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Send This To The Twelve Nicest People You Know Or Who Seem To Have A Good Heart And If You Get Five

💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💌💖 !!!!!!!!

 Send This To The Twelve Nicest People You Know Or Who Seem To Have A Good Heart And If You Get Five


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3 years ago

“May I please draw your OC?”

Reblog this message if you encourage anyone that wants to draw your OC to do so.  No need to ask for permission in advance.

Go for it.  Draw my OC.  If you want, I’ll even give you reference posts.  Go to town on it.

You are welcome to draw my OC and surprise me with the result.  Seriously.  In fact, I encourage it.  I will proudly display whatever it is you submit to me regarding my OC.  There is a chance that I will squeal about it for several days.

Even if you feel you aren’t good at whatever artistic adventure it is you do, please feel free to submit it to me.  I want to see what you have done.

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3 years ago

hmm if yan asks then 🤔 which ocs would be capable of killing their loved one if it came down to it? like “if I can’t have them no one can” sort of!

Oh that's an easy answer lol

"If I can't have you then no one will": Leviotan, Lala, Raneus, Orchis, Fuyume, and Seisear.


Trigger Warning(?): Character death(s)

Leviotan would rather kill his Darling than let literally anyone, besides Vivi, have them if it came to that-- like if he had no other option left (honestly it would not surprise me if Levi and Vivi share a Darling). He doesn't necessarily want it to come to that point, but if it is already too far gone then he'd kill his Darling to ensure no one else would have them.

Lala would rather kill others besides her Darling but if it came to losing her Darling to someone else then she would. She'd prefer to kill them with her bare hands, by strangulation, than using anything else as much as it pains her since she's making this very personal.

Raneus would take a slightly unique spin on killing his Darling-- he'd personally bite them with his fangs and inject a lethal venom through their veins/arteries. To him it makes things personal and it shows on how much he truly and genuinely loved/cherished them. (As a result, he doesn't ever fully recover from this and has one of the lowest chances of ever taking another Darling)

Orchis already has a very skewered moral compass and morality due to being an Undead, so them being a Yandere would practically spell out their Darling's doom. Death by being eaten (alive) is practically an unavoidable (bad) end when it comes to yandere!Orchis; to them, it's the highest form of "love" because then it means that their Darling will become a part of them even if death reclaims them.

Fuyume, along with Leviotan, would be the only ones who are thinking of killing their Darlings as a "practical and logical" sense. If her Darling doesn't love her or if someone else is trying to take her Darling away and there is no other option left, then she WILL kill them. By being frozen to death. And due to her nature as a Snow Fae, while she might feel SOME form of loss and sadness at losing her Darling, in the end she thinks it's the only logical conclusion.

Seisear is probably among the ones who, should their Darling die, would kill himself afterwards to join his Darling in death. He doesn't want to be alone again nor does he want to end up "killing" the person he loves the most ever again, but due to his already very fragile mind he WILL end up snapping and killing his Darling. Sei just didn't want to lose them to anyone, but it still doesn't change the fact that he killed them.


Yandere Yuuya WILL kill their Darling. Guaranteed. The idea of anything separating them breaks Yuuya's heart and thus they decide that, before that even ever happens, they'll kill their Darling first and join them in death.

After all, even if death do us apart, right~?

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3 years ago

12 and 14 for Berebis and lala👀

12. Family heritage?

Berebis R. L’Ephegor is the son of the current Duke L’Ephegor and his wife, and thus is the future heir of the dukedom. 

The L'Ephegor family has history spanning for more than centuries and had been a noble household ever since the very beginning.

Funnily enough, many generations ago, one of Cirnu’s past lives was reincarnated into the L’Ephegor family; her life back then was “Cereus L’Ephegor”. Thus making both Berebis and Cirnu related in a sense, but as of the current time, not really, since her current life is different from her past lfe. 

There were actually plans to engage both him and Fuyume, but talks never went through. (Nor did either Bel’s mother and Fuyu’s mom actually ever agree to it.)

Lala-Phula Tigris is the one and only younger sibling to the current Chieftain of the Tigris Clan, Shir-Kani Tigris, and is the second child of the previous Chieftain of the Tribe and his wife.

The Tigris Clan is a large enough community that it could consider itself a "kingdom" of sorts, but they flat-out refuse to label themselves as such. Still, it doesn't distract from the fact that they have a strong hold on any of the nearby lands and R E F U S E to bow down to almost anyone (it helps that they have the might and capabilities to back their words).

Although she’s fervently stubborn in denouncing her connection to the tribe and wants absolutely NOTHING to do with them. 

14. Who does your oc look like the most on the family?

Honestly, Berebis looks so much like his father-- even down to almost looking like a younger version of him... except for the fact that his hair color is his mother’s. And the fact that he looks almost exactly like a carbon-copy/replica of his (dead) older brother. 

Funnily enough, Lala would look so similar to her mother had it not been for her hair color turning up as white instead of the usual color of orange. 

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3 years ago

Oooo okay so 👀

Whose the worst yandere, whose the most mild and which yandere oc would you rather be the darling of? 👀👀


Aya you're going to subject me to a long torture with the amount of OCs I have so I'll make this quick and short snsisnsk 🤡



Hokusai, Cirnu, Shir, Raetel


Cinis, Viviane, Quintin, Ophiou, Raneus (bonus: Yuuya)


Leviotan, Berebis, Orchis, Seisear, Fuyume, Lala


If you want a description for each and all of them, and why they're in their respective category, send another ask because literally all of them could take up an entire post with how much stuff I could write for them!

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