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Mun Yasu || Main multi-purpose fandom blog; mostly/mainly OC-centric and (art)reblogging || Ask box: OPEN || I'm back!! || 20+ years old

903 posts

Frigid And Reserved As The [princess] May Have Been, Her Glacial Heart Was Not Numb To Her True Desires.

Frigid And Reserved As The [princess] May Have Been, Her Glacial Heart Was Not Numb To Her True Desires.
Frigid And Reserved As The [princess] May Have Been, Her Glacial Heart Was Not Numb To Her True Desires.
Frigid And Reserved As The [princess] May Have Been, Her Glacial Heart Was Not Numb To Her True Desires.
Frigid And Reserved As The [princess] May Have Been, Her Glacial Heart Was Not Numb To Her True Desires.
Frigid And Reserved As The [princess] May Have Been, Her Glacial Heart Was Not Numb To Her True Desires.

Frigid and reserved as the [princess] may have been, her glacial heart was not numb to her true desires. 

In spite of knowing only the coldness of solitude throughout her life, deep down she sought to understand what it meant to be [human]. To be [normal].

The [doll princess], while unable to understand or comprehend [feelings], subconsciously still persevered on her painful yet tearless journey.

What she seeked along the way was not a hero, nor a savior. But rather... a light.

Much like a lantern guiding one’s way through the darkness, the [fairy princess] sought to be by [its] side. 

So that even if she may never truly understand what it means to [be human]... she will always be reassured by [the light] that it was fine. 

That the [Ice Princess] is not as cold as she appears to be, but rather...

Just one lonely girl, wanting to no longer be alone.

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More Posts from Randomikemendegen

5 years ago
Its Stupid To Think That Dreams Mean Anything More Than Just That. Theres Nothing Meaningful That Can
Its Stupid To Think That Dreams Mean Anything More Than Just That. Theres Nothing Meaningful That Can

“It’s stupid to think that dreams mean anything more than just that. There’s nothing meaningful that can be found there; not even while awake.”

Name: Berebis R. L’Ephegor

Dorm: Diasomnia

Year: 2nd Year


Sleeping. Napping.





Being treated like some sort of doll or pet

Fairytales and stories

Romance, and the idea of family


Loud noises, parties

ACTUAL sincere and genuine people

Twisted from: Aurora from The Sleeping Beauty

Short Description:

A 2nd-year student from the Diasomnia dormitory. He’s seemingly almost always ready to doze off at a moment’s notice, not having a single care in the world or whatever people may think of him. Although it appears that whenever potions are involved, that’s when he’s fully awake.


Berebis is a bit of an annoyingly confusing person to fully wrap one’s head around. He always responds either with vaguely deep (but also quite cynical) answers or blunt and harsh halfhearted words, mostly depending on his mood or at what sleepy stage you caught them at. Pessimistic, or realistic, perhaps even bordering on nihilistic, Berebis doesn’t seem to be in high hopes if caring at all for anything that happens around him. Oh, we’re going to have a test tomorrow? Okay. Oh, we’re going to go throw a party? A hassle sure, but whatever. Sir Mozus is angry again? Meh. It’s like Bel it totally apathetic to anything and everything that happens; he also takes every day as just that. Just another day, nothing more, nothing less. On that note, he’s inherently distrustful of other people and thinks that there doesn’t exist a single person that will do anything for you with no hidden agenda— he’s quick to judge others really. Adding to the fact that Berebis has long since picked up the ability to know if and when someone is lying or acting nice, then it just feeds more into his mentality of, [Life isn’t a fairytale where dreams and true love always come true. Rather, life itself IS the villain of the story, even yourself.] Although due to his inherent ability to recognize if someone is lying or not, it makes him quick to pull down his initial judgments of people after hearing them talk and seeing them interact with others.

It doesn’t appear like it but Bel IS very much capable of being polite and formal, it’s just that he deems it extremely fake and hates doing it, and also because he’s just brutally honest, along with not having a filter on when he’s talking so every word that comes flying out of his mouth is 100% the truth, no matter how harsh or cold they may be. As such, he HATES liars and schemers, and thus will actually go out of their way to secretly undermine them before brutally stabbing them in the back and outing them in the most embarrassing way possible, despite being a very good one himself. He won’t ever admit it but, he subconsciously finds himself unable to just let someone else get bullied or shoved around despite the massive pain in the ass it would be to get involved. He’s also actually got a soft spot for cats and actually looks excited whenever it concerns potions, quickly perking up and unnerving others who aren’t used to his behavior like that. Bel also won’t admit it but, he still does somewhat believe in fairytales— rather, it’s just that, he has long since buried that deep into his heart and is just desperately clinging onto it even no matter how many times he tells himself that it’s foolish or pathetic to keep holding on to the idea of a “perfect, happy ending with a prince(ss) and the bad guy is defeated”. Why? It’s because that part of him is STILL holding on to some form of optimism, and that despite what he’s been through, not everyone is out to take advantage of or control you.

To be frank, Bel has built a strong wall of distance, aloofness, and distrust towards others due to his past and circumstances back at home, so if and when he actually finds himself becoming close to someone then he… NOPES OUT OF THERE EVEN FASTER THAN QUINTIN WOULD WHEN HE’S RUNNING LATE. No, but seriously, he’s gotten so used to thinking the least and the worst of the world and everybody that becoming close to someone and potentially suffering in his heart because of them TERRIFIES him, even more so because he’s a skeptic when it comes to other people and thinks they’re just that good of a liar and an actor. Bel internal berates himself for being stupid in letting his emotional guards down just for this one person, having an internal conflicting mental battle with himself as to WHY should he trust this person. Bel unfortunately quickly falls under a delusion that the other person IS genuine, but the others are manipulating them into approaching him to get to him… though because he has long since been inherently distrustful towards others, he cannot help but push them away to keep himself and them safe for their own good, or so he says. He’s also not afraid in the slightest of giving others a “gift” that can help them ease off their stress, akin to a lull....


[Will be edited in the future]


His first name, Berebis, when you just take out the first "e" from the name turns into [Brebis]- which is the French (feminine term/usage) for "sheep”.

When you combine his first and last names, specifically, (Be)rebis + (L)’E(phegor), when combined spells out [Belphegor]- which is one of the Demons of the Seven Deadly Sins- specifically, the Demon of Sloth.

Bel's middle initial of "R" is Rem, which actually stands for REM-- rapid eye movement.

He’s 100% human, like Quintin and Seisear; the others are some variations in the range of not exactly human. (Lala and Shir are weretigers, Cirnu is a dark fae(?), Ophiou is a gorgon, and Fuyu is a snow/ice fae)

Bel can sleep almost literally anywhere, hell he can even sleep on a broom and somehow miraculously NOT fall off.


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5 years ago

Hmmm, iirc it found about TWST on... uuh.... YouTube I think? That or on Tumblr lol

What I do remember is going on YT one day, seeing an advertisement of sorts for this mobile game and the art looked neat so I clicked on the video- the song [Piece of My World] quickly got me hooked along with the character visuals and I immediately went in a downwards spiral lol

I admit I took a break from this fandom after creating three OCs since I was waiting for the game to be released, but I’m now fully back ... tho I did end up dragging in Obey Me! with me ahaha...

I'm curious, how/when did you find about Twisted Wonderland?

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5 years ago


Ara ara ara~?


She’s quite cute~

Decided To Make My Very First Twisted Wonderland Oc!! Tagging @angelprep @edda-blattfe @choconanime @eliphante123

Decided to make my very first Twisted Wonderland oc!! Tagging @angelprep @edda-blattfe @choconanime @eliphante123 and @randomikemendegen!! (character maker linked here)  

Name: Philyra Siren 

Dorm: Octavinelle

Year: 2nd

* The middle child to a family of merfolk, she and her sisters are known for their hauntingly beautiful singing. Though she doesn’t like singing as much seeing she’s often the one taking care of her sisters. Combine that with being the  middle child and you get a rather weak-willed mermaid. Sometimes she wishes the Magic Mirror put her in Ignihyde instead.

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5 years ago

Hello, My name is Kaiyahna Meeks. I'm a 17 year old who loves to sing and write stories as a hobby. I also really like to play Otome games (Like Obey Me) and I'm really interested in twisted wonderland. I'm really bad at drawing (*cringing*) but I'm really good with ideas and roleplays. I really love your art and I know your an amazing and awesome person😊. I hope to contact you in social media(Facebook, Instagram, etc) so we can get to know each other and hope to be good friends. Thank you😊

W- What is this magnificent being- asdadkjskldjs

I’m really happy that you think I’m an amazing person and my art is good laskjdaldjsd- *internally laughs at how the former isn’t true*


Also- welcome the Obey Me! and Twisted Wonderland fandom~! Hope you enjoy your stay in the Devildom and Night Ravens College~. :3

As for the social media thing- yeah, I’m sorry but I keep my Tumblr bizz strictly in Tumblr and other social media bizz there-- so u can just DM me here on Tumblr whenever you wanna talk~ (// o w o)//

I have Facebook and Twitter but I barely even use them- I’m more of a Discord and Tumblr person tbh ksdlajsdsd

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