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Mun Yasu || Main multi-purpose fandom blog; mostly/mainly OC-centric and (art)reblogging || Ask box: OPEN || I'm back!! || 20+ years old

903 posts

16 For All Your Twst Bois

16 for all your twst bois

16. If they were arrested with no explanation, what would their friends and family think they had done?

Quintin Blanpine & Seisear Marchare: Their grandfather would definitely be quite miffed about his beloved grandsons being arrested with no explanation, plus he knows all about Quintin since he raised the boy by himself after the kid’s parents died when he was young, and he’s been in Seisear’s life ever since his childhood (until he also ended up practically raising him alongside Quintin after a certain incident). He believes that neither of the two did anything bad but is cordial and polite when inquiring about just why did his grandsons get arrested.

Ophiou Chos Gorgos: His mother would DEFINITELY be upset. She’s protective over her son, especially so after she nearly lost him in the past, and now he gets put in jail for no reason whatsoever? Despite her fury though, she retracts her teeth and anger, even though she has long since lost her eye ability, as she tries to peacefully settle this and get her son out of wrongful imprisonment. This situation isn’t helping his mother is trying to affirm (to herself and to her son) that people aren’t prejudiced and whatnot. She 100% believes that her son wouldn’t do anything to harm others and their small family and community don’t like getting involved or making trouble.

Berebis R. L'Ephegor: Much like Ophiou’s mom, Bel’s mom would DEFINITELY be upset and distraught, erratic even since she fully believes that her son can do no wrong and that the arrest was based on either a mistake or antagonism against their family. His dad is also shocked and calls this kind of situation as unfair, but he also expresses disappointment in Bel for being put in this situation— nonetheless, the family will use their reputation and everything at their disposal to get Bel out as soon as possible. His parents fully believe that Bel wouldn’t do anything to cause trouble or harm unto others, with his mother being the one more insistent on these accusations against her son to be false.

Shir-Kani Tigris: Despite their rather harsh and cutthroat beliefs, the entire Tigris clan calls Shir’s arrest to be one massive bullshit. Even Lala is pissed, as, despite their rather prickly relationship, she acknowledges the fact that her older brother isn’t the type of person to do anything wrong and he’s a reasonable guy. His mother has to be physically restrained lest she attacks the guys who are trying to arrest her son, while his father says to let this be since he knows that if his son is truly innocent, which he fully believes Shir is, then he’ll be released in no time. 

Leviotan Genov: Levi’s grandmother just shakes her head before doing everything in her power to get him out of prison; after all, family sticks together. His mother is also angry about this situation, though something like this isn’t too uncommon with their lifestyle and whatnot, his other siblings have mixed reactions ranging from concern to making jokes about Levi’s situation, with Vivi being in the former category— she believes that while her brother could be quite rough, he wouldn’t do anything that would go out of the line unless completely necessary. His family thinks that Levi could have (accidentally) hurt someone a bit too much, or threatened them.

Raneus Salpho: His entire family is shocked at this happening since they all know that Ran isn’t someone who would do anything that would get himself into trouble at all, even if he can be somewhat impish. Though with that being said, almost all of them are distant towards each other so they don’t really get involved much with each other’s affairs... however, it doesn’t mean that they don’t care about each other, and Ran isn’t an exception to this. His mother, in particular, comes to his aid and tries her damnest to get her son out of his imprisonment.


Hokusai Nasu: He hasn’t seen any of his family in forever, and is 100% sure that they don’t even know if he’s still alive or not. Plus, he’s already centuries old, along with going under a different name now. Most importantly, he’s under careful watch and he’s kind of bound to the school and its perimeters, so he can’t really commit a crime outside, along with the fact that he won’t harm any of the students and he generally isn’t allowed to harm any person lest he is taken again.

Orchis Hortengea(?): Since they’re a fairly recent undead and Crowley, MC, Grim, and everyone else has done their best to keep their true nature a secret, it’s nearly impossible that Orchis would ever be arrested for anything honestly. Besides, they’ve been dead for decades, and their family have most likely moved and passed on... that and, either way, Orchis doesn’t remember much about their past as a living person.

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More Posts from Randomikemendegen

4 years ago

Hello ! I don't know if you are still doing the OC ask but... 2) With Viviane and Samara and 12) for Cirnu please !


(Mun Yasu: I’m gonna be combining both of these asks since they start out the same ahahahaha- sdkjsadslakjda)

2. What would (Samara) have to do to befriend (Viviane)? 

Oh Samara, babby, you don’t have to do much because Viviane will be the one who most likely initiate the friendship uwu!! 

The albino 2nd-year has ZERO fear and will approach almost anyone (which is why she gets along with almost everyone). The friendship would probably 100% be instantaneous, honestly, with how both girls act and how very friendly they are. (If they become closer friends, then Levi just might also watch over Samara as well since she’s Vivi/Lorey’s friend)

If Vivi wants to be your friend, then she’ll keep approaching you no matter what even if you try to scare her away~. After all, she believes that no one wants or deserves to be truly alone.

12. If (Cirnu) was forced to adopt someone's ocs as their child, who would it be? Why?

Bro if I told you everyone in Cirnu’s “forced”(you mean, WILLING) adoption list, we’d be here all day lolol— but for question’s sake, I’m gonna be listing a handful down below:

( @prometheanglory )Penn & Nik: The moment Cirnu just sees the twins, she just instantly says, “How cute~.”, and instantly pats them both on the head. She feels a bit sad when the two seem to flinch from her touch as she didn’t mean to frighten the two lads.

( @the27th )Pleiade & Samara: She already dotes on Pleiade quite a lot (helping with the fact that they’re both from Diasomnia) and finds her enthusiasm quite cute. With Samara, Cirnu finds her to be even cuter and even comments how lucky she is to have Pleiade and Kalim as her parents.

( @minoux-x )Nyx: Cirnu just sees Nyx for one second and immediately tries to give him candy; he’s too cute to resist. Plus, Nyx reminds her of one of her little brothers; they’re twins btw, and Nyx specifically reminds Cirnu of the younger twin, who is a bit more quiet and aloof but can be rather cute and sweet especially when wanting attention from the family. 

( @conquer-the-raven )Maple: Shy girl? Cute girl?? Small girl??? Say no more, dark big sis Cirnu is on her way to pat the cute fennec foxgirl on the head (and maybe give her a bit of nudging and confidence to interact more with Jack uwu)

( @oiseaunoir11 )Al: Cute cyborg child/son, she 100% thinks he deserves all the support and love that he gets from his friends and such, and also 1000% supports his and Idia’s relationship~. uwu

( @briarrosescurse )Rozalina: Ah yes, another fellow Diasomnia dorm mate (Cirnu dotes on everyone from the dorm, baring Lilia who’s the only exception; not even Malleus can escape the doting). ANYWAYS— Cirnu  finds Roza’s child-like curiosity, innocence, and cheerful demeanour to be her best traits and finds herself wanting to protect and dote on the blonde girl uwu.

( @piraticusdorm )Tink: They may be of different fairies/fae, but the doting knows no bounds! Watch as Cirnu makes her way over to the Piraticus dorm to try and establish a friendly relationship with Tink, and perhaps also with Conrad and Krok~ (Also if Nyx reminds Cirnu of her younger brother, then Tink reminds her of that same brother’s older twin, if to an extent)

Bonus OCs that are on the adoption list: ( @circuscarnage )Anna, ( @not-twisted-enough )Taniya, ( @ellovett​ )Raven, ( @perawuat​ )Amelie, ( @noahramschakledorm​ )Noah, ( @f55mi​ )Maggie, ( @wilted3sunflowers )Shiloh, ( @permanentlyexhaustedowl )Aya, and SO MUCH MORE~!

11. If (Berebis and Levi) was forced to marry someone's oc regardless of feelings, who would it be? Why?

Bel hates the idea, nay, the mere EXISTENCE of forced marriage. Honestly he’d rather swallow his strongest sleeping(poison) potion than go through with something like this. He might make a few exceptions for some people though, such as @briarrosescurse​‘s Rozalina. She’s not that loud, she’s a really nice person, plus she’s rather interesting so Bel’s fine with her (that and he won’t actually admit it but he genuinely sympathises with her and might even get off his ass and use his lazy genius-ness to its full potential to help her, since he can’t actually let a person like her be.... what? He’s not a complete jerkass; it’s just that Bel himself shut off his speech/attitude filter a long time ago and became rather apathetic and cynical)

On the other hand, Leviotan doesn’t really care much about stuff like these so anyone’s fine (plus he is actually a gentleman after all despite his aloof and rough appearance... he’s gonna end up giving any guy the cold shoulder tho). Anyways— one of he people he probably doesn’t mind being put into a forced marriage with is @hlebkamendraws‘ Crow; he likes her attitude, the fact that she can take care of herself/be independent, but still have some really cute moments that, honestly, he finds a bit interesting and a tiny bit endearing (it helps that Vivi completely accepts any and all partners that Levi can potentially end up with)

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4 years ago

50 Interesting OC Asks

1. What is a rumor people tell about them? 2. How long would they last in the zombie apocalypse?  3. If they’re about to get in a fight, what song plays in their head as their ‘hype song’? 4. How important is family to them? 5. If they had a theme song, what would it be? 6. What’s a movie they can quote from start to finish? 7. Are they more of a leader or a follower? 8. If they were given 1000 acres of land with no strings attached, what would they do with it?  9. If they had to flee their home country, where would they live? 10. Do they think psychic abilities exist? Which one would they like to have? 11. What was their favourite fairy tale growing up? 12. What’s a skill or craft they would like to master, but haven’t? 13. How did they find out Santa isn’t real? 14. What’s a personality trait they wish they had? 15. Do they believe in getting revenge on those who wrong them? If so, how do they go about it? 16. If they were arrested with no explanation, what would their friends and family think they had done? 17. In 40 years, what will they be the most nostalgic about? 18. How would they describe their family?  19. If they could shop for free at one store, what would it be? 20. Do they have any pets? If so, what are they? 21. If they had to bury treasure, how would they hide it? 22. If they were given a one minute ad slot during the Super Bowl that they couldn’t sell, what would they fill it with? 23. What’s the most important object they own? 24. What event in their life would make a good movie? 25. If there was a day held in their honor, what would people have to do on that day? 26. If they could dedicate their life to solving one problem, what would it be? 27. What makes a person beautiful to them? 28. If they turned into their crush/significant other for a day, what would they do? 29. What do they do/act like when they’re angry? 30. What would be their perfect day? 31. How would they conquer the Earth? 32. If they could swim in any liquid what would it be and why? 33. Where do they find meaning in their life? 34. What percentage of their life have they felt truly alive? 35. What job were they born to do? 36. Do they believe things happen for a reason? 37. What do they think is a conspiracy? 38. Do they believe in magic? 39. Do they believe in the afterlife? How do they picture it? 40. What’s a superstition they believe in? 41. What is the dumbest way they’ve ever been injured? 42. Do they drink/smoke/do drugs?  43. What’s the best and worst purchase they’ve ever made? 44. Can they cook? What’s their favourite dish to make? 45. Do they mind conflict?  46. What is something silly they’ve been tricked into believing? 47. If they could start a charity what would it be for? 48. If they were a cryptid (bigfoot, mothman, ect.) what would they be? 49. What’s their ideal temperature and weather? 50. What topic could they give a 20 minute presentation on with no preparation? 

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4 years ago

13 for Quin and Seisear

13. How did they find out Santa isn’t real?

The two of them found out that Santa wasn’t real around roughly the same time, though the first one to come to that realization(or at least conclusion) was Seisear(or at least, the actual one).

It all started one snowy winter day where Quintin, Seisear, and Theolus were all playing indoors since Gramps forbade them from going out that day due to the amount of snow. Quin, being the youngest of the three of them, had the oh-so bright idea of faking sleep in order to catch Santa in the act of sneaking their gifts in the stockings. Sei excitedly agreed while Theo was a bit more hesitant but did also wanna see Santa, and thus it was settled!

Come nighttime and they were all sleeping in (or at least pretending) when they heard the grandfather clock ring at midnight, so they all very carefully and slowly make their way to the living room…. only to find it’s just their Gramps putting the presents in the stockings. Needless to say, Sei quickly realized that Gramps was their Santa, and then Theo followed suit in being able to catch on, while Quin was still confused as to is Gramps actually Santa????

In the end, there was a pouty but overjoyed smol bunny, a mildly happy babby twin hares, and one merry older grandfather-rabbit that celebrated Christmas.

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4 years ago

I noticed that you post a lot and i miss a whooooolleee bunch of it so i put notifications on but i dont get the notifications;; but the first thing when i type in 'r' is your blog so randomly i like just scrolling thru your feed and liking a whole bunch of stuff that i missed before lol i really love your stuff and i hope youre having a lovely day


askldjalskdjsd does this mean im popular now-- lmfao jk jk

anyway lolol-

thanks for liking all of my stupid stuff haha- i hope you continue to enjoy my (future) content! It’s a bit messy due to my constantly shifting fandoms and such, but I try~. 

Hope you have a lovely day too! ^ w ^) //

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4 years ago

Your fifth most recent emoji is what your soulmate thinks about you

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