Leviotan Genov - Tumblr Posts
My brain: ....
Me: *looks at clock; it’s 5 mins to 3am* I already know where this is going, so fire away, idgaf anymore *slumps onto bed*
My brain: Ok so like- what if- mafia beluga whale girl and mafia killer whale dude??!!?!

The girl’s name is Viviane Corentin, and the guy’s name is Leviotan Corentin. If their last names aren’t too obvious enough, then, I’ll say it out loud: THEY’RE SIBLINGS!!!! ... well, not blood-related.
Viv is Lev’s adopted younger sister. Viviane lost her parents when she was fairly young and as a result, was taken in to be raised as Levio’s younger sibling; her old name was “Lorelei”.
Levi’s a 3rd-year while Vivi is a 2nd-year; their ages are 19 and 17 respectively. The former is based on a killer whale, while the latter is based on a beluga whale.
Viv gets along with seemingly nearly every one of the entire student body, though despite her genki and carefree attitude, she’s actually pretty scarily competent and can and WILL do ANYTHING to accomplish her task.
Oh, and did I forget that this albino-pinkish hue babby CAN lie as easily as she fucking breaths? She would make a great con artist had it not been for the fact that she IS a genuinely nice and caring if a somewhat airheaded and playful girl.
Levi, despite his seemingly delinquent and rough look, is actually pretty smart and has a deep-seated curiosity towards anything that piques his interest, and will stop at nothing in order to satiate his thirst.
That and the fact that he likes to purposefully rile up others in order to gauge and toy with their reactions; in a way, it’s sort of a “game” to him. The more easily reactive the person is, the more he’ll “play along” with them-- it doesn’t matter if you don’t even give him reactions since he’ll just take it as a “challenge” or a “puzzle”.
They both come from, “a shady family”, with Lev being the heir to the Seat. Viv is pretty much free to do whatever she wants to, and she even listed down on her “What I want to be when I grow up” section of her profile paper when she was young was, “singer”. She kind of got that wish to come true when Azul let her sing on certain events/occasions in Cafe Mostro.
Lev WILL fuck you up if you so much as harm even a single strand on Viv’s hair-- he’s overprotective over his adoptive younger sister. So much so that he doesn’t even realize that Viviane already has him wrapped around her pretty little finger.... subverted in that he KNOWS how fucking whipped he is, but clearly doesn’t give a shit; he just wants to make sure NO ONE would harm her and wants her to be happy above all else.

“Hah? If there’s nothing you need, then scram. I’ve got no time for pointless small-talk.”
Name: Leviotan Genov
Dorm: Octavinelle
Year: 3rd
Musical instruments
Fairness and keeping to your word
Word puzzles and chess
Meaningless things/conversations
Debts and being indebted
Needless spending
Spicy foods
Twisted from: No one (he’s based on a Killer Whale/Orca)
Short Description:
A 3rd-year from the Octavinelle dormitory, and Viviane’s “older brother”. He appears to do as he pleases and minds his own business, to which he expects others to do the same. Despite his conscious distancing, he at times follows Azul’s orders and genuinely cares about one person; his little sister.
He’s aloof and prefers to not bother intruding on other people’s business unless it benefits him, his sister, or his benefactors. That’s not to say Levio has no social skills at all, he’s actually quite pleasant to talk to…. if and when he actually talks to you. He’s also very observant and actually pays attention to what is going on in his surroundings, keeping information within his head until he can later use it on the perfect or right time. Also, due to being raised in a household that respects and highly values women in a positive light, Levi’s naturally inclined to be nice and courteous to women, even offering to assist any female that look like they need help— he’s actually kind that way, though he doesn’t regard himself as such and just considers it as a circumstantial attitude due to how and what type of environment he was raised in. Also, despite his rather gruff and tough appearance, he can actually be rather formal and patient, though he mostly reserves this side to gatherings or important parties and stuff.
Believe it or not, but he’s actually an instrumental genius. What that actually means is, he can pretty much play any musical instrument very easily even though he’s never used it in the past. It’s to the point that he only needs to hear a piece of music ONCE, and he can already replicate it to near-perfection. Despite looking and acting so seriously most of the time, Levio’s actually pretty playful and a bit of a snarky tease, since he whenever he’s in a good mood or around people he even REMOTELY is close with, then he’ll poke fun at them over small things on occasion like; say if that person’s crush is nearby, then he’ll do his absolute best to make his “friend” turn absolutely red from embarrassment. Though at random times, he will choose a random person and then try to push their berserk buttons for the fun of it. Levi genuinely cares about Viviane and would do absolutely anything and everything to make her happy and to stay that way; he’s almost worried about her due to her lackadaisical attitude and the fact that because she got so used to seeing sketchy-looking guys back at home, she has absolutely zero fear in approaching literally anyone.
With all that being said…. it will not be denied that Leviotan has a rather sadistic side. He also has a bit of a bad habit in gambling away anything— he more often than not ups the stakes and even often bets his life mostly for the thrills, though he quite easily crushes the opposition on that note since that’s his “finale”. Additionally, Levio may not look like it, but he is the type of person who WILL mess with and up your entire life and psyche just for the fun of it. Sure with his domineering size, he’s 198cm by the way, he could just easily beat anyone up, but he much prefers the way of “breaking them by talking”…. though he isn’t against in using both. Levi’s also not ashamed of actually using his “ties” and “connections” behind the scenes if he gets genuinely pissed off, or if one of his benefactors needs something done about it, or, god forbid, if you’ve done something bad to Vivi in which case, pray to whatever god out there that Lev himself does NOT deal with you; trust me, you’d rather wish you were dead than deal with an angry Leviotan.
[Will be edited in the future]
His first name, [Leviotan], is actually derived from [Leviathan] and [Lotan]; both are sea serpents/dragons with the former being from Jewish/Christian belief, while the latter is from the Canaanites— although the name also came to be used as a term for “great whale”.
His last name, [Genov], comes from the infamous Genovese mafia— the oldest and largest of the “Five Families”, and was originally known as the “Luciano (crime family)”.
He and Viviane may be siblings, but the latter is actually his adoptive younger sister-- meaning they share no blood relations. Still, he treats Viv as if she was actually his younger sister.
Viviane was also supposed to end up becoming the heir to the Genov family name due to their succession law of having a female lead the family. Though because of her adoptive status, and the fact that she vehemently rejected it(since it felt too “restraining” for her), Leviotan was chosen instead despite being a male. Both of them don’t really mind or care about this outcome in the slightest.

Lololol it depends honestly- since Lev’s default thought regarding everyone until he officially meets them is “Meh.”; he’s not the type of person to judge someone just from word of mouth and is the type of guy to form his judgments once he actually meets them--
tho if you’re also a gambler like him- please do be prepared for higher and higher stakes- he aint stopping until he gets to his usual of “if i lose, you take my fucking life bro”; that or Viv enters the scene and gets him to stop lmfao

“Hah? If there’s nothing you need, then scram. I’ve got no time for pointless small-talk.”
Name: Leviotan Genov
Dorm: Octavinelle
Year: 3rd
Musical instruments
Fairness and keeping to your word
Word puzzles and chess
Meaningless things/conversations
Debts and being indebted
Needless spending
Spicy foods
Twisted from: No one (he’s based on a Killer Whale/Orca)
Short Description:
A 3rd-year from the Octavinelle dormitory, and Viviane’s “older brother”. He appears to do as he pleases and minds his own business, to which he expects others to do the same. Despite his conscious distancing, he at times follows Azul’s orders and genuinely cares about one person; his little sister.
He’s aloof and prefers to not bother intruding on other people’s business unless it benefits him, his sister, or his benefactors. That’s not to say Levio has no social skills at all, he’s actually quite pleasant to talk to…. if and when he actually talks to you. He’s also very observant and actually pays attention to what is going on in his surroundings, keeping information within his head until he can later use it on the perfect or right time. Also, due to being raised in a household that respects and highly values women in a positive light, Levi’s naturally inclined to be nice and courteous to women, even offering to assist any female that look like they need help— he’s actually kind that way, though he doesn’t regard himself as such and just considers it as a circumstantial attitude due to how and what type of environment he was raised in. Also, despite his rather gruff and tough appearance, he can actually be rather formal and patient, though he mostly reserves this side to gatherings or important parties and stuff.
Believe it or not, but he’s actually an instrumental genius. What that actually means is, he can pretty much play any musical instrument very easily even though he’s never used it in the past. It’s to the point that he only needs to hear a piece of music ONCE, and he can already replicate it to near-perfection. Despite looking and acting so seriously most of the time, Levio’s actually pretty playful and a bit of a snarky tease, since he whenever he’s in a good mood or around people he even REMOTELY is close with, then he’ll poke fun at them over small things on occasion like; say if that person’s crush is nearby, then he’ll do his absolute best to make his “friend” turn absolutely red from embarrassment. Though at random times, he will choose a random person and then try to push their berserk buttons for the fun of it. Levi genuinely cares about Viviane and would do absolutely anything and everything to make her happy and to stay that way; he’s almost worried about her due to her lackadaisical attitude and the fact that because she got so used to seeing sketchy-looking guys back at home, she has absolutely zero fear in approaching literally anyone.
With all that being said…. it will not be denied that Leviotan has a rather sadistic side. He also has a bit of a bad habit in gambling away anything— he more often than not ups the stakes and even often bets his life mostly for the thrills, though he quite easily crushes the opposition on that note since that’s his “finale”. Additionally, Levio may not look like it, but he is the type of person who WILL mess with and up your entire life and psyche just for the fun of it. Sure with his domineering size, he’s 198cm by the way, he could just easily beat anyone up, but he much prefers the way of “breaking them by talking”…. though he isn’t against in using both. Levi’s also not ashamed of actually using his “ties” and “connections” behind the scenes if he gets genuinely pissed off, or if one of his benefactors needs something done about it, or, god forbid, if you’ve done something bad to Vivi in which case, pray to whatever god out there that Lev himself does NOT deal with you; trust me, you’d rather wish you were dead than deal with an angry Leviotan.
[Will be edited in the future]
His first name, [Leviotan], is actually derived from [Leviathan] and [Lotan]; both are sea serpents/dragons with the former being from Jewish/Christian belief, while the latter is from the Canaanites— although the name also came to be used as a term for “great whale”.
His last name, [Genov], comes from the infamous Genovese mafia— the oldest and largest of the “Five Families”, and was originally known as the “Luciano (crime family)”.
He and Viviane may be siblings, but the latter is actually his adoptive younger sister– meaning they share no blood relations. Still, he treats Viv as if she was actually his younger sister.
Viviane was also supposed to end up becoming the heir to the Genov family name due to their succession law of having a female lead the family. Though because of her adoptive status, and the fact that she vehemently rejected it(since it felt too “restraining” for her), Leviotan was chosen instead despite being a male. Both of them don’t really mind or care about this outcome in the slightest.
What if your oc's were idols? What would their roles in the group be? (like the baby or the leader etc.)

asdjsdlasjd Anyways, joking aside, since this is ALL of my OCs, like, ALL TWELVE OF THEM, the actual answers will be placed under the cut below:

Quintin Blanpine (Sub-Vocalist & Lead Dancer)

Seisear Marchare (Sub-Rapper & Lead Dancer)

Orchis Hortengea (”Maknae”/”Cutie”)

Viviane Genov (Main Vocalist)

Fuyume Yukitosu (Sub-Vocalist)

Shir-Kani Tigris (Leader, Lead-Rapper, & Center)

Hokusai Nasu (Lead Vocalist & Visual)

Ophiou Chos Gorgos (Lead Rapper)

Berebis R. L’Ephegor (Lead Vocalist, Sub-Rapper, & Visual)

Leviotan Genov (Main Rapper & Main Dancer)

Cirnu Alva Valrigethen (Lead Vocalist & Face)

Lala-Phula Tigris (Main Dancer)
(Mun Note: I would have included explanations but my brain was threatening to split open from the headache that I decided not to, to save myself from further headache I’m really sorry sjdlkasjddsdkjldsd)
![SKETCHES OF BEREBIS, VIVIANE, AND LEVIOTANS [OVERBLOT] FORMS](https://64.media.tumblr.com/96869c6090b7760fe11cd36793ee573b/6212d669a0480449-b5/s540x810/2faf00219e937cf7352816f66073c8db3bc95061.png)
![SKETCHES OF BEREBIS, VIVIANE, AND LEVIOTANS [OVERBLOT] FORMS](https://64.media.tumblr.com/418c4a0992a4beca0343722d29e980b0/6212d669a0480449-94/s540x810/fa79ce43faeb69f003cb28a1f24a894a8445b3ca.png)
![SKETCHES OF BEREBIS, VIVIANE, AND LEVIOTANS [OVERBLOT] FORMS](https://64.media.tumblr.com/4ea376f39716b2f58ccfcc1d224939e3/6212d669a0480449-d5/s540x810/35e3288c874698119c3309f42fdd3a33f3eee71f.png)
Lev is ready to fuck you up alongside his pack of sadistic killer whales-- also, just to clarify, the orca that he’s sitting on IS the one with all the ink/the ink holder
Viv herself is riding a big fuck-you-beluga-whale with a scary as shit grin that’s not seen due to the sheer size of the whale-- uwu
And yes, Bel IS asleep, true to his nickname and whom he’s twisted from lololol-- and if you’re wondering wat the hell is the smudge all over on his drawing; it’s gas, [sleeping gas] “extracted” from his ink, to be exact. :)
Now that the “normal cases” are out of the way-- the next ones are the “special cases”!!
By that I mean, they’re people who have either already experienced [overblot] in the past, won’t ever experience it and is only a [what-if], or will only [overblot] under specific/special circumstances: Hokusai, Shir, Cirnu, and Orchis
I'm excited for the game to finally come out (even if I live in North America😅) but the tension is killing me on the waiting list, how about you and your ocs, are they excited to attend the school and adventure as well? (-From Kaiyahna Meeks🙂)
(A/N: F*ck, I got the wrong ask earlier- ALSDJSADLKASJDASKD I’m so very sorry holy hell- there’s quite a bit in my inbox that I got confused lololol- I rly should clean up owo;;)
LOLOLOL I’M SO LATE TO GETTING TO THIS I’M SORRY ASJDASKDJASLD (I rly gotta clean up my asks/inbox sooner or later qwq)
Quintin is feeling pretty nervous!! It’s his first day after all, though luckily enough Seisear is in Heartslabyul too so he’s not feeling too much dread. Quin just wants to get through the entire school years by without anything drastic or problem happening…. (Well, he won’t exactly get his wish due to the dumbass group lol)
Seisear on the other hand is quite thrilled to be going back to school, since it means that it will be another year that he gets to “fulfil [his] wish”.… that, and he’s just generally excited seeing the school and being able to prank on his dorm mates again~. (And it’s another year again of being a thorn on Riddle’s side yet again, *sigh*)
Lala is NOT happy. Like. AT ALL. She’s pouting as Shir is trying to remind her about their deal that they made during their death match. Lala doesn’t wanna go to “this stuck-up school full of know-it-alls”…. But she IS a king of her word, and a deal was a deal. She just sighs and immediately sets a goal of taking down whoever is her dorm leader. (She actually did challenge Leona. It ended in a draw, of sorts.)
Ophiou is extremely anxious to the point he doesn’t wanna go to school at all, but he does anyways since he promised his mom he would do his best. Like Quin, he doesn’t want to get involved any trouble during this year, and/or the next, either… so his solution to that is to simply try his absolute best to blend into the crowd and draw as little attention as possible. (Again, with the dumbass group around, impossible :P)
Cirnu isn’t sure if she feel excited or something, but assumes that it’s like that. She can’t wait to see the same old faces, but even more so simply cannot wait to see the new junior students. Sure, they may test her patience every now and then, but she always forgives them in the end since that’s how children are~. (Once again, she ends up trying to remind everyone again about inviting Malleus to any occasion/party while Lilia is finding this amusing all over again)
Berebis is totally 100% neutral, well, to be specific… HE COULD NOT GIVE A SINGLE SHIT. Bel doesn’t expect this year to be exciting or thrilling or whatever in the slightest; it wasn’t last year, so why should he expect the same of this year? … well, the only thing he’s looking forward to is the Potions class and snoozing off in the library again, so that’s that. (His attitude quickly irritates Sebek despite being the latter’s senpai, to which Bel clearly doesn’t give a fuck about)
Fuyume… has no idea how to feel. I mean, sure it’s her first day at NRC, but she doesn’t feel anything at all… well, not entirely. There’s a tiny part of her that’s feeling… what she thinks is nervousness, though even then she’s largely detached from it. Fuyu just patiently deals with everything, unemotive as usual. (Though even she is quite surprised at how…. Many “unique” people there are; and by unique she means, loud, noisy, all over the place, etc.)
Viviane is super excited to be going back to school~! The amount of new faces she’ll see and meet, the old faces she’ll reunite with, the new and potentially exciting school activities… she simply cannot wait! Viv just wants to make friends with and get to know all the new students while also rekindling old friendships~. (MC interests her the most due to their unique circumstance)
Leviotan is being Leviotan as usual; he doesn’t care. Well, not entirely— Lev minds about whether or not the newbies/juniors will be either even slightly fun or a complete waste of time, and keeps a close eye on Viviane to ensure nothing bad happens to her. (He’s watching over MC and Grim like a hawk whenever they interact with Viv; he’s not the type of person to judge based on word of mouth, but he can’t help it when his sister’s involved somehow)
Orchis is… well… unknown. Though they can’t help BUT feel thrilled at being “back at school”. They do remember that they once attended NRC in the past, but Orchis can’t remember what their school life was like; was it exciting? was it depressing? Who knows. But at any rate, for Orchis, this is a second chance in of its own– a second chance to relive the time lost to them~! (They’re MC and Grim’s only other dorm mate, if only due to their circumstances)
Hokusai is, funnily enough, DREADING another year. Sure he’s already long gotten used to being a teacher at this point, but it still doesn’t mean that he can’t help but internally face palm whenever the students do something stupid. Hoku still thinks they’re all cute though, even the most headache-inducing ones, and will continue to genuinely watch over them… unlike in the past. (He takes GREAT INTEREST in the MC and Grim, since they’re unknown factors that Crowley let stay)
Shir is already graduated so he doesn’t have to go to school anymore, though he does remember his very first day and longingly looks back on it with a chuckle as he’s telling Lala about NRC and what she can expect from there. He occasionally visits the school whenever he’s not busy to check up on Lala and perhaps catch up with the Savanaclaw dormitory. (Leona jokes that Shir should attend again since he seems so attached to the school; he declines, saying it would be too embarrassing and he already has his responsibilities)

(Fun fact: Beluga Whales are opportunistic feeders and they prey on about 100 different kinds of primarily bottom-dwelling animals. They eat octopus; squid; crabs; snails; sandworms; and fishes such as capelin, cod, herring, smelt, and flounder.)
(Double Fun fact: As they are apex predators, orcas/killer whales are at the top of the food chain. They feed on sea birds, squid, octopuses, sea turtles, sharks, rays and fish. They also eat most marine mammals, such as seals and dugongs.)
Take these little fun facts as you will~
Viviane is such a cutie pie!!!!! I'd love to hug her and sing a song with her!! Leviotan is................quite handsome, I'd love to ummm kiss him on the cheek?

Viviane: Gyuu~un~! *hugs tightly* I’m always up for giving and receiving hugs anytime! Ehehe, especially from a cute girl like you~! And I’d be delighted to do a duet with you sometime~!

(Mun-san: Ahaha, do forgive Levi, he can’t resist messing with others on occasion.... though you’re lucky you’re a girl so the teasing didn’t last for too long. *sweatdrops*)
11 for all your TWST OCs please!
11. What was their favourite fairy tale growing up?
Quintin Blanpine: Little Red Riding Hood
Seisear Marchare: Hansel & Gretel
Lala-Phula Tigris: Sinbad the Sailor
Cirnu Alva Valirgethen: The Little Match Girl
Ophiou Chos Gorgos: The Beauty and the Beast
Berebis R. L'Ephegor: Sleeping Beauty
Fuyume Yukitosu: The Snow Queen
Shir-Kani Tigris: The Boy who had a Moon on his Forehead
Hokusai Nasu: The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter
Viviane Genov: The Little Mermaid
Leviotan Genov: The Wild Swans
Orchis Hortengea: The Ugly Duckling
Raneus Salpho: Cinderella

yes, that’s Cirnu’s mom asdkjaskd-- more details on her family will be made in the future lol
16 for all your twst bois
16. If they were arrested with no explanation, what would their friends and family think they had done?
Quintin Blanpine & Seisear Marchare: Their grandfather would definitely be quite miffed about his beloved grandsons being arrested with no explanation, plus he knows all about Quintin since he raised the boy by himself after the kid’s parents died when he was young, and he’s been in Seisear’s life ever since his childhood (until he also ended up practically raising him alongside Quintin after a certain incident). He believes that neither of the two did anything bad but is cordial and polite when inquiring about just why did his grandsons get arrested.
Ophiou Chos Gorgos: His mother would DEFINITELY be upset. She’s protective over her son, especially so after she nearly lost him in the past, and now he gets put in jail for no reason whatsoever? Despite her fury though, she retracts her teeth and anger, even though she has long since lost her eye ability, as she tries to peacefully settle this and get her son out of wrongful imprisonment. This situation isn’t helping his mother is trying to affirm (to herself and to her son) that people aren’t prejudiced and whatnot. She 100% believes that her son wouldn’t do anything to harm others and their small family and community don’t like getting involved or making trouble.
Berebis R. L'Ephegor: Much like Ophiou’s mom, Bel’s mom would DEFINITELY be upset and distraught, erratic even since she fully believes that her son can do no wrong and that the arrest was based on either a mistake or antagonism against their family. His dad is also shocked and calls this kind of situation as unfair, but he also expresses disappointment in Bel for being put in this situation— nonetheless, the family will use their reputation and everything at their disposal to get Bel out as soon as possible. His parents fully believe that Bel wouldn’t do anything to cause trouble or harm unto others, with his mother being the one more insistent on these accusations against her son to be false.
Shir-Kani Tigris: Despite their rather harsh and cutthroat beliefs, the entire Tigris clan calls Shir’s arrest to be one massive bullshit. Even Lala is pissed, as, despite their rather prickly relationship, she acknowledges the fact that her older brother isn’t the type of person to do anything wrong and he’s a reasonable guy. His mother has to be physically restrained lest she attacks the guys who are trying to arrest her son, while his father says to let this be since he knows that if his son is truly innocent, which he fully believes Shir is, then he’ll be released in no time.
Leviotan Genov: Levi’s grandmother just shakes her head before doing everything in her power to get him out of prison; after all, family sticks together. His mother is also angry about this situation, though something like this isn’t too uncommon with their lifestyle and whatnot, his other siblings have mixed reactions ranging from concern to making jokes about Levi’s situation, with Vivi being in the former category— she believes that while her brother could be quite rough, he wouldn’t do anything that would go out of the line unless completely necessary. His family thinks that Levi could have (accidentally) hurt someone a bit too much, or threatened them.
Raneus Salpho: His entire family is shocked at this happening since they all know that Ran isn’t someone who would do anything that would get himself into trouble at all, even if he can be somewhat impish. Though with that being said, almost all of them are distant towards each other so they don’t really get involved much with each other’s affairs... however, it doesn’t mean that they don’t care about each other, and Ran isn’t an exception to this. His mother, in particular, comes to his aid and tries her damnest to get her son out of his imprisonment.
Hokusai Nasu: He hasn’t seen any of his family in forever, and is 100% sure that they don’t even know if he’s still alive or not. Plus, he’s already centuries old, along with going under a different name now. Most importantly, he’s under careful watch and he’s kind of bound to the school and its perimeters, so he can’t really commit a crime outside, along with the fact that he won’t harm any of the students and he generally isn’t allowed to harm any person lest he is taken again.
Orchis Hortengea(?): Since they’re a fairly recent undead and Crowley, MC, Grim, and everyone else has done their best to keep their true nature a secret, it’s nearly impossible that Orchis would ever be arrested for anything honestly. Besides, they’ve been dead for decades, and their family have most likely moved and passed on... that and, either way, Orchis doesn’t remember much about their past as a living person.
Hello ! I don't know if you are still doing the OC ask but... 2) With Viviane and Samara and 12) for Cirnu please !

(Mun Yasu: I’m gonna be combining both of these asks since they start out the same ahahahaha- sdkjsadslakjda)
2. What would (Samara) have to do to befriend (Viviane)?
Oh Samara, babby, you don’t have to do much because Viviane will be the one who most likely initiate the friendship uwu!!
The albino 2nd-year has ZERO fear and will approach almost anyone (which is why she gets along with almost everyone). The friendship would probably 100% be instantaneous, honestly, with how both girls act and how very friendly they are. (If they become closer friends, then Levi just might also watch over Samara as well since she’s Vivi/Lorey’s friend)
If Vivi wants to be your friend, then she’ll keep approaching you no matter what even if you try to scare her away~. After all, she believes that no one wants or deserves to be truly alone.
12. If (Cirnu) was forced to adopt someone's ocs as their child, who would it be? Why?
Bro if I told you everyone in Cirnu’s “forced”(you mean, WILLING) adoption list, we’d be here all day lolol— but for question’s sake, I’m gonna be listing a handful down below:
( @prometheanglory )Penn & Nik: The moment Cirnu just sees the twins, she just instantly says, “How cute~.”, and instantly pats them both on the head. She feels a bit sad when the two seem to flinch from her touch as she didn’t mean to frighten the two lads.
( @the27th )Pleiade & Samara: She already dotes on Pleiade quite a lot (helping with the fact that they’re both from Diasomnia) and finds her enthusiasm quite cute. With Samara, Cirnu finds her to be even cuter and even comments how lucky she is to have Pleiade and Kalim as her parents.
( @minoux-x )Nyx: Cirnu just sees Nyx for one second and immediately tries to give him candy; he’s too cute to resist. Plus, Nyx reminds her of one of her little brothers; they’re twins btw, and Nyx specifically reminds Cirnu of the younger twin, who is a bit more quiet and aloof but can be rather cute and sweet especially when wanting attention from the family.
( @conquer-the-raven )Maple: Shy girl? Cute girl?? Small girl??? Say no more, dark big sis Cirnu is on her way to pat the cute fennec foxgirl on the head (and maybe give her a bit of nudging and confidence to interact more with Jack uwu)
( @oiseaunoir11 )Al: Cute cyborg child/son, she 100% thinks he deserves all the support and love that he gets from his friends and such, and also 1000% supports his and Idia’s relationship~. uwu
( @briarrosescurse )Rozalina: Ah yes, another fellow Diasomnia dorm mate (Cirnu dotes on everyone from the dorm, baring Lilia who’s the only exception; not even Malleus can escape the doting). ANYWAYS— Cirnu finds Roza’s child-like curiosity, innocence, and cheerful demeanour to be her best traits and finds herself wanting to protect and dote on the blonde girl uwu.
( @piraticusdorm )Tink: They may be of different fairies/fae, but the doting knows no bounds! Watch as Cirnu makes her way over to the Piraticus dorm to try and establish a friendly relationship with Tink, and perhaps also with Conrad and Krok~ (Also if Nyx reminds Cirnu of her younger brother, then Tink reminds her of that same brother’s older twin, if to an extent)
Bonus OCs that are on the adoption list: ( @circuscarnage )Anna, ( @not-twisted-enough )Taniya, ( @ellovett )Raven, ( @perawuat )Amelie, ( @noahramschakledorm )Noah, ( @f55mi )Maggie, ( @wilted3sunflowers )Shiloh, ( @permanentlyexhaustedowl )Aya, and SO MUCH MORE~!
11. If (Berebis and Levi) was forced to marry someone's oc regardless of feelings, who would it be? Why?
Bel hates the idea, nay, the mere EXISTENCE of forced marriage. Honestly he’d rather swallow his strongest sleeping(poison) potion than go through with something like this. He might make a few exceptions for some people though, such as @briarrosescurse‘s Rozalina. She’s not that loud, she’s a really nice person, plus she’s rather interesting so Bel’s fine with her (that and he won’t actually admit it but he genuinely sympathises with her and might even get off his ass and use his lazy genius-ness to its full potential to help her, since he can’t actually let a person like her be.... what? He’s not a complete jerkass; it’s just that Bel himself shut off his speech/attitude filter a long time ago and became rather apathetic and cynical)
On the other hand, Leviotan doesn’t really care much about stuff like these so anyone’s fine (plus he is actually a gentleman after all despite his aloof and rough appearance... he’s gonna end up giving any guy the cold shoulder tho). Anyways— one of he people he probably doesn’t mind being put into a forced marriage with is @hlebkamendraws‘ Crow; he likes her attitude, the fact that she can take care of herself/be independent, but still have some really cute moments that, honestly, he finds a bit interesting and a tiny bit endearing (it helps that Vivi completely accepts any and all partners that Levi can potentially end up with)

Meet the B&W hair club
Raet: I didn’t ASK to be born like this you psycho-b*tch!
Lala: Who cares, just DIE peasant--!
Levi: This is peak entertainment.
Me: Shouldn’t you go stop them as the adult...?
Levi: And risk losing one of my sources of fun? [No grazie].

(I know I’m ONE day late but eheheh ssssshhhh, we don’t talk about that uwu;;;)
Birthday-related asks are open until March 1st~2nd!! Levi and Hoku will be answering any and all of your questions, greetings, and appreciations!
OCs and OPs alike are free to come wish them a happy birthday!
*gives Leviotan a gentle hug* Happy Birthday Levi, I made you an ice cream cake, I wasn't sure which flavor of ice cream you liked so I made blueberry and blackberries flavor. I hope you like it *soft smile* oh by the way do you play the piano if you and your sister performed together as a duet? (From: CureScarlett24#1428 on Discord🙂)
Levi: "Hmph. Thanks for the gift, I guess. The ice cream cake itself doesn't look too bad, but as for the taste I'll give it a bite later. Sweets ain’t really for me, but I’ve learnt how to make them for Lorey whenever she would crave them like crazy."
"Of course I do. Ever since we were young, I've always accompanied Lorey with any instruments that I felt suited her singing. The piano is no big deal. *smirks*
Hell if she’d ask me to play the “Hammerklavier Sonata”, then I'd do it no questions asked. The violin? Hah! I played “Violin Concerto in D Minor” for her when we were younger.
Granted it took a lil’ while to master it, but seeing her awed smile in the end was worth having my hands bleed practicing nonstop. *chuckles, a genuine smile on his face*
.... If you’re gonna ask me to play though, then I’m rejecting you on the spot. Right here and now. *frowns* Unless I owe you any favors, don’t expect me to just play for you anytime soon.”
H- Hello, don't mind me just giving out some chocolates!!
*Gives everyone a box of homemade bonbons but with Leviotan, Opihou, Raneus, Berebis, Hokusai and Shir-Kani's box there's a letter*
Hey so I....... really really love you. You're incredible and wonderful and I'd kiss you if I wasn't a coward. You don't have to return the favor but I just want you to know that I love you with all my heart and you mean a lot to me ok byyyyye.
Leviotan: *raises an eyebrow* I see. *casually eats only bonbon before giving the rest to Viviane*
Sweets really aren't my thing. Plus, if you had the guts to write a love letter then at least have the guts to confront me in person. Sheesh. *scratches the back of his head, sighing*
(Vivi: Awww, thanks bro! But I already have so many chocos, and the biggest choco is from you~!! Even with my big tummy, I can't eat all of theseeee-!! ò3ó )
Ophiou: Eh? EEEEHHHH????!!! *shooketh because he received chocos from a girl* Eh-? Wuh-? Arereh-??? Hah-?
*Ophiou.EXE crashed; rebooting in 3... 2... 1...*
T-Th-Thanks....!! I, I guess....??! I-I-...! *takes deep breaths to calm himself down* .... I have absolutely no idea why you would even like (a monster) me, b-but.... I really am happy.....
Raneus: *skims through the letter casually tossing it away* She didn't put any caffeine in the choco right? *sniffs one piece* It doesn't contain any liqueur as well right? *squints eyes* I guess I'll feed them to O-chan (Ophiou) first to test if there's any.
... Love is unnecessary to me. *blunt* I'm not looking for it nor am I asking for it. Plus I don't even know who the sender is.
(Ophi: Ran--!!! Be a little more kind and considerate would you...??! OAO)
Berebis: ..... *sighs after reading the letter* Where in the hell are you all coming from... *crumples the letter before staring at the box of bonbons* ... I'm not hungry at the moment, but I'm not letting anyone take it.
Keeping it just in case I get hungry from my nap.... *yawns* Speak of the devil, I'm tired again...
Hokusai: Oh? Oho~? *chuckles* Interesting. I am honored to have earned the little lady's affections, but alas, I must reject such heartfelt confessions. It would be best if she were to direct these to someone else more suitable than I. Now as for the chocolates.... fufu.
Yes, I'll share these with my son~. *chuckles* I still recall him being an avid eater of sweets~.
(Raetel: SHUT UP OLD MAN, I'LL KILL YOU-!! WHO SAID YOU CAN SAY SUCH THINGS-- *he's embarrassed, forgive him*)
Shir: *blinks, smiles faintly* This feels rather nostalgic. Who would've thought that I would receive chocolates once more like this, I feel as if I had returned back to my younger self.
*laughs lightheartedly* Valentine's Day is not a custom really celebrated in my hometown, mainly because they see it as something stupid, so to receive chocolates and a letter once more like I did back in school is somewhat refreshing.
92 for anyone


(Bel; couldn’t find a gif that has both quotes in hhhh)

(Either Quin or Ophi)

(yes i know its cheating to put in more than one person but the gifs i found were just too good- :^DDDD)
May we have 10 facts about Leviotan? 👀
Ah yes finally, 10 facts about everyone's resident "if you so much as look at my little sister you die" mafia fish bro. Lovely 😌👌 sjdjsjsjsk
1. He's the eldest of his siblings, Viviane included. He has 3 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters.
2. Is a certified chef, 100%. He even used to make homemade lunchboxes for his younger siblings in the past (he still does so for Viviane). His food tastes extremely delicious-- it's good enough that, when Floyd isn't in the mood to make food that day, Azul tries his damnest to "persuade" Levi into substituting as chef. (note: Has never worked except when Vivi is involved)
3. Kind of a neat freak despite his slightly unruly appearance??? Like, he keeps his room so pristine and orderly and clean and shiny-- he even gets mildly annoyed if anything's out of place.
4. Somehow managed to get blackmail material on nearly every single person in NRC. On his own. Ever since he was in 1st year. It doesn't help that, currently, he and Azul are "cohorts".
5. To him, family is ALWAYS important, if not the most important. Which is why he's protective over all of his younger siblings (it just show the most obviously with Vivi cause she's the only one I've shown so far).
6. Admittedly, he's not good with mornings so he's often a little bit cranky during the early hours of the day. Hates the fact that no matter how much coffee he drinks, it just doesn't seem to work on getting him to snap awake.
7. Besides cooking, he can surprisingly actually see pretty well??? Not to Ran's levels, but he's got pretty decent handiwork?? ... if somewhat a bit cute-looking???
8. Places HEAVY VALUE on "contracts". Not just written ones, but also "promises", "oaths", "decrees", etc. etc.. Should you ever break literally ANY contract you have with him, then he'll make sure you won't ever forget about it and punish you accordingly. (One example of a student breaking a "contract" with him ended with said student becoming basically displaying signs of trauma whenever Levi's anywhere nearby)
9. Levi is genuinely nice to children-- a given honestly considering how he treats his own younger siblings. Though he also turns out to be practically a 10/10 babysitter since he turns out to have the patience of a saint when dealing with kids, but he still does know how to be gently strict and can hand out slightly tough love towards some of the older kids.
10. Is surprisingly kind of a nerd???? Especially when it involves the culinary arts?? He's also had interest in the vehicles found on land ever since he was young, reading every and all books he can find about them?? So after he finally got used to walking around, he almost immediately bought a motorcycle-- in the end he turned into kind of a machines nerd. (No he did not name his very first bike because he thought that would be weird)

The current "leaders" of the 3 Great Yokai factions:
Shir-Kani of the [Oni]
Leviotan of the [Kitsune] (though he actually co-leads with his younger sister, Viviane)
Berebis of the [Tengu] -- due to reasons, however, he has personally not been involved in any of the affairs between the three races in so long, thus leading to the [White Plume] (Fuyume) to step in as acting-leader.
Extra Info about the 3 Great Yokai Races:
Originally, they didn't get along great. Like, at all. It was only thanks to the effort and the amount of blood shed by countless Kitsune, Oni, and Tengu-- along with the "3 Calamities"-- that this semblance of peace and friendliness among the three races exists along with humanity.
Oni usually have around a minimum of a pair of horns up to a maximum of 3 sets of horns on their head. The amount of horns are usually an indicator of how powerful of an Oni they are, but more often than not they're just decorations on the head of an Oni.
For the Tengu, the most common color of wings they can have is black. It's not uncommon though to see Tengu with wing colors of (dark shades of) red, blue, purple, etc.-- however, having white wings is EXTREMELY rare. It is also customary to wear masks reminiscent to that of birds whenever they leave their village.
Kitsune are able to have a maximum amount of 9 tails, with how many number of tails indicating how powerful a Kitsune is; the more tails one has, the stronger they are. There has been only one instance of a Kitsune reaching up to 10 tails, but any and all records of whomever that was are a tightly-guarded secret by the current Chief of the Kitsunes.
The Tengu live in secrecy within high up the mountains in one big community, usually where there is a lot of foliage. Even then, their village is hidden behind a veil of mysticism and an illusionary wall that separates the two realities. They prefer to not ever get involved with the dealings of humankind or even get dragged into the mess of the other two Yokais-- it's precisely because of this attitude that they are the only ones able to act as the "impartial ones" in case either the Onis or the Kitsunes do anything that would jeopardize the delicate balance they have with the humans.
The Oni on the other hand, are in complete opposite situation as they live out in the open and practically everyone knows where their city is. The main reason why no one ever even dares to try and invade them is because they have never once failed to drive off invaders from their land and have quite the fearsome reputation in regards to cruelty, intimidation, and inhumanity-- they don't bother much in regards to fixing this reputation since they all pretty much agree that it's convenient.
The Kitsunes, meanwhile, freely mingle and love among and/or together with humans but they are also very much welcome to return to their original Kitsune villages any time. Despite coming across as the most friendly of the 3 Great Yokai races, however, it is still widely advised to be on one's guard when you KNOW you're dealing with a Kitsune because they have a long-standing reputation of either being a [curse] or a [blessing] for anyone that comes across them.
😳 pretty please?

Hehehehe food date go brrrrr
Melanie gets the honor of being among the very few (that isn't Vivi) to taste a bit of Levi's cooking/baking 🙈🙈

Why hello, I am back with more questions 😌😌
Jgjdkck if it's no bother could I have an explanation for why you categorised your OCS as such from my last ask??
If not all then maybe one from each? 👀👀
hdkjasd lololol wb Aya!!!
ok so- i’ll be doing one OC from each category to save on time ehe 🤡
Hokusai from the “Best Yandere” category
Cinis from the “Mild Yandere” category
Leviotan from the “Worst Yandere” category
yes yes i just realized that i picked the first OC from each category bite me lol 🤡ANYWAYS--
Hokusai is counted among the [best yanderes] to have/be stuck with mainly because of the fact that, because he’s already been there, he KNOWS how it feels like-- to have such dark thoughts towards others and how far one is willing to go for their Darling. Adding to that fact that he’s mellowed out considerably after millennia, Hokusai takes great lengths to ensure that some of his darker actions do not repeat themselves in the present. As a result, he gives his Darling full autonomy and allows them to live a life outside him; Hokusai would give them almost literally anything and everything in the entire world should they just ask for it--- but that doesn’t mean his Darling’s fully “free” and “safe” yet-- oh no no no.
This is only but an illusion that he has conjured up in order to ensure that the happiness and love exchanged between him and his Darling is consensual and genuinely reciprocated.
Cinis, meanwhile, is counted amongst the [mild yanderes] mostly because she is torn between two feelings. On one hand, she WANTS to dote on her Darling-- to smother them in adoration and affection that she feels like they deserve. But due to her admitted inability to properly/correctly socialize and emotionally connect with others, she has a rather hard time on how to actually express her emotions even towards her Darling, which causes her no end of frustration, confusion, and heartache. Thus, she ends up at times acting rather distant towards her Darling because she is attempting to compose her thoughts and trying to understand better on how to “act” more affectionate.
But as a result on the other hand she ends up occasionally emotionally neglecting her Darling. She doesn’t mean to do it, but she’s trying her best... so do forgive her, Darling.
Oh Leviotan, where do I begin with this one? Well, for starters, while on the surface he is pretty (genuinely) doting and caring towards his Darling, giving them lavish gifts and material goods along with the occasional physical intimacy (such as cuddles, hand-holding, etc. etc.), he is rather VERY emotionally manipulative and sadistic. Oh don’t get him wrong he does genuinely love his Darling and would quite literally KILL for them (and even kill them if things came down to it), it’s just that a part of him just wants to see them experience all of these sorts of emotions and feelings BECAUSE of him.
All the tears they shed, all the smiles they let out, the scared expressions on their face, their anger, their surprised-- all of it. It is because of him and him alone. Darling.