the night my life went up in flames thin ice cracked beneath my weight. mab « wcif friendly
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Why Must Sims Crash After 17 Hours Of Building? Why Does My Adhd Not Remind Me To Save? I'm Not Crying.
why must sims crash after 17 hours of building? why does my adhd not remind me to save? i'm not crying. you're crying.
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fairuza painted.
then she painted some more.
the sun rose high in the sky and still, she painted.
it was as if the chirping birds, scurrying foxes, and general lack of hustle and bustle unleashed some death grip that the city had on her creative muse. ideas flooded out faster than she could afford the canvas to capture them. had fairuza really gone so long without realizing how disconnected from nature she had become? now the dirt underneath her feet felt like the embrace of an old friend.
so she painted how that felt too.

A Second Meeting
Elizabeth really didn't want to be here. But her roommate had begged so here she was trying to dodge drunken advances from overzealous college boys, trying in vain to spot her roommate, Clara, to tell her she was going home. She couldn't see her anywhere, probably hiding in some dark corner with her boyfriend. Just as she decided it was a lost cause, she spotted someone she did recognise. A tall and handsome someone, leaning casually in a doorway drinking a beer. He noticed her at the same time she noticed him and raised his bottle in greeting. "Are you following me?" Elizabeth asked in a teasing tone once she had made her way over to him. He chuckled, "Of course not". Then, "Maybe you're the one following me". "This is my roommate's boyfriends party". She offered as explanation and accepted the beer he passed her. "Ah well, your roommate's boyfriend happens to be my best mate". He clinked the top of his bottle against hers then took a deep drink. She took a drink of her own trying not to notice the way his Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he drank. Instead she raised her eyebrows at him, "Thirsty?" "Very, its been a long day. Its lambing season". "Lambing season?" Elizabeth said in surprise. "Oh ... I thought you attended this University". Joseph shook his head, "Nah, I'm not really academically minded, I work on a farm. I much prefer working with my hands". At this Elizabeth looked at his hands. His big, strong, capable looking hands and couldn't help but wonder just how good with them he was. She took a deep drink of her own.