Dialogue - Tumblr Posts
Smash Intros: Little Mac VS Mario
Inspired by “If Smash Bros Had Intros Like Mortal Kombat” by Mister BlackJack
Little Mac:"Pizzaaa Pastaaa!"
Mario:"Are you-a making fun of-a my weight, Mac?"
Little Mac:"Just feelin' a lil'...nostalgic."
[Pizza Pasta was an Italian stereotype boxer from the old arcade Punch-Out that hasn't been seen since. Double reference if Mac is in one of his Wire Frame costumes.]
Writing Tips
Punctuating Dialogue
➸ “This is a sentence.”
➸ “This is a sentence with a dialogue tag at the end,” she said.
➸ “This,” he said, “is a sentence split by a dialogue tag.”
➸ “This is a sentence,” she said. “This is a new sentence. New sentences are capitalized.”
➸ “This is a sentence followed by an action.” He stood. “They are separate sentences because he did not speak by standing.”
➸ She said, “Use a comma to introduce dialogue. The quote is capitalized when the dialogue tag is at the beginning.”
➸ “Use a comma when a dialogue tag follows a quote,” he said.
“Unless there is a question mark?” she asked.
“Or an exclamation point!” he answered. “The dialogue tag still remains uncapitalized because it’s not truly the end of the sentence.”
➸ “Periods and commas should be inside closing quotations.”
➸ “Hey!” she shouted, “Sometimes exclamation points are inside quotations.”
However, if it’s not dialogue exclamation points can also be “outside”!
➸ “Does this apply to question marks too?” he asked.
If it’s not dialogue, can question marks be “outside”? (Yes, they can.)
➸ “This applies to dashes too. Inside quotations dashes typically express—“
“Interruption” — but there are situations dashes may be outside.
➸ “You’ll notice that exclamation marks, question marks, and dashes do not have a comma after them. Ellipses don’t have a comma after them either…” she said.
➸ “My teacher said, ‘Use single quotation marks when quoting within dialogue.’”
➸ “Use paragraph breaks to indicate a new speaker,” he said.
“The readers will know it’s someone else speaking.”
➸ “If it’s the same speaker but different paragraph, keep the closing quotation off.
“This shows it’s the same character continuing to speak.”
A brief guide on how to punctuate dialogue
Punctuation in dialogue is one of the easiest things to get wrong in writing, and, frustratingly, it can be hard to find decent teaching resources. So if you’re struggling to tell whether to use a comma or a period, this guide is for you.
1) Every time a new character speaks, the first line of their dialogue must be set apart by a paragraph break.
“I think Jeff Bezos might be a lizard,” said Bo.
“Not this again,” I replied.
“I think Jeff Bezos might be a lizard,” said Bo. “Not this again,” I replied.
2) Only direct dialogue needs quotation marks. Direct dialogue is used when someone is speaking. Indirect dialogue is a summary of what was said.
“Come on, Jeff, get ‘em!”
He told Jeff to go get ‘em.
3) Punctuation always goes inside quotation marks.
“What would you prefer?”
“A goat cheese salad.”
“What would you prefer”?
“A goat cheese salad”.
4) If you follow or start a quote with a dialogue tag, you end the quote with a comma.
“Welcome to the internet,” he said.
She asked, “Can I look around?”
“Welcome to the internet.” He said.
She asked. “Can I look around?”
5) But, if you follow or start a quote with an action, you use a period.
“Welcome to the internet.” He smiled.
Her eyes flicked to the screen. “Can I look around?”
“Welcome to the internet,” he smiled.
Her eyes flicked to the screen, “Can I look around?”
6) When breaking up dialogue with a tag, use two commas. Or, if the first piece of dialogue is a complete sentence, use a comma and then a period.
“Yes,” he replied, “an avocado.” (split sentence)
“I hoped it wouldn’t come to this,” she said. “I loved that avocado.” (full sentence)
7) You may have noticed there are two different quotation marks ( ‘ and “). And when putting a quote inside a quote, you need to use the opposite style of quotation.
Roger looked up. “And then he said, ‘I didn’t steal the avocado.’”
Roger looked up. ‘And then he said, “I didn’t steal the avocado.”’
(Using ‘ or “ often depends on personal choice. Although Brits like to use ‘ and Americans tend to use “ for their main dialogue)
So that’s my short guide to the main rules when punctuating dialogue! If you have any questions about less common rules, let me know.
Kaito: Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?
Shinichi: That has got to be the lamest pick-up line in existence.
Kaito: Don't worry. That's just Plan A.
Shinichi: So what's Plan B?
Kaito: To take you hostage.
Kaito: I had a thought.
Shinichi: Oh no.
Kaito: I swear it's a good one this time!
“thank you for everything.”
“yeah, of course... why are you telling me this all of a sudden?”
“i feel like i don’t thank you enough... you do so much for me and i’m forever grateful but i just want you to know that.”
“you know i’m not really good with my words but i love you so damn much, it pains me thats i don’t show you enough.”
“you’re crazy cheol, you don’t have to do anything big for me to understand that you love me. having you by my side is all i really need.”
no kisses for you.

imagine this little pout when you don’t give him kisses.
hansol annoyed you not so long ago and he finally noticed he did so. he softly grabs at your arms and apologizes but you’re still firm on where you stand.
“baby i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have said that...”
“well you said it anyways.”
“ahah, no...”
“fuck you seo changbin. you left me months ago and now you’re back to tell me you love me?”
his head slowly nods and you can’t help but scoff in his face.
“you look and sound pathetic. you think after all that pain, i’m just going to take you back?”
“of course not. i know i hurt you but i just thought you sound know.”
“honestly, i was better off not knowing...”
Drawing and Reference:

"What have you done to me? I'm a unicorn!"


"I wish you let the Red Bull take me!”

“I wish you left me to the Harpy!”

“I can feel this body DYING all around me!!!"

"I'm afraid of this human body, more than I was of the Red Bull. Afraid....." Scene Here:
Inspired by @teddie-bear420 and their Cold Hazbin Hotel AU, please check them out for more of their amazing art!!!
Nightcafe.art blog
https://creator.nightcafe.studio/u/Queueka #aiart #nightcafe #digitalart https://creator.nightcafe.studio/u/QueuekaHey dear guys, I would like to share with you my nightcafe.art blog and to invite you to express your opinions and feelings on these ai creations. Be welcome to be the most genuine version of yourself I am open to hear and learn from your perspective ❤️
I have heard few voices in the community against ai generated art, this is my personal perspective on the topic. But I also invite you to a dialogue - everyone who hates/loves/neutral to ai art in general and particularly on tumblr... Please explain your point of view, I want to understand you better😉

Carmen part 3 -
Benefits of ai for an artist in hardest days of disability - I can keep fulfilling my imagination even in days of very low ability to move. Of course when I paint I express something more authentic, but with time I compose prompts that give results that are very close to my imagination - which deeply satisfy and comfort me.
A Plea for Peace: End the Romanticization of Victimhood
Give Israelis and Palestinians a Chance for Coexistence
Content Warning: Mentions of violence and historical atrocities
For too long, people from the outside have romanticized the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a gladiatorial arena, a reality show, or a competition of values. By romanticizing victimhood and choosing sides, you allow governments and dictators to stay in power. Your inconsistent support, favoring one side's victimhood over the other, makes it impossible for those of us, both Jews and Arabs, who want to live in peace to actually achieve that goal.
The West and East have chosen politicians on both sides who oppress the weak, buy warfare from them, and lack empathy. Yet for centuries, Jews and Arabs lived together peacefully in many areas, and there are still those among us who have never stopped hoping for that reality, even in the face of atrocities like the Nakba, Sabra and Shatila and many other horrendous crimes to the one side and bus bombings, rape crimes, and the horrific events of October 7th, where Jewish Arab supporters were slaughtered and burned alive on the other. Brainwashed-hurting-people are hurting people. By dehumanizing each side for its barbaric acts you leave them lonely and hurting, which leads to more extremism.
We are all being brainwashed, and as time goes on, more Jews and Arabs are losing hope, allowing pain and hatred to consume us, and enabling the rise of fanatic politicians who further fuel this cycle. But we are all just people who want to live. If the East and West truly wanted us to find a solution, they would invest in mutual education and acknowledgment of each nation's pain, helping us learn about our shared Semitic Abrahamic roots, rather than selling both of us more weapons.
Many Arabs in Israel-Palestine are not just our cousins, but our sisters and brothers. Not all Jews fled when the Romans came; some of them became Christian and then Muslim. Some of them are the Palestinians of today! And the other part is our closest cousins. Our DNA is so similar; there are no closer ethnicities in the world. The world plays savior while pushing us to fight harder, funding narratives of hate and promoting xenophobia and antisemitism on both sides.
We are all children of the same God, the last remaining Semitic peoples. Please, world, support new leadership on both sides! Invest in peace, not war. Give the Jews and Arabs who want peace a chance to achieve it. Strengthen us, and give the next generations of Semites a chance to live with dignity, compassion, respect, and mutual love.
Since the British Mandate pitted us against each other, as they did in India and Pakistan and so many other places, where colonial empires left the people to fight each other - "proving" the "barbarity of the locals" in comparison to the supremacy of the colonials, the biggest world powers have used our conflict to prove their own strength, choosing a side as if we were gladiators in a ring. Please, stop this game of money, power, and manipulation. No one should have to die anymore. Life is already too short! Palestinians and Israelis should be free together, from this war, from these separative beliefs, from the hatred, to live and move freely, to marry each other freely. To have one shared government that represents us all equally with dignity - with no more brainwashing and separation. This is what I pray for. No occupation nor any slaughter or rape of any kind. We should not fall into traps; if all people open their eyes, politicians lose their power. With the help of decent, honest allies from the world, this is achievable, slowly but surely. This should be the reality. Where all kids know both languages in an Arab-Jewish state, celebrating together, growing and then aging together with the deepest respect for all the mutual and all the unique, beautiful differences. Looking into Arabs' eyes, I see the eyes of my family members. You are not that different. I want peace with you .
Back-and-forth Dialogue With A Friend: Callie Visits the Conquerors
(Callie belongs to Toblerone, who is an awesome artist and also one of my best friends so please check her out thank you UwU)
(Also none of this is canon sry)
- me
~ Toble
-- Setting the scenery/explaining the scenario to Toble --
“-It's kind of like a medieval kingdom with high-technology. The floor is made of marble tiles. The planet is only half of a destroyed planet conquered by the organization long ago.
- There're illumise propaganda banners and quotes plastered around every corner or being projected onto screens that hang over the city.
- And there're controlled soldiers marching patrols amidst the conversating people of mixed factions as they run amuck through the city. Some poor scmuck in a mask is being apprehended by some soldiers for graffitiing a building around the corner. People stick to their own factions mainly, especially when it comes to anyone in the Interceptor faction (Characterized by grey/black eyes instead of blue or red)
- "Some other places that you could visit are the Reclaimer Sector" Quail said, her astral finger pointing to the left through a cyan arch,
- "The Interceptor Sector," She continued, pointing to a grey brick gateway in front of them,
- "And the main Pavillion, which no one really uses because they don't get a long too well is over there too." She threw a thumb over her shoulder at the pristine white and black archway marked with the Illumise insignia on it. "The boss of this place lives up there," Quail turned around and pointed at a cylindrical tower extending up from the Pavillion, which was topped by a sphere of one-way glass, "But no one goes there. It's crawling with elite guards, and no one visits him unless he wants them to."
- "Good luck," she grinned mischievously, and promptly vanished.
----------------Roleplay line--------------------------------------------------------------------------
~ Calli stared out onto the street. It was very different then the smooth walls and streets of the cities she had lived in.
- Around the corner sat three figures, conversing in low, excited voices, all wearing crimson cloaks. One had theirs pulled over their head, who seemed to be talking the most.
~ Her eyes landed on them, and she stared for what could be a little too long, wondering.
- The three figures continued talking until one of them, with fiery pink hair buzzed on one side, noticed her looking. Callie noticed the metal plate and eye grotesquely grafted onto the left side of her face. The hooded figure rolled up a piece of paper that the three of them had been looking at.
~ Calli only raised an eyebrow, she was almost 60 percent metal herself anyway.
~ She then realized her ears and tail were in plain view, and she stepped back to hide them.
- The hooded figure turned towards her, a suspicious frown barely visible on his face. "You don't seem like you're from around here," He said suspiciously.
~ "You would be correct." Calli answered.
- He walked toward her, pocketing the paper inside his cape, and held his hand out expectantly. "ID?" He asked.
~ "I've done nothing wrong," She said. "But I suppose I'll humor you." Calli raised a metal gloved hand and a hologram shot into the air, showing her name and other info common for an ID. It was a fake ID, of course. Calli had no intention of being truthful to a rude stranger.
- The other two cloaked figures looked at her hologram ID in a mixture of shock, confusion, then a sort of sinister smirk. In front of them, the hooded figure smirked, then pulled something from his pocket. The second cloaked figure was now moving behind the hooded figure, and walking silently behind Callie. "I meant one of these, sweetheart," He said sweetly, holding out a square of metal and glass in one biker-gloved hand. It sparked, then bright red letters scrolled across the glass panel's surface. "But close enough." The second figure grabbed her from behind.
~ Calli smirked.
~ She twisted and threw her attacker on the ground, so hard that a snapping sound could be heard. She then half morphed her arms, until they were sharp, battle ready weapons. "Bad idea." She hissed angrily. Her ears and tails became visible again, and her tail lashed angrily around her legs. Calli’s ears were pinned flat against her head.
- The second cloaked figure groaned on the ground. The hooded figure smirked, then snickered, which turned into a full scale laugh. He abruptly cut off, and pulled a small pen-like rod from another pocket in his cape. He flicked his hand out, and it extended into a shortstaff. The end crackled with red electricity. He lifted his hood, Surge stared at the freak with his mismatched eyes, one cornflower blue and the other black and red, through the metal plate covering half his head. Twelve sets of coordinated footsteps were approaching from the right. "You've poked the wasp's nest, freak," He said sinisterly, red electricity sparking from his staff. "Be ready to get stung." He lunged at her.
~ She smiled. Within seconds, her helmet engulfed her head, hiding her face under a black metal helmet and a turquoise visor. Her whole body was now in the black metal suit, and she moved deftly, jumping forward to meet him. She hit him backwards and he stumbled back a few steps. Calli then pulled a black sword from seemingly nowhere and it blazed to electric blue life. "I see you want to play with lightning." A electronic voice echoed, mockingly.
- This weirdo might be a handful, Surge thought as he fell back onto his knees, then shook himself. Reinforcements should be here any minute now. Besides, I didn't become the general for nothing. He gritted his teeth and stood up. "More like a short-circuited toaster." he taunted as he strolled past her. She swung at him, and Surge immediately dodged under, sweeping her legs out from under her. "Believe me, you'll be taken care of in no time," He finished as he prepared to swing at her again.
~ She threw a small box at the wall, a similar box in her hand. In a flash of blue, she teleported out from under him, and she stuck to the wall. "Ah, sweetheart doesn't understand what he's dealing with." she turned her sword from blue (stun), to red (kill). "I'm sorry to take you down so soon." She leapt off the wall and swung her sword, and she saw it get so close that his cloak began to burn.
- After barely dodging the blade that swung above him, Surge leaped into the air and shouted, "You're one to talk!" Didn't wanna have to try using this, he thought hesitantly, a blue glow beginning to emit from his hands. The two soldiers on the ground, after seeing the glow, immediately scrambled to their feet and ran away. He focused his concentration into one plea, repeating over and over: A beam of light. A beam of fire. A beam of lightning. A beam of... FOR THELOVE OF G0D JUST MAKE IT SOMETHING EFFECTIVE FOR ONCE. The energy gathered in his hands, and he unleashed the unpredictable energy towards the cyborg. It frazzled in midair, then grew bigger and more triangular until a full-sized grand piano was hurtling towards Callie. That works, Surge thought as he landed stomach down on the ground.
~ Calli started for a second and took a step back as the piano slammed powerfully into her energy shield. It knocked her back a bit. "Fine, if I stop fighting will you just imprison me?"
- Surge got up steadily, trying hard to mask the relief on his face while he answered, "Gladly." Two hands grabbed Callie from behind, handcuffing her as they escorted her towards the middle pavillion. They put a blindfold over her eyes, and sounds around her indicated she was in an elevator going downwards. The blindfold lifted from her vision, showing her a mess of an underground laboratory. The walls were covered halfway with tally marks. Stasis chambers, all but one of them empty, lined the rim of the semicircular room. A few corpses littered the room, their bodies covered in marks from a scalpel. A steel door covered in claw marks stood on the back wall. A girl with wolf ears silently rocked in the left corner, and a teenage boy with bright seafoam hair was chopping a severed finger into tiny bits with a bloodied scalpel in the right. He looked up as Callie was shoved into the room. "You'll stay here until we find a way to use you," the voice of one of the soldiers said ominously from the elevator. "Try to survive until then.” The doors closed behind him.
~ Calli went freely, as she knew she could kill everyone in the elevator without thinking about it. However hard her opponent had tried, she could tell he was relieved. She didn't like to kill when she didn't have to. She stepped into the room, and tore the blindfold off. Calli surveyed the few people and stood silently.
- The teal-haired teen looked up from the gore he was cutting and smiled, waving one chained hand. 3, said a number on his white bloodstained longsleeved shirt."Heya, Catgirl! They leave you for dead too?"
~ Calli let her suit recede into nothingness, and she stepped forward. Looking totally human now.
~ "Yes." was all she said.
- "Great! Nice suit ya had there. Or was I just seeing things again?" He tilted his head, looking from his scalpel back to her. He stood up, and the chains around his hands flashed green for a moment. "Name's Vian. Welcome to the Failure club!!! That is, unless you can somehow magically get us out of this place."
~ "You saw a suit. And I can. Get you out, I mean." Calli turned to look at him. "My name is Calli, in case you were wondering."
- "Nice to meet you, Cassee! I'm Vian." He reached his hand out to shake hands with her, but the chain on his hand pulled it back, flashing a cautionary yellow. "That over there's Scion," He introduced, pointing to the figure in the stasis chamber wearing a respirator. "And that's Threshen," He groaned, pointing forlornly at the rocking figure in the other corner. "I think she's a little bit off her rocker, if you know what I mean," He stage-whispered.
~ "I see." She said politely. "Well, do you want out of here? I can get us out in a snap-"
- The girl suddenly let out a blood-curdling scream that filled the room, and Vian plugged his ears. "SEE WHAT I MEAN?!" He shouted over her as she continued to scream.
- Threshen stopped screaming and continued rocking in place. "THAT WOULD BE LOVELY, CARLIE," He continued, seemingly unaware that she had stopped screaming, "IF THE GUARDS WEREN'T PATROLLING OUTSIDE." His chains flashed yellow again. "I COULD PROBABLY HELP BETTER," He continued, "IF I DIDN'T HAVE THESE CHAINS ON ME." He gestured to the black metal chains around his wrists.
~ "I can do something about those too," She said. "And she's stopped screaming, you can talk normally again." Her ears moved forward.
- "Oh," He said. "Right." The elevator made a whirring noise, as if someone was beginning their descent down.
~ Calli turned quickly and ran at the elevator doors. She ripped them open with super human strength, and then she reached in and tore the elevator cable. The sound of something heavy falling whizzed past and a muffled scream reached their ears too.
- The elevator fell to the bottom of the shaft, a woman in a white, blue and red robe sprawled on the ground.
~ Calli looked down at her in disgust.
- Vian gasped. "Is she dead?" He said excitedly.
~ "I don't think so." Calli said. "Who is she?"
- "Oh, one of those converter people," He said, waving his hand. "Probably come to make you into another soldier."
- "Another pawn."
~ Calli stepped over to the woman, and kicked her in the jaw, knocking her unconscious.
- "Another slave," He pressed, slowly leaning forward on his chains.
~ "Now, do you want to get out or not?"
- Vian's eyes lit up. "R-r-really?" He hesitated, looking down at the scalpel still in his hands, then back up at Callie with a fearful expression. "I... Don't think that's a good idea..."
~ "Why so?" She asked. "Anything would be better then living down here in fear." Calli's eyes darkened. "Even death."
- He stood fearfully. "I've done things," he admitted, gesturing at the bodies of scientists strewn all over the floor, "Bad things. I... don't trust myself." He was straining against the chains now, and they were flashing orange on and off now.
~ "But why throw away your chance to change?" She asked. "I've done horrible, even evil things myself. But I've changed myself. I'm much better now."
- Vian stopped, contemplated this, and smiled. "You're right. Let's get out of this place."
~ Calli grinned. ~ "I knew you'd come around." She said, then stepped toward him. "Do you mind if I..?" She pointed at his hands.
- He stepped away from his chains , holding them tight and away from him so she could cut them. The chains flashed red, and a burst of blue light sparked on the cuffs on Vian's wrists with an electric ZAP. He yelped and collapsed to the ground in pain, then rose slowly and gestured for Callie to cut them.
~ Calli first wrapped metal gloves hands around them, and the dull black glow slowly dimmed, and then, she plucked them off effortlessly and dropped them to the floor.
- Vian stared at the rings of Litchenberg scars that marred his wrists. "T...Thank you," he said in bewilderment. Threshen stood behind them, stumbling slowly towards the door, glaring at Vian as she passed with her glassy eye. The other was scratched out. Calli noticed that Threshen's right arm was missing as Threshen sat in the elevator shaft's base.
~ She shook her head. "it's just what I do." She gestured, "Follow me, and then, she walked to the other side of the room, away from the elevator."
- Vian smiled and nodded, walking toward the door with her. When Threshen didn't follow, he sighed, took her hand and dragged her toward the door, despite her screaming, clawing and thrashing.
~ When Calli stopped at a wall with no door and far away at the elevator, Vian seemed confused. "Come closer. I'm blowing the stilts off this building and if you're anywhere out of my shield you'll be killed." Calli began to place at least six or seven glowing charges in a circle around her, all electric blue.
- He stood in shock for a second, then nodded solemnly, dragging Threshen closer in as the three of them braced for impact. "Welp," Vian murmured low under his breath, "Guess the Clone's gone."
~ "Do you want me to get Scion?" She asked, "I haven't set the charges yet."
- "He's got weird regenerative powers," He explained. "Being a clone of the boss, and all that. He'll be fine."
~ "Alright," She said. A blue shield went up around them, and the charges began to beep. "Get ready, it's gonna be loud."
- "Roger that," He said, covering his ears, and gesturing for Threshen to do the same.
~ A loud cracking sound came first, and outside the shield a blue smoke seemed to attack the energy field. Then the blackness came, filled with blue lightning. The building began to collapse, falling in on itself and pieces of the walls and ceiling began to hit the shield like hail.
-----------------Roleplay Line------------------------------------------------------------------------
We had to stop at this point because of the fact of it being near midnight but...
Some ideas of what I believe would’ve happened:
1. Vian played Callie and goes crazy stabbing everyone once he gets to the surface, including Callie, and they have a “OMG YOU BETRAYED ME D:” Talk.
2. Callie would’ve met with the boss of Illumise, severely injured/killed them, and left. :>
So ya that was fun!!! UwU
An OC Angst Thing (Brought To You By Hayloft II!)
My vision came back into focus. I shakily drew a breath of air as my body reformed, after being ripped apart over and over again. From within the storm of red and black, a winged silhouette trudged slowly towards me. I was shaking. I could hear my heartbeat. He gave me a strained smile, inky tears dripping from his chin. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?" I trembled. "Please, I don't.... I don't *know* what you mean! I'm not who you're looking for!" He chuckled quietly, shaking his head. Then suddenly, he was in front of me, his fist clenched around my shirt collar. "Oh you are, you just haven't..." His form suddenly went shadowy, then reformed into a face that I thought I'd forgotten. His voice went higher, more shaken. His hair turned to a mop of yellow. "....looked hard enough yet," his new form finished, and suddenly, I remembered. I remembered looking through my possessed self's eyes, leaving a sobbing teen to die alone. "Blaise... Oh god, Blaise, I..." I muttered, tears now spilling from my face. "You look pathetic," his shaky voice muttered, his piercing yellow eyes seeming to stare through me, even though they, along with the clenched fist he was holding me with, were shaking with hatred. "Reminds me of someone else I knew." Then he dropped me into the storm.

Cautionary Comic - By ME

A Short Reference - by ME
Whisper of Words - A Writing Discord Server

Whisper of Words is a small and comfy discord community dedicated to writing. 13+ and LGBTQ+ friendly!
Despite by merely having a hundred members, WoW is an active community for writers and creators that encourages you to keep learning and going forward the goal the most of us have in common: to write!
In here, you can talk about what you do and like. As we do not follow a strict "writing only" policy, you are more open to what you want to do in here. You aren't a writer but want to read someone else's work? sure, why not! Want to promote your writing tips/prompts website? go ahead!
Whisper of Words can be a place for you to enjoy, make new friends, help yourselves learn and improve your writing skills. In this server, you can find people who can help in what you need or instead, you can be the one helping others by sharing your knowledge.
WoW has many things to offer, such as:
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