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1 year ago

@disassnbler // cal & N!

@disassnbler // Cal & N!

none of them knew the wormhole could spit out just whatever it felt like, not until now; even with what Tangent had been claiming when she wasn't cooped up in her lab that it couldn't. nothing does not create something. there is always a reason. they'd been yet to find a reason, a good one, anyway. some, like Cal, just accepted and welcomed the bot. others, like Anemone and Solane were a little more wary. some were tearing their hair out trying to figure out where he came from, and how ━ spearheaded by Tangent herself and Instance, predictably.

The first theories were that the Heliopause harbored an AI piloted drone which was lost during going through the wormhole, but the Helios answered unhesitatingly that they didn't have anything of the sort ━ their technology was advanced compared to the Stratospheric, but their AI was feeble in comparison despite their pride; they could make the body, maybe, but they didn't, and even if they did they couldn't have made the AI as intelligent as he proved he was ( 'bordering on human' was the first thing Vace had said when seeing him, and Tangent was beginning to realize that that sentiment wasn't as far off as they might've expected. )

The next theory had been that he was sent from Earth alongside the Heliopause, or shortly after, but the timing didn't work, and neither did the story; he was from Earth, but there was no Copper-9, at least not in Earth's recently remembered galactic history and definitely not in Vertumna's, and while N was a pilot, there'd been no craft with him as far as they could find, even if there was the timing of which he must've left earth and arrived, using the Heliopause and Stratospheric for reference didn't match. ━ so many questions, and a never-ending list of contradictions.

━ they were still looking for answers, the how and why and when, but roughly, everyone had acquainted themselves with living alongside the robot, began becoming friends with him ; it was easier than had first been expected, especially when Vace discovered his combat capability. ━ Cal, on the other hand, was more interested in him himself! forget the technicalities, this could be a new buddy, and he could only imagine how jarring all of this was to begin with, too... he wanted to be a minor source of stability for him, if he could be at all. something simple. something easy. ( farmwork tended to fall into at least one of those categories, anyway... )

@disassnbler // Cal & N!

" Yep! Floatcow leather, reinforced with an internal synthetic webbing to make it tougher. " Cal flexed the gloves, colored a deep brown, as if to assert his honesty with a display alone. " Maybe not the best for temperature management, these aren't made from the helium bladders, but if it helps, it takes a lot to burn me! "

He pats his bicep. " As a youngster we all get genetic modifications here, and mine was always being the right temperature. Makes freezing or getting burned a little harder than it usually is! " ━ he speaks with some strain and hauls up a bag of soil under one arm as he keeps the other mostly free, tubing coiled like a snake around his elbow. " Also means I don't gotta sweat. "

with only a tanktop in the way of his upper-body, a tattoo peeking out from below the hem as the sun beat down on him, it seemed to be true. " Real useful during Dust! which... how's your cooling? not too sure if you'll like it much- "

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1 year ago
"don't Touch That Dial Now, We're Just Getting Started."

"don't touch that dial now, we're just getting started." 🔪

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