Little Mix Up (m)
Little Mix Up (m)

pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: smut, fluff
word count: 3.4k
theme: enemies to lovers Â
 rating: explicit.
warnings: Swearing, ear biting, dry humping, dirty talk, no protection (use protection peeps), hair pulling, wet dreams lmao, marking/hickeys, fingering, slight pain kink?, jk is kind of possessive?, squirting, jk is a big boy (aka he has a big ding dong), slight overstimulation,Jungkook is cute in this uwu,
summary: A little camping trip mix up has you stuck in a tent with your enemy Jeon Jungkook, nothing could go wrong right?
Authorâs Note - I originally posted this on another acc but I decided to delete it and just post it on here, Hope you guys enjoy this little piece of shit story :)
You were not excited about this "healthy" little camping trip that your parents planned up, especially when you heard that the Jeon family was tagging along. You always tried your best to be gracious to them mainly because your mom was forever fixed on you, becoming friends with their only son, Jeon Jungkook. Now he was a problem, you honestly weren't sure why he always loathed you, but now, you don't even care. And for some reason, your mother wanted you to become friends with an asshole like him.
"I'm not going" You stated to your mother for the fourth time this morning, "Well, Y/N, it's not like you have a choice" Your mother responded as you let out a huge groan "I don't wanna go!" You say stomping your foot pouting. "Y/n pouting might work on your father, but not me, so start packing." She responds as you roll your eyes and stalk over to your room flinging the door shut to make your point. You didn't want to go on this trip if it wasn't obvious enough, Your mother wanted to get you and Jungkook in some kind of relationship of sorts but no way in hell were you ever going to date some jerk like Jungkook. You always tried to become acquainted with Jungkook but he continuously blew you off. You sighed laying down on your bed to call up your best friend Park Jimin.
He answered with "What?" You could hear something shuffling in the background "Oops, did I catch you at a bad time?" You said grinning "Nah, I was just scrolling on the internet" He responds and you hum "So what did your mom say?" He asks and you groan "I have to go to the camping trip with the Jeon family" You grumbled as Jimin chuckled "C'mon I'm sure it's not going to be that bad" You laugh dryly "Well obviously you think that because Jungkook is not a complete asshole to you." You say as your mom yells at you at hurry up "Shoot I got to go" You say your goodbyes to Jimin and hang up. Sighing you walk over to your closet and grab a backpack and fill it with necessities. After you finished you walked downstairs to see only Jungkook and your mother. "Um, where is everyone else?" You ask looking at your mother as she smiles "Didn't I tell you, sweetie? It's only going to be you and Jungkook"
Your jaw fell open as you saw Jungkook roll his eyes. Before you could argue with your mother she pushed you out of the house as you stood there completely baffled as Jungkook stood there staring at you. You saw your mother looking out the window so there was no chance of you going back inside to the safety of your home so with your head hanging low you dragged your feet inside Jungkook's black vehicle. Jungkook got inside without a word as he started driving. You were confused as hell, not because of what your mom did, naturally you expected her to pull something like that. What confused you is why Jungkook would agree if it was just going to be you two.
You pulled your phone out and sent a text to Jimin.
Y/NâJimin you need to come and save me àČ _àČ
Jiminâ ????
Y/Nâ My mom fucking tricked me!!!!!! She lied, and now I'm going camping with only Jungkook ăœ(ïŸĐïŸ)ïŸ
Jiminâ Lol have fun.
Y/Nâ BRUH ur supposed to save me you dick I'm going to die if I spend a weekend with this fuckface next to me àČ ââźàČ
Jiminâ You won't be complaining when you get laid ÂŻ\_( ͥ° ÍÊ ÍĄÂ°)_/ÂŻ
Y/Nâ Â WTF does that mean?!?!?!?!??!!?
You shoved your phone into your pocket as Jimin went offline. You glanced over at Jungkook who was focusing on the road. You weren't going to lie he was handsome as fuck if he wasn't such a dick you might have actually fallen for him. Luckily for you, that didn't happen.
You stared outside the window wondering why Lady luck just seemed to hate your guts, After a while, You decided to break the uncomfortable silence, âWhy did you agree?â You ask Jungkook as he huffs out a breath in annoyance, "I had no choice," He mutters out as you roll your eyes, "What? Did you think I would want to go camping with a weirdo like you?" Jungkook questions smirking as you whip your head towards him "What the fuck did you just say, Jeon?" You ask hands gripping the black leather seat tightly, "You heard me Y/N, Knowing you, you'll probably just masturbate the whole time" Your eyes went wide, as you remember that dreaded day where your mom decided to just let Jungkook waltz inside your room.
"Oh, You're here for Y/N?" Your Mother asks Jungkook as he nods, "Well, She's in her room," Your Mother responds as Jungkook gives a small thanks before making his way to your room. When Jungkook reached it, he heard some weird noises, Since he clearly has no sense of privacy or manners he swung the door open and caught you red-handed with your fingers knuckle deep inside your wet core, "Holy shit!" Jungkook shouted not able to tear his eyes away from the sight as your eyes snapped open, "What the fuck!???! Get out!" You yelled, attempting to cover yourself with your blanket but to no avail, Jungkook ran out of your room slamming the door shut leaving you sitting there with a beet-red face.
You blush a crimson color, "Shut up," You state as Jungkook scoffed, "Why did you even masturbate in the first place, You knew I was coming over for the project," Jungkook said as you averted your gaze from him, "W-Well maybe that wouldn't have happened if you just knocked," You respond slightly gnawing at your bottom lip, "Well if you weren't so eager for a date with your fingers, maybe I wouldn't have caught you," Your blood started to boil once you heard the words fall from Jungkook's mouth, "Excuse me?" You ask as you turn your head to see the smug look painted on Jungkook's face, "C'mon Y/N, We both know that the only thing that has touched you in the last three months was your right hand,"
You were about two seconds away from actually murdering Jungkook, but you decided that jail wasn't worth it so you just grumbled and turned away, ignoring Jungkook as you heard him laugh, deciding to distract yourself from him, you grabbed your phone and started to mindlessly scroll through social media, you stopped on a particular post that had your ex's face, you were certain that you had blocked him so you were surprised to see his face, you cringed at the horrible caption "What I do When I see someone pretty, I stare, I smile, Then I get tired and put the mirror down" You sighed as you shoved your phone back into your pocket, deciding to just take a small nap as your eyes fluttered shut,
You were awoken by the sound of Jungkook, "Y/N, Wake up, We're here" Jungkook spoke lightly pushing your shoulder, deciding to be stubborn you just let out a "hmph" before turning away, Jungkook rolled his eyes at your actions before grabbing both of your shoulders and start to viciously shake you, your eyes snapped open as you yelled, "Geez, What the fuck Jeon?!" You shoved his hands off of you as he scoffed, "I just wanted to warn you that your loud snoring might attract bears," Your eyes widen as you blushed, embarrassed, you stepped outside of the car murmuring "I don't fucking snore," You heard Jungkook snort at that "Yeah, right," He said chuckling, you cursed him under your breath before you took in the beautiful view of nature, the smell of grass and bark calmed you as you took a deep breath in, sadly you were broken from your trance as you heard Jungkook speak yet again "Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to help me set up the tent," You could hear the annoyance in his voice, turning your head you saw Jungkook standing there with his hands on his hips looking like an angry child who didn't get their way, you bit your bottom lip holding back your laughter, "I don't know, I think I'll just stand here" You responded copying your posture to look like Jungkook's, "I don't have time for this Y/N" Jungkook spoke as you rolled your eyes, after a minute of watching Jungkook struggle to set up the tent alone you decided to cave in, making your way to Jungkook you helped him set it up, after another couple minutes of confusion Jungkook finally managed to set it up,
By that time the sun was already setting, you were surprised to see that there was only one tent, "Where's the other tent?" You ask as Jungkook turns his head towards you "What other tent?" He responds as you shake your head "There's no way in hell I'm sharing a tent with you," You say as you point your finger at Jungkook as he rolls his eyes, "Then why don't you just sleep in the car, you seemed to be comfortable sleeping there," He responds unfolding a chair for himself before sitting down, You let out a sarcastic laugh before walking over to him,
"No way!" You state stopping right in front of him, "Why don't you sleep in the car?" You ask doing a bad impression of him, Jungkook chuckled lowly before bringing his gaze up to you, you started to blush and fidget slightly under his gaze, You heard Jungkook murmur something under his breath, "What?" You ask, suddenly Jungkook grasped your wrist and pulled you down onto his lap, shocked, you let out a little squeak before Jungkook leans his head towards yours, his lips ghosting above yours before whispering in your ear "I said, you're such a fucking tease," You gasp as you feel him lightly nibble on your ear,
You felt as if you were hypnotized by him, you suddenly yearned for his touch, Â more than you would like to admit, suddenly you seemed to have snapped out of your trance as you jumped off of his lap as if he had burned you, your breathing labored as you spoke, "I-I guess we could share," You spoke meekly before Jungkook smiled and said "Great,"
After eating some instant noodles, since both you and Jungkook can't cook worth of shit, You ran off into the forest using the excuse "I have to go the bathroom," After you were a reasonable distance away, you grabbed your phone and texted Jimin,
Y/Nâ Jimin I need to speak to u ASAP
You waited a couple of minutes before Jimin replied,
Jiminâ What is it?
Y/NâOkay I know this is going to sound crazy but I think I like Jungkook
Jiminâ (Â·ÌżÄčÌŻÂ·Ìż Ìż) you woke me up for this bullshit,
Y/NâDUDE I'm serious, so basically, I was arguing with Jungkook because there was only one tent and there was no way I was going to share with him, and the SUDDENLY he pulls me onto his lap and calls me a FUCKIN TEASE LIKE WTFFFFF,
JiminâSo now u want the jungcock?
Your eyes went wide as you read the text Jimin sent,
Y/Nâ tbh...kinda
Jiminâ How am I supposed to know? ur the one trying to get into Jungkook's pants, not me ÂŻ\_(ă)_/ÂŻ
Y/Nâ Geez Jimin, you're a big fucking help
Jiminâ Thank you, I try ïŒăË âËïŒ
You ran your hands through your hair as Jimin goes offline, "I'm screwed" You mutter before making your way back to the tent, Your eyes almost bulged out of their sockets as you saw Jungkook changing right out in the open, You couldn't help but shamefully gawk at his incredibly hot back, how is somebody this good looking? You felt your blood run cold as Jungkook turned around, his eyes meeting yours. Luckily, it seemed like he didn't notice you, he slipped his shirt on before going inside the tent,
You let out a breath of relief, heading over to the car to grab your bag and quickly change into your sleepwear, you started to feel anxious as you realized that you and Jungkook would be sleeping next to each other, You pulled your phone out to check the time 10:48 PM it read, You started to consider just sleeping in the car but you wouldn't allow Jungkook that satisfaction, taking your shoes off you slowly unzipped the tent open, poking your head inside, you saw Jungkook laying on his side you assumed that he was already asleep, cautiously stepping inside you zipped the tent back up before laying down far away from Jungkook.
Not wanting to take your phone out in case it might wake Jungkook up you laid on your back staring at the top of the tent, slowly but surely you ended up falling into a deep sleep,
Jungkook roughly tugged on your hair forcing you to look at him while he mounted you, filthy sounds were falling out of your mouth as you felt tears whelming up from the mixed pleasure and pain you were experiencing, Jungkook leaned down and whispered into your ear "Who knew you were such a slut for my cock Y/N" You felt your high nearing you as you felt even more turned on by the wet slaps of skin that echoed throughout, "J-Jungkook I-I'm go-gonna-" Jungkook cut you off "Hm? You gonna cum all over my cock like the dirty little slut you are?" You nodded multiple times, as you shut your eyes feeling your high approaching quickly,
You woke up in a sweat, you were breathing heavily as you felt your panties stick uncomfortably to your folds that were slick with your juices, "Jungkook," You breathed out unintentionally, "Yes Y/N?" Your head snapped over to the voice as you saw Jungkook laying there, brown eyes filled with lust focused on yours, Jungkook pulled you close to him, you could feel his breath on yours as he stared deeply into your eyes before speaking, "You were thinking about me weren't you?"
You knew that you weren't going to get away with lying to him so you just nodded, focusing your gaze anywhere but Jungkook, You can sense him smirking as he grabbed your wrist and placed it on his very prominent bulge, Your eyes grew wide as Jungkook spoke lowly, "Look at what you did to me Y/N, You're going to fix it," Jungkook growled as he smashed his  soft buttery lips onto yours, your hands found their way to Jungkook's hair as you lightly tugged at it making him let groan, You felt Jungkook snake his hands towards your shorts before hooking his fingers in the waistband and pulling them down, You let out a whimper as you felt Jungkook rub his clothed cock onto your damp panties, Jungkook took the chance to shove his wet tongue inside your mouth, your warm tongues danced together as you let out little moans from the friction Jungkook was creating from rocking his hips back and forth, Jungkook moved his hands towards your ass and gave it a light smack making you yelp, you could feel him smirk before he broke the kiss, you whined slightly making him slap your ass again this time more rough making you moan out, "You're so fucking hot Y/N" Jungkook whispered in your ear before biting lightly making you mewl in want, You felt Jungkook lightly tug on your panties before looking up at you "Can I?" Jungkook asked face completely flushed, He had a little drool on his pink lips but you didn't mind, "Y-Yes," you responded before pulling him in for another wet kiss,
Jungkook tugged you panties off making you shiver as the cold air hit your dripping core, you felt Jungkook run a finger along your folds making you cry out in pleasure, Jungkook pulled away as he looked at you, his dark brown orbs seemed to hold the entire universe, "God, Y/N you don't know how long I wanted you," He spoke before gently pushing a finger into your core, you let out a choked moan as he started to pump fast adding another finger inside you, you felt complete and utter euphoria as his long digits pumped into dripping your core, the wet squelches were loud as you  clenched around his fingers tightly, "You don't know how much I wanted to fuck your drenched pussy the day I saw you touching yourself," You felt yourself growing closer and closer with each word that came from his mouth, "You're mine Y/N" Jungkook snarled as he put his head in the crook of your sensitive neck and started to suck love bites onto your skin making you moaned loudly as your release hit you hard, you started to get extremely sensitive as Jungkook pulled his finger's out of your core as you breathed heavy,
After coming down from your high you grabbed Jungkook's wrist, "I want you," You whispered as he smirked, "You want me?" You blushed hard as you nodded making Jungkook let out a small laugh, "You're so fucking cute," He says blushing "C-Can I take off your shirt?" He asks making you blush also, unable to form any words you nod meekly, Jungkook starts by taking off his own making you marvel at his toned body, running your fingers down his abs he shivers a little bit before pulling his gray sweatpants down, your eyes went wide as you saw his thick member that was confined in his briefs, Jungkook started to gently pull off your t-shirt before unclipping your bra and tugging it off, "God, You're so beautiful," Jungkook breathed out as he pulled you in for a soft kiss, you felt Jungkook lightly nibble on your bottom lip making you whine into his mouth, After pulling away Jungkook started to take off his briefs, His member was beautiful, his tip a light pink, veins that were adorned from the base to the tip, it looked as if it was sculptured by the heavens, Jungkook started to rub the tip along your core gathering your sweet juices, You grabbed his wrist halting his movements, "I-It's been a while since.." You spoke as Jungkook had a warm smile on his face before gently kissing you "I'll take care of you," He responded his gentle voice calming you down,
You felt tears well up in your eyes as he started to push inside your core, you could feel everything, every crevice, every vein, everything, and you loved it, despite the light pain you loved the feeling of Jungkook, Jungkook let out a strangled groan as he bottomed out stopping a moment to let you adjust, "Please move," You begged, that was all he needed before starting a fast pace, his hips snapping as you cried out in pleasure, filthy sounds falling from both of your mouths, the skin slapping filled the entire forest as you felt your high approaching quickly, you were on cloud nine, you started to scream out in pleasure when Jungkook's fingers found their way to your overly sensitive clit rubbing small circles, "J-Jungkook I'm going to c-cum!" You moaned out as Jungkook's thrusts started to get fast and sloppy, the wet smacks from his cock entering and exiting your wet core made you whine loudly, You felt your orgasm come when Jungkook lifted one of your legs and placed it over his shoulder, the new position hitting your sweet spot, you moaned loudly as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, you swore that it was the hardest you ever came in your entire life you started to see stars, "Holy shit! You just squirted Y/N!" But you could barely hear Jungkook as you started to get overstimulated, you adored the feeling of Jungkook roughly pumping his member inside your sensitive core, "A-Ah Y/N I-I'm gonna cum" Jungkook groaned out before pulling himself out and spilling white ribbons of his seed onto your stomach,
Jungkook collapsed next to you breathing heavy a light sheet of sweat covering both of you, "C-Can I cuddle you?" Jungkook asks as you turn your head towards him, you smile gently as you see the deep blush that painted his face, Who knew Jeon Jungkook was soft, "Sure," You murmured as Jungkook wrapping his arms around your body the skin on skin contact making you blush,
Maybe this little camping trip won't be a complete drag after all
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can i be added to your tag list?? i love the fic so much đ„ș
Yesss!đ„°đ„°đ„° Iâm glad u like it đ„șđ„ș
Do you know any new ish bts writers? Like mafia BTS or something like that?
@hope-with-a-pinch-of-suga has a rlly good mafia fic đ
Athazagoraphobia I Jeongguk

âIâm selfish because the only thing I donât want to lose is you.â
Pairing: Jeon Jeongguk x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 2,525
A/N: I thought of this idea when I had to go grocery shopping and it just started pouring, it sucked to drive in rain âđ I am accepting requests! If you would like me to write anything for you just send a request, Please note that I have the right to not accept your request. Low-key want somebody to hold close at night
I was high on BTS RUN when writing this so donât mind any errors
(the song y/n sings is sweet boi by chevy)
Gosh, I genuinely donât even remember when I started to have feelings for Jeongguk, maybe it was that time he helped me move into my apartment, or maybe that time he took care of me when I was unwell. None the less I just canât help falling for him, but itâs wrong, falling for him was a mistake, I tried, I tried my best to not love him anymore but everything about him was breathtaking, the way he pokes his tongue on his cheek when heâs annoyed. Gosh, I am so whipped for him. I know that he doesnât care about me anymore, he made it clear that day the words he said playing through my head like a broken record, thatâs what I was, broken.
Keep reading
BTS Mafia!au
Request from Discord group chat.
Summary: Your family is very poor and your mom is sick, so you steal medicine from a nearby pharmacy. Only the pharmacy is owned by the Bangtan Mafia, and they're looking to strike a deal. You'll do anything to get your mother that medication..... Anything.
It's a cold, gloomy day and your mom only seems to be getting worse. Bedridden and dabbled in beads of sweat, you wipe her forehead with a damp cloth, hoping to give her some sort of ease. You can't wait for the supplies your uncle promised you any longer, you've got to do something now. It was just the two of you, you didn't know, nor did you care at this point where your father had gone. More than likely had gotten caught up in that dreadful Bangtan Mafia that ran your side of town.
You never understood why they were so⊠What's the word you were looking for?-- Ah, respected! They were a gang of boys that ran around doing whatever they wanted. Granted, some would catch them helping the elderly or the poor, but the more common acts were those of vandalism and taking whoever they wanted. You even had some friends that had been taken by them. Each one you talked to refused to call it rape, and you understood why. Each of them were just so perfect. Everything about them from their muscular calves and thighs, to the veins on their necks. Hell, even their hands were attractive!
You shake the thoughts from your head as you get dressed, finding the most suitable outfit for what you were about to attempt. Something moveable and dark, so you slide on your only pair of black leggings. There was a small slit in one of the knees, but you couldn't afford new ones, so you just played it off like it was supposed to be there. Then came a tank top and a black crop top sweater over that. Coincidentally, it also happened to be one of the nicest sweaters you owned, but you didn't care. You had to get this medicine to your mom, and that meant sneaking about without getting caught. Grabbing a small bag and kissing your mom's forehead before leaving, you take one last look at your mom before shutting the door behind you. You can't help but feel like you won't be coming back for a while. Again, you shake off your thoughts. You have to do this. You have to steal this medicine.
You make your way down the street to the nearest pharmacy which had already closed for the day. Luckily, before your dad left, you'd been studying to be a nurse, so you know what your mom needed. The cold mist of the evening hitting your face as you approach the back door to the pharmacy, and you drew in a deep breath before opening the door, hoping to calm your nerves. Why the door was unlocked you didn't know, quite frankly you didn't care either, it only made things easier for you. You made your way back to the medical supplies and medications, finding what you came for and stuffing as much as you could into your little bag.Â
You mission being complete, you quickly turn to rush back toward the door. Little did you know of the tall figure that towered over you, arms crossed and eyes glaring down at you, almost daring you to make a move. The two of you locked eyes, and you couldn't help but start shaking.
"ShitâŠ" you whispered under your breath.
"Yeah, I'll say," the man above you responded. "Yah! We got one!" He calls out to whoever else he was with.
Slowly, more figures started to appear, talking amongst themselves. You're too shaken up to make out what exactly they're saying. Then it hits you... The voices⊠one, two three⊠two more appear at once, and then immediately another two. It was them. It was the Bangtan Boys.
"Well, well, well⊠What have we got here boys?" Their leader, Namjoon, says and they all chuckle.
"I think I've found us a little midnight snack, guys," Jungkook, the man standing over you responds.Â
Slowly, you rise to your feet. Knowing the position you're in, you're more than ready to make a deal.
"Alright," you say. "Here's what's happening right now. My mother and I are very poor, and she is very sick. She needs this medication here in the bag. If this gets to her and she remains safe, I will do whatever you ask." You sigh reluctantly at your final statement, knowing full well you're in no position to bargain, but you have to try. You have to make sure your mom gets this medicine, no matter what the cost to you.Â
"What's your name?" One of the others asks, you assume it was Jimin. You knew all of them, you'd heard the stories so many times, it was impossible for you to not.Â
"Y/n," you responded.
"Oohhh, y/n, hm? Such a pretty name with a pretty face." Another stepped closer to you. His voice a bit deeper than the others, Yoongi, you'd guessed.Â
He wasn't the only one to move closer, "Yah, I like this one, she seems feisty." Taehyung says with a sinister smirk across his face. He reached out his hand to lightly grasp your chin between his thumb and pointer finger.Â
You'd noticed, his voice was a bit deeper than even Yoongi's, and you'd be lying if you'd said it didn't turn you on. And God, his hands were huge! Not to mention, touching you. You could feel heat pooling in your underwear, and you tried to ignore it, but it was almost like they knew! You weren't sure how, but what happened next, you didn't expect to happen so soon.
One of the boys, Hoseok, had circled around behind you and grabbed you by your hips, pulling you back against him. You could feel him getting hard as he trailed kisses down the side of your neck, nipping at your ear. Failing to hold it in, you'd let out a small moan. They'd all heard it, and you knew you were in trouble now.Â
"Right, before we take care of this little predicament, we'll make a deal," Namjoon spoke out again. He signaled to Seokjin at his side to explain.
"We'll do as you ask, your mother will be cared for and looked after⊠but you will be ours," Jin says.Â
By this time, Hoseok had already sucked a mark into your neck and his hands had wandered into your shirt. You weren't fighting it though, you were enjoying it. The hungry looks that all of them were giving you. Their eyes burning into you, you wanted them to destroy you. So, you agreed, "Deal." And almost as if rehearsed, they all took their shirts off at the same time.
In front of you, Jungkook reached and removed your sweater, while Hoseok worked off your leggings. Tae and Yoongi unbuttoned their pants, the younger moving to kiss you as he did so. You couldn't help but melt into the boys around you. Their hands exploring every inch of you, their hot breath against your skin, Tae's tongue slyly pushing into your mouth.Â
"Ah, y/n⊠you're so wet for us already," Hoseok whispered against your side, kissing you as he did and hand slowly sliding up between your legs.
You felt you knees get weak, and if it hadn't been for Jungkook stepping in, you're sure you would've collapsed. He and Tae were side by side, licking their lips then synchronically moved to either side of your neck and leaving wet kisses down the sides.
By this point, every one of them had a noticeable tent in their pants. You could see Namjoon and Jin palming at themselves through their boxers. Without even realizing, you moved your own hand down between your thighs. Unfortunately, your self-indulgent bliss doesn't last very long, as Yoongi slaps away your hand and allows Hoseok's to replace it with his own. He rubs at your entrance for a moment before sliding your underwear to the side and slowly slipping in a finger.Â
"Hah!!" You can't help it, you're already practically screaming. You want them so bad, and they know it. Yoongi brings his hand up to your mouth, and you gladly take them and suck on them. Before long, he removed them and moved his arm down between Tae and Jungkook who were still sucking away at your neck. The only difference now was they had pulled out their cocks and were pleasuring themselves. You bit your lip at the sight, but become distracted by yet another hand on your body. Yoongi had slipped between the two boys on your neck and started massaging your clit.Â
"Fuck, this one is so hot. I can't wait anymore," Jin says to Namjoon and he starts to come closer. "Hoseok," he calls out, but doesn't finish his statement. As if they had a silent code, Hoseok obeys and suddenly, you were on your knees. Everything was the same, except now Jin was in front of you, his hard cock in your face. You'd made a deal, he didn't have to tell you what to do. You leaned forward and slowly licked his length to the tip.Â
Before you could do anything else, you were interrupted, "Let's make use of these cute little hands, princess," Yoongi's low voice cut in as he moved one of your arms toward him. It was clear he had a thing for his hands, even his own when it came to others indulging in them. He motioned for Namjoon to step in, and you moved your other hand up to grasp his length.
By now, each of their thick, hard cocks we're out and either wrapped by their hands, your hands, or your mouth. That is, with the exception of Hoseok. You could tell he was preparing you for himself, and you figured he had to be the biggest of them all. All this time, with everything they were doing to you, along with his fingers inside you, you were a moaning mess.
"Alright baby girl, now you're mine," Hoseok grinned as he slid himself under you and positioned himself at your entrance once again.
"Please," you looked around at all of them, "I want you. I need you so bad. All of youâŠ" You couldn't help it, you finally understood what they did to people. They were literal masters of seduction. Their charm being their best quality. And with that, as if all at once, Hoseok rammed into you. Grunts of pleasure leaving his lips and it only caused you to crave him more.Â
With each time he thrust into you, you mouth down more and more of Jin's length and palm faster at Yoongi's and Namjoons's cocks alongside you. Tae and Jungkook had moved to your breasts, switching between licking, sucking and palming at them all the while keeping themselves occupied. You could feel Jin reaching his climax, so you sunk down deeper, forcing his full length into your mouth and bobbing back and forth with the full power of Hoseok's thrusts. Sure enough, Jin's hot cum was sliding down your throat and a smidge was seeping down your chin.
Tae and Namjoon we're next, their seed spilling all over your side and stomach. Jungkook and Jimin had moved to your hands. Jungkook sliding his own down to your clit and taking over for Yoongi, who had now moved to your mouth. Not wanting to waste any time, you immediately take in Yoongi's full length. He wasn't as long as Jin, but he was certainly thicker, and you surely didn't mind. Once everyone was settled once again, Hoseok sped up his pace, almost animalistic. He was close, you all were. Loud moans filled the air as you all chase your highs, seemingly all at once. Yoongi cumming into your throat, Jungkook and Jimin spraying their additions onto your stomach, and Hoseok draining himself inside you.Â
By the time everyone came down from their highs, you were in such a state that you couldn't move. You could tell a couple of them wrapped you up in something, you weren't sure what, but they made sure you were covered. Then you were picked up and taken back to their car.Â
"Don't worry princess," it had to have been Yoongi. "We'll be sure to take real good care of you."Â And you could tell from his voice, there was an evil smirk on his face. They weren't done with you yet.
Saved pt.2
Cat!Jimin x Brat Bunny!Jungkook x Human!ReaderÂ
part 1Â Â Â part 3Â Â Â Â part 4Â Â Â Â part 5Â Â Â part 6Â Â Â part 7

Warnings- Swearing
Y/N= Your name L/N= Your last name F/N= Your first name
Authors note- My heart is dying ;c you guys are so sweet!!! Also would like to know if you guys would like smut in the future? Sorry it took like 10000 years to upload the second part, please donât mind any grammar errors (Sorry itâs so short > - < )
Summary ~ Â Y/N comes home one day to find that her apartment has been robbed, scared of it ever happening again she decides to adopt hybrids Jimin and Jungkook
âCan I sleep with you tonight? Jungkook keeps kicking meâ Jimin says suddenly appearing behind me
I gasp as I turned around to see a messy haired Jimin rubbing his eyes âWhat did you say?â I ask confused
âI said, is it alright if I sleep next to you, Jungkook keeps kicking meâ
I froze itâs been forever since iâve been next to a guy.... but Jimin looks so gentle and kind so I canât say no
I sighed as you made your way back to your bedroom with Jimin following closely behind.
When Jimin entered your room he was surrounded by your sweet comforting scent
âO-okayâ I said as I started to build a pillow wall on your bed âThis is your sideâ I say pointing to the opposite side of the bed âDonât cross this pillow wallâ I say as I plop down on my side of the bed
I look at the clock 12:30 AM I sigh my eyes start to flutter asleep as I feel the bed dipÂ
I was awaken by soft whimpers and sniffles I turn my head to look at the clock 2 AM I swear iâm not going to get any sleep tonight
I sit up and look at Jimin as he is whimpering and sniffling
At first I thought he was having a dirty dream or something but as soon as I saw tears that thought flew out of my mind
Shoot... Is he crying? I thought as I shifted slightly not knowing what to do
Then you thought about all those times where you were alone in your bed crying due to stress and it felt horribleÂ
I rubbed my eyes as I moved the pillow wall over and engulfed Jimin in my arms as he was wetting my shoulder with his tears
I rubbed his back with my hand as he started to calm down a bit this went on for a little bit until I got too tired and fell asleep
âWhat the fuck???!!â I was woken up by an angry Jungkook standing at the door way
@littlewolfiepostsâ @forevermoremagcon @ madygswich @jeonkooksgirlâ