Obey Me Raphael - Tumblr Posts
“Our prayers are no longer pleas; they are threats.”
A Grim Excursion
(Takes place after Lore VII. Major characters: Raphael, Luke, and Solomon. ~1500 words)
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Caked earth crumbled beneath the feet of the three travelers, the soft cracking and crunching filling the silence of the dead air. Solomon put a hand above his eyes to shield them from the light as he gazed out to the horizon. There wasn't much to see. For miles across rolling hills, the earth was dried to a pale beige, covered in cracks and fissures. Heaps of ash and blackened stumps were all that remained of the tranquil forests, and the robin blue sky was now tinted a harsh, ominous yellow. "I hope Michael and Simeon are okay..." Luke uttered. The young child was clearly unsettled, his eyes seeming glued open wide. It was no doubt uncomfortable for the angel to see what had become of the Celestial Realm. Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to bring a child along, but Luke was the only one with a powerful enough protective blessing to shield Solomon and Raphael from the blinding, burning light. The adult angel glanced back at Luke for a second, his dark blue eyes settling on the troubled boy. However, he didn't say anything. And he never slowed his pace. Raphael was silent, and facing forward again before long. "I'm sure they're fine." Solomon offered with a smile. "The Coalition has grown quite powerful. I'm sure they're being taken care of well." "But half the Coalition is demons." Luke pointed out, squirming and shuddering a bit at the thought. "I imagine Lucifer isn't letting them get too out of hand." Raphael stated, glancing back slightly without turning his head. Luke begrudgingly accepted this, and the three continued their trek. While the rest of the Equinox Coalition was making their plans in the Human World, Solomon, Luke and Raphael were on a mission in the Celestial Realm. Their goal? To find the Ring of Light. "According to my research, the Ring of Light might be worth a try." Solomon had said in a meeting with the other Coalition leaders. "Or, it would be." He frowned. "Unfortunately, as many of you know," the sorcerer glanced to Lucifer, "the Ring of Light was lost in the Great Celestial War." "Actually, it wasn't." Michael stepped forth from the corner of the bunker, the flame of his wings illuminating the roundtable as he grew closer. Most of the members instinctively flinched back as he did so, a fact that Michael elected not to comment on. "What do you mean, it wasn't?" Solomon asked. "Oh, right." Simeon spoke with a smile. "Michael, you have the Ring of Light, don't you?" "I do." Michael nodded as he took a step back. "Unfortunately, I left it in the Celestial Realm when I moved to the Human World for the war. It should be in my quarters in the Celestial Palace." The room's skeptical hope dissipated as Michael spoke, and each member looked to one another. A long moment of silence fell over the room. "Just how destroyed is the Celestial Realm, exactly?" Lucifer spoke up, looking at Michael. "If it's anything comparable to the Devildom, it probably isn't worth it." Satan remarked with a sigh. Lucifer shot Satan a harsh look, seeming to lean ever so slightly in towards Lord Diavolo. Lord Diavolo, like Michael, had distanced himself from the table, and he had spent most of the meeting in silent yet clearly visible discomfort from his worsening power-sickness. If Solomon's theory that the magic-neutralizing and magic-managing powers of the Ring of Light could treat power-sickness, Diavolo needed it, and quick. "Simeon..." Michael started. "Yes?" Simeon spoke, a nervous frown present on his scarred face as he turned to face Michael. "How is Luke doing?" A sigh of relief echoed through the room. "Michael, is this really the time to be asking about that?" Simeon asked, earning a subtle nod of agreement from Lucifer. "Last I checked, Luke was nearly untouched by the effects of the light." Michael pointed out. Simeon frowned deeply, his charred wings beginning to lift. "If you think I'll be alright with you sending Luke back up there alone, you are very mistaken." "No, no, let him continue." Raphael spoke, exchanging a glance with Michael. "The reason Luke was able to survive relatively unscathed was because of his nearly unprecedented protective abilities. This protection can be shared with others through blessings." Michael explained. "So, if Luke can shield others from the effects of the light using his blessing, we can potentially send a small team up to the Celestial Realm to procure the ring." Tension seemed to ease from the room as the members looked amongst each other. One question was clearly in everyone's minds: who would this team be? "We should likely keep the team as small as possible, to avoid putting too much strain on Luke." Simeon spoke, earning several nods of agreement. "I believe it goes without saying that Solomon would go, as it was his idea." Michael said. "In that case, at least one high-ranking angel should accompany him, as it is the Celestial Realm. Simeon and I need to stay here to manage and protect the Coalition, so Raphael, would you?" The gray-haired angel nodded. "Of course." And that was how the three ended up on a long journey through the Celestial Realm. Unfortunately, locating the Celestial Palace was proving difficult. The strong light created a sort of white fog that made it extremely difficult to see. With how barren their surroundings were, Luke was beginning to question whether the Celestial Palace was even still standing. Though, of course, he didn't dare say it out loud. Solomon put his hand up as a visor once more and peered into the distance. Finally, he saw the silhouette of a building. It wasn't the Celestial Palace; it wasn't tall enough, and it wasn't in the shape of the palace's spires. But it was something. It could serve as a useful landmark. "There's a building up ahead." Solomon informed the others. "Let's pick up the pace." Raphael responded, much to the short-legged Luke's chagrin. The group covered the ground rather quickly, and found themselves on the cobbled path of a small town. The buildings seemed, surprisingly, in good condition, albeit neglected. Any buildings made of wood had burned away with little trace, leaving only the fire-resistant buildings standing in opposition to the unforgiving realm. "Oh, I think I know where we are." Raphael spoke. "If we go north of here, we should be at the Celestial Palace within twenty minutes." A sigh of relief came in response. "You sound tired, Luke. Do you need me to carry you the rest of the way?" Solomon asked with a teasing smile. "Wha- no I don't! I'll be fine." "Alright," Solomon said skeptically. The light mood was quickly shattered by the sound of shifting rubble. Luke jumped back, and the two adults quickly turned their gaze to their left in the direction of the sound. "What was that?!" Luke asked. Solomon and Raphael looked to each other, nodded, and approached the sound. Solomon was the first to see. A stone roof lay across the ground, split off into pieces. It must have fallen after the wooden walls holding it up burned down. Under a rather large piece, an angel was pinned down. They were stuck from their waist down, laid across another piece of roof. They looked... barely alive. Their feathers had been scorched until only the bare skin of their wings remained, and their body was covered in burns. Whether the burns were from the oppressive heat alone or whatever fire burned the house down was uncertain. But, miraculously, they were breathing. They were breathing. Solomon could see their chest rising and falling. "They're alive!" Solomon exclaimed, voice full of wonder and surprise as he reached and pulled them out from under the rubble. He frowned deeply as the sound of ripping skin filled the air, and a muffled moan rung out. Solomon's eyes widened and he offered a weak, "sorry." As Solomon had dragged the angel out, this brought the body into the view of Luke, who was approaching after Solomon's exclamation. The boy gasped in horror as he laid his eyes on them. "Are they going to be okay?!" He demanded. They weren't. Solomon could tell when he brought the angel down and got a good look at their face. The flesh across the entire face seemed melted. Not just burnt; melted. It was nearly impossible to make out any features. Not because they didn't exist anymore, like with Michael, but because they were so swollen and distorted and fused together. This angel must have been trapped there, forced to stare up at the sun, for who knows how long. And considering they weren't able to escape to the Human World, they were likely a low-ranking angel. The low-ranking angels got it the worst. Raphael walked towards the body and knelt down. Without a word, he held onto their hand. Given how burnt it was, Solomon half expected the skin to slough off, but it didn't. There was hardly time to. Within an instant, the entire body was turned to a bright white silhouette, then vanished. Only ash was left in its place. Luke gasped. "Raphael, why did you do that?!" He screamed. Raphael still said nothing, only standing back up with a solemn look on his face. "RAPHAEL!" Luke yelled. Raphael still didn't acknowledge Luke, only turning to Solomon to say "let's keep goi-" "NO, Raphael! What did you do?! How could you just... WHY?! You just murd-" "Quiet!" Raphael snarled, face twisting into a vicious grimace as he clenched his shaking fists at his sides. Luke's eyes widened as he stumbled back. Raphael took a deep breath and once again told Solomon, "Let's keep going." The rest of the expedition was dead silent.
Like seriously.
Imagine this.
Black background with white text reading “ “I gave you my sword, my heart and my faith."
fading to an image underneath, of Raphael’s silhouette staring out into a destroyed Celestial Realm
“But now the sky is burning, and I scream and wonder...”
Gahhhhh I have so many ideas in my head if only I had skill
Some day I’d really like to get art of this AU captioned with matching “Together, Against The Sisters” lyrics
A little mystery and recounting some memories
Luka and the brothers(excluding belphie and beel) And simeon and diavolo get transported to a place with a night sky while standing on hill and sea down below "where are we?"lucifer asks "Seems like a tranquil place "Satan comments "Who dare make the great mammon come to a place like this " mammon says "Great mammon? I was watching my ruri chan's special telecast episode before I was here "levi complains "Is this in the devildom ?"simeon questions " I didn't know of a place like this "asmo says "I don't think that this is the devildom "diavolo says Luka goes down on his knees to pick up a flower petal "This is .. a sakura petal?" Luka questioningly looks at the petal which begins to glow in his palm A gentle breeze blows a few more glowing petals towards the group Lucy walks from behind the tree at a taller height and jumps down The moon light shines gently on her making her features breathtaking "How...?"I ask "How what ? "Satan asks "Shouldn't you know lucy?"Luka says Walking towards her "I don't but this is rather interesting "I say "Does this mean that you know where we are lucy? "Diavolo questions "Well , you're in my mind right now "I say receiving confused looks Luka looks at me and smiles "I thought there was something familiar "he states "This is your mind?"simeon asks I nod "Its peaceful isn't it? How i wish it was like this all the time"I say A breeze blows by I get up and walk to the edge And look down Luka and the others look down too "What is it that you are looking at lucy?"lucifer asks "I think I will show you" I say I take two steps in the air and the petals form steps like solid ground Luka slides his hand into mine and links our arms We turn to face the shocked group "Come on guys,I'll show you something amazing "I say Hesitantly they take a few steps and to their surprise the petal steps are strong We all walk towards the sea line "This May better be worth it human yer making the great mammon walk this much "mammon complains Luka laughs and comments "just when I thought it was getting peaceful" I bend down and touch the surface of the water A golden glow spreads with mild force causing the sakura petals to fall The world turns upside down as the water in the sea line engulfs us and the world around us changes to pure white light The brilliant white light around us fades slowly and I take a step forward We were currently in the celestial realm The one from my memories to be exact The angel and the former angels were pleasantly surprised to find themselves in the celestial realm "Is this perhaps the celestial realm?"diavolo questions "Yes it is "lucifer answers "It still looks the same "asmo says with reminiscence Mammon Is shocked that he can't speak " how did you ..?"leviathan exclaims his doubt "I am inquisitive as well"satan says "Is this all real?" Simeon asks "Don't ask so many questions at the same time" luka says I chuckle " It was real.this is from my memory but you can walk around , Don't go too far though" I say The group gives me an odd look Me and luka walk ahead and the rest of them follow We see the angels walking about Gabriel walks toward me an starts walking with us "Looks like the loveliest angel is finally back with us "Gabriel says While maintaining his pace "You really need to change the way you speak Gabriel "I say with a lopsided smile "I thought you enjoyed compliments. Lucy "he says "Whatever gave you the idea? Ihope it isn't the result of you hanging around uriel " I ask in turn Gabriel gives a low chuckle before answering "Not quite it was just a hunch " "Shall I conclude that I mustn't ask you to be a judge in the things I am not sure of hereafter "I ask mockingly "That.." Gabriel is at a loss for words "I was teasing don't overthink it, I need to check if my reference books have arrived and then if the documents are up to date then if the children are doing their work and before all that I need to meet Michael "I say holding each finger for significance Gabriel looks at me
"that's a harsh way of telling me off anyways I'll leave you to it"he waves to me and leaves The group taging behind me is surprised so as to the way I was casually chatting with the archangel I turn to them and say" you guys , don't you want to look around? Sticking with me will be quite boring so off you go " I wave to the demon brothers. diavolo looks to me "Come along simeon, diavolo " I say They nod and start to walk with me As of on cue luka looks at his watch and turns to me " lucy I have some matters to attend to . Shall I take my leave? "He asks "Surely , we will come back soon"i reply Luka dissipates into air Simeon calls for me and I snap back to the moment "Shall we go ?"he asks "Yes , let's go "diavolo says excitedly We walk towards the castle entrance The icy blue structure tumbles over our heads The children running around playing with each other gives the place its homely feel Then as we neared the castle The children notice me and run to me "Lucy! Lucy, what have you brought this time ?" A little girl asks "Nothing much , just a few things"i say "Ahh,no fair please show us !"a little boy says "Very well "I say and half sit to meet the childrens height . I dig my pockets for some sky stones . I had quite a few on hand as I loved to collect trinkets from my travels Opening my palms to reveal multiple beautiful gem like stones The children's faces light up with excitement on seeing the stones "Can we take one each?please" they ask adorably "Certainly i got it for you guys" I answer them with a smile After they all took one each I tell them" keep it a secret okay?" "What secret?"A voice behind me says, startling me.
this is so cute..

Couldn’t get the mental image of this scene from Lesson 69 where Solomon badly folded laundry and Raphael just kept refolding it out of my head so had to do a quick doodle.
Keep reading

The worst side of myself.
obviously for the cat.
What did you expect lulu?

just a pissed dad and an annoying son

Piece I made for @omfairytalezine last year! 💫
Welcome to my Corner!
•I go by Arielle on here, pronouns are she/her
•I make Angelology content for the most part and even do some from fandoms (Obey Me mostly) Or I make them from my own thoughts from my personal creative works
•I am an aspiring author that loves anything to do with Angels and mythology in general
•I can do character analyses on characters from games, shows, movies, etc. (Or mythology)
•I’m a huge nerd when it comes to mythology (Greek, Norse, Roman, etc)
•I’m a Michael enthusiast (Obey Me Michael) *Even though we have only scraps about his character*
•I also absolutely love Raphael from Obey Me, same as Michael
•I have my own ideas from my personal creative writing projects. (Angelology sometimes other mythologies)
•I’m always open to request and more!
The Root of Michael’s Insecurity
•Michael hasn’t been revealed in game, and we don’t even know if every time we’ve met him, it’s actually been him.
•We learned a little bit about the Celestial Realm through one of the latest moments in game. Which deals with “Father”
I honestly doubt there is an antagonist in this game. This game isn’t surrounded by the “hero vs. villain” concept. It’s mainly about broken characters trying their best to improve themselves. I feel like it’s obvious that Michael is also a broken character. From when we’ve met him (the moments we believe we did, at least) he’s always hid himself. Even when we did meet him in person (not in his own skin) he didn’t give off much confidence to me. To me, Michael seems like a very insecure person.
•However, I believe that ties into “Father” who I assume is Obey Me’s version of God.
I believe Michael’s insecurities didn’t stem from Lucifer simply existing. It might be a far stretch with pretty much zero evidence, but it’s a belief.
I think Father has a role in Michael’s insecure behavior, a major role at that. Clearly Lucifer was the pride of the Celestial Realm, which makes me wonder if he was what Father took pride in. I know it’s far fetched, but hear me out:
Favoritism Between Siblings:
•Lucifer was given the Ring of Light and Michael was given the Ring of Wisdom. While the Ring of Light was made from gold/silver, the Ring of Wisdom was made of brass/iron. That’s a big difference. (Like, c‘mon, at least give Michael silver.) If these were given to each by Father, which I assume they are, that’s clear favoritism. The sheer difference in material alone shows who was the clear favorite.
If I’m being honest, that’s really all the evidence I have of clear favoritism as we don’t know a lot about the Celestial Realm and Father. Hell, we know almost nothing about Michael and other Angels. However, this small, vague amount of evidence still leads me to believe Father has some role to play in the way Michael turned out.
•Michael’s insecure, I feel like that should be a given. He hides himself every time we meet him. Whether it be from a ray of light or even someone else’s body, we never see Michael. This is a man who is hiding himself, it’s a part of his character. Again, insecurity doesn’t stem from someone simply existing. I say, Father’s favoritism is the root of the problem.
•I say Father has favorites between all his children, and Michael is not one of them. Michael being the one Father looks past could be the root of his insecure behavior. It could be why he doesn’t show his face: he is the opposite of Lucifer. Michael is the opposite of Father’s favorite, looks wise at least. It’s been said that Michael and Lucifer are opposites, and Lucifer seems to be Father’s favorite. Michael being very loyal to Father, yet not being his favorite had to take a toll of what he thought of himself. His own creator chose another over him, instead of being fair to each. To add, this might also be the root of Michael’s obsession with Lucifer.
An Obsession Caused By Insecurity:
•It’s been said that Michael was a bit of a creep and has an obsession with Lucifer. He would sneak into Lucifer’s room and even had a shrine with his things. This isn’t even an attachment, it’s a major obsession. I’d say, Michael is obsessed with Lucifer because he’s Father’s vision of perfection. Michael is not the favorite, probably not even after the war. Michael probably found flaw after flaw in himself because of the favoritism Father (shamelessly?) displayed. He doesn’t look like Lucifer, he doesn’t look like Father’s favorite. He probably thought that Lucifer must’ve been what everyone thought was perfection. He must have thought that he was completely flawed because he wasn’t Lucifer.
•If anything, the shrine could be to showcase to Michael what he wished he could be. The thing he desired most, his ideal way of showing himself. Sneaking into the room is creepy in itself. I can’t defend that in any way. But, I’d say Michael did it because he wished to be close to what he wanted for himself.
•Michael most likely found himself pointing out every little thing about his personality and visuals. That’s probably why he hides himself. He looks nothing like Lucifer and is so insecure about it he doesn’t want to be seen. The favoritism got to his head and he sees himself as imperfect.
The Final Statement:
•Michael’s insecure behavior didn’t come from nowhere. I haven’t seen anyone dive into why Michael would be insecure, and I see why: There’s little to zero evidence about the reason. We know nothing about him, and I think that’s the point.
Michael is very insecure, I’ve said that many times. His insecure attitude towards himself probably came from Father and his favoritism. The whole Ring of Light and Wisdom situation, Lucifer being the pride of the Celestial Realm, all of it must’ve come to a head. It most likely broke Michael knowing he would never be Father’s favorite. He is Lucifer’s polar opposite by looks, and most likely personality. They have different interests, styles of punishment, and completely different personalities from the way Michael has acted in the past.
•Not only has Michael hid himself behind someone else’s body, but when in his true body, his first instinct was to run. When Raphael confronted him about his actions, he ran. He physically ran away from his problem. That’s insecurity in its finest form. Again, coming from favoritism. He isn’t Lucifer. He isn’t confident and prideful like him. He doesn’t seem to exert confidence, not the way Lucifer does, at least.
This may or may not be true. It’s a speculation and I had to read far between the lines for this idea.
A little Michael and Lucifer Drabble I wrote a while back but never got around to posting:
Michael paced around his bedroom as he finally realized what he had agreed to. His heels sharply turned to side to side and his pace picked up. He pulled on his blonde curls that were shoulder length. His blue eyes frantically looked around the room, trying to understand what he had agreed to.
“I just agreed with Father . . . to kill my own family.” He cried as he fell to his knees. He knew his Father was the supreme leader, but what was obeying him worth when he would betray his own family?
“Why would I agree to such a thing?” He questioned himself. At the same time, how could he not listen? It was an order from the one who made him, the one who gave him life. Why would he not listen? If he didn’t listen . . . what would happen to him? Michael didn’t want to entertain that thought for much longer. It’s not like he could, anyway, as someone knocked at his door.
“Michael?” Lucifer spoke on the other side of the door.
No . . . No . . .
“Are you alright? You’ve been in your room since you met with Father.”
No . . . No . . . No . . .
Michael couldn’t open the door.
Lucifer’s knocking continued, worried for his brother. Michael never spent all day in his room, so why now? What changed?
“I know you’re in there, so just open the door please, or, at the very least respond to me.”
No . . .
“Please, Michael, you’re worrying me. Even other angels have noticed your absence. I tried to leave you alone, but I can’t.”
The thought have having to harm Lilith brought more tears to Michael’s eyes. More came down at the thought of Lucifer’s reaction when he would inevitably find out.
Eventually, Lucifer stopped knocking. Michael couldn’t hear him at the other end anymore. He wiped his face as he heard one final, gentle knock.
“Michael?” Raphael spoke at the other end. The elder gasped, sharp enough for Raphael to hear. “Lucifer sent me, since apparently you’re refusing to talk.”
“I’m fine, Raphael.” Michael’s words came out more shaky than he expected. Raphael stood silent, but Michael knew his cover had been blown. Raphael knew and Michael hated it. The thought of his younger brother hearing him cry, potentially seeing it if he opened the door. How could he be weak at a time like this? How could he look at the people he would betray? Michael held his head in his hands, leaning forward as he tried to silence his cries. He wanted to silence every thought.
“Why does it have to be me that commits the act?”
Headcanon that the demons and angels don't have that instinct when somethings wrong.
MC *feels the hairs on their arms stand up*: Somethings wrong
Solomon *feels a pit in his stomach*: I agree
Demons and Angels: What the fuck
*Something goes wrong*
The Demons and Angels: What the F U C K 🤯😱🤯
Mammon : I made a pact with MC first! Why did ya idiots make a pact with em?!
Levi : I had to
Lucifer : I just did.
Belphegor : *flashback to when he killed MC*
Satan : Because I wanted to. *glares at Lucifer*
Beel : because they're MC
Asmo : Because of their power!!
Mephisto : I got tricked into it.
Michael : I wanted it
Diavolo : I had to do it if I wanted to be closer to them, otherwise I would have had almost no chance to realise my deep feelings for them and confess my love to them, I had to be close to support them through their hardships, I had to be able to protect them if they were ever in danger, therefore they ca—
Barbatos : My lord, that's a whole love confession right now.
Diavolo : I'm practicing... To confess...
Luke (grown) : I just guard MC?
MC : This has nothing to do with why you're all here, Why the heck are you all in my living room?! I understand why Luke is here but what the fuck guys???
Solomon : Weird...
MC :
MC : Where did YOU come from Solomon?!
Raphael : It appears we're all here
The demon king : Pests.
Mammon : I'm the first man!
Mephisto : I'm the best man!
Simeon : I'm MC's fiancé and guardian And Luke, you're still a little boy
Luke : I'm not a little boy!
Beel : I'm MC's man.
Belphie : I'm the boyfriend.
Lucifer : I'm the first husband.
Michael : I'm the better husband.
Diavolo : I'm the fiancé
Barbatos : I'm the royal butler and assistant of MC. Including their beloved.
Levi : I'm their best friend and otaku boyfriend!
Satan : *scoffs* I'm their favourite husband.
Raphael : I'm the new boyfriend
Lucifer : Someone get this dog to stop barking *Glares at Simeon*
Adin : I regret asking who you are
MC : *silently crying because they just wanted to watch TV*
Solomon : Did I mention I'm the best boyfriend?
Lucifer : MC!!!
Lucifer : MC!!!
Raphael : Why are they yelling at eachother?
Solomon : They're trying to assert their dominance.
Lucifer : *grabs MC and throws them across the room out of frustration*
Solomon : Have you ever seen a flying sheep before? *chuckles*
Raphael : ...*internally facepalms*
Raphael : I don't like you.
MC : That's ok-
Raphael : I'm not finished talking so politely close your mouth.
Raphael : I love you.
MC : Aw..? I love you too
Solomon : or you could just yell "SHUT UP MC" it's less words.
Raphael : If you don't shut up I'm going to pierce you with my spear.
Solomon : Yes that works too.
Raphael : ...
Solomon : ...
Solomon : Wait, that was directed towards me... wasn't it?
5 year old MC
13 : I've decided to adopt MC.
Lucifer : No.
13 : MC needs an ACTUAL mother.
Lucifer : MC doesn't. And MC has enough fathers that could take the role.
13 : Oh?
13 : You mean 3 chaotic kids, one angry bookworm, one makeup obsessed chick, a giant who would probably eat them and one overworked "single mom"?
Lucifer : Did you just call me an overworked single mom?!
13 : You instantly got that.
13 : Anyway, MC needs an actual mom therefore I'm taking em with me.
Lucifer : As if I'd give MC to you.
Mephisto : *crashes through driveway with a car* HEY, I TOOK THE CHILD, LET'S GO.
Lucifer : ?!!!
MC : *happily sitting in the backseat with Raphael and waving at Lucifer* HI LUCI!
Raphael : ...
Lucifer :
Lucifer : *turns into his demon form*
Solomon : ...
Solomon : At this rate MC is going to make god fall in love with them.
Lucifer : No way.
Barbatos : ...They've already got : Lucifer, Lord Diavolo, The demon king, Michael, Thirteen, Raphael, Mammon, Mephistopheles, Leviathan, Satan, Me, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Solomon, Belphegor, And that guy from majolish, also Simeon.
Diavolo : *sighs* How is it even possible...
Raphael : ...
Raphael : It's because of their fluffy pink coat...
Diavolo : I don't understand how they got my father wrapped around their tiny....sheep...hoof?
Solomon : *muttering* Their fluffy soft pink sheep wool...
Luke : *walks into the room* Wah... Why are you all sulking?!
Lucifer : *slams fist on table and breaks it*
Luke : *is terrified and screams*
I was so angry and laughed so hard when I found out that the celestial realm exchange student was called Raphael, because my mc is called Raphael too! And in the middle of the class I made this sketch because I know my mc is too proud to accept someone else with the same name as him.
They already say here in my country Brazil "those who don't know how to do it, really copy" 😒

MC: *Falls down the stairs*
Raphael: What was that noise?
MC: My shirt fell.
Raphael: Sounded heavier than a shirt.
MC: I was in it when it fell.