Spooky Month Susie - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

can you draw a ms wonder and her grandkids.. idk you draw the wonders very nicely and it itches my brain right

Idk if you ment Ms. Wonder as in mr. Wonder's (ex?) wife or as in fem Mr. Wonder (I use all/any pronouns for Mr. Wonder) but hopefully you enjoy these!!!

Can You Draw A Ms Wonder And Her Grandkids.. Idk You Draw The Wonders Very Nicely And It Itches My Brain
Can You Draw A Ms Wonder And Her Grandkids.. Idk You Draw The Wonders Very Nicely And It Itches My Brain
Can You Draw A Ms Wonder And Her Grandkids.. Idk You Draw The Wonders Very Nicely And It Itches My Brain

I hc that Mrs. & Mr. Wonder got divorced. but like ghost Mrs. Wonder was a fun idea so I went with that ^_^

She just watches over her son's little family :)

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11 months ago

Epic and sincere art from my Mr. Wonder twt roleplay account (not active there anymore but maybe I'll comeback)

Epic And Sincere Art From My Mr. Wonder Twt Roleplay Account (not Active There Anymore But Maybe I'll
Epic And Sincere Art From My Mr. Wonder Twt Roleplay Account (not Active There Anymore But Maybe I'll
Epic And Sincere Art From My Mr. Wonder Twt Roleplay Account (not Active There Anymore But Maybe I'll
Epic And Sincere Art From My Mr. Wonder Twt Roleplay Account (not Active There Anymore But Maybe I'll
Epic And Sincere Art From My Mr. Wonder Twt Roleplay Account (not Active There Anymore But Maybe I'll

It was fun

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1 year ago

Volume 1 of Spooky Month headcanons

The town the series is set is called Frighden (pronounce fry-dihn to sound like frighten).

Roy's family's last name is Levinson.

Richard and Ross' dad were best friends in high school and got matching tattoos (Ross' dad has a snake on his right arm, Richard has one on his left arm). Roy thinks his dad's tattoo is awesome and is definitely planing to get matching tattoos with Ross and Robert when they're older.

Bob moved to Frighden from his home town in Idaho in his early thirties.

Ignacio is divorced (seriously look at that man and tell me he hasn't been through a failed marriage). He's also retired.

When they were kids, Frank had a HUGE crush on Lila.

Pump and Susie's parents are named Shawn and Valery.

Jack can't stand high temperatures at all and always complains about it to John.

Jack isn't local to Frighden, but his family moved into town when he was in his early teens.

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1 year ago

I think, considering that Pump is rich and loves burning things and breaking things with hammers, Roy would probably see him as the little brother he never had.

I also ship Roy and Susie and I love the idea that, after they start dating, Roy starts joking calling Pump his "loser-in-law".

One more thing, both Roy and Susie absolutely watch Team Starkid musicals.

On the topic of secret endings, it pisses me off that no one cares that, in the photo on John's cork board, Roy's uncle is holding an award that looks kind of like and Emmy (hope I spelled that right), which confirms to me that Roy's family are in show business.

Yeah I remember that reward! I low-key didn't think about it being show business, my thoughts basically stopped at "Huh this dude who's a disgusting evil monster also seems to be well accomplished and charismatic, guess that fits with the rest of Roy's family"

Now that I think about it I love the idea of Roy's family being like, rich snobby theatre people or whatever, that's awesome

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1 year ago

I absolutely adore the visual of a sleep deprived Pump peeking into the living room while Roy & Susie are passionately singing along to Twisted. (You can't tell me they wouldn't adore Twisted)

On the topic of secret endings, it pisses me off that no one cares that, in the photo on John's cork board, Roy's uncle is holding an award that looks kind of like and Emmy (hope I spelled that right), which confirms to me that Roy's family are in show business.

Yeah I remember that reward! I low-key didn't think about it being show business, my thoughts basically stopped at "Huh this dude who's a disgusting evil monster also seems to be well accomplished and charismatic, guess that fits with the rest of Roy's family"

Now that I think about it I love the idea of Roy's family being like, rich snobby theatre people or whatever, that's awesome

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1 year ago

Something that annoys me is that, while I want Susie to have a major role in at least one episode, it's hard for me to think of a situation where it would be logical for her to be a major character. Even when I can there's usually at least one other character that could fill that role just as well, if not better.

If anyone's got any ideas on how Susie could come into play going forward please send some in, I need to hear them.

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1 year ago

Volume 4 of Spooky Month headcanons

Lucky's real name is Eugene. (It means born lucky)

Kevin's last name is Kane.

Mr. Wonder's first name is Ernest.

Roy has a great singing voice. Most people are surprised when they first hear it since it's almost completely different from his speaking voice.

Mr Clown is actually bald and wears a wig.

Ross gets carsick really easily.

Susie doesn't just stream her art but also takes commissions and sometimes gets carried away while working on them.

The lower half of Moloch's body is a snake tail that ends in a rattle that's covered in stone, like his hands.

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1 year ago

Just had a cursed(tm) idea for the hatzgang episode

So several ideas I've had recently have combined to create a cursed prediction megazord.

Skid and Pump, maybe with Susie's help, do some ritual or something to summon skid's grandma, but the spell effect is super specifically worded like "all those with youth will see there departed kin" or some shit like that. And all that results in (he who belongs in a wood chipper) being summoned and going after Roy :(

Just to clarify, I don't think this will happen, I just thought of it decided that i can't suffer alone.

On a completely unrelated note, I haven't been getting much sleep lately, can you tell?

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1 year ago

Volume 6 of Spooky Month headcanons

I'm back, bitches! I've got some more specific hcs for you fine folks this time.

Boys n' Grills was something of a hangout for the cultists before Bob got arrested in the first episode, some of them were personally pissed at him for getting caught and getting it closed down.

While we're at it, the person who was going to run the diner when it reopened is also a cultist, but Bob breaking in during Tender Treats got the reopening canceled too.

The Hauntiest House isn't actually local to Frighden, they travel from town to town renting recently vacated houses, Streber often tries to use the house layout to add to the experience their preparing that given year.

I mentioned this in an earlier volume but have expanded it a bit, thin thief's name is Burton and fat thief's name is Keith.

Mayor Evermore often doesn't notice when he's hungry, when he does it's usually after his secretary mentions that he hasn't eaten in a while. This isn't a cult thing either, he's just a freak (that I may be projecting onto).

Ross was an unplanned baby, but because of their easy going nature his parents weren't nervous. On the other hand Lila freaked out when Jaune told her.

When Rick coughs he sounds like a bulldozer exploding and it tends to scare the shit out of people if he coughs in public.

When Pump is a little older him and Susie start doing ProZD style skits for her socials in addition to her art.

Richard was really close with his brother and has become a good bit colder and more closed off after his death, this is one of the reasons Roy hasn't told his parents about what his uncle did, at least not yet.

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11 months ago


I wonder (Pun intended)...


At first I thought Pump's parents weren't so bad, but now I'm not sure They never call and Wonder went to buy a present for Pump so he would feel like his parents care about him, despite the picture of them both assuring they love them I'm not sure anymore

So as I said, I wonder if he's disappointed of his son, disappointed of how he ignores his kids and disappointed of having to be the one raising them at such young age


It also applies to Susie, she cares about Pump so much to be able to immediately tell when there's something wrong with him, she was clearly concerned at Pump crying and doesn't tell him that the gift wasn't from their parents despite being disappointed as well She knows

As someone who was mostly raised by his grandparents until the pandemic, this hits hard

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1 year ago

NOTE: this is in no way shape or form hating on Susie’s character just in case you thought that, I just showed her because she’s the only girl around Roy’s age in the show

NOTE: This Is In No Way Shape Or Form Hating On Susies Character Just In Case You Thought That, I Just

Anyways, any form of interacting with this, even just liking it is very highly appreciated, I spent way too long on this and it’s my longest project yet /nf

Song: girls - girl in red (I genderbent the lyrics tho)

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1 year ago
Random Charlie Incorrect Quotes Cuz Why Not-

Random Charlie incorrect quotes cuz why not-

Random Charlie Incorrect Quotes Cuz Why Not-

Charlie, holding a python: Guys I impulsively sto- I mean, FOUND a snake, what do I name him??

Susie: You did WHAT–

Pump: William Snakepeare

Random Charlie Incorrect Quotes Cuz Why Not-

Skid and Pump: Sorry it took us so long to bail you out of jail.

Charlie: No it’s my fault, I shouldn’t have used my one phone call to prank call the police...

Random Charlie Incorrect Quotes Cuz Why Not-

Charlie: What are you, six?

Roy: Yeah, six heads taller than you.







Charlie: *rolls up her sleeves*

Ross: ...please don't attack him again.

Random Charlie Incorrect Quotes Cuz Why Not-

Charlie: I'm not a thief, I'm just some... random little girl!

John: Okay then, name one law.

Charlie: Don't kill people.

John: That's on me... I set the bar too low.

Random Charlie Incorrect Quotes Cuz Why Not-

Charlie, rolling down the car window: What seems to be the problem, officer?

John: get the FUCK out of my car

Random Charlie Incorrect Quotes Cuz Why Not-

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Random Charlie Incorrect Quotes Cuz Why Not-

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