Creepy weirdo & weird creep who loves media where bad things happen to good people
693 posts
You Can't Look At This Bastard And Tell Me He Wouldn't Sound Like The Evil Midnight Bomber From The Tick.

You can't look at this bastard and tell me he wouldn't sound like The Evil Midnight Bomber from The Tick.
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More Posts from Prof-ramses
This is even better if you believe the thieves are also cultists.
There's a pretty major question about Tender Treats I haven't seen mentioned at all, but first, some context.
At the end of Deadly Smiles we see a news flash saying that Bob escaped from custody and in Tender Treats we see that the issue of "The Everything" that reported on his escape is dated January 9th, putting Deadly Smiles on the night of January 8th.
However in the literal first scene of Tender Treats with Bob entering his house for what's implied to be the first time since his escape. The problem is said scene takes place on Halloween with Bob preparing for his annual killing spree, which prompts the question: If he hadn't gone to his house until October 31st, just where the hell was he and what the hell was he doing?
Rebloging since I haven't had one ask yet and I REALLY want to get the ball rolling on this!
Spooky Month Digit Ask Game!
Send me 1-3 digits and a character and I'll answer the corisponding questions:
0: The first thing that comes to mind when I think of the character
1: My thoughts on their design
2: My thoughts on their voice
3: My favorite moment with the character
4: My least favorite moment with the character
5: What's a theory about them I think is likely
6: What's a theory about them i think is unlikely
7: What's a fun HC I have for them
8: What's a sad/evil HC I have for them
9: My thoughts on their ships.
And with that the flood gates are open!
Just had a cursed(tm) idea for the hatzgang episode
So several ideas I've had recently have combined to create a cursed prediction megazord.
Skid and Pump, maybe with Susie's help, do some ritual or something to summon skid's grandma, but the spell effect is super specifically worded like "all those with youth will see there departed kin" or some shit like that. And all that results in (he who belongs in a wood chipper) being summoned and going after Roy :(
Just to clarify, I don't think this will happen, I just thought of it decided that i can't suffer alone.
On a completely unrelated note, I haven't been getting much sleep lately, can you tell?

Nobody loves uncle. Neither do I.
So we should burn him >:))
Oh, crap, I didn't now when we see that thing, then that's probably some other poor bastard who Lila's called to the house and who ran a foul of the eight-legged freeloaders. Probably some sort of handyman.
Putting this one in a separate post bc I want to (warning for mildly realistic but still cartoony spiders)
Anyways! @prof-ramses posited a v interesting theory that the giant spider isn't going to be an antagonist per-say, but rather its babies
And that got me thinking, and realizing, that there are a lot of spiders in Lila's house, from the very beginning
There are two little ones in the first ep, one in the stairwell and one in the mousehole next to the stairs, in addition to the large one we've grown accustomed to

(^ brightened for visibility)

Pelo even points out the stairwell spider in his (free to view) Patreon posts on the first episode, while simultaneously completely ignoring the giant spider

And then in Unwanted Guest there's a surprisingly large spider skittering between the floorboards in the pan up to the attic

Along with a smaller but still decently big spider chilling in the attic itself

And a tiny spider got itself stuck on Dexter's mouse trap

Also semi-related there's this big thing wrapped up in one of the webs. I have no idea what it is

Moloch says he was forced to eat rats and spiders while trapped in the attic -- interestingly, we haven't seen any rats in Lila's house, at least as far as I'm aware. Maybe the spiders take care of them as well?
There aren't any new spiders in Deadly Smiles to my knowledge, just a new shot of the big one

There are no spiders at all in The Stars or Tender Treats, presumably because of the short attic time in both (the giant spider was drawn in the TT attic scene, but the camera doesn't pan far enough to show it)
Spiders even briefly appear in the Tender Treats ARG! There are three decently-sized ones next to the family photo

I had to circle them because they're REALLY well hidden, even after brightening the image
Yeah, there are... a LOT more spiders crawling around this house than I was aware of, likely even more since Moloch is no longer there to do pest control