New Idea With No Context

New Idea with No Context
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More Posts from Princessnefertankh
Ten more favourite tropes:
Character multitasking an extremely critical task with an extremely trivial one
Character displaying jarring shifts in demeanour as they switch between different activities
Character dressed in a manner that’s conspicuously inappropriate for their current situation, without explanation
Character reacting to an unexpected or frightening turn of events with an implausibly seamless change of mental focus
Character describing a situation in a way that’s both complete and correct, but emphasises entirely the wrong thing
Character offering a very unlikely explanation for something with no indication that they’re aware how unbelievable it is
Character remarking on an unfortunate happening in a way that vastly understates its import
Character willingly participating in a fun activity while maintaining an impenetrable poker face
Character demonstrating notable proficiency at something with which they firmly insist they have no prior experience
Character treating a ridiculous undertaking with enormous gravitas