queenrandomblogs - Running Away from Reality
Running Away from Reality

let's forget our responsibilities and run away

161 posts

"You're A Devil!" They Exclaimed As They Watched Her With Fear In Their Eyes.

"You're a devil!" They exclaimed as they watched her with fear in their eyes.

"Oh, honey," She spoke softly as she stared at her enemy dead in the eye, a smirk on her lips and bloodlust in her eyes. "I'm no devil."

Before her enemy could even blink, she was already right next to them and leaning to whisper in their ears.

"I'm the Queen of Hell."

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4 years ago

Spread the word.

queenrandomblogs - Running Away from Reality
4 years ago


4 years ago

Ejsjdjdj I can't wait! Also don't worry! You'll never disappoint us - your writing is so good! Especially with the Batmom fics and gosh, I live for those fics! By the way, I hope you're doing fine and that you and your loved ones are safe and all! 💚💚💚💚

Sometimes this week (most likely very late at night Friday or Saturday, y'all know me haha), New story !

It'll be thé "Fake boyfriend" trope with Bruce, I was too weak to resist haha. It'll contain à young mid-twenties Bruce who just adoptéd àn 8 years old son not long ago (first time I write him that young ? I kinda LIVE for twenty something Bruce who's mental health is really not doing good and who just started to be Batman, thinking adopting à kid is à good idea haha ❤️, I love how Dick flips his world upside down... They needed each others equally at that point in their story ❤️), à young Dickiebird who might be thé best worst wingman ever haha, and it'll be fluffy, slow burn, angsty... So see you soon with that and hope it won't disappoint :).

4 years ago

I mean, I'd gladly sneak out just to go

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