MUSE / Loki - Tumblr Posts

━ At times, Loki’s magic will spark off his hands, leaving trails of glimmering green light in the wake of his fingers’ movements and briefly staining objects with their glow before fizzling out. it’s not a constant occurrence, and often only happening if intended or when experiencing a strong emotion like sudden startled fear. He attempts to subdue it best he can, considering it a show of lack of control and therefore lack of magical prowess & skill. It’s more common when drunk.
━ He’s got a higher alcohol tolerance than Thor. This is one of a brief handful of things he’s been able to hold over Thor, especially in their younger days sneaking alcohol and playing drinking games they’d seen the others do or ones they came up with in secluded areas. The effects of alcohol also wear off far quicker than for most others. In regards to other addictive substances, he’s dabbled, but never particularly been keen of any, mostly just sticking to alcohol. He’s particularly vulnerable to hallucinogens.
━ This is canon, but worth mentioning : Genderfluid Omniromantic Omnisexual icon. Go on you legend. You can’t get me to forgive Disney, but I appreciate you regardless.
━ Old wounds & the wear and tear that overuse of illusionary magic cause him to put up with a fair amount of pain, and his less than stellar ( & underfeeding ) diet does him little favor. His left leg occasionally leaves him with a limp from pain shooting up his shin from his ankle to his knee, lasting a small while, but notable. His neck & shoulders will ache from time to time, granting the habit of rolling & cracking his shoulders, neck & jaw. He’ll also do so as an intimidation effort, if he feels like it.
━ Loki has a difficult time discerning romantic attraction to others within himself, and somewhat in general. He’s capable of identification with other attractions, though does struggle from time to time, especially when they are directed to him from others instead of stemming internally, but if questioned on his own feelings, he trips over himself & fumbles to try and sort it out in his mind. he mistakes the want of understanding & the sweetness of attention for love, or tricks himself into believing as much for one reason or another. he struggles with identifying genuine love, and not just putting the wrong name to something that was only just a specific longing of care, and nothing more, causing those bridges to crumble when the weight capacity is over-estimated due to mis-identification of what it’s made of in the first place. this… adds more rough terrain to his already rocky past with relationships.

━ Loki has a tendency to hoard food more than actually eat. It’s not uncommon for him to hide stashes of containers of food around places he considers a home, or at least he considers safe, at times even putting illusions on them to ensure they’d go undiscovered. it’s not difficult to snare his wrath if you were to steal from him. its unclear why he does this & why he’s so possessive of it, but given he’s been in prisons for much of his life which often don’t give up a buffet if they can help it ( some, if not most he’s been within, bordering on starvation tactics, yet another thing he’s become incredibly accustomed to ) is likely the cause, or at least a reason.
━ As a soothing mechanism when faced with restraining his temper, he’ll tongue over his teeth & molars. it tends to act as a sense of intimidation, be that intended or not. Then again, one should always fear an angry god.
━ He’s always been keen for blades, in and out of battle. Obviously his weapon of choice is the dagger if available, but his use of knives aren’t limited to just that. He used to aid his Father & Thor in preparing game, including skinning and de-boning game. Cattle, swine, poultry, fish. Tying to this, he simply enjoys the act of properly working with his hands that comes with using a knife and cooking, even if its rare to find him in a kitchen without being poked and prodded.
━ He’s surprisingly easy to bruise, something he was often embarrassed by in his youth. the marks heal easily, as one might suspect, but they appear much too often for his liking.
━ He’s always had a hard time crying, regardless of if its on cue or genuine. He’d suppressed the impulse & want so long and so vehemently that it’s incredibly difficult, often forcing him to rely upon illusions when using alligator tears to his advantage. On the few occasions he does cry, it often leads to full-on sobbing. He’s not beautiful when he weeps, but then again, no one is.
// something something loki is so caught-up in the intricacies of being human that he seeks to prove himself wrong by virtue of pride and honor in godhood <- i may expand on this Later. it is up to the will of god
// remind me to write some metas abt Loki tomorrow but in the meantime, i rewatched Thor. the most meta-y bits from me liveblogging it

@mobiues // loki & mobius!

Loki tries to wrench his arm free, and the contact feels like a fire against the skin to him. But resisting it feels worse.
The way hot is cold and cold is hot, and something in them is burning up. The shiver-shake-speed up of being wounded, of being pinned down. — not a pin, just a snare — no, a cradle. not hare stuck in bramble, not salmon caught in web, not a preyish thing being caught in the maw of something bigger than him, he and his many arms, he and his many snares. It isn’t the same. He has to remember that.
Remembering is difficult in a place with no time. Remembering is difficult when he reaches up, compulsive, to drag his fingers over his neck to see if there's still a collar there. — like a misbehaving hound you pushed back in the kennel until they learned not to bite. like teaching the hard way, the way they were raised, the way of hard lessons and hard wars and hard laws to live by but they had to live by them; decisions already made. decisions they had to keep making.
Reality. Breathe, lungs burning, focus or it'll get you killed. Loki looks to Mobius, coming back to the right-here right-now and the angle of which the skin frames his eyes make him look a little more harsh than maybe he intends. The look of a man who’s been through this before. The look of a man who’d kill you not to go through it again. — but you already know what he’s gone through, a thousand different iterations, a thousand different wounds; you’ve watched him die, Mobius, and he knows it. The wicker frame of his scarecrow body only proves you right, only does so much.
He was never much of a fighter, and even if he was, it’s never enough in the TVA.
“ Let me go. “ the words bite out of him before anything he meant to say can overtake them, like that dog in that kennel. the God continues, composure humming back into him like remembering who you are after a bad dream. He wasn’t going to wake up, but he’s gotten good at thinking on his feet. “ I will handle this later. The longer we wait the more we waste— “ he hisses a breath through his teeth, maybe irritation, maybe pain. Mobius is the expert, isn’t he? Too bad he wasn’t the doctor, too.

“ —I know you and your merry men don’t exactly have time-keeping beyond keeping time, but surely, you understand the urgency I am impressing upon you, yes? “ Loki tries to stray, and the burning only thickens, a lesson they have to learn the hard way.
( Even through the unspoken determination of ‘I’ll drag you if I must’, the way it is sometimes a test of will against the divine to hold them and to keep them at all. He lived into his act of the snake very well, didn’t he? )