Unsympathetic Patton - Tumblr Posts
I would like for people to tag stuff like unsympathetic patton / logan / roman as Well please since those can cause huge uncomfort as Well, as much as people Dont like remus i would like to be warned when people write angst about patton abusing him, Also tag your romantic remrom Cus to most That shit can be nasty
Dear Sanders Sides Fans
I’m not begrudging you, I love this fandom. I love Thomas and Joan and all the light they bring to the world but can I please ask—
Can you please, please tag your triggering content when it comes to Remus? As someone who suffers from intrusive thoughts, I have used Thomas’ advice to try and get a better handle on my own, but sometimes, I will run by posts, that are very graphic and will set off my intrusive thoughts very badly, specifically for graphic bodily harm, specifically to the eyes. And they will not have any tags that I can block or any way to warn me of the content I’m seeing before it just shows up on my dashboard.
I’m not trying to be mean or anything, I have just had it happen enough times to the point where I felt the need to say something. Please, please, please tag your gore when it comes to Remus, or any character.
Sorry sorry I hate to tread on your amazing idea, but I got inspired and wanted to write something for it! :D
“Pat?” Virgil’s voice was soft, his eyes wide and confused. Patton could feel himself ripping in two even as he looked at the other side, too ashamed of his past actions to respond. Virgil glanced down to the floor. He bit his lip.
“Patton?” Now Roman spoke, and unlike Virgil, his voice was guarded, his tone sharp. “What did you just say?” The creative side looked down on the man he thought was his friend, and Patton could feel tears prick in the corners of his eyes.
“I didn’t mean to,” he whispered. “I would never mean to hurt you.” Patton wouldn’t make eye contact with either of them, shakily fiddiling with his glasses.
“I don’t understand why you all are are so confused,” Logan said, though even his voice carried a twinge or sadness in it. “He already told us that he was the one to push the others away.” Logan paused, closing his eyes for only a moment before regaining his composure. “Deciet, Remus, and... Virgil.”
Virgil wouldn’t look up from the ground, now chewing nervously on his fingernail.
“Kiddo?” Patton asked desperately, voice cracking with emotion and barely more than a whisper. “I didn’t mean to. You believe me, right? We’re the bestest most dynamicest duo, right?”
Virgil still wouldn’t look at him. When he finally spoke once more, his voice was charged with something akin to wistfulness. “When Thomas was a teenager, I really started to hold some sway over his actions, maybe moreso than any of you. It was a huge responsibility, and I tried to manage it accordingly. At the time, I felt as though I was doing what was best for Thomas, keeping him safe. And everyone hated me for it.” Virgil’s tone had turned sour. “I never understood that part. I was just trying to help, just doing what I was supposed to do. And everyone pushed me away for it. So I pushed back. I was confused as to why anyone would try to silence me, and I grew bitter. I struggled so hard to get out of that endless loop of hatred and loathing.” Virgil let out a humorless laugh. “It’s good to know that the ones who pushed me away are, deep down, no better than me.”
Patton let out a little, choked sounding sob.
Virgil looked up then, making direct eye contact with Patton. “Trying to force my way back to you was the worst decision I’ve ever made.” Virgil bit his lip again, pain clear on his face.
Patton inhaled, his whole body shuttering, the tears in his eyes threatening to overflow. He couldn’t even bring himself to call out for Virgil one last time.
“Virgil, wait-“ Logan tried, and then Virgil was gone. He didn’t sink out, he was just gone. And Patton could feel the hole in his heart growing.
Roman spoke up then. “He’s right, you know.”
Patton whirled around to face the creative side.
“When Thomas was young, no older than five or six, Remus was always there with me. When I was sad, he would comfort me. When he was in trouble, I would cover for him. We were inseparable.” It was Roman’s turn to laugh, though it came out more a mockery of a laugh than anything else. “Well... we were inseparable. Clearly we were quite separable by the time you started to dictate who was or wasn’t good for Thomas.” Roman shook his head. “You’re no better than the monsters you made them out to be. I’m done with this conversation.”
Very slowly, Roman sunk down, clearly repressed tears beginning to fall.
And Patton stood there, torn almost to shreds, tears falling freely down his face. Very slowly, he turned to face Logan, who remained emotionless. “Lo?” He whispered.
“Ah, Patton.” Logan was inspecting a speck of dust on his shirt. “I- I think I should just leave right now. It would be the... ah, logical thing to do.”
Patton nodded, more to himself than Logan, as Logan hastily sank out of the room. As soon as he was gone, Patton collapsed to the ground. Tears dripped from his cheeks to the floor. His shaky breathing seemed to fill the room, a terrifying crescendo of all of his wrongdoings.
And so Patton sat there, and he sobbed.
Please don’t leave me.
I just wanted what was best for Thomas.
More tears hit the floor. Drip, drop. Drip, drop.
just imagine it comes out that Patton (even if unintentional) was responsible for separating the dark and light sides. Like IMAGINE the angst especially with Virgil and Patton’s relationship and then Remus and Roman probably missing so much time together

i- i mean you’re not wrong about that last tag
Anyone else notice that Roman was about to call Patton out in SVSR until Patton gave him the classic Sad Look Of Manipulation
Roman: wow patton way to be a—
Patton: 🥺
Roman: *immediately backpedals so he doesn’t upset Patton because he’s been brainwashed by essentially his surrogate father*
Fairly Small Love (5)
Characters Patton, Virgil, Roman, Logan, Dee
“My Name?” Patton asked, biting his lip.”
“Yes I….I really want to marry you,” Dee mumbled, his cheeks flushed red. “I really want you as my husband but I…...I want to know your true name.”
“Okay I…...my true name is Prince Morality of the Sun Isles,” he mumbled, flushing. “Will you marry me now?”
“Prince Morality of the Sun Isles, you will grow me back to normal right now,” a voice cut through, causing Dee to cheer.
“Virgil!” Dee cried out, his face bright.
Patton tried to resist, but he was forced to set Dee down, and grow Virgil to his normal height. Virgil grinned when the other three cheered for him, especially Roman, who had tears shining in his eyes. He was free, they were all free.
“Morality, return them to their proper sizes,” he added, sighing in relief when everyone was slowly grown to their normal height. He took a step back, looking at the tall and intimidating forms of Roman and Logan.
He didn’t even have a second to react before he was enveloped into a giant hug by Roman, being lifted off his feet. “T-thank you….thank you so much! G-gods please……..oh my god I’m free….we are free.”
Logan was more composed, but even he had tears shining in his eyes. He wiped his eyes, relaxing. Now was not the time to get emotional.
Patton whined loudly, wanting to shrink them all again. “N-No! I-I command you to stop this Virgi-”
“Morality you are forbidden from saying any of our full names!” Dee cried out quickly, effectively shutting Patton up. “Now Morality….you shrink.” Dee commanded, watching as the fairy slowly grew smaller until he was barely bigger than Dee’s thumb.
Roman bent down, grabbing Patton in a tight fist. “Now, what should we do about this…..pest?” he asked, cringing in disgust. He felt the shackle on his leg pop off, glancing at Virgil and Logan to see the collar and watch break off them.
“I have plans,” Logan mumbled, glaring. “I have a ton of plans, but I am open to suggestions from everyone.”
“D-Dee why?” Patton whimpered, wincing when his wings got caught in the now massive fingers. “You said you loved me.”
“I lied, you twat,” Dee huffed, chuckling. “And I’m glad you’re so naive, stupid fae. You all have a weakness....morons, the lot of you.”
Patton wilted, his heart breaking. He thought Dee loved him! he thought they all loved him. They have to love him, right?
Taglist below the Cut
A Battle for All
Characters: Patton, Logan, Roman, Remus, Janus, Virgil
For: @littlebigmouse
Warnings: Gore, Extreme Gore, Unsympathetic Patton, Unsympathetic Janus, Unsympathetic Logan, Major Character Death, Betrayal, Body horror/gore
Words: 2,500
Hey Mouse, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! I was your gifter this year for the @sanderssidesgiftxchange and I gave you a super hero Au with a side of gore [Or rather a main course of gore] I hope you enjoy it!
This was it, the battle for all the marbles, or as Morality said, "All the cookies in the cookie jar." Whatever you wanted to call it, this was the most important battle. Here and now, would decide the fate of the world. Sure, you hear that in all the superhero movies to get the action and the thrill up, even if the heroes always win in the movies. This though, this was very, very real, and all the heroes could feel a deep fear fill them. It wouldn't stop them from protecting the entire world, and they would do everything to make sure that the world was saved. It was still an unsettling feeling, to be staring potential death straight in the face, your future becoming less clear by the second.
Sanders University, the place they were meant to defend, held the key to world domination, at least to the Troublesome Twosome that was Deceit and Logic. The university was famous for its advanced technology, some of which could give normal humans pseudo-Superpowers, putting them on an even playing field with natural born Supers. The Twosome's plan was to engineer as much superpowered technology as possible, to create an army of villains that would help them conquer the entire world. First they would start with the University itself, but with how much super-tech was in there already, they wouldn't have trouble building a small army to defend it while they work on bigger projects.
The Prince stood on one end and the Duke on the other. In between them stood Anxiety and Morality, their healer and shield respectively. The Duke was holding a thunderbolt in one hand, preparing to throw it should the villains pull any tricks. Prince was holding a pen in his hand, preparing to draw up a weapon or something that would protect them. Anxiety had his hand out, ready to heal the team and get them back to the fight. Morality was empty handed at the moment, giving the villains a smile as if they were just naïve children instead of people bent on world domination.
"Now kiddos," Morality started, holding his arms out in a gesture of peace. "We really don't have to fight today. If you would just willingly come with us we can help you," he assured, making sure his voice would sound even and calming. "Please, don't do this. It would only end in disaster and chaos for everyone, including you two."
Deceit chuckled quietly, which cued Logic to break out in maniacal laughter. Morality cringed and even the Duke shuddered, which was uncommon since he was rather creepy in his own right. Prince and Anxiety looked unamused, even if Anxiety's hand fell to his side, where a short sword, crafted specifically for him by Prince, rested on his hip.
"Oh Morality, darling~" Deceit purred, elbowing his laughing companion in the stomach, who wheezed and went silent, rubbing his stomach as if that would make the pain go away. "That's exactly what we want. Chaos and disaster are what will help us take over this worthless world. Soon, oh so soon we will rule and you will be powerless to stop us! Now, get out of our way and we may spare your lives, if you beg that is." He waved his arm in a big gesture to the building behind the trio of heroes, the one that held the key to their dream.
"Never!" Prince snarled, a sword held in his hands. "We shall never let you get past any of us! We will put our lives on the line to protect the world we love! You'll never win, so give up now and walk away!"
That made Deceit laugh again, wiping a tear from his eye with a gloved hand. "Oh Prince, foolish fool, you will be made to eat your words. I can assure you of that. Logic, if you will."
Logic stepped forward, snickering as he pulled out a remote with a single, red button. He pressed it, causing a dozen cars to crumble and meld together. After a few seconds a giant metal golem stood behind the Duo. Logic cackled, covering his mouth as he snorted. "Be-ha- prepared to meet m-my greatest creation to date, the car golem!" He announced, pointing forward. "Go! Wreck, maim, DESTROY!" He shrieked, doubling over with laughter.
The golem seemed to come to life, surging forward towards the heroes. It was coming fast, intent on ending the battle and the heroes once and for all. It had no mind, no heart, no soul. It had a purpose though, a sole purpose it was destined to complete. End the heroes and leave not even a single one standing.
Morality stepped in front of everyone and summoned a giant dome shield, covering all four of them. Prince and Duke stood behind Patton, while Anxiety put all his energy and focus into keeping Morality's shield strong, which meant using all he had to heal it.
"When I lower the shield go for the weak spots in it's limbs!" Morality shouted, crying out when the Golem pounded on the shield, putting a giant crack in it. They all heard Anxiety let out a sharp exhale, slowly forcing the crack to close. "Damage the legs and arms, rendering it useless!"
"Yes Sir!" "Yes Daddy!" The twins spoke in unison. Morality couldn't help hide an eyeroll at the Duke, but now was not the time to lecture him on his inappropriateness.
"Ready?" He asked, taking a breath. "GO!" He cried out, forcing the shield to burst outward, which made the golem fall back. Morality fell back at the force he used to push the golem back, Anxiety quick to Morality's side to heal him and boost his energy.
The second the shield went down, Prince took towards the right and Duke went left. They were in perfect sync, each summoning their sacred weapons, a paintbrush and a bolt of lightning respectively, charging forward and removing it's limbs.
Prince let out a loud cry, circling around the golem and fleeing the scene. The circle glowed green and vines, flowers, and even tree branches sprouted around it, quickly tying the golem up. The thing let out a loud, metallic screeching noise of distress, before the Duke acted.
He took the precious time where the golem was immobilized and used the pulsing thunderbolt in his hands to slice and dice it's arms and one leg off. The golem continued to shriek and cry out, thrashing around with it's one leg, until Morality came through.
He had moved forward, leaving Anxiety in the back to watch their back. He summoned a small shield, one that was a simple circular shape, save for the spikey thorns and notches in it. He threw it as hard as he could, watching as the killer frisbee cut halfway through a leg, rendering it a mostly useless, twitching lump to the golem.
It continued to try and get to the heroes, but it only managed to flop around uselessly. It was rather useless, slowly going still as it died.
"Fuck yeah!" Duke cheered, before letting out a choked cry as a large snake plunged through his chest. His eyes went wide and he coughed out a sickening mixture of spit and blood, slowly going down on his knees. He reached out, as if to beg for help, his body going still as the snake again plunged through him, tearing his throat in half. His mouth was moving as if attempting to speak, before he fell face down, poised in a silent scream.
Deceit stood behind him, wiping his gloves with a white cloth. It was covered in a layer of blood, but the cloth cleaned the majority off. He tossed it on the corpse, looking at the heroes, who were looking at them in a mixture of shock, fear, and horror.
It was broken as Morality let out an ear piercing shriek, followed by Prince crying out in absolute anguish.
"Remus!" He shrieked, struggling to breath and looking like he was moments away from fainting. "Oh gods, Jesus god WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" He cried out, Patton's shrieking sobs becoming a dull noise to him as his rage filled. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!"
He charged forward, unaware that the Golem was sliding painfully slowly towards Patton. He continued moving towards Janus, aiming punch after punch, kick after kick at the monster who murdered his brother. Deceit only dodged out of the way, not even bother to strike him.
Eventually, he ducked behind Prince, sweeping his legs out from under him. "Oh dear Princey, don't worry, you'll see him soon," Deceit purred, stomping on the hero's back, relishing in his shrieks of pain. "But look, here." He bent down, grabbing Prince by the hair and pulling his head up to make him look towards Morality.
Morality was on his knees sobbing. The golem was squirming closed to him, using it's half destroyed leg to slowly roll itself over. Roman was shrieking and begging Morality to do something, only to watch as Anxiety sailed past him, sprinting like his life depended on it. "No Virgil stop!" He begged, not wanting to lose two friends and his brother, he wasn't sure if his heart could take it.
Roman could only watch in horror as Virgil shoved Morality, the golem landing on top of the healer, crushing him to death. Roman let out a scream of pure anguish just as Logic began cackling with glee. He couldn't see Morality from behind the golem, but he was so sure that both of them were dead.
Logic danced around, watching the golem start to become consumed by rust. After it was fully rusted, it broke apart into dust, falling to the ground in large, clumpy piles. Even the limbs that were cut off were turned to dust as well. And Virgil? He was laying on the ground, flattened into a bloody clump of human and clothes. The lump didn't even look remotely human, but Prince found he couldn't look away, and he was glad he didn't.
There, next to what was Virgil, was Morality. He was alive and well, Roman hadn't lost everything! He went to call out, only to watch as Morality spit on Virgil's remains, climbing to his feet. "God, I can't believe he was that stupid. Though I suppose his foolish need to jump into bravery was admirable," he commented, brushing himself off. He reached down and grabbed something off of Virgil's remains, but Roman couldn't tell what it was.
Morality walked slowly, painfully slowly, over to Roman, who was confused. He let out a cry when his hair was let go and his face met painfully with the pavement. He ended up biting down on his tongue on the way down, causing his mouth to fill with a metallic tasting liquid. Blood, he thought distantly, but he wasn't able to comprehend it with how quickly his brain was shutting down.
He was rolled over, coming face to face with Morality. "P-Patton?" he croaked out, spitting up a glob of blood that got onto his pure white suit, or a suit that had been pure white. Now it was caked in dirty, boot prints, and even his own blood.
"Oh Princey, sweet sweet Roman," He cooed, brushing his thumb over Roman's cheek. "You're an absolute fool." Patton slowly held up the short sword, Virgil's short sword, pressing it against Roman's throat. He let out a soft whimper, unable to stop the noise from leaving his lips.
"Why?" He choked out, spitting a glob of blood onto Patton's suit. He saw his leader, former leader, cringe but shrug it off after a moment.
"I'm so tired of being treated like the innocent little healer on your team. I can't tell you how many times you've just left me to get captured, used me as bait...you even used me as a human shield once or twice instead of our actual shield, the guy who can make them out of thin air." He grabbed Roman by the chin, forcing the hero to meet his eyes. "I'm not meant to be bait or a human punching bag to protect you selfish lot. I am my own powerful person, stronger and better than all three of you worthless buffoons. I may have been your leader, but I was treated like trash by all three of you. But now....now that won't happen ever again!" Patton chirped, a bright cheery, but equally eerie, smile on his face.
Roman heard Deceit chuckle, looking away from Patton to watch as the villain walked towards the university, Logic right on his heels. He watched as Logic's lips moved quickly, mostly likely talking about whatever wicked plans he wanted to try on poor unsuspecting people.
"Don't take too long, darling!" Deceit called, loud enough for the pair to hear. “We need to get our plans into motion, we've already been set back quite a bit."
"Yes Deceit, I understand," Patton assured, looking back at Roman, who was petrified with fear. "I'm so sorry Roman, but this is your final scene. The curtains have been called and your act is through," he whispered, plunging the knife deep into Roman's chest.
Roman coughed up blood, reaching with one hand to try and pull it out to no avail.
Patton looked rather bored, but delighted at the same time. "This is goodbye Roman, I can't say I'll miss you or any of the others." He gave Roman a big smile, his deep brown eyes looking more golden as he twisted the knife that was lodged in Roman's chest, twisting it to cut deeper into the hero's body.
He felt Roman slowly going limp, the last few strings that he used to cling to life snapping as he let out his final breath. Patton shuddered in pleasure as he felt the man's last breath tickle his neck. He felt a rush, a thrill, he felt almost drunk on this feeling. He let a small grin cross his features, cackling as he pushed the corpse off him. Rising to his feet he felt a need, a deep hunger for more. He wanted more, he needed more of this feeling.
Patton licked his lips, groaning as the few stray drops of Roman's blood hit his taste buds. That felt good. So very, very good.
He brushed himself off, walking towards the University with a smile on his face. He had a mission after all, and world domination sounded just as glorious as crushing these pitiful heroes. Maybe more would come to play with them, that would be fun. If he were lucky, Deceit would let him keep one as a treat, a very special one just for him. Patton had to prove himself, and now that he was seen as an equal, he was never going to disappoint Deceit. He was going to show he earned his spot, and earn his spot he would.
I feel like if orange and Patton were siblings it would be waayy more toxic than Roman and Remus
Wrath is sort a big no no in most religious morals so while I think Patton wouldnt be “mean” to Orange he most certainly wouldn’t be positive about him. I think a lot of Orange angst (if we get any) will be centred around Patton. Like, your brother is fully against what you represent and literally shed you off of him because he didn’t want to represent YOU (it’s a part of the theory that Orange is what came off of Patton) so I like to think Orange had a lot of pent up aggression since Patton would’ve probably taught him it would be wrong to get angry and take it out on people. Leading the anger to fester and turn to resentment leading to Orange to no longer care if he is a bad person by what he does and in short term turning into a monster
That’s my take tbh lol
It's not light-hearted unsympathetic Patton, it's subtle abuse that none of the other side's can see. Not even Virgil or Logan realise but Patton knows what he's doing and is proud of himself that it's working.
This is until it gets REALLY bad and the sides (not Virgil though) start to notice something is wrong with their resident emo. But they don't stop it in time and something happens with/to Virgil
Hi yes hello I’m not dead
oK so- I see all these unsympathetic Patton AUs and yeah they’re neat but imagine this-
Virgil: I’m severely depressed
Patton: hi severely depressed, I’m dad!
^^ lol maybe this is just the brain rot talking but lighthearted unsympathetic!Patton,,, think about it
Patton was always mad at Logan for also being a blue side.
To retaliate, he took Logan’s logo and changed it so it wouldn’t be to obvious. He also made sure to make Logan insecure by making Logan think of himself like he was a joke. He also kept telling Logan to shut up. He even pretended to care for Logan so it wouldn’t be noticed by the fandom, and if it was, the fandom retaliated and made sure that his “nice things” to Logan were bigger
In SVS redux Patton says "we four had helped you."
eXcUsE mE pAtTon! Y'all kicked out Logan and benched him! And you have no right to commit a falsehood! You are not allowed to say h helped when you clearly didn't let him! I love my child and the fact that Janus didn't pop up makes me mad!
If you are talking about Janus, he was against you! Just...

Me vs a random fander:
Fander Janus is accepted
Me: something's iffy
Fander: where's Virgil
Me: meh... He hurts Logan and Roman and despises Remus and Dee
Fander: Patton's evil?!
Me: HiS tRuE fOrM!
Fander: ignoring Logan
Me: thoroughly reading it through
Fander: *crying over Roman*
Me: ...but if Patton's "nice" and checking up on him why y'all crying
Fander: only caring about Dee Roman and Virgil
If you couldnt tell, I don't like Patton or Virgil