin also speaks in favour of the connection with henbane. The root *belenio- can still be found today in the Spanish beleño and in the Portuguese velenho (both meaning "henbane"). In the compound names Cunobelinus and Lugobelinos (Cymric Cynfelyn and Llywelyn respectively), the first part of the word is a metaphor for "warrior", the second can mean the henbane as a drug to increase combativeness, the former can also mean " hound of Belinus".

At a time when nature is in full bloom, the days are getting longer and the sun is getting stronger, the festival of the beginning of summer is celebrated on 30 April. This ritual shows you how!

Nos Calan Mei

Everything we need:

One or more carnelians

Candles or a fire bowl

Paganism music


Place your carnelian on the floor. If you have several stones available, lay them out in a circle as a stylised fire.

Light the candles at a safe distance from your stone circle and play some music.

Start to move and dance intuitively to the music. Find your natural rhythm and release all tension from your body as you move.

Shake, sing or laugh out loud and surrender to your dance with every fibre.

Visualise the fiery power rising from your carnelians. Like a bonfire, they form the centre of your dance, giving you strength and energy during your ritual.

Now formulate your wishes for the coming early summer.

Say them out loud and jump over the carnelians on the floor to activate their power for your goals.

Gradually calm down again and take the feeling of joie de vivre and motivation with you.

We have only published the slimmed-down version of the ritual here. Of course, you need a huge May fire, lots of naked people and what can I say? Last time I was married to three witches to celebrate fertility. Mead and wine were also part of the whole thing, plus we all felt the power of the big stag in our loins.

But that's all fiction, or did we experience it?

Whoever believes it will be saved and whoever does not will not go to hell

*If you perform the ritual, you do so at your own risk and responsibility.

galerymod - Galery mod more than art

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10 months ago
I Have Always Believed In Magic. I Used To Run Into The Woods As A Little Kid Looking For Witches. But

I have always believed in magic. I used to run into the woods as a little kid looking for witches. But I'm not superstitious, because I m not afraid of it. I see it as something really beautiful, and I wouldn't want to live in a world without magic.

Anya Taylor-Joy

Walpurgisnacht ..... Dance until you are exhausted and feel that you are alive and that only for a moment in time and space in the infinity of nothingness.


The real monsters are not magical but live in the light and bring darkness to mankind. Do not be afraid of the strange but of the normal, which believes that the strange must be eliminated.


Angels, demons, spirits, wizards, gods and witches have peppered folk religions since mankind first started telling stories.

Robin Marantz Henig

The good thing is that they are just stories, the bad thing is that they are all true.

But only as long as you believe in them, remember you are only human and there is more than what you can perceive with your eyes.


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