quillheel - ROOTS.


521 posts

Quillheel - ROOTS. - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

Rising Moving Expenses To Get A Homeless Family Finally Off The Streets Before Winter

So now that we have dealt with our end of month bills I have exciting news WE HAVE BEEN OFFERED A PLACE TO RENT & HAVE BEEN ABLE TO PUT DOWN A DEPOSIT! We now just need to rise some of the funds for things like our first & second month rent, along with money for while we are settling in & looking for work opportunities, which will be a lot easier with access to things like a shower & electricity for PCs (me & my twin do commissions) and a sewing machine (my mom is a professional seamstress)

This has came at the best time as our truck was starting to fail after nearly 2 years of being on the streets, and with Canadian winter coming we were in some danger of freezing.

I want to keep this brief, because not everyone wants to read a bunch on a dono post, so more under the cut, but may I just say how happy I am to have this opportunity, for my family to have this opportunity.

30/3500$ CAD

Paypal: DM me

Canadian E-tranfer: DM me


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Now for anyone curious about our story, nearly two years ago my family fleed our apartment due to gun violence, we were scared for our lives and since then we have been living in our truck.

We've had a few near bullseyes for fixing this, but past plans have fallen though due to a mix of issues, usually people over estimating what they could offer in terms of help.

It has been hard on us all, we've lost a lot of our few belongings along the way, and all of my family have disabilities of different kinds, my mom has really been pushing herself and I want her to have less to worry about.

Now as for now, we know this woman with a basement suite she had been subleting, and recently it became vacant, we know her, what to expect and we can trust her.

And at the same time this happened, a member of the extended family was able to cover the deposit.

In short the stars alined, and we have a chance to get settled, to try to sort out both our few physical belongings but also like our emotional & mental stuff, we were messy before all this and let me tell you, two years living in a tight truck being harassed basically everyday & having to beg for basic needs like food, it can make things a lot messier, but I do think we can heal, recover, we won't be the same but I hope we'll be very happy as the people we can grow into being.

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6 months ago

@tenebriism // sophie & howl!

@tenebriism // Sophie & Howl!

her nature, to care, to wait, had lived in her long before she stepped foot into this castle. But it was the stubborn, sincere will that guides her now, true-minded, developed like a skill. darning needle, embroidery thread in so unreasonable fabric, task turned over again and again until she knows the motions even when she doesn't : the roots of them, the little sparkling parts that really matter : which is to say — she'd know this bit by heart now.

at least, some broad and smooth part of her heart, now. written on it in shining ink. she's sure of it. she'd be proud to say how she wasn't gifted it, like her sisters had been in all the other ways she still underestimates and underwhelms herself over, but instead to say it was practiced, and learned, and sincere beyond sincere in those interwoven laces. What it takes to progress, what it takes to experience

She couldn't say she'd find herself caring about such things as beauty as she once had, no, not in a long time now. Unlike...

@tenebriism // Sophie & Howl!

" Are you really still on about that? " the chime, not unkind but rather a sort of flat-footed tone she takes when she's unbothered or perhaps only feigning it to tease him, hails from close to his bedside, as she reaches up, up to some bottles hiding in the back of a shelf almost covered in his knickknacks and all those shining things; careful despite, the way she is undeterred even as her back protests, eyes glancing down to him only briefly ( a moments study, but she hears more in his voice alone. ) and her fingers find the neck of a vial as she speaks, " You know, I still think black is a nice look for you. Being blonde isn't as nice as you'd think it is! Though, if it's different with magic than naturally, I'm afraid... "

she sees the tremor in his throat, the hard rattle of his body tensing, the tendons of the neck & the shiver of his shoulders & his sharp breath pushed out, that moment just before his coughing fit, and she's down from her stool in one step backwards unto solid ground between the clutter and the plates resting 'pon the hardwood with nowhere else to put them, tea resting on his end-table — she's got a hand on him then, first pulling at his shoulder to shift him unto his flank, then sliding down, gingerly, to the side of his neck. her fingers covered by wefts of dark hair, rubbing soft soothing circles into the tender skin, gracing the nape of his neck...

she can't help but note the ash that sputters from him, tangled in saliva or out on the air in thin wisps, and something in her churns, nervous... a budding worry, to see an omen but not it's cause. no, no, not yet... but, the ash she'd seen, the marketplace... Come on Sophie, focus now, gentle...

@tenebriism // Sophie & Howl!

" Shh... Easy, Howl... you know that's not true... " her answer is ever so softer than the one prior, aged fingertips still messaging as she speaks, his soft hair resting over her knuckles as she does. in her other hand, the vial, which she examines carefully... she could never truly hope to know everything in this place, what it did and could do, much less what was in it, but she'd gotten better of feeling out which to be which after the bath incident; something in the consistency, in the shimmer, in the swirl, in the hold of it... her attention never strays from him for long, even if all she has to spare is her voice, as croaking as she knows it to be now. ( she's half-certain Howl loves the sound of a voice, even if he doesn't answer to it. the noise of people's speaking. she doesn't find her own all that pleasant, but a distraction might be kind to him, now... )

@tenebriism // Sophie & Howl!

" If I had it my way, I'd already have gotten Markl to try his hand at making something to at least soothe your chest! surely I doubt he'd be able to make that cough any worse. or, better yet, find something myself, but... " 'But I don't want to be apart from you. I don't want you to feel as alone as oftentimes, I think you do. I know it to be fleeting, even if you should know I'll come back. The worry, there. I don't want you to convince yourself that you are being proven right...'

— ... all she gives a vague little shrug, and her hand slides from the back & side of his neck to closer toward his shoulder, perhaps a means of holding him in place, as she sets the vial down, and one-handedly works at a gnarled bundle of old herbs ( ginger, mint, chamomile... ), plucking and pinching off the stubborn leaves and long-dried flowers in a hope, quietly, that they might help if she found the just right way to use them. More familiar than the vials and elixirs and concoctions surrounding her at every side... ( She's grateful they're not rotted, by how long they must have been here for... ) —— " Ah, well, maybe later. Can you be good and tell me what's wrong, then...? I hear the cough, but what about a fever? " she briefly considers the idea that she doesn't actually know if wizards can get fevers, at least as intensely as the unmagical, but she chooses to ignore such thoughts as she raises a hand and touches it to his forehead, seeking, attentive...

surely, were there any other injuries, she would find them... ( so rarely does the fire that cause such smog leave only it's ash as a keepsake to the injured... )

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6 months ago

tags transcript below since including them on every reblog is annoying :(

figured asking bc while i'm going through things wld be good to know and i've seen a Lot of other blogs do it on the same blog; tho less with multis i think; so i figured id ask! Aint necessarily if anyone would ACTUALLY interact like that with them; just general pref and IF you did if you'd prefer it on one/the other. ESP since it'd prob mean i Actually Write It in general rather than quillhearths total of 0 posts. usually brain likes having everything in one spot which. occasionally inconvenient BHKGBTR

idk! i'm just curious. i dont do a lot of nsfw period anyway but it Is something that i find an interesting topic to explore just in a character analysis and dynamic exploration basis esp since like. i dont Do That at all n it's fun BKHB this'll be goin for a week! so ye! will be reblogging this a SOLID bit just to get as many eyes as possible on it

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6 months ago

// on mobile rn but just popped the added myses into a museroster on my pinned! I gotta work on the proper doc sometime and fully properly go through it and swap muses around, but yeah! Just for ease of finding it for rn <3 (plus, ive been following more jjk blogs and nobody knows ive got more than just sukuna and megumi rn without it-)

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6 months ago
// I'm Getting The Job At My Local Supermarket!!!!!!!!!! SO Happy About This Even If It Means Im Gonna

// I'm getting the job at my local supermarket!!!!!!!!!! SO happy about this even if it means im gonna be getting even more busy, but YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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6 months ago
Akechi Barely Glances Over From The Papers Held Deftly Between His Fingers, Bound Into A Simple Booklet

Akechi barely glances over from the papers held deftly between his fingers, bound into a simple booklet by only a few stray staples, when he addresses so carelessly and is addressed in turn. It's an easy belief to buy into that he'd not been paying attention at all; the casual, almost modeled ease on his face and his sharp eyes squarely upon the text before him; but the truth lies in the swift glimpses of a red-toned gaze cast towards motion so rarely here and there between his case-work's reading that, fleeting and subtle, tell the truth of it, watching from his peripherals.

He gives a soft & sweet, acknowledging hum from the chair he's sat in, one leg carefully crossed over the other as his jacket hangs draped across its back, and does not look as he is spoken to nearly as though the words that dropped from him in the small room came, somehow, from someone else or simply did not come at all — the smell of his artistic materials, oils and glosses and fresh paints still waiting to be blended into their own pigments again, all scent the room and denote themselves to his latest endeavours, and in that, an indicator perhaps...

"Don't get too ahead of yourself now," Goro's tone is light and airy; not necessarily jovial in nature, but nonetheless lighthearted "You simply don't often go through the trouble of putting your utensils away. I thought it good to praise you for it, with how much easier I'd imagine it to make finding them."

And not to stain paint on every last part of yourself and your clothing, of course...

His eyes flick up, sweetly, over to the blue-haired painter to his flank; all but smiling honeyed and lulling his head in query. "Unless you'd prefer I not? I'd hate to make you uncomfortable, Yusuke-san, if that's the case..!"

A gentle air of taunt, perhaps, in the almost professionalism of his tone and in it, so hard to discern. No, a game to him. Intrigue to the way the other answers. Testing waters, the poke and prod, the eggshells swept away for a more paned glass approach.

"Good boy" // Akechi to Yusuke! >>>:)

Self Explanatory - [ ACCEPTING ] ;;

"Good Boy" // Akechi To Yusuke! >>>:)

Silence. More silence. Even more silence. Forgive him, he's turning the words over in his head like some strange little Rubix Cube, before halting the rotation entirely. " Am I to receive pets for my apparently approved actions? I had not thought you were watching me with such intensity. " It delights him all the same.

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6 months ago



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6 months ago
TAGS MASTERPOST. Below The Cut Is A Master Post Of All Main & Relationship Tags Used Across Blogs. All

TAGS MASTERPOST. ━ below the cut is a master post of all main & relationship tags used across blogs. all MAIN tags are used the same regardless of blog. all dynamic tags are sorted based on blog and URL. this will be updated with any new tags made. dynamic tags' urls and muses will be adjusted as noticed/requested, but it's very likely I won't notice all of them! if you see something, say something!

TAGS MASTERPOST. Below The Cut Is A Master Post Of All Main & Relationship Tags Used Across Blogs. All


━ ♔ you sing but only the pavement listens : ic.

━ ♔ love will cut you & ask you to carry on singing : musing.

━ ♔ blooming forth in every color : prompts.

━ ♔ your slightly mad sea-captain : ooc.

━ ♔ to jump from anywhere & make it home : threads.

━ ♔ eyes roll away like hard green chestnuts : visage.

━ ♔ wanting like flesh knitting over a wound : xxx.

━ ♔ til there’s nothing left to love but yourself : promos.

━ ♔ on such longing i couldn’t spit out : shipping.

━ ♔ shielding your eyes from the bright noon-light : studies.

━ ♔ ass-to-speech can’t save you now : crack.

━ ♔ the new green of spring is shimmering : dash.

━ ♔ the world grows green again when you smile : games.

━ ♔ watch me hold them to the light : saved.

━ ♔ the sun has made them warm : wishlist.

━ ♔ messengers and heralds of the extraordinary : important.

━ ♔ & hunt something you have a hope of killing : psa.

━ ♔ cardinals with snow-brushed wings : asks.

TAGS MASTERPOST. Below The Cut Is A Master Post Of All Main & Relationship Tags Used Across Blogs. All


━ ♔ And it all falls into frame; close enough to see / the blue rings of my eyes as I say / something ugly. ━ JEAN&HARRY: playedbetter

━ ♔ Am I still waiting like a / lamb to the slaughter / does your God believe in you? ━ AKARI&VOLO: ofeggies ━ ♔ Why must this happen? why must this be? I dream of space & time and wake up in 2D ━ MONIKA&NATSUKI: ofeggies ━ ♔ A mannequin adrift at sea / I think perhaps things might be better off this way ━ CHARA&ASRIEL: ofeggies ━ ♔ Slim to none: but not so slim you've got to slip between the cracks. So come back: come back. ━ WHEATLEY&CHELL: ofeggies

━ ♔ Legally gray but sweet with the phrasing / Feet in the grave; but gleefully trading ;; Feeding the cravings ━ SPAMTON&ADA: tendercoded ━ ♔ We know what we are but not what we may be. && If music be the food of love; play on ━ ROUXLS&DANDELION: manebloom

━ ♔ Dear Forgiveness; I saved a plate for you. / quit milling around the yard and come inside. ━ DUSTFINGER&MORRO: mourrow ━ ♔ It's a secret I keep tucked inside my chest / with this heart of mine that's guilty not remorseful. ━ FRISK&CHARA: intodreams ━ ♔ And the rising tide is blasphemy in the softest second sense ━ ANN&MORTY: sweetcst ━ ♔ Can you make it stop? I don't want to: are you sure? I can’t/I won’t: a ritual/a consumption ━ LINK&GANONDORF: adventuroushero ━ ♔ Hurt too hard too long & die too young; silver dollar glistening on your tongue; may your passage be assured ━ LINK&FADO: adventuroushero ━ ♔ As if he’s trying to tell you / that there is some sort of shining star now buried deep inside you ━ LINK&DARK LINK: adventuroushero ━ ♔ the beast comes quietly for all / why do you insist on protecting the sacrificial lamb? ━ ETHAN&GANONDORF: askganondorftobadragmire

━ ♔ Its nautical themed; And theres something I’m supposed to say / But I can’t for the life of me remember what it is ━ 4&3: tripleinkstrke ━ ♔ only as cruel as the first time I realized / waving my tiny shadow over a pond to scare the copper minnows ━ SMALLFRY&3: tripleinkstrke

━ ♔ It seems unforgiving when a good thing ends; but you & I will always be back then ━ MONO&SIX: paleciity ━ ♔ They're all so busy yelling; not one of them is hearing / the hissing from the bottom of the boat ━ MONO&RUNAWAY: paleciity ━ ♔ My claws are dull now so don't be afraid / I could keep you warm as long as you can try to be brave ━ HUNTER&RUNAWAY: paleciity

━ ♔ Just believe me when I say / I mean no harm; open arms; I will keep you safe until you / Pass me the knife ━ AKECHI/YUSUKE: tenebriism ━ ♔ Girls like you; they dont come with guarantees / so if you've gotta spend your time; wont you spend it with me? ━ RYUJI&AKARI: leuvspell

━ ♔ Because you had him first / and you would let the world break its own neck if it means keeping him. ━ GANONDORF/LINK: scarfbond ━ ♔ After the foxes have known our taste; After the raven has had his say; I'd be home with you / I'd be home with you ━ LINK/GAIA: gldhte

━ ♔ Souvenez-vous la prochaine fois; Que vient la neige et le fracas / On n'va pas tous mourir ━ KIM/HARRY: playedbetter ━ ♔ When I first saw you the end was soon; to Bethlehem it slouched / & then it must’ve caught a good look at you ━ HARRY/KIM: playedbetter

━ ♔ You are sick: and you’re married: and you might be dying; but you’re holding me like water in your hands. ━ JAMIE/ETHAN: jfouler ━ ♔ Silver; crystal; carousel your effervescent touch / But everybody knows that home is where your teeth sink love ━ BILLY/STU: cardedsoul ━ ♔ You spin the barrel of a fully━loaded gun; If there's no winning might as well just have some fun! ━ JD/VERONICA: ofeggies ━ ♔ Try to get out but we just keep stickin' around / cause it’s a very good bad thing we've found. ━ CESARE/STEVE: z0mburger ━ ♔ Buzzing razor held aloft & just about to strike; I loved you before even ever I knew what love was like ━ KYLE/JACKET: campblcd

━ ♔ If you need a friend I'm sailing right behind ; like a bridge over troubled water; I will ease your mind ━ RAY/PETE: pseudoneiric ━ ♔ You wonder who’s calling your name; shame how nobody knows you / nobody knows you and neither do I ━ RAY/STEBBINS: pseudoneiric ━ ♔ Lipstick on the backseat. saliva on the dash ; I've clawed my way out of here before but I keep on coming back ━ RAY/GARY: pseudoneiric

━ ♔ Every version of me dead and buried in the yard outside / We'd sit back and watch the world go by ━ SANS/O’DELLE: theyrots

TAGS MASTERPOST. Below The Cut Is A Master Post Of All Main & Relationship Tags Used Across Blogs. All


━ ♔ Oh please just hide behind this back of mine & save your helpless spite / knock on the door; access denied. ━ ALEX&MICHAEL: prizecxrner ━ ♔ You took my hand when you woke up. / we all die alone but I am so glad that you are here ━ MARI&MICHAEL: prizecxrner

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━ ♔ you sing but only the pavement listens : ic. ━ ♔ love will cut you & ask you to carry on singing : musing. ━ ♔ blooming forth in every color : prompts. ━ ♔ your slightly mad sea-captain : ooc. ━ ♔ to jump from anywhere & make it home : threads. ━ ♔ eyes roll away like hard green chestnuts : visage. ━ ♔ wanting like flesh knitting over a wound : xxx. ━ ♔ til there’s nothing left to love but yourself : promos. ━ ♔ on such longing i couldn’t spit out : shipping. ━ ♔ shielding your eyes from the bright noon-light : studies. ━ ♔ ass-to-speech can’t save you now : crack. ━ ♔ the new green of spring is shimmering : dash. ━ ♔ the world grows green again when you smile : games. ━ ♔ watch me hold them to the light : saved. ━ ♔ the sun has made them warm : wishlist. ━ ♔ messengers and heralds of the extraordinary : important. ━ ♔ & hunt something you have a hope of killing : psa. ━ ♔ cardinals with snow-brushed wings : asks. ━ ♔ And it all falls into frame; close enough to see / the blue rings of my eyes as I say / something ugly. ━ JEAN&HARRY: playedbetter ━ ♔ Am I still waiting like a / lamb to the slaughter / does your God believe in you? ━ AKARI&VOLO: ofeggies ━ ♔ Why must this happen? why must this be? I dream of space & time and wake up in 2D ━ MONIKA&NATSUKI: ofeggies ━ ♔ A mannequin adrift at sea / I think perhaps things might be better off this way ━ CHARA&ASRIEL: ofeggies ━ ♔ Slim to none: but not so slim you've got to slip between the cracks. So come back: come back. ━ WHEATLEY&CHELL: ofeggies ━ ♔ Legally gray but sweet with the phrasing / Feet in the grave; but gleefully trading ;; Feeding the cravings ━ SPAMTON&ADA: tendercoded ━ ♔ We know what we are but not what we may be. && If music be the food of love; play on ━ ROUXLS&DANDELION: manebloom ━ ♔ Dear Forgiveness; I saved a plate for you. / quit milling around the yard and come inside. ━ DUSTFINGER&MORRO: mourrow ━ ♔ It's a secret I keep tucked inside my chest / with this heart of mine that's guilty not remorseful. ━ FRISK&CHARA: intodreams ━ ♔ And the rising tide is blasphemy in the softest second sense ━ ANN&MORTY: sweetcst ━ ♔ Can you make it stop? I don't want to: are you sure? I can’t/I won’t: a ritual/a consumption ━ LINK&GANONDORF: adventuroushero ━ ♔ Hurt too hard too long & die too young; silver dollar glistening on your tongue; may your passage be assured ━ LINK&FADO: adventuroushe
6 months ago
"What Makes You Think They'll Care? Whatever Damage You Cause Is Going To Be Much More Trouble Than It's

"What makes you think they'll care? Whatever damage you cause is going to be much more trouble than it's worth, anyway."

"Don't. I'm Not Cleaning What You Break If You Do." Of Course He Would Try That...

"Don't. I'm not cleaning what you break if you do." of course he would try that...

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6 months ago
// Okay! The Blog For The Most Part Has At Last Been Redone Graphically! I'm Not Entirely Happy With

// Okay! the blog — for the most part — has at last been redone graphically! I'm not entirely happy with everything, namely the header and the icon border, and I still need to update my muse roster and rules a little bit; namely finding a different template, but! it is done!!

Next thing on the menu: going through the blogs posts, the drafts, and inbox, and clearing things out!!! we're going full clean. I just have too many things to do right now unfortunately, so drafts especially will be hit, but inbox will be less cleaned through. I'll also be sweeping through my muses and deciding who I want to stay, to move around, etc.

Which, speaking of: new muses that are going to be added!

test. Satoru Gojo : Jujutsu Kaisen Itadori Yuji / Sukuna : Jujutsu Kaisen Kento Nanami : Jujutsu Kaisen Sophie Hatter : Howls Moving Castle Loop : In Stars and Time Isabeau : In Stars and Time The King : In Stars and Time

for now, that's all! I may adjust them as I please as I'm watching through JJK still, but here they are!

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7 months ago
// I Finally Got Around To Watching Howls Moving Castle (and Soon, Reading It's Book!!!) And GODDDD I

// i finally got around to watching howls moving castle (and soon, reading it's book!!!) and GODDDD i love it sm.... blaming @tenebriism for the sheer virtue of having a VERY good howl muse reminding me of how GOOD a movie it is <3 maybe adding sophie or some of the others will finally bully me into finishing up this blog's revamp...

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8 months ago

big fan of liars. big fan of characters whose entire existence is a facade. love it when everything's stripped away from them and the lie is the only thing left of their identity. love it when the lines between an act and the truth are blurring. are they even them without the lie? the lie doesn't become the truth per se, but it's now such an intricate part of them it might as well be.

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8 months ago

A short-ish fancomic poem thing about my hc for Zelda

(best read from left to right)

A Short-ish Fancomic Poem Thing About My Hc For Zelda
A Short-ish Fancomic Poem Thing About My Hc For Zelda
A Short-ish Fancomic Poem Thing About My Hc For Zelda
A Short-ish Fancomic Poem Thing About My Hc For Zelda
A Short-ish Fancomic Poem Thing About My Hc For Zelda
A Short-ish Fancomic Poem Thing About My Hc For Zelda
A Short-ish Fancomic Poem Thing About My Hc For Zelda
A Short-ish Fancomic Poem Thing About My Hc For Zelda
A Short-ish Fancomic Poem Thing About My Hc For Zelda
A Short-ish Fancomic Poem Thing About My Hc For Zelda

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8 months ago

Send "What if they kissed?"

and I'll write a scene where our muses kiss, even if they aren't shipped together. it is it's own thing and doesn't have to lead to an official ship. a "what if scenario"

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8 months ago

// Forgot to say bc busy but july 7th was me birthday! 19 now :] ill update stuff when i get home

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