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![SKETCHES OF BEREBIS, VIVIANE, AND LEVIOTANS [OVERBLOT] FORMS](https://64.media.tumblr.com/96869c6090b7760fe11cd36793ee573b/6212d669a0480449-b5/s540x810/2faf00219e937cf7352816f66073c8db3bc95061.png)
![SKETCHES OF BEREBIS, VIVIANE, AND LEVIOTANS [OVERBLOT] FORMS](https://64.media.tumblr.com/418c4a0992a4beca0343722d29e980b0/6212d669a0480449-94/s540x810/fa79ce43faeb69f003cb28a1f24a894a8445b3ca.png)
![SKETCHES OF BEREBIS, VIVIANE, AND LEVIOTANS [OVERBLOT] FORMS](https://64.media.tumblr.com/4ea376f39716b2f58ccfcc1d224939e3/6212d669a0480449-d5/s540x810/35e3288c874698119c3309f42fdd3a33f3eee71f.png)
Lev is ready to fuck you up alongside his pack of sadistic killer whales-- also, just to clarify, the orca that he’s sitting on IS the one with all the ink/the ink holder
Viv herself is riding a big fuck-you-beluga-whale with a scary as shit grin that’s not seen due to the sheer size of the whale-- uwu
And yes, Bel IS asleep, true to his nickname and whom he’s twisted from lololol-- and if you’re wondering wat the hell is the smudge all over on his drawing; it’s gas, [sleeping gas] “extracted” from his ink, to be exact. :)
Now that the “normal cases” are out of the way-- the next ones are the “special cases”!!
By that I mean, they’re people who have either already experienced [overblot] in the past, won’t ever experience it and is only a [what-if], or will only [overblot] under specific/special circumstances: Hokusai, Shir, Cirnu, and Orchis
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More Posts from Randomikemendegen

this was purely just for fun (both for me and lala lol) since I wanted to see more of Ruggie’s panicking face--

Lala: Hahaha, you should’ve seen the face you had back there, Ruggie(-senpai)~! You even let out a nice scream!
Ruggie: Anyone would react that way if they saw someone running at them full speed and jumped at them!! Seriously... that almost gave me an actual heart attack. None of Leona-san’s tasks were even THIS heart-pounding...
M Y S O N - ! ! ! !
*begins to sob uglily*

@choconanime Hunny- look at our son- he’s made a friend(MC/us technically lol)

"Say, want to take photo together? I'm sure my mother will be glad if she know I make friend"
In some of Deuce speech, he always think of the MC as his best friend. For example when you level up his episode level, he will call you as his best friend, asking you to grab food with him, even offering to help you study even he didn't know how.
I'm excited for the game to finally come out (even if I live in North America😅) but the tension is killing me on the waiting list, how about you and your ocs, are they excited to attend the school and adventure as well? (-From Kaiyahna Meeks🙂)
(A/N: F*ck, I got the wrong ask earlier- ALSDJSADLKASJDASKD I’m so very sorry holy hell- there’s quite a bit in my inbox that I got confused lololol- I rly should clean up owo;;)
LOLOLOL I’M SO LATE TO GETTING TO THIS I’M SORRY ASJDASKDJASLD (I rly gotta clean up my asks/inbox sooner or later qwq)
Quintin is feeling pretty nervous!! It’s his first day after all, though luckily enough Seisear is in Heartslabyul too so he’s not feeling too much dread. Quin just wants to get through the entire school years by without anything drastic or problem happening…. (Well, he won’t exactly get his wish due to the dumbass group lol)
Seisear on the other hand is quite thrilled to be going back to school, since it means that it will be another year that he gets to “fulfil [his] wish”.… that, and he’s just generally excited seeing the school and being able to prank on his dorm mates again~. (And it’s another year again of being a thorn on Riddle’s side yet again, *sigh*)
Lala is NOT happy. Like. AT ALL. She’s pouting as Shir is trying to remind her about their deal that they made during their death match. Lala doesn’t wanna go to “this stuck-up school full of know-it-alls”…. But she IS a king of her word, and a deal was a deal. She just sighs and immediately sets a goal of taking down whoever is her dorm leader. (She actually did challenge Leona. It ended in a draw, of sorts.)
Ophiou is extremely anxious to the point he doesn’t wanna go to school at all, but he does anyways since he promised his mom he would do his best. Like Quin, he doesn’t want to get involved any trouble during this year, and/or the next, either… so his solution to that is to simply try his absolute best to blend into the crowd and draw as little attention as possible. (Again, with the dumbass group around, impossible :P)
Cirnu isn’t sure if she feel excited or something, but assumes that it’s like that. She can’t wait to see the same old faces, but even more so simply cannot wait to see the new junior students. Sure, they may test her patience every now and then, but she always forgives them in the end since that’s how children are~. (Once again, she ends up trying to remind everyone again about inviting Malleus to any occasion/party while Lilia is finding this amusing all over again)
Berebis is totally 100% neutral, well, to be specific… HE COULD NOT GIVE A SINGLE SHIT. Bel doesn’t expect this year to be exciting or thrilling or whatever in the slightest; it wasn’t last year, so why should he expect the same of this year? … well, the only thing he’s looking forward to is the Potions class and snoozing off in the library again, so that’s that. (His attitude quickly irritates Sebek despite being the latter’s senpai, to which Bel clearly doesn’t give a fuck about)
Fuyume… has no idea how to feel. I mean, sure it’s her first day at NRC, but she doesn’t feel anything at all… well, not entirely. There’s a tiny part of her that’s feeling… what she thinks is nervousness, though even then she’s largely detached from it. Fuyu just patiently deals with everything, unemotive as usual. (Though even she is quite surprised at how…. Many “unique” people there are; and by unique she means, loud, noisy, all over the place, etc.)
Viviane is super excited to be going back to school~! The amount of new faces she’ll see and meet, the old faces she’ll reunite with, the new and potentially exciting school activities… she simply cannot wait! Viv just wants to make friends with and get to know all the new students while also rekindling old friendships~. (MC interests her the most due to their unique circumstance)
Leviotan is being Leviotan as usual; he doesn’t care. Well, not entirely— Lev minds about whether or not the newbies/juniors will be either even slightly fun or a complete waste of time, and keeps a close eye on Viviane to ensure nothing bad happens to her. (He’s watching over MC and Grim like a hawk whenever they interact with Viv; he’s not the type of person to judge based on word of mouth, but he can’t help it when his sister’s involved somehow)
Orchis is… well… unknown. Though they can’t help BUT feel thrilled at being “back at school”. They do remember that they once attended NRC in the past, but Orchis can’t remember what their school life was like; was it exciting? was it depressing? Who knows. But at any rate, for Orchis, this is a second chance in of its own– a second chance to relive the time lost to them~! (They’re MC and Grim’s only other dorm mate, if only due to their circumstances)
Hokusai is, funnily enough, DREADING another year. Sure he’s already long gotten used to being a teacher at this point, but it still doesn’t mean that he can’t help but internally face palm whenever the students do something stupid. Hoku still thinks they’re all cute though, even the most headache-inducing ones, and will continue to genuinely watch over them… unlike in the past. (He takes GREAT INTEREST in the MC and Grim, since they’re unknown factors that Crowley let stay)
Shir is already graduated so he doesn’t have to go to school anymore, though he does remember his very first day and longingly looks back on it with a chuckle as he’s telling Lala about NRC and what she can expect from there. He occasionally visits the school whenever he’s not busy to check up on Lala and perhaps catch up with the Savanaclaw dormitory. (Leona jokes that Shir should attend again since he seems so attached to the school; he declines, saying it would be too embarrassing and he already has his responsibilities)
*slams hands on table*
.... but with a bit of muscle qwq
It would be funny tho to see this glass prince to run for like, 5 minutes, before he eventually breaks down coughing and wheezing hahahaha--- //slapped

my braincells fighting over what sarge’s actual bodybuild is and whether or not he has any inkling of muscle on his body
Yeah, it’s sport in-universe. The MC even likens it to “American Football”, but with magic lol
What you really wanna look out for is the Octatrio preparing for the “term tests” lmao
*Hearing Azul plan something about "Magical Shift" Program*
*Take a book and find subject "Magical Shift"*
Oh Sh*t, that Tako Megane (Azul) is planning to try take people's magic power by listening their wish and help.