she/her || some call me Ginger || I write some stuff. Find me on AO3: Random_Inked_Thoughts
256 posts
Sorry Sorry I Hate To Tread On Your Amazing Idea, But I Got Inspired And Wanted To Write Something For
Sorry sorry I hate to tread on your amazing idea, but I got inspired and wanted to write something for it! :D
“Pat?” Virgil’s voice was soft, his eyes wide and confused. Patton could feel himself ripping in two even as he looked at the other side, too ashamed of his past actions to respond. Virgil glanced down to the floor. He bit his lip.
“Patton?” Now Roman spoke, and unlike Virgil, his voice was guarded, his tone sharp. “What did you just say?” The creative side looked down on the man he thought was his friend, and Patton could feel tears prick in the corners of his eyes.
“I didn’t mean to,” he whispered. “I would never mean to hurt you.” Patton wouldn’t make eye contact with either of them, shakily fiddiling with his glasses.
“I don’t understand why you all are are so confused,” Logan said, though even his voice carried a twinge or sadness in it. “He already told us that he was the one to push the others away.” Logan paused, closing his eyes for only a moment before regaining his composure. “Deciet, Remus, and... Virgil.”
Virgil wouldn’t look up from the ground, now chewing nervously on his fingernail.
“Kiddo?” Patton asked desperately, voice cracking with emotion and barely more than a whisper. “I didn’t mean to. You believe me, right? We’re the bestest most dynamicest duo, right?”
Virgil still wouldn’t look at him. When he finally spoke once more, his voice was charged with something akin to wistfulness. “When Thomas was a teenager, I really started to hold some sway over his actions, maybe moreso than any of you. It was a huge responsibility, and I tried to manage it accordingly. At the time, I felt as though I was doing what was best for Thomas, keeping him safe. And everyone hated me for it.” Virgil’s tone had turned sour. “I never understood that part. I was just trying to help, just doing what I was supposed to do. And everyone pushed me away for it. So I pushed back. I was confused as to why anyone would try to silence me, and I grew bitter. I struggled so hard to get out of that endless loop of hatred and loathing.” Virgil let out a humorless laugh. “It’s good to know that the ones who pushed me away are, deep down, no better than me.”
Patton let out a little, choked sounding sob.
Virgil looked up then, making direct eye contact with Patton. “Trying to force my way back to you was the worst decision I’ve ever made.” Virgil bit his lip again, pain clear on his face.
Patton inhaled, his whole body shuttering, the tears in his eyes threatening to overflow. He couldn’t even bring himself to call out for Virgil one last time.
“Virgil, wait-“ Logan tried, and then Virgil was gone. He didn’t sink out, he was just gone. And Patton could feel the hole in his heart growing.
Roman spoke up then. “He’s right, you know.”
Patton whirled around to face the creative side.
“When Thomas was young, no older than five or six, Remus was always there with me. When I was sad, he would comfort me. When he was in trouble, I would cover for him. We were inseparable.” It was Roman’s turn to laugh, though it came out more a mockery of a laugh than anything else. “Well... we were inseparable. Clearly we were quite separable by the time you started to dictate who was or wasn’t good for Thomas.” Roman shook his head. “You’re no better than the monsters you made them out to be. I’m done with this conversation.”
Very slowly, Roman sunk down, clearly repressed tears beginning to fall.
And Patton stood there, torn almost to shreds, tears falling freely down his face. Very slowly, he turned to face Logan, who remained emotionless. “Lo?” He whispered.
“Ah, Patton.” Logan was inspecting a speck of dust on his shirt. “I- I think I should just leave right now. It would be the... ah, logical thing to do.”
Patton nodded, more to himself than Logan, as Logan hastily sank out of the room. As soon as he was gone, Patton collapsed to the ground. Tears dripped from his cheeks to the floor. His shaky breathing seemed to fill the room, a terrifying crescendo of all of his wrongdoings.
And so Patton sat there, and he sobbed.
Please don’t leave me.
I just wanted what was best for Thomas.
More tears hit the floor. Drip, drop. Drip, drop.
just imagine it comes out that Patton (even if unintentional) was responsible for separating the dark and light sides. Like IMAGINE the angst especially with Virgil and Patton’s relationship and then Remus and Roman probably missing so much time together
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More Posts from Randomfandomginger
Ooh, fun! Thanks for the tag!
1) Author (I still want this lol)
2) Vet
3) Actress (for about three seconds)
4) Lawyer
5) Youtuber
I’ll tag @rowan-is-a-legal-derp and @castibella-shipper-of-the-lord :D
Five things I wanted to be when I grew up
I was tagged by @wickednerdery on my main account (@ultrarebelheart)
1. Archaeologist 2. Writer 3. Lawyer 4. Psychologist 5. Teacher
I am tagging: @dreatine @dontshootmespence @stunudo @thorne93 @literallyprentissstwin @heycasbutt @cherrybombs-and-rabbitholes

Thank you to whoever made this :) I felt like posting some writing tips.
This is freaking adorable! I would love to see this.
Sanders Sides Next Side Theory/Headcanon
The next side to be revealed is Orange. He represents Depression. He’s Virgil’s older twin brother.
He wears a really big pullover hoodie and baggy sweatpants and socks, not even shoes because he doesn’t care.
His dark side face feature thing (since we’ve all noticed at this point that all dark sides introduced have something on their face) is black lipstick and it’s literally the only thing he routinely upkeeps.
He shows up for a second during a video where Virgil has been summoned but didn’t have time to grab his hoodie. Orange hands Virgil his hoodie that he forgot and just leaves without a word.
The first reaction to him is just Virgil sighing loudly and pinching his nose as he puts his hoodie back on. Virgil tells the others “sorry, that’s just my brother, I forgot this and he knows I need it”. The sides all just take a minute to fully accept that quietly before slowly picking back up on the conversation.
Once they pick the conversation back up, Orange is back to bother Virgil again by sitting on the steps behind him with yarn and is just there knitting for the entire discussion.
During the end card he holds up three scarves with the light sides’ logos and color schemes on them and Orange says “hey, guys, I made you scarves too!” all excited and adorable. The light sides accept them and now own scarves gifted to them by a dark side.
Orange is just morally grey, really tired all the time, and doesn’t express emotions well.

Frog has message for you! (Click him)
Aziraphale has a snake habitat lil setup in his bookshop but it's frequently empty and his customers are frequently 1) confused and 2) worried there's a snake loose in the shop.
Crowley is minding the shop for a moment and a customer asks him where the snake went. Crowley says, "Oh, he likes to get up and walk around sometimes." This helps nothing.