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Imagine: Decebal Dimitrescu and his sons
Allow me to rush in and state a personal headcanon. It is related to the Mr. Dimitrescu idea. While it's rational to stick with the Alcina -> Alcin way of naming, I love looking up new names. Therefore!
Decebal Dimitrescu (related to Alcina Dimitrescu)
Decebal ia a Romanian name for "powerful" or "brave".
He is a prideful ruler of Dimitrescu house, honored by the villagers as hero and defender, and known for being generous during autumn festives. Decebal takes under his wing young villagers who lost their families and raises them as well-mannered loyalists of house Dimitrescu.
However, those who trespass the strict rules of the castle are never seen again...
Mr. Dimitrescu has three sons.
Alois Dimitrescu (related to Bela Dimitrescu)
Alois is a Chezch name that has a meaning of a "well-known fighter".
As the oldest of the sons, he is quite discreet but enjoys duels and will follow any chance to battle with someone (especially if this person is mortal). Usually restricts himself from fighting with the siblings and will devour anyone who doubts the honour of house Dimitrescu. Now imagine how often he fights with Heisenberg...
Bartolomej Dimitrescu (related to Cassandra Dimitrescu)
Bartolomej is a Slovac/Croatian name derived from Bartholomew (or "the son of Tolmai"). When translated from Hebrew it has a meaning of "furrow" or "plowed land".
He is a middle son with a strong sadistic nature (like Cassandra). Therefore, he is a nightmare for anyone who visits the castle, especially for uninvited guests. Sometimes he likes to spoil reading time of his younger brother, just to see how he will get angry and start to swear (which is restricted by Decebal within the castle).
Cornelius Dimitrescu (related to Daniela Dimitrescu)
Cornelius is an ancient Roman name that was probably derived from the Latin element "cornu" -> "horn". This name is surrounded with mystery and magical appeal due to the name Cornelius Agrippa, a medieval alchemist. His prototype was used in many known books, games, and films.
And let me show an equation that is true for me: genius = crazy (in a good way)
He is the youngest of three brothers and has the most chaotic personality. To keep himself from trouble, Cornelius spends most of the time in the library. Books are flesh and blood for him, when there is nobody to hunt. At one point Decebal had to ask Miranda to bring more books because his son started to get uncontrollable and even fought with Alois (living room was ruined).

Imagine: Karl comforts you during anxiety episode
I know that there are many people who feel restless, sad, anxious, and I can relate to them. At these moments I wish there was someone to comfort me. Therefore, lets imagine tonight how Karl might comfort you at such times!

☁ Karl is not very social, therefore his understanding of emotions is narrow. However, it does not stop him from trying to comfort an important person.
☁ Given his attentiveness, Karl can easily identify when your mood switches, even before you feel it. It helps him to prepare for the storm and stop you from whatever you are doing. He is all of a sudden here for you, cares for you, and not ready to let you go.
☁ At normal days, Heisenberg is not a fan of showing affection. At moments when you feel your lowest he is ready to bring the whole world at your feet. Karl is genuinely scared that the person he cares for can be restless, scared, and anxious for no specific reason.
☁ To begin with, he went all the way from the house Beneviento with a hand made blanket made for order by Donna. He read from some medical book (that was borrowed from Moreau) that it is important to keep the person comfortable. Therefore, you will look like a caterpillar in a cocoon after Karl will finish making you comfy.
☁ After seeing you in tears for the first time in the middle of the night, he will ask Alcina to learn him how to brew special tea blends. It will take time, his pride, and probably a bunch of nerves, but Heisenberg wants to help you next time it happens. No cost too great for the sake of the loved ones.
☁ One thing that is not expected from him is singing. Yes, he does not have the greatest of the voices and unable to hit the right note but when he sings it does not matter. It is not made to impress but to make you feel important and special. With a horse voice he will swing you in his arms, singing about faraway lands, kingdoms and sunsets...
☁ As an engineer, he can create any mechanical device. And his talent is not restricted by robots, telecommunications, or complicated systems. Karl knows a thing or two about beautiful mechanical creations such as music boxes. He will create something that will comfort you even when he is not around. The melody inside the box reminds you about those nights when you two drink tea and talk about everything till dawn or go for a walk in the woods...
☁ The clouds go after the storm, the anxiety fades after the hurricane. You are going to feel better after sometime, and it is the reward Karl is ready to wait for. To see your smile again, to hear the laughter, to feel an unexpected hug from behind... He might grumble, but he loves all those little things...
More love to the scarred man!

My love!!! <3 <3 <3
Knit/Crochet: RE8 Edition
sfw | headcanons | four lords + winter's family
Alcina Dimitrescu
• Lady Dimitrescu prefers needles over crochet, as most of the garments she prefers to make are based on antique patterns that mostly were written for knitters. She uses the continental way to knit.
• Knits her own stockings from silk and wool blend, does it quite fast due to the experience. She learned how to knit in childhood (as a part of an aristocratic upbringing). Lady Dimitrescu looks very elegant while engaged in the activity.
• Frequently makes warm garments for her daughters, as she is worried that they could hurt themselves or freeze. Daughters most definitely have a collection of knitted scarves.
"My entire yarn stash is done in? By the likes of you!?"
Donna Beneviento
• Canonically known to be a knitter, Donna enjoys making clothing for her numerous dolls. Miss Beneviendo uses English method of knitting, and does it quite fast, which always surprised Alcina.
• While being skilled at knitting, Donna likes to crochet as well. She usually uses crochet to make shoes or any decorative details for the dolls.
• Angie's veil is done in lace by Donna, all hand work.
• Made a few big blankets, that she can get comforting in while knitting/crocheting.
"Don't leave me, I need to finish winding this yarn…"
Salvatore Moreau
• Crochet, the only thing he had patience to learn.
• Likes to make crochet fish, even tried to learn amigurumi from Donna; however the flat version is faster and does not require sewing things together.
• His room is decorated with over 20 fishes that he made himself.
• Once attempted to crochet a Roland sweater for Mother Miranda. Was refused.
"M-mother, I made you a fish…"
Karl Haisenberg
• Crochet, as it is the most efficient way to make things from his point of view (apart from sewing, which he also knows how to do).
• Surprisingly into making pullovers and sweaters, that are usually one colourd. Never uses complicated stitches or patterns, as "practicallity" is his second name.
• Knows how to make his own yarn, and sometimes helps Donna with delicate fibers that can only be spinned by hand. His arms are strong, and man knows how to move fingers with precision.
• Makes heat resistant pieces of equipment that are durable enough to use during the work.
"Stay with me, Ethan, and I will make you all the sweaters you want!"
Mia Winters
• Both knitting (continental style)/crocheting, because she wanted to find a way to cope with psychological distress after the Baker's incident and handcraft has a therapeutic influence.
• Her cardigan seen during the events of the game was made by herself during the pregnancy, and Ethan was quite impressed at her patience while working on this big project. Came out to be one of her favorite garments.
• She has also made a cardigan for Rose, and has at least 40 models of different garments that she would love to make for her sweet little baby. Before she was kidnapped by Miranda, she started to knit overalls with bunny years for Rosemary.
• Ethan was not left without attention; however he is not a fan of knitted things; therefore he asked Mia to reserve more time to make garments for their daughter.
• Made a few toys, that Rose loves and always checks if they are in a cradle with her.
"You are just paranoid, you maid the third row right..."
Ethan Winters
• While he has enough ability to knit, he prefers one hook over two needles. It is more efficient and requires less time to build a skill. Also, the diversity of pattern options.
• The main toy maker in the house, likes to make something while Rosemary crawls around or plays with her toys.
• Went into lace crochet, specifically crocheting decoration items like flowers or vegetables, that are made in really small stitch sizes but at the end look almost real. Some of the decorative flowers and greens around Winter's bedrooms are made by him.
• Overall, crochet is therapy for Ethan, too.
"Rose, sweetheart, I know that it looks like an apple, but do not try to eat it..."

I can't be the only one —

my favourite headcanon: Alcina sends those pics every morning
and then Daniela got into it too

*Cass blocked her after this one
Bonus !

extremely popular morning pic from when the villagers were like... alive
i absolutely adore every Alcina x reader fanfiction connected with music 'cause they are always so damn creative
someone write Alcina x reader fic where Reader and Heisenberg are buddies pls im CRAVING

they kinda look a little similar to me??

daily routine

i feel like this is so Alcina coded

It's quite fun to turn the Resident Evil characters into ponies.
I just finished playing Shadows of Rose and my heart has been fucking ✨️shattered✨️