quailthekenku - Hi I Sometimes Make Things
Hi I Sometimes Make Things

Whale hello there! The name be Quail, the pronouns be any, including neopronouns (but sometimes I prefer some over others) and the game be dnd, art and shitposting! Emphasis on the last one... but still enjoy your stay! I'm genderfluid. My preferred pronouns for now are They/she!

151 posts

Quailthekenku - Hi I Sometimes Make Things - Tumblr Blog

11 months ago

Someday I need to make one big Venn Diagram of all my Pinterest boards and how their meanings and uses align. There are just so many of them and so many different ways they interact:

There's the two or three that don't serve a practical purpose, and instead are just aesthetic boards that are nice to look at. There are character boards, and sometimes ship boards with character sections inside; not to mention the larger group ones. It's interesting how they bounce between aesthetics and traits and expressions and quotes, especially since my fandom board does the same thing.

Then there's the "relatable" group of boards. Some are funny, some are vent-ish, and one of them is just a fancier way of showing off the headcanons I have... There's so many dude it's kinda crazy

And THE HUMOR BOARDS. Oh god the humor boards. They are so specialized. I have one for every niche reaction I could have to a funny post. One for blowing air out of your nose, one for things only I could possibly find funny, and the ancient tome of specially crafted memes that are so incredibly, powerfully hilarious that reading one almost caused my friend to crash the car while I was reading it out of sheer hilarity.

In short god knows when I'd ever have time to do that but boy, wouldn't it be so cool if I did

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1 year ago
This Is How The Cold War Ended

this is how the cold war ended

1 year ago
a meme

a hand labelled as "writers and artists" pressing three buttons on a soda machine at the same time, labelled in order as: is my writing and art even good enough??, fuck it we ball, let me nap on it
1 year ago
quailthekenku - Hi I Sometimes Make Things
quailthekenku - Hi I Sometimes Make Things
1 year ago

I have had the revelation that I can straight up post whatever here so


1 year ago

My parents are crying over This Is Us in the other room meanwhile I'm making Batman Pina Colada

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1 year ago
None Of These Words Are In The Bible

none of these words are in the bible

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1 year ago

For april fools they should make jpgs of jeans be the backgrounf for everything and rebrand the site to Jumblr

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1 year ago

As a Pinterest native coming on Tumblr is like hearing all these stories of a jungle temple with riches in it and actually going inside

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1 year ago

I found a leather jacket at goodwill that I got and it is the best thing I own. I am genderfluid and when I wear the jacket open it is boxy to where it hides my curves and I look cool and I love it and when i zip it it hugs my curves a bit and I look hot and I love it. Also my sibling tries to guess which gender I'm sporting at any given time and they have been getting better at it and they call me their brother when I am their brother and it is one of the best feelings ever. Also i burped in their face while at the grocery store and I know its childish but doing annoying little brother shit is still satisfying in adulthood and they complained about it for a week while I still laugh at it. I love being genderfluid. I love being trans. <3333

im so sick of the narrative being that all trans people hate themselves all the time. yeah its common but my whole life isnt a tragedy, yk?

1 year ago

it late, monster ate, now for caffeine I must wait

1 year ago

"She" in the way you talk about a glazed white vase with intricate orange floral patterns you saw in an art museum

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2 years ago

The rock on my school theatre's set can make any letter of the alphabet if you trace around it

The Rock On My School Theatre's Set Can Make Any Letter Of The Alphabet If You Trace Around It

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2 years ago

Legit not one hour in and. I'm already brainrotting over these hooligans

Legit Not One Hour In And. I'm Already Brainrotting Over These Hooligans
Legit Not One Hour In And. I'm Already Brainrotting Over These Hooligans

(im not even done watching the musical yet wtf-

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2 years ago

Yk I've never had chicken that tasted like sprite before but here we are

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2 years ago
A Comic For English Class, We Had To Make A One Page Comic About A Queer Theme, So I Made Something About

A comic for english class, we had to make a one page comic about a queer theme, so I made something about the struggle of getting dressed when you don’t know how you want to be perceived :’) (I wish we could just go outside naked, it would save me a lot of time in the morning)

very proud about the anatomy in this page??? Especially that last panel :)

2 years ago

Reblog if your blog is a safe space for these identities: agender, demiboy, demigirl, genderfluid, non-binary, and transgender!

2 years ago
(via FlimsyFlamingo On Twitter)

(via FlimsyFlamingo on Twitter)

2 years ago

An OC Angst Thing (Brought To You By Hayloft II!)

My vision came back into focus. I shakily drew a breath of air as my body reformed, after being ripped apart over and over again. From within the storm of red and black, a winged silhouette trudged slowly towards me. I was shaking. I could hear my heartbeat. He gave me a strained smile, inky tears dripping from his chin. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"  I trembled. "Please, I don't.... I don't *know* what you mean! I'm not who you're looking for!"  He chuckled quietly, shaking his head. Then suddenly, he was in front of me, his fist clenched around my shirt collar. "Oh you are, you just haven't..." His form suddenly went shadowy, then reformed into a face that I thought I'd forgotten. His voice went higher, more shaken. His hair turned to a mop of yellow. "....looked hard enough yet," his new form finished, and suddenly, I remembered. I remembered looking through my possessed self's eyes, leaving a sobbing teen to die alone. "Blaise... Oh god, Blaise, I..." I muttered, tears now spilling from my face.  "You look pathetic," his shaky voice muttered, his piercing yellow eyes seeming to stare through me, even though they, along with the clenched fist he was holding me with, were shaking with hatred. "Reminds me of someone else I knew." Then he dropped me into the storm.

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2 years ago
TW: Bugs

TW: Bugs

A farmer works at their field, the repetitive motion of back-and-forth hacking at the long stalks of corn serving them a kind dissociation from another day’s monotonous work. They look up, wiping the sweat from their brow, before freezing. In the distance is a cloud, but not of the white, fluffy kind; the kind that buzzes and clicks, a peppering of malevolent dots across the sky. What was once a subtle buzz crescends into a great roaring of wings, until the swarm surrounds the farmer now bracing for impact-

but no impact comes. 

Instead, out from the cacophany of wings and cantennae clicking together emerges a horribly sweet voice, overlapped a thousand times over:

“OwO, um, m-mway I fweast on dese cwops mwaybe? (´・ω・`) O-ow not, I dwon’t want to bwothew yow... unwess?”

The farmer shrieks in horror.


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2 years ago
2 years ago

O. O jesus


tw: caps

So Context there’s this flock of crows that hangs in the field by my school and I wanted to start feeding them to have a giant frickin awesome flock of crows on my side

So I was researching what kinda foods are good for them and it said that onions could kill them in the same way for dogs, that is by



And yet the human stomach is just like “not if I digest it first”

Like JESUS, why are they so hardcore and poisonous and yet we use them just to accent the flavors in soup?

Keep reading

2 years ago

Youtube: Your video will play after the following ads

Me, refreshing the page over and over again: The fuck it will 

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