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Mun Yasu || Main multi-purpose fandom blog; mostly/mainly OC-centric and (art)reblogging || Ask box: OPEN || I'm back!! || 20+ years old

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Just A Common Everyday Occurrence In Heartslabyul

Just A Common Everyday Occurrence In Heartslabyul

Just a common everyday occurrence in Heartslabyul 

even after Chapter 1 and Riddle is a bit more lenient/less strict (and this is before Quin and Sei overblot)

well this looks like shit asldkjasldjs

wanted to fully color it but sorta lost the motivation-- might reblog this sometime in the future where its fully colored, hopefully ✊😔

(this is obviously based from the woman yelling at cat meme)

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More Posts from Randomikemendegen

4 years ago

laksjklsd there’s nothing much interesting about me but I’ll try sksksssks

I was told by my grandmother that I got followed quite a few times when I was a child by this lady when I went from school to my grandparent’s house (I would always stay there for a while until my parents came home from work), and she would always say that she’s reminded of someone back home and that I was really pretty. (It’s weird honestly lol, I have absolutely no recollection about this whatsoever, and I’m mostly told this by my granny).

I used to be a rather impish kid who would tie one of my grandfathers to the rocking chair as he slept, and would often cover the small wardrobes/drawers with powder.

When I was a kid, one of my grandmothers mentioned that, one morning/evening(i forgot which sksksksks), I was doing something for a bit before I looked up at the ceiling or at the doorway and said one of my dead great-grandmother’s name..... even though I’ve never met or heard her name in the slightest until I was more grown up.

tagging: @ellovett @thecoolsquirrel ​@tawmatore​ @not-twisted-enough and anyone else who wants to join aldjdasdj 

(sorry if i seem a bit out of it-- im in a serious daze and have no fucking clue about anything anymore)

Tag Game

I was tagged by @pumpkiethepie thanks, love! I wanted to make a seperate post for this ;)

Rules: post 3 facts about yourself and tag the first seven people in your notifs

1) I used to be a very 'talented' artist (as others said but I personally hate the word talented) but I couldn't handle the pressure and other people's ridicilous expectations. (Just because I won two of worldwide art contest people thought I had some god like skills) So I always experience fear of being a dissapointment with everything I do.

2) I can speak Japanese but I can't write. Never studied the alphabet.

3) This is more interesting, getting outta my gloomy corner. I was born 1.5 kg almost half a baby. *smol baby, still smol*

Tags: (I will just tag bunch of people) @yandere-romanticaa @yandere-wishes @yandere-of-your-dreams @feedmestraycats @geodraconia @beheadedruler @bored-storyteller @nonsensical-twistedriddles

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4 years ago

vy, my good ol' vytatoe :-), for the oc interaction, how abt nr 10 for vinh and ronaldo? 👁👄👁

yumbo, my sweetest yumbalina, of course :>

#10 — vinh

vinh may be the type to not really seek anyone out, but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t get curious. let’s take a gander!

rozalina ( @briarrosescurse), a Notable presence on her radar. she’s such a sweet and naive girl, but also she’s a danger to herself and everyone around her. vinh’s inclined to want to take roza under her wing — for some self-preservation and damage control reasons, but it’s mainly for friendship reasons! two noble girls tired of the noble world!

lotus ( @choconanime ) ! she’s such an independent and resilient girl, and vinh most certainly understands how it feels to keep your... companion who is your complete opposite in check. lotus certainly garners respect! she has a certain strength (literally and figuratively) that vinh can't help but to admire, and she presents it so nonchalantly !

ophiou ( @randomikemendegen ), a fellow ignihyde dorm member, and her underclassman — the duo may both be rather standoffish and aloof, but vinh's always watching over her underclassmen even if she seems disinterested. she gets curious about the reptilian boy who's slinking about in the shadows, what's he up to? is he alright? does he need anything? senpai instincts, man. can’t ignore him.

#10 — ronaldo

he always wants more friends (or more people to hate him). he's got his eyes peeled !

anna ( @circuscarnage ) would be someone he'd want to befriend, as they're both rather mischevious! they're both on the skittish end too (even if ronaldo tries to play it off). she seems like someone who he'd have fun messing around other people with! let’s get into trouble!

Lil Bro ( @wilted3sunflowers ). his snark and overall deadpan face is something ronaldo sees and wants to provoke — granted, he'll probably regret it, but c'est la vie! ronaldo wants to get on his nerves, grab his attention! ronaldo's easy to hate, come on, give it a go! (instead, ronaldo gets bullied back and gets his ego smacked around).

deion ( @conquer-the-raven ) ! a party boy with a craving for attention ! together in solidarity, man. ronaldo is usually provoking and somewhat bullying ignihyde students and the likes, but let's be honest — he's got no room to poke at deion here. bonding over annoying their more serious dormmates! cry nonsensically in the bathroom together! pick yourselves back up 3 minutes later and swear to act like nothing happened!

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4 years ago

13 for Quin and Seisear

13. How did they find out Santa isn’t real?

The two of them found out that Santa wasn’t real around roughly the same time, though the first one to come to that realization(or at least conclusion) was Seisear(or at least, the actual one).

It all started one snowy winter day where Quintin, Seisear, and Theolus were all playing indoors since Gramps forbade them from going out that day due to the amount of snow. Quin, being the youngest of the three of them, had the oh-so bright idea of faking sleep in order to catch Santa in the act of sneaking their gifts in the stockings. Sei excitedly agreed while Theo was a bit more hesitant but did also wanna see Santa, and thus it was settled!

Come nighttime and they were all sleeping in (or at least pretending) when they heard the grandfather clock ring at midnight, so they all very carefully and slowly make their way to the living room…. only to find it’s just their Gramps putting the presents in the stockings. Needless to say, Sei quickly realized that Gramps was their Santa, and then Theo followed suit in being able to catch on, while Quin was still confused as to is Gramps actually Santa????

In the end, there was a pouty but overjoyed smol bunny, a mildly happy babby twin hares, and one merry older grandfather-rabbit that celebrated Christmas.

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4 years ago

💖Oc with Oc Interaction Ask/Tag Game💖

Rules: Tag friends or mutuals you think would wanna do the ask game with their ocs, this game can apply to any fandom!

Making a yandere version so stay tuned for that

Your!oc: Name of the mun's oc

My!oc: Name of the oc of the person sending the ask

Oc With Oc Interaction Ask/Tag Game

What does (Your!oc) think of (My!oc)?

What would (My!oc) have to do to befriend (Your!oc)?

What would (My!oc) have to do to seduce (Your!oc)?

How would (Your!oc) react to (My!oc) confessing to them?

How would (Your!oc) confess to (My!oc)?

What does (Your!oc) find attractive in (My!oc) as a partner?

What does (Your!oc) find attractive in (My!oc) as a friend?

(My!oc) is having a birthday party and (Your!oc) is going, what kind of birthday present would they bring for them?

Any ocs that (Your!oc) would be attracted to romantically?

Any ocs that (Your!oc) would be attracted to platonically?

If (Your!oc) was forced to marry someone's oc regardless of feelings, who would it be? Why?

If (Your!oc) was forced to adopt someone's ocs as their child, who would it be? Why?

What two ocs does (Your!oc) seem to be the love child of?

What ocs does (Your!oc) share a lot in common with?

What ocs does (Your!oc) seem like the opposite of?

(Your!oc) is in a fight and needs backup! Which ocs would they ask for assistance?

(Your!oc) is doing a trust fall, which ocs would they trust in catching them?

(Your!oc) can have anyone to be their date platonically or not to a party, who would they take? Why?

For some reason (Your!oc) has to share a bed with someone, who would they be willing to share a bed with?

(Your!oc) is close friends with everyone and is having a bad day, which ocs would they go to for a pick me up?

Oc With Oc Interaction Ask/Tag Game

I Tag: @yandere-wishes @prometheanglory @piraticusdorm @permanentlyexhaustedowl @perawuat @wondersbeyondcompare @wilted3sunflowers @randomikemendegen and anyone else that wants to join in!

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