"It's Cute How You Think I'm A Pawn When In Reality, I'm The Queen."
"It's cute how you think I'm a pawn when in reality, I'm the Queen."
— Amelia Moon
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⚠️ PSA: Everybody Hurts (When People Repost)

Hello @thebestaqua32,
Thank you very much for your Ask. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the fact that you are reaching out to ask me for permission before actually doing so. Unfortunately, I do NOT allow my work to be reposted by anyone other than myself, on any platform, whether it is Wattpad, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
What follows is by no means directed towards you, dear @thebestaqua32, but I thought I’d take this opportunity to talk about something many creators (writers and artists alike) have been dealing with for a while now, and me, myself, recently.
Over the course of the past 3-4 weeks, I have found instances of my work being reposted to no less than 3 different platforms, once with attribution in difficult to see fine print with no links back to the original source of my work, and twice with absolutely no credit at all. As you can probably imagine, it was quite upsetting to me that pieces I’ve worked so incredibly hard on was being distributed in such a manner, and a lot of time and energy was expended in order to rectify the situation — time and energy that could’ve been otherwise used to create more content for my lovely readers and followers.
Unfortunately, reposting without permission from authors and artists is a common occurrence, and some may not realize the damage doing so can inflict. I seek here to try and explain why reposting in this manner hurts everybody, not just the content creator.
Argument #1:
“How can I possibly hurt someone by reposting their work? The more likes and comments I generate on this post of mine just means I’m giving them free publicity!”
This is something I’ve heard many reposters say in defence of their actions, and while publicity is definitely a good thing for content creators, that is only the case if the people consuming a piece could be bothered to check its original source — that is, if exposure is a guarantee of user traffic being driven back to the creator’s website, social media accounts, etc. And oftentimes, especially in this digital age of “see it and forget it” fast-consumption, most cannot be bothered to do so — the action that is one-step removed proves to be too much of an effort, even if it is merely clicking a link.
Please also consider this: many creators depend on commissions to make a living. This avenue of revenue has only become more important in current times because we are in the midst of a pandemic. People are literally relying on these funds to pay their rent and feed and support themselves and their families. The ability of a creator to support themselves is thus dependent on the size of their fan base or their numbers of followers. If people cannot be bothered to check the original source of a piece of writing or artwork, this essentially cuts down on their potential earnings. You cannot commission a piece from someone or support them if you don’t know of their existence.
This is especially so if things are reposted without proper credit at all, as was the case with one of my works. The worst part was that the stolen piece was taken from a project where the proceeds from all commissions were being donated to charity. In doing so, the thousands of people who liked this post had no way of finding out about this charity project, which means that even if they would’ve been interested in donating, they would not have known how. In essence, this translated to less money being raised to help those who really needed it in dire times.
So please, please, please do not think that the act of reposting hurts no one because that is simply not the case. There needs to be a direct link between people that engage with the content and the creator, which is why reblogging on Tumblr is excellent (feel free to reblog any of my content here if you wish, dear @thebestaqua32) and retweeting (without quotes!) on Twitter is great. These are among the best ways to support us!
Argument #2: The act of reposting could potentially contribute to the decline of a fandom.
Imagine you spent hours, days or even weeks working on something — pouring your heart and soul into a piece — and when you finally shared it to the world, not much happened. Maybe you got a few likes here or there, a couple of comments if you were very lucky. How would you feel? What conclusion would you draw? Some might feel discouraged, others might stop creating altogether.
Imagine then, that same post receiving tons of comments and likes and legitimate shares because someone with a bigger following reposted it on their own social media account without your knowledge. Imagine what you would’ve done with this information — the feeling that others loved and enjoyed your work and wanted to see more. Perhaps it might’ve encouraged you to continue creating.
Case in point:

I wrote this letter. And if I weren’t alerted to the existence of this post, I would’ve never known that thousands of others had liked my work. Also, that’s 124 comments I didn’t get the chance to read. Furthermore, this was a piece that was written for the charity project. Imagine how many potential donors we might have received if people knew about its source.
Feedback is absolutely crucial to creators. It enables us to discover what others did and did not like. Not only can it serve as a compass of sorts to guide our artistic progress and work (and create pieces that can cater to the needs and desires of those who consume it), it is also a point of communication between members of a given fandom. It builds community. And without a strong sense of community, a fandom flounders and could eventually fizzle out.
Without content creators, there is very little for people to consume. Please support all of us by not reposting our work, especially without our knowledge and/or permission.
With that being said, please accept a giant THANK YOU from me to you for reading till the very end. It is very much appreciated. 🙏🏻💕
"You're a devil!" They exclaimed as they watched her with fear in their eyes.
"Oh, honey," She spoke softly as she stared at her enemy dead in the eye, a smirk on her lips and bloodlust in her eyes. "I'm no devil."
Before her enemy could even blink, she was already right next to them and leaning to whisper in their ears.
"I'm the Queen of Hell."
"I love you!" He practically screamed as to make his point go across.
She shook her head as she smiled softly, suppressing the tears that were about to fall as she took his hands. "But you love her more."
And it was true.
No matter how much he wanted to love the woman in front of him, he loved someone more. It was unfair.
He closed his eyes as a sob escaped his lips. "I want to love you," He whispered as he placed his forehead on hers.
"I know," She whispered back with a sad smile. "But we aren't to be."
With that, she left him.

This won’t make your blog look ugly. How could you not reblog this? REBLOGGING THIS COULD SAVE A LIFE!!!