Binged Tonight, Will Fast Tomorrow
binged tonight, will fast tomorrow
I will keep going with my diet on Monday (I'm frozen at day 9)
More Posts from Pinkthingtragedy
guys I started working out again after 2 weeks of just walking occasionally, I'm so proud even if it was just 30 mins, it means so much to me
the moment I learned that are weekly calories that matter and not daily calories fucked me up so much
for example yesterday I ate the calories that I was meant to eat that day and I also ate the calories that I was meant to eat today, so today I'm doing a liquid fast
am I crazy?
like by this logic you could literally do a full day of binging (eating like, idk 3000 calories) and not eat for the rest 6 days and you'll be still able to lose weight
how it feels to eat perfect and clean for days and then entering a binge/fasting cycle

me: *eats*
also me: *experience the most painful and gut wrenching belly ache ever*