pinkyhim - Stole my cotton candy heart
Stole my cotton candy heart

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24 posts

Saved Pt.1

Saved pt.1

 Cat!Jimin x Brat Bunny!Jungkook x Human!Reader

part 2      part 3      part 4      part 5      part 6     part 7


Warnings- Swearing


Y/N= Your name L/N= Your last name F/N= Your first name

Authors note- This is my first time writing so I apologize if there are any grammar errors and if the story totally sucks - also I suck at using technology, sorry that my tumblr page is complete trash

Summary ~  Y/N comes home one day to find that her apartment has been robbed, scared of it ever happening again she decides to adopt hybrids Jimin and Jungkook 


“What the fuck?!?!” 

I walk in to find my apartment completely trashed, broken dishes everywhere, and my books and papers scattered on the ground, it looked like a hurricane had just hit.

Just my luck I thought as I went inside my room to find my belongings everywhere and my bed a complete mess

I knew exactly why this had happened, it was because I had nothing to protect my apartment, it was actually quite common for people who didn’t own any hybrids to be robbed.

Hybrids... they were considered to be pets and if you didn’t have a owner and you were too old you were killed. I had actually been against owning a hybrid, mostly because I could barely take care of myself much less a hybrid. But this wasn’t the first time I was robbed, so I decided to put my foot down.

I had spent my weekend fixing up my home and on monday at work I decided to ask one of my coworkers about owning a hybrid

I worked at a pretty well known company so I wasn’t exactly broke to say the least, but I spent most of my free days either working at home or lazing away.

“You? L/N F/N, actually want to adopt a hybrid?!” My coworker Kim Seokjin said as he pretended to be super surprised 

“Yes?” I said rolling my eyes as he pretended to wipe a fake tear

“And I thought you would know about that stuff considering you own three hybrids” I say 

“Well, you’re right but, why are you all aboard the adopting hybrid train now? When I asked you about it before you totally blew me off” 

“I was robbed Jin” I said as he gasped

“Seriously?! Are you okay?” Seokjin asks concerned


“Oh, I see so you want to adopt a hybrid to protect you” Seokjin says

“Gee, I wonder where you got that conclusion from” I say sarcastically 

Seokjin rolls his eyes “Well there are shops where you can buy a hybrid like I did, but they are pretty expensive” He says “How expensive?” I ask

“The cheapest you can get one is about... 500,000″  I nearly choked on my iced tea “500,000 dollars?!” I say and Seokjin nods “But of course there are shelters that you can go to and I heard that they are a lot cheaper.” I nod and thank Seokjin.


On my way home I decide to go to the shelter 500,000? Are the hybrids made of gold or something? I grip the steering wheel as I pull into the parking lot for a shelter called Hope For Paws, it was a pretty old place as the color from the sign has faded, I consider going to the shop that Seokjin told me about but I mentally hit myself as I remember the price

I step inside the doors and instantly I am hit with a foul smell, I almost choked but I didn’t want to be rude, so I walked up to the lady at the counter 

“Do you have an appointment?” she asked not looking away from her computer 

“U-um I don’t” I say as she glanced at me

“Are you planning to adopt?” She asks and I nod

“Take a seat” She said and I sat down 

I looked around the room it was painted with a dark blue and there were pictures on the wall of happy people with hybrids

This might not be so bad.. I was broken from my train of thoughts when a lady told me to follow her 

“You’re planning to adopt?” She asked smiling brightly 

“Uh, Yes” I say quietly as she nods “Do you have any preferences?” She asks

“No” I say as she nods again opening the door to a room “Please take a seat” She said as I sit down, she leaves the room only to appear a couple minutes later with two hybrids with her

One of them was a cat hybrid with fluffy blond hair and a the other was a bunny hybrid with dark brown hair

“Y/N this is Jungkook” She says and she points at the bunny hybrid 

“And this is Jimin” She says pointing to the cat and she hands me a clipboard with all their information on it I skim over all of the information “I’ll leave you guys alone for a couple of minutes” The lady says as she leaves the room

The second she leaves the room the cat hybrid, Jimin runs up to me and hugs me rubbing his head on my neck

“Are you going to adopt us?” Jimin asks

I don’t say anything yet as Jimin drags the bunny hybrid Jungkook over to me “This is Jungkook, He’s a bit shy” Jimin says ruffling the other boys hair as Jungkook was sending me glares tf? he already doesn’t like me 

A couple minutes later the lady pulls me out of the room 

“Have you decided yet?” She asks as I nod

“I’ll adopt them” I say rubbing the back of my neck

“Awesome!” She says as I follow her back to the waiting room

“Just fill out these papers and i’ll bring them out in a few” She said disappearing behind the doors

I finish the papers as the lady comes out with Jimin and Jungkook, Jimin smiles brightly when he saw me and runs over to me 

“Are you our new owner?” Jimin asks smiling at me as I nod

We leave the shelter as the car ride home was silent

I unlock my apartment door and walk in as Jimin and Jungkook follow closely when they walk in they were blasted by your sweet scent 

"You guys might have to share a bed for now” I say shyly as the boys nod I show them their room. 

“U-um so tomorrow we can go to the mall to buy you guys things after work” I say to them

“Work?” Jimin asks and i nod

“I leave for work at nine and come back at three” I say to Jimin as I hear Jungkook growl since when did bunnies growl? 

“Well, you guys should go to bed” I say as I awkwardly leave

I plop down on my bed and sigh What a day I decided to take a nice warm shower and change into some loose shorts and a big t-shirt I layed down on my bed as my eyes fluttered shut

I woke up at about 12 AM as I smacked my lips together I need some water I dragged my feet to my fridge and I got a bottle of water when I turned around I saw Jimin 

“Can I sleep with you tonight? Jungkook keeps kicking me”

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More Posts from Pinkyhim

4 years ago

Can I be added to the tag list for saved? 🥰


4 years ago


4 years ago

I have decided to take a little break on Saved 😔 I’m still going to be writing I’ve just decided to take a break on writing Saved I may or may not continue the series after the break.

4 years ago

hi hi !! can i be added to the saved taglist? 🥺

Of course  💖 💖 💖

4 years ago

OMG <3 it so much

Selfish I Yandere! Jeongguk


“Fell from Heaven to get you through Hell”

Pairing: Yandere Jeongguk x Reader

Genre: Fluff, Angst, Eventual Smut

Warnings: Yandere behaviour, Stalking, Obsession, Swearing

Word Count: 1,498 

A/N: My friend (@pinkyhim​) has a HUGE yandere kink so she hmu and was like “Heyyy, can you like write a story bout jk and y/n are like friends and jk acts rlly possessive and y/n starts to get worried about him, please make it supppperrrr angsty and smut if u will, Please make a happy ending!!!” So this probably will be like my only story i’m writing, bc i’m super lazy, I may continue to write more stories in the future if I decide to get off my lazyy ass -.- I may make a part two -p-

I was high on sugar when writing this so don’t mind any errors TT


“I don’t know why you’re worrying y/n” Your best friend Mia states as she steps into your apartment “He loves you, So I don’t see the big deal,” Mia says as she plops down onto your couch “I’m not sure Mia..” I state placing my bag down “Are you serious?” Mia said her voice rising a little “What?” I asked poking my head through the hall wall the separates the kitchen and living room “I can’t BELIEVE that you were the one who stole my bracelet!” She says nearly screaming

“What do you mean?!” I ask moving over to the couch as I saw her with the bracelet that went lost in her hands, I was in complete confusion

“Do you KNOW how long I was searching for this thing y/n?!” She demands, I was at a loss for words “I-I don’t know how that got there Mia..” I say my voice quivering

“Really y/n, stop playing innocent!” She says shoving me out of the way and taking her coat “Mia, Wait I swear I don’t know how your bracelet got there!” I say grasping her wrist

“Let go of me y/n!” She says slapping my hand away I pulled my hand as it stung

“Please, Mia,” I say frantically looking in her eyes “I can’t believe that I was your friend after that thing you did in middle school,” She says hatred laced with her tone “And I thought you would change.” That was the last thing she said before she slammed the door shut and disappeared as I was left sobbing in my hands from losing my best friend

The Next Day

I felt worthless as I dragged my feet through campus, my hair a little untidy, dark bags under my red eyes, I could sense the eyes on me as I made my way over to my first class of the miserable day, I tried to text Mia yesterday but all she responded with was a “Don’t text me anymore you filthy lying bitch” And after that she blocked me

I let out a huge sigh as I sat down in the far back, I heard a soft “hello” as I tilted my head to see who decided to talk to the criminal of the class

I was met with a boy who had a faint blush on his beautiful face, His innocent doe eyes, his chocolate brown hair. I must have looked like ET sitting next to him, for some reason I’ve never seen this beautiful boy around. I surely would have remembered him

“H-Hi” Was the only thing my dense self could say in front of this utterly handsome boy

He smiled, Oh my goodness his smile made me weak in the knees “U-um so I’m y/n” I sputtered out “I know” He said his warm smile that gave me tiny butterflies never left his face

Oh no I thought as sorrow ran through my blood, he must have known of what I did back then than

He must have noticed that my face showed despair because the next thing he did surprised my whole existence

“So, do you want to be friends y/n? My name is Jeongguk!” He states extending his hand out for me

I was beyond thrilled, my face let out a huge smile as I shook his soft hands “So, did you just move here? I don’t think I’ve seen you before” I say as I grab out my notes “You mean you just never noticed me,” He says his grin growing wider “What?! No way! I definitely would have remembered your face” I say looking up at him “And why is that?” Jeongguk says a smirk evident on his face. I rolled my eyes “Isn’t it obvious?” I say as he tilts his head in dismay I sigh “You’re like drop-dead handsome if I’ve ever laid eyes on somebody as handsome as you before I definitely would have remembered that beautiful face that you were blessed with” I stated bluntly, I heard silence so I turned my head to face him and I was meet with a red face Jeongguk, I smirked, “Aww, Is somebody a little shy after getting compliments?” “S-Shut up,” He says lightly smacking my shoulder as I grin

After that tiresome class, I did NOT want to go to my next class, first of all, it was gym which I hate daily, and second of all Mia and her new wannabe friends who might I add are rude as hell. Usually, I never would have done something like this but the chance of me giving a shit is lower than my IQ

I ran to catch up to Jeongguk who was at his locker grabbing something, looked like a polaroid camera and it gave me a glorious idea

“Hey Guk,” I said leaning against the locker he jumped a little at my voice “Yes, Darling?” He says as my face burns up quickly but I shake it off “What’s your next class?” I ask as he continues searching through his locker “Mmmm, History” “Do you like it?” I ask and he shakes his head “Nope the tea-” He doesn’t get to continue as I cut him off “GREAT!” I say grabbing his wrist to prevent him from looking at his locker and dragging him away making sure that he has his polaroid camera “U-um y/n?” He asks as I sneak to the back of the school making sure that no teachers see us “Yes Guk?” I ask “Where are we going?” He whispers “Ditching class,” I say as he gasps “What? Why?” I sigh “Jeongguk, if you don’t want to continue you don’t have to,” I say with a warm smile as I open a window “N-no I want to come with you,” He says and I smile “Great,” I say “What are you planning to do anyway? Look outside a window?” He says teasing as I roll my eyes leaning over the edge of the window to make sure that the bush was still there “Geez! Be careful!” He says as I smirk “You’re worried about me Guk?” I say sticking my tongue out teasingly as he blushes. Before he can respond I jump out of the window as I descend onto the bushes “Aw! Shit, When did these grow thorns?” I say groaning “Holy! Shit y/n. Are you okay!” Jeongguk shouts from the window “Yeah! Come down” I say as he hesitates but then leaps off the window into the bushes. Damn, he even falls gracefully.

“You okay?” I ask helping him up “You’re crazy,” He says “Yeah but you’re just as crazy for following me” I say smirking as he lets out a scoff “So where are even going to go?” Jeongguk questions “Follow me,” I say grinning as I walk off of school grounds onto the sidewalk “I hope you don’t lead me to my death y/n,” He says sarcasm evident in his voice “Shush,” I say

After about 30 minutes of walking, we end up on the top of a grassy hill with a view of the whole city “Damn! I feel like my legs are going to fall off” I say groaning as I plop down onto the ground laying down as I close my eyes enjoying the cold breeze I hear shuffling next to me and I assume Jeongguk is next to me then I heard a click! I open my eyes right away as I saw Jeongguk taking photos of me with his polaroid “What the hell!” I say trying to grab the polaroid from his hands as he laughs, His laugh was bright, I sighed as I sat back down knowing that I wouldn’t be able to grab the polaroid from him.

“So tell me about yourself Guk,” I say closing my eyes again “Hmm, I like banana milk” I gag “No way, chocolate milk is WAY better,” I say “You just say that because you’re narrow-minded Darling” I could hear the cockiness from his voice as I shot up “You’re dead,” I said tackling him as we both laughed, somehow it ended up into a very awkward position for me as I was straddling him as he was laying down as my hands were on his chest. “Making moves already Darling?” He says smirking as my face felt like it was on fire I jumped off of him as I covered my face with my hands as he laughing, I wasn’t sure why but it felt like I’ve known him my whole life but I could have sworn that I only met him today, after talking for what seemed like hours I checked the time it was about eight so we decided to part ways for the day after we exchanged numbers of course

Jeongguk’s POV

She’s so sweet, her scent makes me feel some way that I’ve never felt before, I want her, I need her

She will be mine. No matter what.