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More Posts from Pokemongem21

2 years ago

Platonic Yandere RE8: Teen Reader Plot

Someone come up with a name for this series or I will refer this as RE8: TRP. Check out my MASTERLIST for more!

Your head hurt.

Thats all you could think about before you even opened your eyes.

But when you did finally manage to open your eyes, you forgot all concerns about having a concussion as you saw bodies lying around you, the van your father and you were thrown into, now lying upside down and completely wrecked.

Wait, dad. Where was he? You looked to your left and saw him, his face was buried in the snow.

Your breath hitched as the thought came to mind that he might be... dead.

Scrambling towards him, you turned his body so that he was lying on his back. He looked a little too pale for you. You quickly checked for his pulse, his breathing was shallow but, he was there. His lips were turning blue, and the colour draining from his face made you realise that hypothermia was a serious concern than any potential injury that he might have harboured.

You began poking him, shaking his shoulders harshly. "Dad? Dad, wake up. Wake up." You took his hand and began rubbing it, trying to warm it up.


You breathed a sigh of relief. "Dad, it's me. Wake up. We were in a crash"

Ethan looked around groggily, frowning at his surroundings. "Crash? W-what happened?"

"I don't know, but we need to get out of the snow or we'll freeze to death!" You moved towards one of the other guys, searching his body for a cell.

There were no signals.

"Where's Mia? And Rose?"

"Dad- mom's dead. T-that guy shot her. Then his men knocked us out, don't you remember?" Ethan felt like someone was strangling him. The love of his life was murdered. "Mia's... dead? What about Rose? She must be alive!"

You shook your head. "I don't know! Dad, we need to get out of here or we'll die!" You pulled him up. "Look- I think there's people down there. They could help us! Maybe they have a phone that we can use."

The night was getting darker, your environment colder. Slinging an arm around your dad's back, you supported him and went down the uneven path into the creepily silent village.

"Where is everyone?" It is night, perhaps they are sleeping.

Ethan shook his head. "We need to find Rose."

"We will, as soon as we get help. Come on, I think there's someone in that house." You pulled him towards the shabby little hut, dimmed orange light was coming from the tiny window. You knocked on the door, but the door creaked open as your fist collided with wood.

"H-hello?" You poked your head in, peaking in to find someone, who hopefully won't mistake you for home invaders and shoot you.

When no one responded, you slowly walked in, pulling Ethan along. You appeared to be standing in the living room, it was tiny, old and abandoned. "Is anyone home? We need help." You said as you helped your dad sit onto the comfy looking sofa chair.

"We need to find Rose."

You nodded. "Yes. Are you hurt anywhere? I think I saw a cut on your head." You pulled his head from side to side, praying that there is no deep wound. You tutted as you found a deep gash on the side of his temples.

"Stay here. I'll try to find a first aid box or something." You looked around the tiny cabin, that consisted of a single bedroom and bath, the kitchen and the living room were separated by a screen door. The place was completely empty but it had remains of people living there once. The spoiled food in the kitchen cabinets looked like it had been far too long since someone had lived there, but the closet had clothes and other stuff that showed that showed that the residents didn't leave in a hurry, or even planned to leave at all.

You couldn't find a first aid box, but you grabbed the blankets off the bed and returned to the living room, draping the warm material over him.

"I couldn't find bandages or a phone. I think we should spend the night here and look for help in the morning."

Your father grunted. "No- no, we have to find Rose. The sooner we call the authorities, the faster we can get out of here and find Rose."

You shook your head. "Its too dark right now and just because we got into this house, doesn't mean the others are empty, and I don't think they'll help two strangers at this time of the night. Just wait till the sun rises-"

"No! We have to find Rose now!"

"Its too cold outside! We'll freeze-"

Ethan suddenly pushed himself off the seat, the blanket falling off him. "I DON'T CARE! ROSE IS STILL OUT THERE! I'LL FIND HER MYSELF!" He swayed a bit, his head still hurting from his head injury.

You leapt forward, taking ahold of his elbow and pushing him back in the chair. "Let go, I need to find her-"

"I'll go. You stay here."

"What? No, you can't find her-"

"No, I'll go around a few houses and ask them for a phone. When I make the call, I'll come back here. You need to stay put here in case someone comes; you ask them for help. Although, I think when some cops would show up at the site of the accident, then they'll definitely come down to this village for questioning. Just stay put."

You went into the kitchen, opening drawers until you found what you were looking for; a knife.

Safety measures.

From the living room, you could hear Ethan mumbling.

"Are you sure? I think I should come with-"

"No. I'll be fine. If you come along now, theres a chance of you fainting and I can't find help if I have to drag you around." You firmly said as you put on the big warm coat you had grabbed from the closet.

As you opened the door to leave, you turned to look at him one last time. "Dad, don't leave. Wait for me." With that, you walked down the steps of the cabin and into the cold snow, your knife safely tucked into the coat pocket.

You weren't actually gonna go knocking around people's doors at this hour, especially not alone. Who knows what kind of people live here? It isn't safe for a young girl like you to be out in a place like this, going to doors and hoping they'd be a nice, helpful stranger and not one with malicious intentions.

Your plan was to just walk around a bit, not straying too far from the cabin, just until your dad falls asleep. Then you could return to the cabin and hopefully, by morning he'll be feeling better and then you could get help together.

Wrapping the coat around you tighter, you walked along the few houses, away from the view of the cabin in case Ethan was looking through the window.

The snow fell around you slowly, giving the whole village a serene feel. But the silence was neither comforting nor peaceful; and although it would make sense considering the time, your gut could tell something was very off.

Keeping your eyes wide open, you allowed your mind to review the events that had occurred today.

You were in your room, Rose in hers, Mom and Dad were having dinner when suddenly you heard the sound of bullets and Ethan screaming. Rushing to the nursery, you picked your sister up and were about to jump through the window when a man yanked you back and pulled you down the stairs to the kitchen, your mother lying in a pool of her own blood, your dad yelling at a guy before he was knocked out. Then the same man took Rose from you before someone hit you on the head. Next thing you remember was the crash.

That guy who knocked dad out, he must have killed mom. That's why dad was yelling at him, but then why didn't he kill us too? And what did he want with Rose? Where did he take her?

Dad seemed like he knew him. You'll have to ask him when you go back.

The gruesome image of your mother appeared in your mind, but it was gone the next second. Now is not the time. The priority right now is to get out of this village and find Rose. You just cant afford to mourn her at the moment.

You must've walked for 20 minutes before you decided to turn back and return to your dad. You were halfway there when your eyes caught something. You didn't quite understand what it was at first, narrowing your eyes at the figure sitting on top of the roof of a small house. It crouched on the very edge of the brick roof, its face forward, body completely still. Was that a statue? What an odd place to put such a huge one. The thing resembled something that appeared in cartoons, something like monsters that came to life when some meddling kids entered its cemetery. If you were being honest, he kinda looked like a part zombie, part something else that you played against in video games.

You were about to take a step forward to examine it further when you suddenly saw a cat jump in the street. In an instant, that statue came to life as it jumped down the roof and snatched the cat with its claws, ripping it into before gobbling it down, the snow now stained red.

In a flash, it all happened in a flash.

The monster- it was busy eating the feline, and some part of your brain moved your feet, like it knew that you would be the next prey if you didn't walk away.

Taking careful steps, you backed away from the nightmarish scene, holding your breath and keeping your eyes on the thing. As soon as you were away from its field of vision, if it even had one, you wanted to run away. But the smart part of you raised one question.

What if there are more?

Pulling the knife out of your pocket, you looked around, now becoming hyper alert of your surroundings. Surely, hopefully, there wont be more-

Thats when you spotted them. They were on roofs, on the porches, the stairs, they were everywhere- how didn't you see them before?!

Suppressing the urge to panic, you took a silent breath.

Calm down and look around. There's a way out. There's way out, Y/n, just figure it out.

You looked around again, at those monsters. They were all different sizes, but similar. Remembering the cat, you think they were attracted to noise, but you think they could see as well. Now that you had spotted most (you pray all) of them, the next step was to look for a way out.

Fighting them was not an option. So, running was.

Your eyes scanned the area again, making a mental map of the path you had walked from the cabin-

The cabin. Dad.

Fuck, fuck! You hoped they didn't get to him- no, no. As long as he stayed in the cabin, as long as he stayed inside quietly, he'd be safe.

He's fine, Y/n.

With the mental map, you figured out a path. Like in a video game, the path to the cabin lit up in bright yellow in your mind. There was just one problem.

The monster that you had left in the street, was now rounding the corner.

If he turned, he would see you and you will be his dinner. You cant hope that he doesn't look in your direction, you know he will- even if you walk now, there's a high risk that he will chase you the moment he hears you.

Time wasn't your friend, you had to think quick. If only you had something to throw- the knife? No, you might need it. Those men had taken away your phone and keys, so you cant throw them.

Pebbles. Just a few feet away from you, a few pebbles lay. Oh they would be just perfect, but the risk was that beast could hear you if you moved.

You could hear it walking, just a few short steps and you would be visible to him. Holding your breath in, you bravely took a step forward, your foot gently stepping in the snow.

You waited.

When you didn't feel like it had heard or seen you, you took another step forward, again, very gently. You looked back at the monster. It had turned the corner, but it wasn't looking in your direction, rather its malformed eyes were set straight.

Turning your eyes back to the pebbles, you only had to take one more step to pick them up. And so you did, but this time, something crunched beneath your feet. It wasn't loud, but it was loud enough for these thing's sensitive ears. You saw the monster's head rise in attention.


It's head started to turn in your direction, painfully slowly. Your heart was in your throat, your eyes set at the beast as your hand tried to grab the pebble.

It took a few seconds before you found the hard object, picking it up.

It was heavy, and with no hesitation, you threw the rock, barely missing the beast's head as it went over it and banged on the metal bin behind him.

Its head stopped moving. Everything was silent.

This is it.


You thought you were about to have a heart attack when you heard the beast in front of you growl loudly as it turned away from you and started running, the rest of the monsters following it, trying to chase their imaginary prey.

Like a goddamn miracle, your path was now completely clear. Wasting no time, you quickly walked back to the cabin, still keeping an eye out for the monsters. You hoped Ethan was feeling better by now because you were not going to wait around here anymore.

Fuck waiting around for help, we need to get out of this village before whatever the hell those things were come for us.

When you finally made it to the cabin, you rushed in. But your heart dropped when you didn't see your father in the chair where you had left him. You searched the whole place, praying he passed out somewhere, but he was nowhere to be found.

He- he didn't leave, did he?

No, you told him to stay put. Maybe- maybe he went out looking for you or- or maybe the cops came and he went with them! And he's probably using their help to look for you and Rose!

Whatever the reason may be, all you can do now is wait. Wait for Ethan to come back here and take you with him.

Unless those monsters got to him-

Shut up.

You felt like pulling your hair out as you sat on the sofa chair, a single tear sliding down your cheek.

Dad, Rose, please be safe.

Platonic Yandere RE8: Teen Reader Plot

So, first part is out lol. Thoughts?

What do you think will happen next?

2 years ago
Something So Poetic About This
Something So Poetic About This

something so poetic about this

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2 years ago

hello, it's me again, if you are free, could you draw the vampire twins from black lagoon as part of the Dimitrescu household like Daniella, Cassandra and Bela, because go knoows those three could use some extra help and some ranged suport.

Hello, It's Me Again, If You Are Free, Could You Draw The Vampire Twins From Black Lagoon As Part Of

I know this is not exactly what you asked, but i just wanted them to have some love for once T^T

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2 years ago

person: it’s too early for halloween stuff it’s over a month away


Person: Its Too Early For Halloween Stuff Its Over A Month Away

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