18+ ContentThey/Them|Non-Binary, Pansexual|Young Writer and Artist|
971 posts
Polarluxray - Mothman - Tumblr Blog

serendipity— the occurrence of making pleasant and desirable discoveries by complete accident.
warnings → slow burn, i swear this isn’t entirely angst, eventual smut, nsfw themes, violence
summary → Bakugou Katsuki is an asshole. This is common knowledge to those around him- his classmates, his teachers, his parents. This isn’t known to his soulmate, who runs into him in a moment in her life where all she needs is leverage. She wants him in her life, but there is always a price to pay when you wake a sleeping bear.
Excerpt → “Would you stop fucking thinking-” Katsuki activated his quirk with a growl in his chest, pulling back his arm and driving his gauntlet straight through the concrete at his feet. It tore up into rubble, and you barely had a chance to jump out of the way before shards reached your position across the walkway. “-that I’m going to leave you?”
Your words came out uneven, caught off guard from the sudden infiltration of dust swarming your frame. “But-”
“Stop.” Unlike moments prior, Katsuki’s voice was laced with pain, not anger. It wasn’t an emotion he wore often, but when he did, it weighed on your heart like brick. “There’s not a chance in hell you won’t get out of this, I’ll make damn fucking sure of it.”
He wiped his forearm across his face, clearing soot and snot from his skin. The chills that rocked his frame were abnormal in theory but common lately- he hadn’t slept through the night in weeks.
The chances of finding your soulmate were slim to none in this universe, and the chances of liking them were even smaller. But you checked every one of Katsuki Bakugou’s boxes… and if he died ensuring that you were safe and able to live a life without a target on your back, he would risk the life he could have with you to make it happen.
want to be tagged? let me know below!
[id: the video is divided into 16 squares. in each one, an LGBT person is doing something such as reading, preparing food, playing with their pets, washing dishes. it is overlaid with an audio of the Turkish president's recent speech saying "LGBT? No such thing exists. This country is national, spiritual". when he says "no such thing exists", people disappear from the frame, leaving only the background]
Hold on,,,,, is Bakugou’s tOWL OFF?????? MIDORIYA WHAT IS YOU LOOKIN AT

Idk if any one posted this yet but I saw this on Twitter the other day and I ugly laughed-
BakuMina BROTP
Mina has no modesty and tends to strip off her pants and bra when hanging in his room
Bakugo learned to accept this
They’ll never tell Kirishima, but Bakugo called Mina “bro” first
She stole one of his black, skull hoodies
He pretends not to know she sleeps in it all the time
They make popcorn and watch movies together
Despite grumbling, he doesn’t mind her using him as a body pillow
In return, she doesn’t comment when he flinches or tightens his grip during a horror flick
Bakugo does not appreciate when she calls fixing a bowl of cereal “cooking,” which prompted him to teach her basic cooking skills
It was Mina who taught him how to break dance
He’s the one Mina goes to for advice since he won’t sugarcoat anything, and she helps him with any Kirishima related problems
More than once, Mina has sent him out for tampons, because the rest of the squad can’t be trusted to not be childish about it
Bakugo always tosses in a few chocolate bars as well
They share makeup and styling tips during their occasional “glamour nights”
He spent two hours one night finding a blush that perfectly complimented her skin tone
Mina: I love being trusted with “you can’t tell anyone this” conversations and nodding a lot and then forgetting everything they told me like god intended
Mina: I’m then known as a trustworthy individual while doing literally zero work of ill or good
Me: Ya’ll Bakugou is just misunderstood and he’s actually really sweet and an amazing character I’d like to get to know deeply and personally. Stop trashing on him.
*If Bakugou was a real person and actually called me an extra*

BakuSquad Roadtrip
Regular Headcanons:
Sero drives, no argument
Kirishima cannot focus on the road
Bakugou would blow the steering wheel into smithereens
Mina would swerve off the road
Jirou is honorary DJ
Shinshou would fall asleep in the middle of the highway
And Kaminari just can’t drive. He legally cannot.
Sero drives, but they use the Kirishima family van. Reasonable, seeing as its a van made for a lesbian couple and their countless daughters and one teenage son
Sero takes driver’s seat, Jirou as the passenger
Kaminari and Mina take the seats behind the two
And Bakugou and Kirishima sit in the back with Shinso in the large trunk with an air mat. His demands, not the other’s
They pack literally everything: snacks, pillows, air floaties, battery packs, flashlights, pads, swim gear, surfboards, literally everything
The idea of the road trip belonged to Mina, who wanted to go somewhere for Spring Break and wanted to bring her boys - plus Jirou - and most of them agreed instantly
Shinso and Bakugou were the hardest to convince, but thanks to Kaminari and Kirishima, they broke and ended up in a large van with Sero being an absolute mom
Sero: I will turn this MOTHER FUCKING car around, Denki Kaminari, if you don’t shUT THE FUCK UP!
Kaminari, near to tears: Y-yes, Ma’am.
It took a few hours for everyone to get used to one another, what with Bakugou yelling about the music and Sero’s driving style, but within the first four hours of the trip, they were all playing Punch Buggie, I Spy, and screaming songs at the top of their lungs
Kirishima likes to have Sero roll down the windows then stick his head out like a dog to scream: “BakuSquad Roadtrip 2019, Mother Fuckers!” It doesn’t take long before Kaminari is in on the action
Somehow, Shinso gets in on it, flipping off every large truck that passes by, and it isn’t too long before Sero is telling everyone to shut the fuck up again
1 AM stops at the nearest Denny’s are not uncommon during these trips, nor are random pullovers to get an aesthetic picture of the group by a sparkling lake or of Shinso flipping off a sign
Kaminari nearly kills everyone when they find a sign that says, “Hey teens, buckling up is totes yeet yo,” and doesn’t shut up about it for at least an hour
Whenever the squad finds a beach, they pull in and take the rest of the afternoon to swim, surf, and dive. Seo is a surprisingly good surfer, as is Kirishima, while Shinso would rather lie on the sand and risk sunburn. Bakugou likes going as far as the lifeguard will let him then diving as deep as he can go. Mina and Jirou just float in the water while Kaminari tries to get them wet.
A chicken fight breaks out quickly, Bakugou demanding Kirishima hold him as he shoves Kaminari off of Sero’s shoulders. This goes on for a few minutes before Shinso picks both Mina and Jirou up and yeets them at the boys
Mina posts on her Instagram every ten minutes with updates on Kaminari being a meme, Sero having road rage, Jirou being an e-girl, Bakugou being soft for Kirishima, and Shinso being iconic in the trunk
Once pulled over on the road, Shinso Fortine danced while singing, “Hey there, Demons, it’s me, ya boi”
The car at some point breaks down by the beach, and while Sero tries to fix it, the other dance of the top of the van or chase one another around with water guns
Sero, defeated, sits against the wheel and smokes a joint, much to the Mom Disappointment TM in Bakugou
Bakugou would die before he admits he loved the trip, but everyone knows he loved it. EVERYONE
By the end of the trip, the group is sunburned, their vocal cords stretched, sleep schedule ruined, and now overly aware of one another’s sleeping habits
Shippy Headcanons (KiribBaku, KamiShin, MinaJirou):
Kirishima and Bakugou cuddle when they go to sleep, shamelessly snuggling into one another before dozing off
Kirishima picks Bakugou up bridal style in a Denny’s and carries him around as he sings “Never Getting Rid Of Me” from the musical Waitress. Mina recorded it and it was the greatest thing the morning shift has ever seen
The two somehow end up singing “Lovefool” by The Cardigans - most likely because Kaminari insinuated Bakugou wasn’t man enough to sing the song with Kirishima. He proved him wrong, and damn, did he do it well
Bakugou finds a red shell covered in spikes while on another beach and gives it to Kirishima when they get back into the car. The redhead quickly puts it on a string and wears the necklace creation for the rest of the trip
Somewhere on Shinso’s social media, there is a video from his angle in the trunk of Sero driving and him saying, without any context, “Maybe Bakugou can drive this van, then it’d truly be a Kirishima car driven by a Kirishima, keep the legacy going,” followed by Mina and Kaminari dabbing
Kaminari sometimes joins Shinso in the trunk and they share music as they cuddle, but because Shinsho doesn’t sleep, he manages to keep Mina from taking a picture of it
Something similar to the KiriBaku Denny’s experience, Kaminari, circuited out, got onto a table and announce that his boyfriend was the hottest man in the room, to which Bakugou slammed his hands on the table and yelled, “have you SEEN MY BOYFRIEND?”
Shinso once chugged an entire Mountain Dew, burped like a dinosaur, and Kaminari stuck his head out the window and proceeded to cream how sexy Shinso was
Kaminari sits in the backseat with Shinso a couple of hours to watch Buzzfeed Unsolved together, eventually being joined by Bakgou and Kirishima. It turns into a weird double date thing in the back of the van
Whenever KiriBaku and KamiShin have their moments, Jirou will crawl into the back of the van with Mina and the two will cuddle while Sero gets control of the radio, turning on his bands that were clearly high when they wrote those songs
Mina borrows a few of Jirou’s tank tops every now and then, or Jirou takes Mina’s bikini tops when Sero refuses to turn on the AC because he doesn’t want to get more gas money for at least another couple of miles
Many SnapChat posts of Mina and Jirou with cute filters making cute faces at one another. There’s even a video of Jirou staying completely blank-faced as Mina tries to break her with different Kermit impressions
Deaf! Bakugo Headcanons!!
I fucking love this headcanon more than I love myself and I do nothing but talk about it, so why not post all my other deaf! Bakugo headcanons in one giant masterpost.
He learned sign language as a kid since it was always super likely he would eventually go deaf.
Little Midoriya also learned sign language for him because he was worried that he wouldn’t be able to talk to Bakugo again if he went deaf!!
In fact, the moment he found out it was possible, Midoriya started staying up late and practically obsessing over JSL until he had it down. Inko tried to stop him at the beginning, but gave up when she realized that Midoriya is an unstoppable force of Love.
Bakugo had always had poor hearing, but it only got worse as he went to UA. He lost most of his hearing in his second year to the point in which he could only hear very high pitches.
He did get hearing aids, but he doesn’t like wearing them often because he feels they just take away a part of him.
However, Bakugo also struggles with lip reading and always feels awkward just staring at someone when trying to figure out what they said.
This is especially horrible with Kaminari. His quirk fucks with Bakugo’s hearing aids, so Bakugo has to leave them out. However, Kaminari is also absolute shit at JSL and talks way too fast for Bakugo to understand. There is a large barrier between them and hilarity ensues when they try and get around it.
Somehow, this event translated to “I have to scream everything to Bakugo for him to understand what I’m saying” to Kaminari and Bakugo literally wants to fucking die.
Kaminari: what do you call a person who has bad hearing
Bakugo, jokingly: what
Jirou is going to shoot Kaminari if she hears Kaminari scream at Bakugo one more time, sometimes he’s just jealous that Bakugo can’t fucking hear him.
Since neither of them could figure out a good method of conversation, Kaminari decided he’d just text Bakugo in the group chat whenever he needed to talk to him.
This just gave Bakugo too much power, so whenever he’s pissed at Kaminari, he just ignores his texts and, eventually, Kaminari asks Midoriya for help.
Most of their conversations in the class group chat look something like this:
Pikachu: bakugo can i have the milk
Pikachu: milk
Pikachu: check your phone
Pikachu: MILK
Bakubro: yes
Pikachu: B A K U B R O
Kirishima tried his best to pick up on JSL, but he already struggles with deciphering English and Japanese, so it’s very hard for him.
Bakugo knows and understands this, but he can’t help but find it funny when Kirishima mixes up signs, such as using the ASL sign for asshole instead of using the JSL sign for bird, or something like that.
When signing to Kirishima, Bakugo makes sure that he doesn’t rush through and that the translation actually gets though to Kirishima. He helps him out with certain signs, too.
Kirishima puts extra time into learning how to sign “I love you” to Bakugo and he just flips him off in return and then proceeds to cry because no one should be allowed to be this precious.
Kirishima asks dumb questions about deaf people late in the night and half the time Bakugo doesn’t even know how to answer. He also randomly texts Bakugo throughout the day in panic asking what the JSL is for a certain word.
Kirishima: do deaf people think in sign language
Midoriya ended up being his translator, as much as Bakugo dislikes him, seeing as he was one of the few that was actually fluent in JSL.
Todoroki was another option, but considering they had one too many times where Bakugo would get annoyed so Todoroki for not seeing his signs and then realize that, of course Todoroki can’t understand, he’s fucking blind on this side.
Prior to going mostly deaf, Tokoyami would annoy Bakugo by sitting in his dorm and crowing at the crack of dawn. When Bakugo’s hearing was discussed, Tokoyami opted to move everything in Bakugo’s room an inch to the right inside.
This annoys the shit out of Bakugo.
Bakugo absolutely loves when little kids ask about his hearing aids, he gets to make up though entire story about how a witch stole his hearing or something and a princess giving him “magical hearing devices” and the little kids are just so shocked.
An image: Katsuki angrily signing to Todoroki on his left side and Todoroki just going on with cooking casually until Midoriya brings up that Katsuki’s trying to say something, to which Todoroki turns around and just says “I don’t know what you’re saying” and keeps on cooking.
Bakugo ends up actually being insecure about his volume control awhile after he goes deaf, he constantly thinks he’s too loud and Kirishima can only comfort by saying “at least you aren’t Present Mic.”
He’s especially insecure about it around Todoroki, who always kind of freaks out when Bakugo yells. He tries his best to keep it down for Todoroki since he already struggles with telling him apart from his father.
As much as Bakugo will act like he hates Midoriya’s nickname for him, he genuinely cried when Midoriya first signed “Kacchan” to him.
Whenever anyone says something dumb Bakugo has just picked up the habit of yelling “WHAT.”
Originally it was a joke they he can’t hear stupid people but now it’s a literal fucking habit and first instinct.
Bakugo has special name signs for all his friends except Kaminari, he just called Kaminari “bitch” because he isn’t sure what else to do.
Both Katsuki and Shouto, who’s half blind and horrible at social cues, share the habit of saying “where am I” when they’re mentally lost and Izuku never fucking knows how to answer.
Shouto, waking up in the middle of class: where am I
Katsuki: in all honesty I’ve had my hearing aids out for most of the class
Katsuki: I have no fucking idea what’s happening
As he gets older, eventually Bakugo just loses his hearing all together, but it’s not much of a shocker to him. His life doesn’t really change.
As a pro hero, he becomes one of the very first popular deaf heroes and gets quite a few letters from little deaf kids that look up to him.
His own kids are absolutely shocked when he guesses what they’re saying despite having told them over and over that he can’t hear anything.
Bakugo kind of becomes a disabled rights activist, though it’s more like people ask him ableist questions and he gets pissed off and starts ranting.
He almost always uses JSL in TV interviews and stuff, it makes it easier for him to explain things and he’s not worried about being too loud.
Angry Bakugo is honestly fucking hilarious for everyone to watch because he’s just rapidly signing and growling.
other people like gang orca i am not the only one
pls like or reblog to prove this
that ADHD game of balancing your steps so that the weight is distributed evenly and then having to re-take steps to even it out, like playing a demented game of Hopscotch against ghosts
Bakugou, loudly: ARE YOU-
Todoroki: Fucking
Bakugou: -KIDDING ME?! YOU-
Todoroki: Fucking
Bakugou: IDIOT!
Uraraka: ... what the fuck was that ?
Todoroki: Midoriya banned Bakugou from swearing, so I volunteered to help him out.
Bakugo definitely knows more than 5 languages including English, Japanese, sign, french, german, russian, Spanish, Italian, and chinese.
How class 1a found out about bakugo's secret skill involved ayoma and a deaging quirk.
So I have a headcanon that when he was little, Ayoma only spoke french. So you can imagine how confused class 1a was when he only spoke in that language when he turned young again.
So ayoma was speaking in french and everyone Is just looking at each other weirdly like 'wtf I don't speak croissant'
And bakugo just gets down to little ayoma and says
"Hey petit copain ça va?"
(I ain't translating shit. You do that bitch)
To which ayoma's eyes widen as he starts talking to him in french.
This is shocking 1a out of their minds as well.
The other time they caught him speaking in another language was when a villain attacked UA. The villain did not speak Japanese. Only German.
And we all know that German is hard to learn. But not for Bakugo.
The villain is yelling in German, laughing because no one can understand him. Until bakugo shows up and says:
"Was zum Teufel machst di hier, Schlampe?"
(I'm not translating.)
Everyone is again shocked.
This happens more than once. As bakugo talks to people who can't speak Japanese or English, telling them that it's ok.
And that's my new headcanon. Bakugo speaks more than 1 language.
And before you get all pissy with me. Saying that I used google translate. Stfu. I didn't use translate. I only used it on french. I speak german, sign, and English. Currently learning Japanese so I can watch anime sub without subtitles :)


buff mina as per request of @/ kirishitma (on twitter)

Gay goths……gayths…………. 🏳🌈🖤

more mina <3

Happy Transgender Awareness Week !
I wanted to share some quick information to spread awareness and celebrate our community.
Kirishima says trans rights are manly !!
Petition/donation cardd
Bruh this hit home 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Hi! I saw that you're requests are open. Would you be willing to write a oneshot or something of the sort for Kirishima with a non binary!s/o who is touch averse? Like, phsyical affection is sometimes okay when it's on their terms but if it's not or its unexpected it can send them into an anxiety attack? If you would rather not, feel free to ignore or delete this. Please and thank you!
Safe With Me -Eijiro Kirishima x Gn!reader
Hi there! I am so sorry this took so long, I’ve had a million things on at once and wanted to make sure that I got this right.
Writing this was kinda comforting as I’m very specific with touch and have been in some stressful situations surrounding it, so thinking of Kirishima with this kind of s/o made me all warm and mushy.
Anyways, I’ll stop rambling, hope you like it!
Warnings: mentions of past trauma i.e abuse, implied sexual assault, panic attacks
Word count: 1.2k
Y/n was a hard working student during their time at UA, always completing their work, bettering their grades, and helping those around them. Only problem was, they never put much time aside for them self.
Mental health had been a struggle for Y/n all the way through school, and the hero course did not make things any easier. After one particular event in their third year, Y/n became more distant from their classmates and friends. Physically and mentally. Though not many of their classmates noticed as they became pretty good at hiding it.
Except Eijiro Kirishima, he saw straight through it.
It had been 2 years since leaving UA when Y/n and Kirishima had been partnered up for a patrol together. Kirishima saw this as the perfect opportunity to ask what had been troubling them so much. He honestly wished he could have struck up the courage to ask back in high school, but with the lack of privacy one has in school, he thought it best not to bring it up in front of others. The last thing he wanted to do was make Y/n uncomfortable, not when he had the biggest crush on them.
The pair were walking along a quiet pathway through the local park when Kirishima finally asked the question.
“Hey Y/n, are you okay?”
Y/n turned to him with a puzzled look, unsure of what he had meant.
The red-head caught on quickly and explained himself, “I meant, how have you been doing mentally? I noticed that you’ve been more shut off lately. Heck, I noticed that you started to push us away during our third year, and I should have asked you back then so that maybe it wouldn’t have gotten worse now. And… and I’m rambling aren’t I?” He stopped, realising that he may have only made Y/n more uncomfortable.
“It’s okay Kirishima. And yeah, sure I've had some things on my mind that aren’t too great, but you don’t need to worry about me.” Y/n was actually quite happy to know that someone cared about them, though they felt bad for hiding their problems from one of their oldest friends when he was not trying to help.
Problem is, that all spiralled out of control the moment Kirishima placed his hand on Y/n’s arm, “I’m always here to help you when you need me.”
While his heart was in the right place, the touch sent Y/n flying back to the villain attack in their third year, memories they would rather leave behind.
Y/n flinched and jumped away from their friend, eyes wide, heart pounding out of their chest. Kirishima was shocked, but mostly concerned for Y/n as he slowly approached them, reaching out once again, only for them to flinch away again and sink down to the floor.
A look of hurt flashed across his face, but at that moment, Kirishima realised that there was something much bigger behind his friend’s low mood. And he had just made it worse.
He recognised the state Y/n was in, he had seen plenty of people have panic attacks throughout his time at school, but Y/n was never one of them. So while it came as a shock to see his friend this way, Kirishima knew he had to do something to help.
“Y/n?” He didn’t dare step any closer but he crouched down in front of Y/n, urging them to look up, “Y/n, it’s only me. I’m not going to hurt you, okay? You take your time, if there’s anything I can do to help, you tell me, yeah? I’ll just be sat here, and I’ll wait until you are ready to talk. That sound okay?”
They weren’t really questions, they were more solidifying that they understood that he would be there for them. Y/n shakily nodded, as tears continued to fall.
Internally, Y/n was trying to calm themself down. They knew that Kirishima hadn’t meant any harm and never would, but the brain can be a cruel thing, tricking us into doubting even those closest to us.
After five minutes of a semi-awkward silence, Y/n had calmed themself just enough to even out their breathing, and to look up at their concerned friend. Kirishima had had all of his attention on Y/n so that he was sure that they were okay, and to be ready if they needed anything.
“Do you wanna talk about what that was about? I understand if not, but I also want to make sure that I don’t make that happen again, I never want to see you upset or hurt because of me.” Y/n felt guilty because of his words, they knew that Kirishima didn’t mean to do it, but because of their reaction, he now thought it was his fault.
It took a few minutes as Y/n calmed themself and began to explain the situation, asking Kirishima if he remembered the specific villain incident in their final year at UA. Of course he did. How could he forget. When Y/n was taken back to the UA dorms everyone could see the roughed up state they were in, also finding out about some of the unsavoury things that had happened to them, courtesy of the villain in question.
When Y/n explained that the villain’s actions still haunted them, Kirishima’s heart broke. How could he have not seen this? How long had Y/n gone being fearful of the people they once trusted? From that moment on, Eijiro Kirishima vowed that he would never let Y/n feel this way again.
In the months after that patrol, the pair grew closer once more, much like how they were in school. As they became comfortable together, they opened up to one another and broke down walls that they had put up during their lowest times. It was no surprise to anyone when the pair announced their relationship, everyone who knew them agreed that this was the happiest they had ever seen the two of them.
And to the present, where Kirishima is lounging on the sofa after a long shift, half watching the tv and half waiting for their partner to finally get comfortable. Y/n came into the living room, hair still slightly damp from their shower and sat beside their tired boyfriend. With two gentle taps on the back of his hand, Eijiro lifted his arm for Y/n to snuggle into his side.
It had taken a lot of work and patience to get to this point, but they had a system that worked and kept both of them happy. Kirishima would wait for Y/n to initiate any physical interaction, usually with their most used sign, the two hand taps. If they hadn’t initiated anything, Eijiro would always ask first, checkering that it was okay to hold their hand or give them a hug. Y/n became far more comfortable with touching their partner, though remained wary of others, something that the both of them had also discussed. If Kirishima could see that Y/n was uncomfortable with someone, or gave a signal to tell him they were, he would immediately jump to their rescue. This gave Y/n the chance to branch out, whilst knowing they had a safety net of sorts if things went south.
The two of them cuddled up together, enjoying each other’s warmth; Y/n knowing that all the while Red Riot was by their side, no one was ever going to hurt them again.
Kirishima x Reader Hero of Shadows Part 1/? Words:2879

I flinch at the tone in my mother’s voice. The same one that she used when we were younger and misbehaving in public. One that promised punishment when we got home if I didn’t correct myself.
Realizing my mistake, I dropped my hand away from my hair, which I had nervously been playing with and tugging at. A habit from my childhood that I had never outgrown, and one that had earned me more than one smack on the wrist.
I switched to tapping my fingers next to my leg, out of her eyesight. While it’s not as stress relieving as tapping my leg or as natural as twisting my fingers through my hair on repeat, it gave me something to get my nervous energy out with.
The unheard beat I had been drumming onto the seat was interrupted by the opening of the door. It slid open on the wall across from our seats. Without a word, my mother rose from her seat knowing that I would follow closely
The chair on the other side of the desk was turned away. We settled into the seats across from it. We were supposed to be meeting someone but I hadn’t seen any legs or shoulders sticking out when we entered. Was the person late?
Then the tall backed chair spun to face us.
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Kirishima x Reader Hero of Shadows Part 2/? Words:2148 Warnings:None
“You have all of your stuff, yes?”
I placed a hand on my bag, feeling the items for reassurance even though we both knew they were all there. I had long ago been taught the importance of making sure not to forget anything. It was simply a question in an attempt to break the air between us. Things had never been the smoothest between us, but lately things had been even more stretched. She had been oddly nice, suddenly interested in what I was doing lately.
One might think this to be just a mother caring for her daughter, but I knew better.
The only reason this had flared up was because she had hoped that I would still change my mind about attending UA. Last night had been particularly rough as she had also enlisted the help of my sisters to convince me.
“We’ve always been in class together.’’
“What will we do for group projects now?”
“Studying is going to be so much harder when there’s just two of us.”
Mother had snapped at that.
“Oh don’t worry. She can still help you study. Even though she’s going to a different school doesn’t mean she’s going to fall behind on her studies. With her mentor, she’ll be expected to learn just as must if not more than the two of you. So make sure to keep up.”
An unspoken threat and promise to all three of us on it’s own. I would be fighting my sisters like never before.
The car stopped a few blocks from the school. It was still early, the sun hardly over the horizon. Just as she had planned it. Nobody was around to see me dropped off. A one time thing she assured me, as she didn’t want to run the risk of being seen. Because ‘what kind of mother would I be if I didn’t drop you off on your first day at a new school.’.
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Summary: Reader’s dad is a dick, Bakugo does the big comfort. Just a short little comfort piece.
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x Reader (both 18+)
Warnings: Little bit of angst, degredation (not the fun kind), bad relationship with father, Bakugo is not great at comfort but he gives it the old college try.
Word Count: 1,640
A/N: This was for a request, the basic gist of the request was the reader having an asshole dad that doesn’t support them, Bakugo over hearing it, reader breaking down a little then Bakugo giving some comfort. I hope you like it!❤️
“You shouldn’t have moved out so young, it was stupid and impulsive.” The harsh, too familiar voice barks over the phone.
“I know.” You choke out.
But you left me with no choice. You want to say that, but you don’t have the guts.
“You knew damn well you’d never be able to make a living off of doodles.”
Another wave of nausea washes over you, your hand tightens around your phone and starts to shake.
“I know…” You don’t know, you don’t agree, but you can’t argue, it would be useless.
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More | Bakugo Katsuki X Reader (BNHA)

Warnings: Mentions of PCOS and Infertility, Alcohol Use, Angst & Fluff
this is something i wrote for katsu’s birthday this year, and i hadn’t brought it back to tumblr yet! please heed the warnings because this is a very sensitive topic, and id hate to upset anyone ♡︎ based loosely on real life and more by halsey
He remembers the phone call when he looks at you sometimes, sadness a heavy curtain casting doubt over both of you.
“It’s called polycystic ovarian syndrome, and—” your voice cracks, the sound spearing his chest. “I’m infertile, Katsu.” Then you cry.
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no pressure - bakugo katsuki
warnings/fic tags: no warnings, swearing, strangers to friends to lovers, fluff, slowburn, aged up characters, flashbacks, the characterd are 3rd years graduating but u see them like in their first year.
length: 11.9k (what is wrong w me lol)
a/n: hi!!! it’s been a few days since ive posted, i’ll probably get started on asks tomorrow because this fic has worn me out throughly. but yeah this is what i’ve been up too. i still dont know if i’ll open up requests for them but doesnt hurt to write for them right?
also this is how i personally perceive bakugos character but it’s my first time writing something so long for him so pls b gentle w me haha
this idea is because im obsessed with the idea of support items and costume making science in this universe and like.. i just feel like it would make so much sense for support course students to have a capstone (capstones are like big projects that a of stem and humanities courses work on at least in some american hs’)
italics is flashbacks!!
plot summary: you are a support course student with close ties to class 1a. when eraserhead insists that you should work with bakugo katsuki of all people - you promise yourself that you’ll make it work. and because you’re not a hero, bakugo has no reason to compete with you.
it’ll work out fine, right?
Bakugo Katsuki can still recall the day you started to exist in his line of vision.
Class-1A was always interesting to you. You worked in the support course, so it wasn’t for a while that you had even met him. Your first year was mostly spent tinkering and researching - all support course workers started on a capstone project in their second year. In your first year, your job was to gather information and get assigned hero from the hero course to work with on said capstone.
Support course work was by no means glamorous, but you loved it. Hero work wasn’t for you but you did want to help the world. You’d always liked making things, so inventing hero items just became second nature. You had a notebook full of sketches and ideas - labelled with possible materials to use, pros and cons, and a bunch of other information related to potential inventions. When you weren’t outright soddering or welding or tinkering in some other way - you were researching.
Researching heroes, researching new types of alloys, researching organic chemistry. You had always been exceptional in regards to it. Your enrollment into the support course program meant a great deal. U.A. had the best support course in the country. After your regular highschool classes, you could stick yourself in a room all day and get into it.
The only downside to your potential line of work was advertising. Being a support-course student meant that selling your product was part of the gig, especially if you wanted to get recruited by larger companies in the market. It’s why your capstone project was necessary. Rookie heroes with potential were great for business.
You weren’t a social butterfly, nor were you an outright introvert. However, shamelessly advertising yourself isn’t something your comfortable with. Moreover, aside from the sports festival - you didn’t actually know anyone from your assigned class. Class-1A had a reputation, but you didn’t know shit beyond that.
You knew that Class-1A didn’t fuck around and that was about it. You were interested in them because they had some of the most interesting quirks to work with. Particularly Shouto Todoroki Quirks with the ability to be improved upon like that excited you to no end. There was a lot to play around with
Really, every student in that class had a lot of potential for invention, but some were obviously much more interesting than others.
Of all the Class-1A course students though, you’d met Izuku Midoriya first, completely by happenstance. After the sports festival, which you had gotten an excuse out of, he had come by to where class 1-H students hung out to see Mei. They had become friends from what you could understand and it sounded like Izuku needed some improvements on his costume.
You were listening idly when it happened. You had gotten a request to make a belt for a side-kick hero and were working on it when he dropped by with other students from the class. You tried your best not to pay them any mind, but you did want to know what he had been looking for.
You were sewing the seams doubly tight as you hear them talk in the background. You catch bits and pieces of the conversation. Mei’s calling out to you when you’re none-the-wiser startles you.
“Y/N, what do you think Deku should improve on in his costume?,”
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・゜-: ✧ :- how the bnha boys say i love you -: ✧ :-゜
♡ ft. midoriya, bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, kaminari, and sero ♡
➳ warnings: alcohol, sappy antics
➳ a/n: been thinking of them a lot n i just love them sm

He’d almost said it so many times.
An amalgamation of the word almost are the memories of the words “I love you,” because he thinks it often. In all the time you’ve been together, you like to believe it’s an unspoken thing. You can see it in his emerald green eyes, flooded with light and devotion when you look inside them. For Izuku MIdoriya who lives a life without regret - I love you is the only wall he’s never once climbed over.
But he’s gotten so close. Sometimes, it’s when his bottom lip is trembling while his eyes prick with tears - voice warbly. Other times it’s when his expression has grown jaded, heavy lids that mask emptiness as you’re the only thing keeping him on his feet. There are a lot of things he can do and accomplish - but the words never quite make it out of his mouth. It’s just too nerve-wracking.
He’ll say anything else. He’ll whisper praises into your neck while you cook dinner. He’ll tell you openly that you are more beautiful than the moon hung in the sky and mean it. He can say the corniest shit without a lick of hesitation, so sure of his feelings. So sure of the warmth that fills his chest when he looks at you.
But, “I love you,” is a mountain he can’t get over. An obstacle that looms even more over him than becoming the number on hero.
Today he is at his childhood home, tending to a garden in the back lot of his apartment complex. His mom hustled the free-space from their landlord. He was supposed to help his mother with working the weeds out of the tomato beds and spray something so that the bugs don’t eat holes through them. Don’t worry, no chemicals - Momma Inko uses something homemade to keep them out.
Right now, he’s inside. Midoriya is clumsy with his hands and unable to do much so he leaves the rest to you and his mom. For now his only job is to take any vegetables brought inside and wash them of dirt. When he does, he puts them in the bright blue basket that keeps the clean produce that Inko will surely gift you both with before your departure.
He does his do diligence, washes them as cleanly as he can but he is somewhere far-away from here, head flooded with thoughts of those three words. They feel heavy on his tongue, making him dizzy.
“Izuku, baby! Look!,” your voice is so startling, Izuku jumps back. You’re denim overall and gingham fabric clad, wearing one of Inko’s straw sunhats to complete the farmer look, your words - not his. You hold up a tomato that’s genuinely ginormous in your hands, grinning so proudly. It dwarfs your palm, especially unsteady as you hold the dirty tomato basket underneath one of your arms.
“I wanted to show you this one. You know how these are heirloom tomatoes right? Normally big tomatoes lack flavor but i bet this one is real tasty,” you inform him, your eyes sparkling like stares. He tries to listen to you talk with all his might but he can’t.
He’s too distracted by you. The patches of dirt left on the knees of your overalls, and smudges on your cheeks and chin. Sweat that beads down your forehead and down the side of your face. Chest heaving from the laborious task of gardening, but also likely from running to show him your new treasure. Maybe it’s the smile on your face too - a facesplitting grin as you talk animatedly about tomato recipes.
Perhaps its the amalgamation of you, really - and maybe without realizing that’s why he’d hesitated for so long. While compliments and praises are good and well, I love you is all encompassing. A silent promise to love everything, every moment and every mistake. Every bead of sweat, or patch of dirt, or silly sunhat they place on their head. Maybe that’s why I love you had always been so scary
“Baby? You okay?,” you ask, voice tender. When he looks up, his green hairs are a mess on his forehead. His eyes aren’t full of anything but adoration, but somehow it’s different this time. Your nerves get the better of you, especially as you notice that his forearms are resting on the kitchen sink and he hasn’t washed a thing since you’ve came in.
“I love you,” he says, with every fiber of his being.
There’s a soft thud as the plastic basket of tomatoes takes a hit to the floor.
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