Mun Yasu || Main multi-purpose fandom blog; mostly/mainly OC-centric and (art)reblogging || Ask box: OPEN || I'm back!! || 20+ years old
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A New Student Has Joined The Ignihyde Dormitory!!

A new student has joined the Ignihyde dormitory!!
Meet [Raneus Salpho]-- a 2nd year student with a sharp tongue and much like most of the other Ignihyde students, mostly keeps to himself and doesn’t interact much with others. He doesn’t really like conforming much to rules and doesn’t seem to particularly care about how others think about him, preferring for others to just mind their own business.
He actually comes from a family extraordinarily skilled in the art of sewing, with him being one of the best throughout his family’s history, and is able to make an entire outfit in, at his fastest, a single overnight work. Even better is that he’s twisted from [Arachne] in Greek mythology.
Raneus is also actually a spider, and while normally he would look a lot more “hideous”, he is able to hide away those traits of his thanks to buying certain potions that Berebis makes on his spare time. That being said, he’s not really afraid to freak out others by using his webs and magic and such.
He doesn’t mind selling out his web and works, but he charges quite high prices. It’s all worth it though, as the products are all of high quality and are excellent craftsmanship.
Surprisingly though, he gets along quite well with some people such as Sam(more of business partners really, Sam sells what Raen makes, and the latter gets profits), Trey(though it’s mostly the spider leeching off of Trey’s sweets in exchange for some favors and stuff), Ophiou, Idia, and Ortho(all four of them are from the same place of origin and have known each other for sometime)
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More Posts from Randomikemendegen

Just a common everyday occurrence in Heartslabyul
even after Chapter 1 and Riddle is a bit more lenient/less strict (and this is before Quin and Sei overblot)
well this looks like shit asldkjasldjs
wanted to fully color it but sorta lost the motivation-- might reblog this sometime in the future where its fully colored, hopefully ✊😔
(this is obviously based from the woman yelling at cat meme)
heyo, it's yumeko from briarrosescurse!! tell us what would the answer be for samara for nr. 14 !! ☺️
So number 14 for Samara...
14) What Ocs does Samara share a lot in common with ?
First, let's say a lot can mean 2 or 100 for me.
So, one of the first persons that come in my mind is Diamore, @tawmatore 's oc. They have both siblings and are the younger one. And they like to trick people ! Plus, they like to hug them too. This is why Samara, Diamore and her twin brother are part of a pranking trio.
Another person would be Viviane Genov, @randomikemendegen 's oc. Viviane is SO ADORABLE and I love how expressive she is ! Samara is just as expressive but she tries hard to stop it (it doesn't work) . And the interactions between Levi and Viviane are great ! Samara also has older siblings with whom she gets along very well.
I noticed that you post a lot and i miss a whooooolleee bunch of it so i put notifications on but i dont get the notifications;; but the first thing when i type in 'r' is your blog so randomly i like just scrolling thru your feed and liking a whole bunch of stuff that i missed before lol i really love your stuff and i hope youre having a lovely day

askldjalskdjsd does this mean im popular now-- lmfao jk jk
anyway lolol-
thanks for liking all of my stupid stuff haha- i hope you continue to enjoy my (future) content! It’s a bit messy due to my constantly shifting fandoms and such, but I try~.
Hope you have a lovely day too! ^ w ^) //
I adore your angel ocs. I have some based on the same angels- and I love seeing your interpretations of them. Also your arts so good??? I love it.

Brooooo- sakdjakldjasd- it’s nice to know that you (and possibly other people) also have your own interpretation of Sam/Micha/Raph-- i’d like to see them someday out of curiosity wwwwwww (but if u don't wanna then i totally understand and respect your decision)
asdajsdksjds thanks for liking my art too- aaaaaaaaaa
💖Oc with Oc Interaction Ask/Tag Game💖
Rules: Tag friends or mutuals you think would wanna do the ask game with their ocs, this game can apply to any fandom!
Making a yandere version so stay tuned for that
Your!oc: Name of the mun's oc
My!oc: Name of the oc of the person sending the ask

What does (Your!oc) think of (My!oc)?
What would (My!oc) have to do to befriend (Your!oc)?
What would (My!oc) have to do to seduce (Your!oc)?
How would (Your!oc) react to (My!oc) confessing to them?
How would (Your!oc) confess to (My!oc)?
What does (Your!oc) find attractive in (My!oc) as a partner?
What does (Your!oc) find attractive in (My!oc) as a friend?
(My!oc) is having a birthday party and (Your!oc) is going, what kind of birthday present would they bring for them?
Any ocs that (Your!oc) would be attracted to romantically?
Any ocs that (Your!oc) would be attracted to platonically?
If (Your!oc) was forced to marry someone's oc regardless of feelings, who would it be? Why?
If (Your!oc) was forced to adopt someone's ocs as their child, who would it be? Why?
What two ocs does (Your!oc) seem to be the love child of?
What ocs does (Your!oc) share a lot in common with?
What ocs does (Your!oc) seem like the opposite of?
(Your!oc) is in a fight and needs backup! Which ocs would they ask for assistance?
(Your!oc) is doing a trust fall, which ocs would they trust in catching them?
(Your!oc) can have anyone to be their date platonically or not to a party, who would they take? Why?
For some reason (Your!oc) has to share a bed with someone, who would they be willing to share a bed with?
(Your!oc) is close friends with everyone and is having a bad day, which ocs would they go to for a pick me up?

I Tag: @yandere-wishes @prometheanglory @piraticusdorm @permanentlyexhaustedowl @perawuat @wondersbeyondcompare @wilted3sunflowers @randomikemendegen and anyone else that wants to join in!