// Something Something Loki Is So Caught-up In The Intricacies Of Being Human That He Seeks To Prove
// something something loki is so caught-up in the intricacies of being human that he seeks to prove himself wrong by virtue of pride and honor in godhood <- i may expand on this Later. it is up to the will of god
flockrest liked this · 1 year ago
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// @playedbetter tags!!
━ ♔ Souvenez-vous la prochaine fois; Que vient la neige et le fracas / On n'va pas tous mourir ━ KIM/HARRY: playedbetter ^ my kim, translation: Do you remember the first time That the snow and the roar came? We are not all going to die
━ ♔ When I first saw you the end was soon; to Bethlehem it slouched / & then it must’ve caught a good look at you ━ HARRY/KIM: playedbetter ^ my harry
━ ♔ And it all falls into frame; close enough to see / the blue rings of my eyes as I say / something ugly. ━ JEAN&HARRY: playedbetter
"i'm not scared of death anymore." (Harry to Kim)

" You should be. " the words pop off his tongue, off his teeth before he can stop them. a blunt bitterness, levelheaded but thoughtless, true mind lunging like a spring. he's been something braced since the tribunal, something bruised, something tense and rigid and battered, a broken mirror waiting for its frame to let go. Stubborn as he is, though, he wouldn't let it. there is work to do. he has endured the worst day of his life already.
But something about Harry, something about the ridges of him, his language, his mind, his body ━ the inflamed lines of veins down the injured leg, angle of the shoulder to the neck rested against the bed's cushioning, knuckles stern with twitching fingers in his sleep. mandible ( jaw ). sternum ( chest ). patella ( kneecap ). his silhouette now. an inspiration. a reluctance. ; learning it to care. caring to learn. ━ made him fast. practiced opinions shedding skins for the real ones beneath, something more genuine, allowed to be; here, with him.
a blessing and curse. freedom at the cost of being shackled elsewhere, there is no one like him. his tone unchanging, but a knowingness beneath it. he understands the threat. he aims for the throat. ━ impulse, impulse, impulse ━ pull the trigger.
He did. You should be. A lesson learned the hard way.
the Lieutenant isn't wearing his gloves as he takes a drag, subtle ridges of nylon pockets revealing where the gloves had hidden as fingernails are tinged with the remains of dried blood cracked in the digits ━ harry's blood. ━ ghostly, concealed, but Harry would open anything. " Self preservation is imperative now more than ever, Detective. " ━ ( Detective, not Officer. He only called you Officer when he was angry with you. )
" Krenel has not sent retaliation, but that doesn't mean we are safe. " the words come like reasoning he didn't need to explain, an understanding between them ( 'This is not the first person to die in his place. He goes on.' you remember, right? pray for it ) but the motions being danced through regardless. Flimsy at best; in the way Kim is never flimsy.
The Lieutenant's eyes move from where they'd been poised, out the broken window of Harry's hotel room, cold breeze whistling through the cracks, and instead they shift onto Harry. Studying for a moment. The smell of chestnut Astras laces garotte lines through the room.
" ... Or, are you leaving me to the wolves so soon? " a brow raises over the gleaming lenses of his glasses seemingly at his own selfish, dry wit; lingering on his tongue. or is he serious? the light makes it hard to tell, but no less heavenly a halo. maybe it's the concussion.
🐝 * ― 𝑪𝑨𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺. ( add " + " to reverse the action. )
❛ do you want to tell me about your day? ❜ ❛ here, you look like you're freezing. ❜ ❛ i love you just the way you are, and i'm here to remind you of that whenever you need here. ❜ ❛ i promise i'll always be here if you need me. ❜ ❛ i wish i could take away all your pain. ❜ ❛ i'll stand by you, no matter what challenges may come our way. ❜ ❛ i'm gonna make sure nothing bad will ever happen to you. ❜ ❛ if you need a shoulder to lean on or someone to listen, i'm here. ❜ ❛ if you need someone to talk to i'm always just one phone call away. ❜ ❛ it's okay. i've got you. you're safe now. ❜ ❛ it's okay to feel this way, we've all been there. ❜ ❛ it's okay to lean on others for support occasionally. ❜ ❛ just let me take care of you for a bit. ❜ ❛ no matter what happens, you'll always have a place in my heart. ❜ ❛ what do you need me to do to make you feel better? ❜ ❛ you can always ask me for help if you need it. ❜ ❛ you just relax and let me do the rest. you deserve a break. ❜ ❛ you look like you could use a hug. ❜ ❛ you're always taking care of me so no it's my turn to return the favor. ❜ ❛ you're not alone in this. i'm here for you, no matter what. ❜
[ blanket ] sender draping a blanket over receiver's shoulders [ breaths ] sender helping receiver to calm down by using breathing techniques [ compliment ] sender complimenting receiver to make them smile [ cry ] sender offering receiver a shoulder to cry on [ gift ] sender giving receiver a small gift [ hand ] sender holding receiver's hand while they're walking [ hug ] sender pulling receiver into a tight embrace [ injured ] sender helping an injured receiver with everyday tasks [ jokes ] sender trying to make receiver laugh [ kindness ] sender surprising receiver with random acts of kindness [ massage ] sender giving receiver a shoulder massage to tend to their sore muscles [ patterns ] sender drawing random patterns on receiver's skin [ pillow ] sender offering receiver to use them as a pillow [ scars ] sender gently tracing receiver's scars [ sick ] sender bringing a sick receiver whatever they need ( food / medicine / etc. ) [ steady ] sender wrapping an arm around receiver's waist to steady them [ support ] sender quietly sitting down next to receiver to let them know they're there [ touch ] sender letting receiver know they're there through simple touch [ warmth ] sender pulling receiver into their arms to share body heat [ wound ] sender cleaning / bandaging receiver's wound(s)

PERMANENT SHIPPING CALL. ━ please like this post or comment if you're interested in romantically shipping muses with me! I'll DM you ( typically on discord if I have your username ) and we can discuss! If you'd like to get the ball rolling, you can comment with what muses of yours you think might be most applicable for a pairing and we can see what works! we do not need to have interacted before now for you to like this.
PROMPTS FROM REIGN * assorted dialogue from the television show
you don't sound very enthusiastic.
now's not a good time.
i opened my heart to a liar.
you are a necessary evil whose orbit i can't seem to escape.
there is always risk.
what happened between us can never happen again.
do you flirt with everyone?
how do you feel?
if the price is my life, i will give it.
my heart says i should be with you, no matter what.
you shouldn't be here.
we belong together. i won't lose you to another.
we can only love each other.
i can't bear to think about a future anymore, not without you.
i'm scared of being alone.
are you alone? are you with someone?
i know it's not what you want to hear.
i never said i was a good man.
it's not about that.
we were supposed to dance under the stars.
i can't believe this is goodbye.
to see your smile is to feel the sun.
you don't want to marry me.
you want to hear something honest? i would do anything to keep you.
i love you. i am your equal.
those memories are a part of me. but i am stronger than they are.
there were other ways of handling this.
you must continue to sacrifice.
history is written by survivors.
you will blame yourself, most of all.
i am quite happy with my view.
i don't care what you learn, as long as you don't forget.
you have no intention of marrying me.
i refuse to surrender.
you're beautiful and clever and unpredictable.
danger surrounds me here, and i am in your debt.
are you in danger too?
i never saw any ghosts.
whatever happens, i'll never leave you.
now i am lying to you.
i love you, and i thank god for the time we've had.
i lose everyone i love.
i'm not sure i trust my own fate anymore.
what odd turns our lives have taken.
do we trust each other?
love is irrelevant to people like us.
there are forces that conspire, forces of darkness, forces of the heart.
your taste in men always did leave something to be desired.
how awful must you find me to do this.
you do realize that we're going to be married someday, don't you?
i don't know who you are, or why you hide, but your warning saved me.
i'm sorry we've come to this.
tell me why you're so afraid.
i am yours this night.
love is never simple. not that i'm any expert.
it makes me feel better.
my spirit is inside you as yours is inside mine.
you don't want this at all.
you fought so hard for me.
stop shutting me out.
this is the most dangerous thing you have ever done.
i'm not scared of death anymore.
i've learned to live with wanting things i can't have.
ruling requires that your hands be drenched in blood.
what if they saw you?
i show no mercy.
i don't know how much time we have left, but every moment matters.
you are so beautiful.
i want you to know i did not mean those words i said. i didn't even mean them in the moment.
our love will die here.
i take no pleasure in being right.
we've been over this already.
i don't know who to believe or to trust.
i'll protect you.
i can barely bear to have you look at me.
is this how it's going to be from now on? both of us constantly wondering what the other is up to?
things could change.
you seem shaken.
i'm still in some pain and i prefer not to be touched.
why is this so difficult?
take a stand, my love.
have you learned nothing?
i want you to listen to me carefully.
we're alone. there's no need.
you're not charming me tonight.
you crushed the rebellion by yourself.
love like that doesn't just disappear.
we can't do this.
may god have mercy on your soul.
is that what you want to hear?
do not test my power and do not tempt my fury.
what have you been discussing, the weather?
you cannot relent.
to what do i owe this surprise?
i won't let you do it.
the more we try to help each other, the more harm we do.
safe choices don't always make us safe.
i want you forever.
i think i shall never see you again.
when you came into my room, i shouldn't have said what i did.
i know you had a life before i got here.
stop being so strong, so perfect...
it's not that simple.
real love never fades, not truly.
tell me, what would hurt more? knowing the person you love will die, or knowing they're alive but you cannot have them?
i'd probably try to kiss you.
i love you. and one of us should be happy.
we have been given a miraculous second chance.
i thank you for your protection last night.
this was not an action of passion.
if i'm as responsible as you say, i will never forgive myself.
you must leave immediately.
i take things sometimes.
i had sex in that greenhouse once.
tell me when you want me to stop.
your life is more valuable than this.
just know whatever happens, this is not the end i dreamed for us.
men in general like to win.
why are you here?
i pay attention.
i love you. you do know that, no matter what i've done.
look where that love has brought us.
i'd rather have hope with you than certainty anywhere else.
i was only interested in claiming you.
your heart was my light.
you just said something about my ass.
i will spill blood to defend what's mine.
you must love again.
without you my heart is closed as tight as a fist.
why do you dismiss me?
you do not need to seduce a man who already wants you.
i wanted to give you the chance to do the right thing and i still believe you will.