677 posts
I Can't Stop! Lol!Anyway,Mimikyu Pixel Art.How Does It Look?

I can't stop!😱 Lol!Anyway,Mimikyu pixel art.How does it look?
thebeaniestmeever liked this · 8 years ago
More Posts from Potatosarelife
Thank you sooooooo much!She looks adorable!!! X3

@animedoodlergirl‘s human torchic
i hope you like it!
Any request?
Hey,guys!Wanna request me to draw something for you?Go right ahead!But,it has to be at least PG-13 for me to do.Other than that,request anything you want!I'm feeling very doodley and I would like some new ideas on what I should draw. :)

I got them colored!There were suppose to be more,but,it won't let me do more than 10.I will upload the extra very soon.
Should I???
I have been thinking about doing an ask blog involving the human female pokemon I drew.I feel like it would be fun,but,i’m not sure.So,I need your help.Should I do or should I not do it?Let me know,please! I will still be posting stuff on my main blog if I ever do an ask blog.The ask blog will contain,of course,human female pokemon.You can ask any pokemon you choose.It would help give me some more knowledge on pokemon!
So,yeah.That’s all I have to say.Let me know if doing an ask blog for the female human pokemon is good idea or not.Thank you for reading!Bye!~ :3

I feel like I didn't do too good on Nyo!Romano,but,it's at least average,I believe.