Others Twst Oc - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

11 for the oc ask

Hmmmmmmmmmm,,,, you didn't specify which OC so imma choose one at random.....Celia!!

If Celia had to be forced to marry another regardless of OC I guess perhaps it'd be..... Quintin Blanpine from @randomikemendegen (if it's okay with her QwQ)

To be honest, Celia's type is someone she'd be able to love, nurture and care for. Someone who'd be submissive and kind and gentle. She's probably gonna take one look at Quintin and immediately want to love and cherish him.

As well as that, she's probably gonna be happy to be married to him because of his gentle and patient nature.

I personally think that their personalities would probably match up,,, Although I'm not so good at matchmaking 😅😅😅

I just think that they'd get along well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Sorry if I didn't answer this well or correctly QnQ I wasn't so sure,,,

Thanks for asking!

- Aya 💙💙💙

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4 years ago

heyo, it's yumeko from briarrosescurse!! tell us what would the answer be for samara for nr. 14 !! ☺️


So number 14 for Samara...

14) What Ocs does Samara share a lot in common with ?

First, let's say a lot can mean 2 or 100 for me.

So, one of the first persons that come in my mind is Diamore, @tawmatore 's oc. They have both siblings and are the younger one. And they like to trick people ! Plus, they like to hug them too. This is why Samara, Diamore and her twin brother are part of a pranking trio.

Another person would be Viviane Genov, @randomikemendegen 's oc. Viviane is SO ADORABLE and I love how expressive she is ! Samara is just as expressive but she tries hard to stop it (it doesn't work) . And the interactions between Levi and Viviane are great ! Samara also has older siblings with whom she gets along very well.

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4 years ago

vy, my good ol' vytatoe :-), for the oc interaction, how abt nr 10 for vinh and ronaldo? 👁👄👁

yumbo, my sweetest yumbalina, of course :>

#10 — vinh

vinh may be the type to not really seek anyone out, but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t get curious. let’s take a gander!

rozalina ( @briarrosescurse), a Notable presence on her radar. she’s such a sweet and naive girl, but also she’s a danger to herself and everyone around her. vinh’s inclined to want to take roza under her wing — for some self-preservation and damage control reasons, but it’s mainly for friendship reasons! two noble girls tired of the noble world!

lotus ( @choconanime ) ! she’s such an independent and resilient girl, and vinh most certainly understands how it feels to keep your... companion who is your complete opposite in check. lotus certainly garners respect! she has a certain strength (literally and figuratively) that vinh can't help but to admire, and she presents it so nonchalantly !

ophiou ( @randomikemendegen ), a fellow ignihyde dorm member, and her underclassman — the duo may both be rather standoffish and aloof, but vinh's always watching over her underclassmen even if she seems disinterested. she gets curious about the reptilian boy who's slinking about in the shadows, what's he up to? is he alright? does he need anything? senpai instincts, man. can’t ignore him.

#10 — ronaldo

he always wants more friends (or more people to hate him). he's got his eyes peeled !

anna ( @circuscarnage ) would be someone he'd want to befriend, as they're both rather mischevious! they're both on the skittish end too (even if ronaldo tries to play it off). she seems like someone who he'd have fun messing around other people with! let’s get into trouble!

Lil Bro ( @wilted3sunflowers ). his snark and overall deadpan face is something ronaldo sees and wants to provoke — granted, he'll probably regret it, but c'est la vie! ronaldo wants to get on his nerves, grab his attention! ronaldo's easy to hate, come on, give it a go! (instead, ronaldo gets bullied back and gets his ego smacked around).

deion ( @conquer-the-raven ) ! a party boy with a craving for attention ! together in solidarity, man. ronaldo is usually provoking and somewhat bullying ignihyde students and the likes, but let's be honest — he's got no room to poke at deion here. bonding over annoying their more serious dormmates! cry nonsensically in the bathroom together! pick yourselves back up 3 minutes later and swear to act like nothing happened!

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4 years ago

19. For some reason (Your!oc) has to share a bed with someone, who would they be willing to share a bed with? With Choco and Bao!

Both are pretty okay with sharing beds with people! One sleeps about anywhere and the other invades people beds😂

Gonna take my pick from your ocs

Choco:Loralei can be a good pick,if the queen wants the whole bed Choco can just turns into a lil mousy n sleep on the floor on some blanket comfortable and then there's Mable! She'll gladly share the bed with her.

Theres also quintin(from @randomikemendegen) where she absolutely wouldn't mind.

Bao:Prolly invaded Di-Xin and Yabu beds at some point so what's the difference here?hahaha joking aside Deion is a good candidate to share the bed without any problems,the most only concerns is that she doesn't start planning a party with him at 2 am.

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4 years ago

yumeko from briarrosescurse here ! how abt nr. 9 for aya for the oc interaction? 😊

Hii Yumeko!!

9) Any OCs that Aya would be romantically interested in?


Erm, well there's quite a few I guess:

- Shir and Hokusai from @randomikemendegen

- Chase Hunt and maybe Guts from @prometheanglory

- Salem Kallier from @terrors-of-nightraven

- Enrique Receurda from @oiseaunoir11

- London Lore from @yandere-wishes

It's, it's a bit random,,, uhhh,,, yeah,,

Tbh I'm not so sure about what links these OCs together 😅😅😅

Umm, maybe because some of them have that intimidating and dark look to them. That's one bit. But then there are some that are just lovable dorks, charmers and/or gentlemen. And then theres the stoic but cool looking ones.

Hhhhjkkl,, yhhhhhhh

I'm sorry idk QAQ

Thanks for the ask!

- Aya 💙💙💙

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4 years ago

16 and 17! -from an unknown beverage

16 and 17, huh? 👀 thank you for asking, mysterious beverage, hehe ! 💖

16 — Rozalina is in a fight and needs backup! Which OCs would they ask for assistance?

That wouldn't be too unlikely for Roza to feel troubled and ask for help if a fight goes wrong — if it were a physical fight (for whatever reason would you physically fight someone who barely can fight back? 😔), Roza would end up asking Lala (@randomikemendegen) and Lola (@prometheanglory)!

Lala for one because, despite her small and cute appearance, she could fight you SO easily.

And Lola for the fact that she could stomp you out like an ant. With these two fighting by your side, you wouldn't have to worry about losing!

However, if we're talking about magic, then Roza would ask Pleiade (@the27th) for aid!

Pleiade is known for protecting Malleus and thus, obviously, being pretty strong! Knowing Pleiade would help her as well, she'd be pretty relieved. ☺️

17 — Rozalina is doing a trust fall, which OCs would she trust in catching her?

She would 100% trust for Nassir (@choconanime) to catch her at any moment. How come? She has no idea herself. Maybe it's just his trustworthy big brother personality and thus she deems him as very reliable. 👀

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4 years ago

1 with Conrad + 20 for Ronaldo and Vinh? - Piraticusdorm

omg yes 👁👁

1 - Ronaldo

Who Is This Strange Pirate Man, And Why Does He Somehow Not Irk Me?

ronaldo’s no stranger to trust issues, and he’s certainly no stranger to putting up a facade of confidence — but there’s something about conrad’s overall... atmosphere doesn’t really make ronaldo want to provoke him on sight. he doesn’t get it. he’s clearly outmatched but even then he doesn’t feel outranked? A guy who welcomes misfits and outcasts in and treats them as equals... ronaldo would let his guard down pretty damn easily around conrad, much to his own chagrin.

besides, conrad’s gaudy sense of fashion garners ronaldo’s respect too, seeing as he’s a notorious rule-breaker for stagrove’s rather ‘formal’ uniform. a huge pirate guy who’s somehow as flashy as the guy walking around the woods in bright orange with a cropped jacket and giant antlers on his head? Respect.

20 - Ronaldo

the number of people that ronaldo can faithfully say he can put his trust into without trampling his pride is scarce. but scarce implies some ! he trusts shiloh ( @wilted3sunflowers ) and deion (@/conquertheraven) ? shiloh because he doesn’t judge him, and deion because of party-hard, cry-hard, attention-craving boy solidarity.

1 - Vinh

he’s a curious man for sure and she respects him as a dorm leader — anyone who assumes a guardian position over the ‘vulnerable’ earns her respect! but she’s also rather aware of his discomfort towards women so generally speaking, she makes herself scarce (moreso than usual). she’s not one to push her presence unto others, but ! he’s a dedicated and hardworking man nonetheless and she finds his ambitions to be honorable; a mischievous man is only a detriment if he is aimless, afterall.

she offers him a simple nod before she slips out to leave him to his own devices — or she keeps their interactions as brief and formal as possible for when they do need to speak. she’s not really sure what to make of his approach to running his dorm, but it’s not really her problem, so she just turns a blind eye.

20 - Vinh

she doesn’t really go to anybody when things go wrong or bad — generally speaking, she just handles it on her own. even if she’s close to other people, she just doesn’t really turn to others for help? but ! in the case of absolutely needing a pick-me-up, i’d say !

roza ( @briarrosescurse) ! because it is difficult to feel as bad when there is the literal embodiment of a marshmallow in front of you. perhaps cirnu ( @randomikemendegen )? she’s a gentle and caring woman — sometimes you just need someone around the same mental age as you to listen and talk it out with !

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4 years ago

for the oc interaction thing, 1 with my oc piper and choco/nassir! and also 12 for them lol

For The Oc Interaction Thing, 1 With My Oc Piper And Choco/nassir! And Also 12 For Them Lol


Anyways for @/eclipsezero first question

Nassir: She definitely has a soft spot for cheerful persons like he most likely thinks shes pretty cool and already flirting with her hhahaha.Plus he charming that despite so much success shes still humble.

Choco: Her levelheaded and calm is a sence of comfort for her with many things go on in her life she finds her very soothing to be with,so she think's chatting with Piper is always nice.

Now for question number 12:

Nassir already a "I'll take you under my wing" person if he sees you as someone he should take care of,bad habits for someone who always took care of people but if he really had to adopt someone by force,guess it will be the usual cheerful people like Samara @the27th and Viviane @randomikemendegen who can also defend themselfs will be his pick,since if he had children,self defense and ways to help themselves get out of sticky situations will be his way of parenting while still being doting.

Choco on the other hand hardly likes the idea of having children or even the thought of taking care of someone(helping?yes! Raising someone,no.),For several reasons of course but since they are being forced to take adopt I'll say someone who's dependent on their own but still need some guidance that she is capable to provide but right now head empty,I'm sorry! Not sure who to pick!

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4 years ago

Hi vy~! laskdjlsakds I rly cant believe I'm actually doin this hahahaha- So- for the OC interaction-- I'm gonna go with basic question number 1- what do Ulysses and Chase think of any of my OCs? You can pick any of them that you think would be fun~ owo)// (*covers face* aaaa, im so embarrassed--)

omg hey yasu !! i’ll be going with lala for ulysses, and viviane for chase! 👍

ulysses -> lala

‘what is WITH this girl??’

it’s one thing for ulysses to be confrontational as hell, it’s another thing to be outright confrontational and getting joy out of it. most certainly butts heads with her, and is even more confused by her? he doesn’t understand her at all! but then again, ulysses has never been particularly good at understanding people. he knew people kinda like her back at the finn household, what with all the... crime and things going on, but he didn’t think he’d find someone like her out here? as far as he’s concerned, she’s a threat. a very short threat.

chase -> viviane

a tiny songstress... she reminds him of a parakeet, what with all that energy and bubbliness. he usually doesn’t pay other dorms that much mind, but he always somehow finds himself trying to cover for airheads... and it just so happens that viviane’s sightly ditzy personality registers on his radar. her brother’s presence wears him out to some degree — but ! chase deals with flint daily, so he’s pretty unphased. he’s just being a good upperclassman, and pointing things out when no one else is around to point it out. some stagrove members are actually pretty shocked that she managed to get chase to approach first without having to pull any actual strings? but chase just shrugs, she’s a nice gal overall to him !

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4 years ago

*hops into your ask box* hewwoo~! eheh, first time being in your ask box so i'm a bit nervous~ uwu;; ... eherm, anyways-!! i'm here for the oc interaction, and i have question number 6 or 7 for-- hhmmm.... the shelby witches! u can choose anyone from my ocs btw- anyone you'd like wwwww


You have so much wonderful Ocs, it was difficult to choose 😢

But here:

6) What does *your oc* find attractive in * my OC as a partner* ?

Let's start with Levi and Sabrina. She can't resist a gentleman and she loves how teasing he can be sometimes. Levi will have to do many things before this shameless witch gets flustered. She finds the attempts funny and likes to tease him back. But also she loves how much he cares for his younger sister, she thinks it's an adorable side of him.

7 ) What does * your OC * find attractive in * my OC* as a friend ?

Maybe Malvina and Raneus together ? Malvina having been in real Hell a loooong time ago, is not scared of his actual form and thinks it's rather lovely. If he likes her food, he has to be prepared to be spoiled by her, since not a lot of people like her food because it's not pretty. Malvina also respects how dedicated to his work he is.

There is also Winona and Cirnu, with how long the Shelby sisters have been on earth (approximately 300 years) they have surely met other reincarnations of Cirnu. And Winona and her sisters has always been a close friend of theirs. There is a bit of nostalgia from Winona when they are together. But she also loves how Cirnu is able to calm her temper, having someone calm is very soothing to her. And Cirnu has probably been called "sister" by accident sometimes, but if Cirnu is fine with it, the witches continue to do so.

I hope my answers were satisfying, thank you !

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4 years ago
Yooooo- Broooo--

Yooooo- Broooo--

Gud art as always-!! 😭✊✊

Look at my babby Viviane with another babby (Samara)- theyre so adorable wwwww 🥺🥺 (watch as Kalim, Pleiade, and Levi all melt from their cuteness and sunshine-ness)


So I did drawings with some that were inspired by people and their Ocs on tumblr or discord...


Please, click for a better quality.

First you have a swooning Winona Shelby being carried bridal style by @circuscarnage 's Sea Devil. You can see the other two sisters cheering on them behind.

Right under that, Samara and her senpai Viviane Genov, @randomikemendegen 's oc. LOOK AT THEM THEY ARE SO CUTE!!! A student got blinded by the sparkles and flowers around them.

Malvina's food, a close up. Eat this and you gain a witch's loyalty. I assure you it's not poisoned and tastes pretty good.

My most recent OC, Sidonie and what her hair looks like. It's more often hidden by her turban.

The last two pictures show you that adopting people is hereditary in the Campbell family. With Sweet Roza (@briarrosescurse ) and Pleiade and Dear Aster (@lawlessofdusk ) with Alcyone, Pleiade's mother. Oberon, the father, approves and is currently taking photos of his new daughter.

I will do more of those drawings later, I hope you enjoyed them !

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4 years ago

3. With Choco and 14!

HEYYY CHOCOOO 👀👀👀 how is little brocchocoli doing?

3 and 14 coming right up! 💕

3 — What would Choco have to do to seduce Rozalina?

What a bold question! 👀 It's not that hard to seduce Roza and have her attention on you — but I think surprising her by being very forward and intimate with your attempts would get to her the quickest way. Choco is already such a kind and compassionate person, she'd just have to butter up to Roza and it won't take too long for Roza to make heart eyes!

Hoooowever, like I mentioned, Choco would have to be forward (which, knowing Choco, wouldn't be too easy for her, right?), because Roza can be a liiiiitle dense. And by a little, definitely a lot.

(Then again. Let little mouse choco sit on Roza's shoulder and she'd be all over her. 🥺💕)

14 — What OCs does Rozalina share a lot in common with?

Hmm, I won't go into too many details, because I'll end up rambling A LOT, but! I think she shares some personality traits with Samara (@the27th), Amelie (@perawuat), Penn (@prometheanglory), Viviane (@randomikemendegen), Maple (@conquer-the-raven) and Aya (@permanentlyexhaustedowl)! Mainly traits being cheerful, energetic, very friendly, determined or just a little ant trying to survive!

Buuuut, even if it's a bit surprising, she does share some similarities with people like Vinh (@/prometheanglory), Andrea (@glassormirrors), Delphine (@circuscarnage) and Berebis (@/randomikemendegen)! I'm saying it may seem as a surprise, because of how different Roza is, personality-wise, but things like their nobility status, goals or their burdens and backgrounds is what I think connects them!

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