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1 year ago

Rant or Trauma Dump: Overblot Leona is Relatable as a Student in American Public School

Will keep this short as possible

Abstract: Leona's trauma = shared trauma but (American) 12th grader student edition. I share my experience. Am I allowed to say it's my trauma when it's just resentment?

Work count: 585

Rant Or Trauma Dump: Overblot Leona Is Relatable As A Student In American Public School

Leona expressed strong resentment at the idea of birth > skill so why r bother trying? Nobody cares. I understood it from a story writing standpoint at first then this came to me and I felt things.

Not sure how common this is around the globe but I went to an American public school for high school/secondary school education (why do I sound like a foreign exchange student haha) and every week of/before homecoming or winter break or some major event, there’s spirit week in which each grade level compete with themed outfits, lunch time activity\games, and assembly games. Win enough points to beat the other grade.

Off topic but my school’s Assembled Student Body have zero creativity for lip sync and themes because why do they keep doing Marvel and Disney? I might as well think we’re sponsored by Disney because we could’ve had HTTYD or Wonder Woman for crying out loud. Also there was a spirit day for “hype beast” in which you wear the high end stuff like Supreme. Well, I was bullied in elementary school for being NOT high income so I held resentment for those things.

Freshman year (9th grade), I did my best but we came in last place. Seniors won. Sophomore year, I felt bad for the freshmen who tried harder than us last year and they lost. Their side was decked out in white, it looked like Big Bear. Seniors won. Junior year, I figured it out it was pointless. Seniors won. Then came our turn. I noticed it. My fellow seniors would not bother trying because they knew they’d win anyway or would cheat the system like raising their hands for points even though they’re not wearing anything spirit (sometimes they be counting shoes). I hated it. I hated it more when the senior favoritism happens before your eyes.

Every winter assembly, there should be a sled race where one player is in a cardboard box and another pulls. Seniors never pull because their box has a giant hole so they can stand up and run to the finish line like a Grinch. I never saw that my senior year. Every assembly ever, there’s supposed to be a clapping game similar to Simon Says. The freshman are always duped on the first “clap” and the seniors don’t even play the game, it’s an applause! A standing ovation even! Even the seniors get to win the lip sync battle every time. Makes me wonder if they could stand in the corner then still win first place. In elective and math (above Algebra 1) classes, you would find mixed grade levels so not sure how much the point-counters scrutinize. They are not nit picky with seniors. If you raise your hand, we don’t check. Below seniors? They check. Yet, I think the cronyism is the main problem.

Seniors don’t need any skill set. They just need to be that class and bam, easy win. Any other class could try as they might and never win. I hated it more when people say, “let them win, they’re graduating.” Might as well give them all passing grades, senior year is the easiest anyways. No worries about senioritis. All the teachers love you because you’re mature baby-adults and about to leave. Hate the freshmen because they’re the hooligans. Let’s bully the freshmen.

Conclusion: Leona is relatable in the birth order > skill set resentment and not trying hard if nobody cares, because of the high school seniors favouritism I witnessed during spirit week.

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1 year ago
Hold Up.
Hold Up.
Hold Up.

hold up.

honest john represents dishonesty and temptation. playful land is an amusement park that doesn't appear on maps or whatsoever, only appears once, and is ran by a fox and a cat. making it look like a once in a lifetime opportunity to let go of responsibilities and enjoy what's there for FREE. the TEMPTATION is there.

judge frollo represents lust and pride. nobel bell college stands to represent as the pride of the festival in glorious masquerade. students there are proud of their teachings, culture, and tradition. rollo is lust itself — lust to attain the pride of bringing down mages no matter how powerful they are.

but, looking at the characters featured in these events, is clearly a correlation.

playful land has:

ace, kalim, ortho (main)

vil, leona, cater, trey, lilia, jack, jade, floyd

which are obviously characters that tend to fall into temptation (tendency to be blinded by it) and can be dishonest both to themselves and to others. even lilia, no matter how much you say he has changed, has been dishonest. cater, ace, vil, leona need not more explanation, trey not having the ability to be honest with himself and others, preferring to keep quiet at times. jack with his temptation to be stronger and just with his judgement. jade and floyd.

glorious masquerade has:

malleus, idia, azul (main)

jamil, ruggie, deuce, rook, riddle, epel, silver, sebek

obviously — malleus, idia, and azul lust for power and judgement. takes pride in their strength and knowledge. jamil and ruggie are self-explanatory, deuce with his craving to take pride in himself, rook with his lust for beauty, epel for his lust to be stronger, riddle with his pride in knowledge and magic, silver and sebek with their lust to be worth standing beside two of the most powerful people in twisted wonderland.

rollo is the student council president, the leader, the source of pride and glory. honest fellow is the caretaker of playful land, one who crafts the desires and temptations of the people... and look who they've attract.

Hold Up.

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1 year ago

Please tell me what the twst fandom labelling Leona- a character who likely has depression- as lazy is if it isn't ableism.

Ableism takes many forms and a common example of ableism is the belief of "You have ono excuse, you're just lazy!' Or "you should just try harder!"

This is often directed at both physical disabilities or mental illnesses, and it it can very much be directed at someone with depression.

Instead of being a little bitch in the comments and telling me "Stop throwing around words you don't understand :3" or "Okay I get it you have a disabled friend, but you can't use that word whenever you want :3" without knowing a fucking thing about me, politely correct me and explain why you disagree.

I have both witnessed and experienced ableism. Ableism is not exclusively directed at people with physical disabilities.

So if the fandom's treatment and opinion of Leona, a character who has a very real and very non glamorised depiction of depression, is not ableism then what is it?

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1 year ago
What Do YOU Think It Would Look Like If We Mixed Amonggus And Naru Toe ??? I Think It Would Look BANGIN
What Do YOU Think It Would Look Like If We Mixed Amonggus And Naru Toe ??? I Think It Would Look BANGIN
What Do YOU Think It Would Look Like If We Mixed Amonggus And Naru Toe ??? I Think It Would Look BANGIN

what do YOU think it would look like if we mixed amonggus and naru toe ??? i think it would look BANGIN !!!

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2 years ago

Savanaclaw Masterlist

Savanaclaw Masterlist

~Leona Kingscholar

○ The Dorm Leaders With Crushes (Pt. 1)

~Ruggie Bucchi

○ N/a

~Jack Howl

○ N/a

Savanaclaw Masterlist

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2 years ago

Unique Kisses: Savanaclaw!

Unique Kisses: Savanaclaw!
Unique Kisses: Savanaclaw!
Unique Kisses: Savanaclaw!

I'm so sorry for the second notification, but the work didn't show up in the tags... orz

Heartslabyul || Savanaclaw || Octavinelle || Scarabia || Pomefiore || Ignihyde || Diasomnia || Rollo, Che'nya, Neige || Honest Fellow

Unique Kisses: Savanaclaw!

Leona K. (lazy kisses)

You're not getting out of bed without a proper greeting.

It isn’t even morning, or evening, or any time that could explain why you were resting in Leona's room, away from the building where your next class soon will be held. It is midday, a while after lunch, and you knew you’ll have to walk at a brisk pace to make it in time for Mr Crewel's class.

“We have to get up...~” you say, gently touching Leona's shoulder. He doesn’t react, but you are sure that he is somehow awake (not by the touch, but by your soft complaints) and can hear you perfectly with his outstanding predatory hearing and you at his ear. But he apparently decides to ignore you because he doesn’t react when you start drawing circles on his hand with your finger.

You sigh, rolling over onto your back. You really don’t want to spend another break being lectured about your tardiness (caused by Leona) and hearing complaints alone (Leona is always late for his sermon. He is running off and doesn’t even ask if you’d like to join him).

You’ve already put your feet up on the floor and, for lack of a better idea to fill the moment, tried unsuccessfully to straighten a few unfortunate folds of your uniform.

Somehow, Leona's tail wraps around your waist as you try to get out of bed, and you notice the attentive but slightly lethargic gaze. By that, Leona completely underestimates any reason why you give up extra minutes of lying down.

“Come back here," he says, and you roll your eyes. And yet, you take a place next to him again.

His tail has completely loosened its grip, but now Leona's hands are on you. The fingers trail across your back until they are right next to your head, which Leona supported with his hand and gently forced it to lean towards himself. His distinctive scent mixed with the aroma of grass and flowers becomes more intense. For a moment the last emerald eyes are on you before he closes them just before the distance between you disappears completely.


His lips fit into yours and his teeth press gently against your lips. Leona seems to be moving steadily closer to you, although it looks and feels more and more impossible with each passing moment.

Or maybe you just aren’t thinking soberly anymore.

Although you can’t taste anything—or did your taste buds finally go crazy?—you begin to get drunk on the very essence of this kiss. However, if it had a taste, you are sure it would have been intense, equally filled with fierceness to eclipse your senses.

...It's just a shame that Leona looks so triumphant while you are losing your mind and heart.

This is also the moment when Leona sighs sleepily, sinks on the cushions and says something about continuing a nap. You look at him reproachfully, beginning to regret that he isn’t going to continue stopping you from going to class. And he smiles involuntarily.

Unique Kisses: Savanaclaw!

Ruggie (blown kiss)

Ruggie has always been a busy person.

You often pass him in the corridor when he is out running errands for Leona and trying to get his hands on Leona's next whim. Usually, his hands are busy, but the weight of the books doesn't seem to affect him as he walks down another corridor.

When you have time, you are helping him carry more stuff to the dormitory, to Leona, whom you complain about along the way. You really doubt that even if he heard you, he'd care about the opinion of little people like you, but Ruggie warns you anyway when you enter a potential area under his attention.

Between classes, however, most of the breaks are short and the corridors - long, too long when getting from one class to another, located at the end of the building or even outside. You don't have much time for, well, anything to do with a casual, warm encounter with Ruggie between classes.

“Don't you need help with that?” you ask him when, between magic history and alchemy, you bumped into each other in the hallway. He seems to be in a hurry, wriggling dramatically, as if the few volumes he is carrying are more exhausting than Mr Vargas' lessons. But he shakes his head at your offer.

“Nah,” he flips his books under one arm to wave his hand at your words. A dramatic effect. “You have, I think, lessons in the opposite direction, and I for my hard work have a free afternoon,” he smiles with a look that read, *'You know, there are benefits after all!’. “*We can go get something to eat later. Because finally—attention, attention, I repeat!—I have the afternoon off.

The bell fills the corridors and you have to go.

Ruggie smiles goodbye and turns on his heel. He glances in your direction once more and when he saw that you are still staring at him, the corners of his mouth curve upwards even more. He kisses his fingers with his lips and then titles them towards you. He blows on his palm with a quiet "Shu~!", playfully blinking one eye.

You pretend that his indirect kiss had hit you straight in the heart; you put your hand to your chest.

You receive a giggle that was drowned out by other people's conversations and steps.

“Well, I'm off! Wait for a message from me!” He shouts his farewell—with another smile—and disappears around the next corner.

You are already looking forward to it.

Unique Kisses: Savanaclaw!

Jack (kiss-bite)

The wolf is hungry.

You can easily tell because, despite Jack's best efforts, you can feel the urgent gaze on you, watching your every move. He tries to keep his gaze on the ground, but he prefers to look people in the eye when they are talking to him, and now you’re the one who’s speaking and...

Well, he had a dilemma, but he concluded that ultimately he much more likes to look at you.

A similar idea runs through his kisses—he is always watching. Slow, mindless gestures of love are unlikely ever to be his thing, when he likes to put his ambitions and beliefs, into everything he does. And Jack is sure that a lot of attention had to be put into the act of caring.

That's why he can’t take his eyes off you when every gasp and huff draws his attention.

That happens often because Jack always surprises you with his kisses. You should have gotten used to them by now—maybe, after so long—but you sincerely hope it won’t happen. And if it does, you know it will be later than sooner, because Jack’s kisses are special.

They aren’t perfect, because Jack never had the opportunity (or even the idea or need) to polish this skill. So, even as he is already embracing you—gently but firmly as if he held Life itself in his hands—you wonder what he is about to surprise you with. And then he draws closer until he fully covers your vision.

You can’t remember the last time you guessed what your kiss would look like.

His lips are warm, but you aren’t paying attention to those that much as to his fangs and tongue on your mouth, and although the pleasant sensation tingles in your mouth, you can’t hold back a quiet gasp as Jack closes his mouth slightly and his teeth gently dig into your skin.


He notices the twitch and, with some reproach, quickly moved away from you—as far as the reach of his arms, which still embrace you, allow.

“Oh, I- I hurt you, didn't I?” He turns his head slightly and for the first time takes his eyes off you to look into the empty space to his left. “I'm sorry.”

“No, no,” you reply quickly, placing a hand on his forearm. “It didn’t hurt. I'm just surprised… But, did you know it's always a nice surprise?”

“But still...”


“Should... we practice?”You suggest quietly. In your mind, this offer looked more dignified and encouraging than the words you present to Jack, who was beginning to look more embarrassed than you. You quickly add: "If you want to learn to kiss 'normally', we can learn to do that..."

”W... What...?” He looks at you, shocked. “It's a... a very strange offer.”

“But I'll admit to you, it's your iconic kisses that I adore," you continue, standing on your tiptoes to get even closer to his face, his lips, "So? What is your decision?”

Unique Kisses: Savanaclaw!

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2 years ago

Um, I don’t think anyone needs this, but I decided to make TWST OC templates in between my chores so…I don’t even know why I made these lolol~

The so-called, “oc template market” is already so saturated, but I’m sure the fandom can handle one more—

Um, I Dont Think Anyone Needs This, But I Decided To Make TWST OC Templates In Between My Chores SoI
Um, I Dont Think Anyone Needs This, But I Decided To Make TWST OC Templates In Between My Chores SoI
Um, I Dont Think Anyone Needs This, But I Decided To Make TWST OC Templates In Between My Chores SoI
Um, I Dont Think Anyone Needs This, But I Decided To Make TWST OC Templates In Between My Chores SoI
Um, I Dont Think Anyone Needs This, But I Decided To Make TWST OC Templates In Between My Chores SoI
Um, I Dont Think Anyone Needs This, But I Decided To Make TWST OC Templates In Between My Chores SoI
Um, I Dont Think Anyone Needs This, But I Decided To Make TWST OC Templates In Between My Chores SoI
Um, I Dont Think Anyone Needs This, But I Decided To Make TWST OC Templates In Between My Chores SoI

I don’t have a sample right now, but the template is pretty straightforward. In the brackets, you input your oc’s name in katakana, and right below that, in English lettering. You can add your desired CV right above the line before the “age,best subject, etc.,” slightly lower than the English lettering of your oc’s name. (I hope that makes sense.)

Edit: (I’ve uploaded a sample of what that should look like, please see my reply in the notes if you’re interested.)

Then, at the very bottom, beside the “Unique Magic,” input the name of your oc’s Unique Magic there, and a short description of what it does under the line. I do hope you guys enjoy using this template!

Please don’t remove my watermark when you do use it so that people may be able to find the rest of the templates!

Fee free to tag me when you do use them, I’d love to see the twst oc’s I haven’t come across yet! It’s always a pleasure to be able to see how creative the fandom can get when it comes to designing and curating stories for their ocs.

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2 years ago

-𝘓𝘦𝘵’𝘴 𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱-

-Savanaclaw boys Evening and Morning Routine-

Warning: Fluff, Character’s are OCC Ruggie being a Sweet hyena boy.

Age Restrictions: None.

- Also These are not what they will do, But it's only what I think they will do ;w; -

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-In the Evening-

- Leona is a Heavy sleeper we can all agree on that, I think the only time he's awake is in a Magift match. - I think Leona's favorite position to cuddle is the Sweetheart Cradle, He like's having you on top of him while his arms are around you. He wants you to feel secured and protected. (Also he hogs the Blanket when he's angry) - I headcannon Leona as a light snorer. And if you stay up late watching him which is impossible, (This man is a walking heater) He unconsciously make his nose twitch when he have a unpleasant dream or when he just smelled something unpleasant. - Leona has the most craziest Bedhead with all the Savanaclaw members. He also doesn't remove his braids when he sleep. "It takes too much effort to remove... Let's just sleep"

-In the Morning-

- Leona DOESN'T want to wake up, We all know that. He doesn't say those "5 more minuets" He just drag you on his bed and suffocate you with his warmth.

- Leona takes about 1 hour of convincing to make him leave his bed that consist of More cuddles, kisses, pats (Leona loves them he just doesn't admit it)

- Leona doesn't shower in the morning. He doesn't care if you tell him he smells bad, He won't Shower in the morning

-Maybe he will if you agree to marry him-

            "Huh? No I won't shower.. Maybe if you shower with me I will"

- -

-In the Evening-

- Ruggie is a overworked baby, Leona likes to make his life miserable I don’t know why..

- Ruggie's to go cuddling position is Spooning, He likes being the Small spoon. (You can't change my mind)

- Ruggie is a loud snorer, He's constantly tired, He also likes to make you his own personal stuffed toy.

- Ruggie is a light sleeper Thanks to Leona. He usually only got to sleep in 4 to 5 hours a day.

-It the Morning-

- Ruggie wake up WAY early, unwillingly He has to cook breakfast for the battalion called Savanaclaw residents.

- Ruggie always try to shower before going to class. This Hyena boys respects Hygiene and I live for it.

- He sometimes Brings you breakfast, But the charge fee is Kisses and Head pats.

                    "Shi shi shi~ That cost 10 Kisses and 20 head pats Y/n"

- -

-In the Evening-

- Jack loves to shower first before going to bed, I can't blame him This guy has to take care of Adeuce, Grim and Epel at the same time (Thanks for the help Sebek)

- Jack's cuddle position is shingles, He likes having his muscular arms around you, Ready to protect you when someone strikes.

- Jack's tail is a additional pillow in the bed room. He likes having his tail around your legs or entangled with your legs.

- Jack is a light sleeper. He always wake's up when his alarm rings.

-In the Morning-

- Jack goes to a early morning run. Probably around 5 or 6 in the morning. He tries to persuade you to join him, but instead he uses you as a Weight for push ups.

- Jack likes a light breakfast after his run. He always eat Eggs, Bread and some Meat either Bacon or Chicken.

- Jack always tries to have a perfect morning schedule but was proven impossible thanks to the other 1st years.

"Hm? you can't run anymore? I see, Just climb in my back and I'll bring you back to the dorm"

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