Twst Cirnu - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Omg Yasu hiiii ! It's so good to see you are back ! I saw you were doing the outfit ask game, so can I ask for 🎭 with Viviane and Cirnu please ?


If u can't guess whose clothes they're wearing then it's--

Cirnu wearing Raneus' clothing

Viviane wearing Ophious' clothing

(Also- glad to be back!!! Jpsnskaka 😭✌️)

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4 years ago

It's nearly 4:45 in the morning (at the time of writing) where I am but fuck it, my brain's creative juices are flowing but my body says no so HERE'S A TEXT POST ABOUT MY OCS AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE DORM LEADERS--

(note: I WILL be drawing a relationship chart sooner or later... or in the future, hopefully soon 🀑🀑🀑)


Quintin Blanpine β€” Riddle Rosehearts

At first, their relationship was really.... kind of "cruel", in a way really.

What with Riddle essentially working Quin to the bone, though his reasoning was more of [He needs to build more confidence in himself] and genuinely thought that what he was doing was the right thing. Quintin wasn't PLEASED AT ALL with the treatment, but kept quiet about it...

.... at least until Chapter 1 occured.

They got to actually talking and found that they had some common grounds and became close acquaintances.

(One such thing is their shared thought of Seisear being a huge PAIN to deal with despite his usually good and sincere intentions; another is actually them bonding over the dormitory's hedgehogs and love of crossword puzzles.)

Seisear Marchare β€” Riddle Rosehearts

A one-sided "friendship" on Sei's part (initially).

Riddle really HATED how Seisear was almost always out-of-control "like a petulant child" and seemed to follow his own sets of rules, thus he more often than not hit the other student with his Unique Magic in order to make him reflect even just slightly.

Seisear on the other hand found Riddle to be quite the "hilarious little prince"~. He always found the redhead's reactions funny, and while he may act terribly uncontrollable, Sei does notice how lonesome and closed-off Riddle seems to be-- it's mostly the reason why he likes to bug his classmate almost all the time~.

(Thankfully it seems like after Chapter 1, they've actually become closer and a little bit more friendly... though Sei still keeps getting collared with [Off With Your Head!] due to how far he can go with messing with Riddle for the laughs~.]


Lala-Phula Tigris β€” Leona Kingscholar

Kind of an odd relationship.

On one hand, they both act somewhat antagonistic towards each other, on the other hand they're actually... kind of close??? To say the least??? Like, they casually throw snarky words and insults at each other, but they also acknowledge each other as "okay"???

Leona finds Lala to be more like a bothersome kid that won't stop pulling his tail for some attention (if you can call the regular declarations of challenge to be that).

Meanwhile Lala thinks that Leona isn't deserving of being "the king of the pack" (ie. dorm leader, in her own terms) but also begrudgingly accepting the fact that he is genuinely strong and thus respects him.

Raetel Gura β€” Leona Kingscholar

More animosity here than the previous one that Leona and Lala had, though it's not out of actual malice and there's no actual fighting that's happened so far (except for the first time they met), but there ARE some close calls here and there.

Though they're more prone to hurling insults at each other and getting creative with their wordings on how to best annoy the other instead.

Raetel is GENUINELY livid with Leona, mostly out of the fact that they know that Leona could do so much better but chooses NOT to and instead prefers to usually lazy around.

Leona on the other hand mostly thinks of Raetel just as "that fox-sham of a teacher's kid", along with expressing annoyance at how much Raet gets up in his case.


Leviotan Genov β€” Azul Ashengrotto

This relationship is on thin-fucking-ice. Period.

Levi knows Azul's type and thus is ALWAYS wary and cautious of his dorm leader, while Azul notes on how distrusting Levi is and is just as wary of his potential plans and methods in which he can foil him.

Funnily enough though, they actually respect each other to some extent and have some slightly similarities here and there that have even both of them acknowledging that fact.

It's to the point of them actually often being seen talking with each other, though if you inquire about that they'll just reply with "it's just business talk".

Viviane Genov β€” Azul Ashengrotto

Friends....???? To be more accurate, Vivi sees Azul as a friend (like she does with literally everyone else) while on Azul's end he's not sure if they could even BE called "friends".

They certainly are on good terms though that's for sure.

Viviane can see past through Azul's personality and pick up on how actually lonely he is and how much hard work he had to do to finally get to his current self, so she's genuinely really nice and friendly to him.

Meanwhile Azul's kind of wary about Vivi's sincere attitude and is a bit doubtful, though he doesn't mind it at all now that they're both in 2nd year and even seems to actually take a liking to having her in his company on occasion.

Azul still thinks she would make for a good business advertisement and attraction to Mostro Lounge, but Levi threatens to suffocate him to death if he ever tries to so he'll have to pass on the tempting thoughts.



Fuyume Yukitosu β€” Vil Schoenheit

Acquaintances? Of sorts?? It's,,, kinda hard to describe this relationship.

Fuyume has no specific feelings whatsoever to her dorm leader and is perfectly willing to go/do whatever he asks or whatever house rules there are.

Vil meanwhile likes the fact that Fuyu is among the more obedient (especially to the strict regiments that he makes EVERYONE adhere to) of the Pomefiore students, though he can't help but vocalize on how she should open up more to other people.

Which results in her acting like a confused child at times because she has zero ideas on how to NORMALLY converse with someone, so Vil personally takes to putting her in more social circles despite any plights she may have.

He is slightly bit jealous at how she doesn't need to do anything and still remain beautiful, but that feeling decreases due to the fact that she's basically almost like a wallflower with no life and thus can't help but also becoming strict with her in an attempt to get her to finally bloom.


Ophiou Chos Gorgos β€” Idia Shroud

Close friends!! They have a lot of shared hobbies, likes, dislikes, and interests!!!

They're even close enough that they call each other with nicknames and are even online friends (they even message each other whenever Idia doesn't wanna go out of his room).

Ophiou does sincerely appreciate and like Idia's companionship (along with Ortho), and is very grateful to have someone he could finally call a "friend", yet he does acknowledge on how isolated Idia is more so than himself and can't help but occasionally worry. He is also still mildly scared of being rejected by his (first) friend because of his eyes.

Idia, meanwhile, is DELIGHTED to find someone he calls a "kindred spirit" and is even more open and honest with Ophi due to this fact. Though even then, sometimes Idia's slightly afraid that he might push him away if he ever gets too heated up about any topic and end up looking/acting creepy.

Regardless, they both game together on occasion and even hold anime marathons. (Of course, Ortho is more than welcome to join in)

Raneus Salpho β€” Idia Shroud

This relationship, unlike the previous one, is more distant. The two of them don't interact that much, but whenever they do, it's with a comfortable distance between them.

It's not that they hate each other, it's just that sometimes their interests align and it's mostly the reason they interact. (Even though they've known each other from way back, they were still distant towards each other and didn't talk much)

Idia often approaches Ran for commissions in sewing cosplay clothing or even just general merchandise that can be sewn before quickly going back to his room.

Though the few amount of times he actually managed to talk with Ran, he found that they actually had some few common grounds... before Ran ended up (unintentionally) scaring him (again).

Raneis meanwhile is totally neutral to his dorm leader, but is a tiny bit annoyed with how Idia doesn't take care of his appearance and thus often finds himself essentially getting up on his face and even threatens him to take better care of himself. Besides that little nugget, he takes up on Idia's requests with no complaint whatsoever.


Cirnu Alva Valirgethen β€” Malleus Draconia

Cirnu treats Malleus like a younger brother and you can't change my mind.

Okay okay, but in all seriousness, they have a really close relationship! Almost sibling-like, in a way.

While Cirnu does like occasionally playfully messing with Malleus, it's just harmless fun and she's quick to apologize if she says anything out of line. She (also) looks out for Malleus and feels bad that he's not getting invited to anything by anyone, and tries her best to cheer him up by reminding the other Diasomnia members to NOT forget to invite him to any parties that the dorm may have.

(It's also the major reason as to why, despite knowing about it since way back, she allows and supports Malleus and Yuu to interact with each other.)

Malleus, meanwhile, does sincerely appreciate her efforts in making sure he does get invited to stuff and socializing, he does wish that she would be a bit more gentle in her readings since it's a bit embarrassing.

Especially since she often calls him "boy", despite the fact that even though she IS older than him, they only have a few years of an age gap between them.

Berebis R. L'Ephegor β€” Malleus Draconia

Another complicated relationship to explain??? Kind of????

On one hand, they've barely interacted with each other, but on the other, Malleus' heard of Bel so many times from either Lilia, Cirnu, Silver, and/or Sebek (definitely more with that last one due to his annoyance with Bel).

So Malleus more often than not decides to go looking for him out of curiosity.

After some awkward distance and general apathy (mostly from Bel's side) for a while, their relationship eventually becomes that of quiet acknowledgement and understanding. And occasional harmless jokes and teasing (from both sides).

Due to Bel being among the very few that neither fear nor revere him, Malleus finds some form of comfort and companionship in him. He's mildly curious as to why Bel is the way he is but doesn't push that topic any further since except for a few times due to being unintentionally more curious than he should.

Bel meanwhile didn't like the fact that the most powerful student of NRC kept approaching him and often ignored him, but eventually relented and decided to converse with Malleus. Only to actually end up slightly come to like how Malleus was different from his initial perception, and now kind of enjoys his company.... but you won't get him to admit it. Ever.

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4 years ago

( A letter dropped from the ceiling, anon ran away) Cirnu-senpai, I am taking advantage of the recent event to tell you how much I admire you. I am so grateful to have the chance to be in the same dorm as you and I am sure many in Diasomnia think the same ! Your elegance and your manners are an example to everyone, I wish to one day attain the same level as you ! I think I finally have the courage to speak face to face with you, so we could meet for tea time tomorrow ? -Anonymous

A soft chuckle escapes from the horned woman’s lips as a warm smile appears on her face.Β β€œOh my, a secret admirer?” 

Cirnu felt flattered that she would be the person of affections by someone, and it would seem to be someone from the same dormitory as well judging from the letter.Β 

β€œIt would rude to decline a heartfelt invitation, especially from someone who had enough courage to write a letter like this.” 

The smile on her face widened just a little bit more, neatly folding the paper back into the envelope she had received from the mystery person who dropped it from the ceiling-- which Cirnu considered a rather bizarre way of giving the letter, but she wasn’t to judge a person’s demeanor.Β 

β€œ[Tomorrow]... Fufu. It truly is a priceless thing~.” 

The horned maiden laughed softly as if like the breeze, as she continued on with her day and in preparation of chatting with and giving advice to a cute child the next day.Β 

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4 years ago
Hhhhhh This Challenge Is Quite Fun But My Brain Nearly Went Overload Lol
Hhhhhh This Challenge Is Quite Fun But My Brain Nearly Went Overload Lol
Hhhhhh This Challenge Is Quite Fun But My Brain Nearly Went Overload Lol
Hhhhhh This Challenge Is Quite Fun But My Brain Nearly Went Overload Lol
Hhhhhh This Challenge Is Quite Fun But My Brain Nearly Went Overload Lol
Hhhhhh This Challenge Is Quite Fun But My Brain Nearly Went Overload Lol
Hhhhhh This Challenge Is Quite Fun But My Brain Nearly Went Overload Lol

Hhhhhh this challenge is quite fun but my brain nearly went Overload lol 🀑🀑🀑

(for best girl Cirnu!!)

Tagging: @choconanime @prometheanglory @briarrosescurse @permanentlyexhaustedowl @not-twst-enough @unidraky/@twst-the-royals @toadodoki and anyone else who wants to join,,,!!

Masquerade ball challenge!!!!!!

What's my oc's dress???

Masquerade Ball Challenge!!!!!!
Masquerade Ball Challenge!!!!!!
Masquerade Ball Challenge!!!!!!
Masquerade Ball Challenge!!!!!!

I have the permission from @sunshine-apprentice to do this challenge.

Tagging: @twsted-princess, @diasomnia-insomnia, @mirrored-pomefiore, @noahramschakledorm,@yandere-wishes, @yandere-of-your-dreams, @not-twst-enough, @wondersbeyondcompare, @akemiozawa, @prometheanglory, @pearlwhitecats, @wingbladeweaver1357, @oiseaunoir11, @circuscarnage, @minteasketches, @in-that-deep-blue-sea, @piraticusdorm and @fumikomiyasaki

If you haven't been tag it's fine, also I want you guys to do the masquerade ball challenge on what your oc's outfit is like.

You can have your oc to have a hairstyle, types of dress or suit, shoes, accessories, etc.

So have fun with the challenge!! πŸ˜‰

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3 years ago

YASU HEYYY, * sends you a box of easter chocolates* thank you a lot for doing this ask, so.... the situation....In which I ask for Cinis and Cirnu's happiness, so please, 🌻 for them ?


God- so a happy ending for everyone's big sis and resident amnesiac bird huh-? Aight let's see what we can do here eheh~.

Cirnu, thankfully, does not succumb to the [darkness] of the Blot that accumulated throughout NRC within such a short timeframe. After graduation and some time later, she returns to NRC not as a student, but to apply as a teacher.

She admits that she wasn't entirely sure if she was going to live past her 3rd year after [Sybil]'s divination revealed that her future becomes murky and hazy during this time, so as a result Cirnu was left unsure about what she wanted to do in the future.

Now that she's gotten past it, she decided to do a bit of soul-searching and eventually came to the answer of wanting to become a teacher, due to wanting to aid/help the next generation of mages.

For Cinis, the curse that has been tormenting her throughout the centuries is finally lifted... although all the memories she has discarded don't come back, this time she doesn't have to forget anything anymore. She still feels quite guilty at that fact, but she's grateful that she no longer has to sacrifice any more of her precious memories for the sake of survival.

She decides to continue her travels around the world, though she makes a quick stop by her home in the far East, partly to fulfill the promise she made to [Spring] but also to once again see the entire world that she loved dearly. Experiencing new sights and encountering new situations, for a weary and tired soul such as her, something like that could be considered "bliss".

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3 years ago

We don't have many oc interactions, but I'm here to change that! May I request πŸ‰for Cirnu and Delphine? Since they both have lived long lives

oml hi anna!!! 😳😳 ye we dont rly have too much interactions especially between our OCS djjsjssk better change that soon ehe πŸ™ˆ


Now where do I begin with these two... Well for starters, as you said, they are both long-lived due to their nature as Fae, so they might have met some time ago in the past before they enrolled in NRC.

It helps that Cirnu's mother often let her tagged along whenever she was on her work travels, so that meant going along where her mother went. (Though Cirnu eventually stopped going with her mother after her twin baby brothers were born since someone had to take care of them while mom and dad were working)

They probably met when Cirnu and her mother stopped by Delphine's tribe and their village to stay for a while to rest after a long journey before moving on with the rest of their trip.

Young Cirnu expressed curiosity in Delphine due to her enigmatic and uncontrollable ability, thus decided to approach and befriend her. Oh she had no malicious motives of the sort through! On the contrary, Cirnu wanted to try and help Delphine to the best of her abilities and even tried to ask the [Others] in lending their memories to see if they know anything about the sort of condition that Delphine had.

Even as a young Fae, due to Cirnu's "special existence", she already had a large pool of magic and energy so she didn't really feel the effects of Delphine's ability all that much, thus it allowed the young Dark Fae to be around the other young Fae a lot longer without tiring too badly.

(But [Sybil] still warned Cirnu to be careful about her reserves since she was still young despite her innate potential.)

However, alas, this relationship didn't last long as Cirnu had to leave soon with her mother and return to their trip before heading back home. Before leaving, though, little Cirnu told Delphine to not lose hope-- to not consider her existence as a "curse", and to keep believing in the "tomorrow" that will come.

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3 years ago
In The Yokai AU, Raetel Gets Adopted Into Shir's Family After Hokusai Willingly Gave Him To The Onis

in the Yokai AU, Raetel gets adopted into Shir's family after Hokusai willingly gave him to the Onis to be raised as an Oni after sometime raising him from childhood.

He and Lala get into petty sibling spats from time to time, and both even get royally pissed if any one mistakes them for twins (due to being Onis and having black-and-white hair) Cirnu meanwhile, in this AU, was the one who raised both Shir and Lala after they were orphaned as children.

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3 years ago

Cirnu lore info dump

Cirnu (symbol is a black lily)- The current incarnation. Known as the "Dark Maiden".

Race: Dark Fae

Gender: Female

Territory: [Field of the Darkened Flowers] -- A never-ending field of black lilies with faint glowing golden lights. With a singular large house, which is a complete replication of Cirnu's home.

Despite already knowing that she's old and ancient, her presence and the air around her suggests she has more secrets than she lets on. Not that it stops her from being a gentle and nice person, especially to the other students.

"You wish to meet... the [Others]? Hmm... a rather peculiar request, but I do not mind."

"I only wish that you be on guard around some of them. Some of them can be rather... hah. You'll see what I mean soon enough."


Sybil (symbol is an eclipse)- One of the later incarnations, but a few levels before Cirnu and after Caligo. Known as the "Seer of the Crimson Moon".

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Territory: [Moonlit Starry Night] -- There is no set scenery but there is a singular constant-- the eternal night sky riddled with stars high above. The most common scene is an open field surrounded by trees and a crystal clear lake wherein you can view the sky with no obstructions.

A cheerful and kind woman, might be a bit promiscuous but means well. Is very friendly and wants nothing more than to be able to help others. Likes to be called "big sis" and self-proclaims herself as one. The most likely one you'll get to know from Cirnu's past lives.

"Oh? You know little Cirnu? Haha, it's nice to meet you then!"

"Hm? Who am I? Hehe... I'm just your friendly neighborhood witch, is all~.⭐"


Caligo (symbol is a crow)- One of the earlier/later incarnations, but a few levels before Sybil & Cirnu. Known as the "Fog Reaper".

Race: Beastman, a Crow/Raven

Race: Male

Territory: [Misty City of Void] -- A small dimly-lit town constantly enveloped by a thick fog with a never-ending night. The alleys have the thickest amount of fog and have barely any lights, with the town square having the brightest lights and least amount of fog. The town square is the [starting point].

Seemingly affable and pleasant, he always has a smile on his face and acts rather polite towards others. He acts rather shifty and suspicious though, along with being prone to telling truths and half-truths, but never an outright lie. The other one you'll get to likely know of Cirnu's past lives.

"Oh? Fufu, who could've possibly thought we'd ever actually meet."

"Good to meet you, [outlander from reality]~. I've always been watching you from the [Abyss]. [We] all have~."


Cereus (symbol is a night-blooming flower)- One of the earlier incarnations before Caligo. Known as the "Le Petit Umbra Prince".

Race: Half-Human, half-Fae

Gender: Male

Territory: [Empty White Tower] -- A tower castle surrounded by a snowy weather. Despite its appearance, it's actually rather spacious on the inside with winding and moving staircases that lead to various different rooms; some lead to nowhere, some are locked, some are peculiar, and some are normal. The top of the tower is where Cereus resides.

Quiet and has very few words to say, and is the type of person to say only what he wants to say and sometimes they end up sounding rather vague. Has a gloomy expression which contrasts his rather unique appearance compared to the others. Meeting him is a random happenstance.

"Hm...? Oh... you're... one of those from... the [reality outside], aren't you...?"

".... It's best... that you leave now.... if you get closer to the [Abyss]... then [that person] will...."


Erebus (symbol is a black gem)- the "first" incarnation. Known as the "Night's Beginning".

Race: Dwarf

Gender: Male

Territory: [Dark Mountain of Yore] -- Nothing in this [territory] exists except this mountain. Everything else beyond this sight is but pure darkness. At the top of the mountain you will see the statue of a horned Devil.

A very mysterious and distant person. His presence alone should be enough to say that he's dangerous despite rather passive and a person of few words. The rarest one you'll ever get to even meet.

"....... Welcome to the Abyss. [Child of the future]. [Outlander from reality]."

"If you have no further business with [Us], then I highly suggest that you follow that [young one] back to [reality] lest your spirit get absorbed into the [Void].


Each generation is capable of interacting with the previous ones and vice-versa. However, taking complete control over the current generation's body and life is forbidden.

Sharing of memories is allowed, but there's restrictions on how much information can be shared in order for the current generation to "exist and live as their own person".

It is possible for those from [reality] to enter the current generation's subconsciousness and interact with the previous lives... so long as they don't get lost finding their way back to the [starting point].

Each [territory] can be modified by their respective [User], but the [starting point] can never be removed, only moved some place else and only after a certain amount of time has passed.

Cirnu's known about some of her past lives ever since she was young. But even she doesn't know exactly HOW MANY there are or just exactly how long the [reincarnation] has been going on.

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3 years ago


Chunying (@briarrosescurse OC) being shown affection by local onee-san triggered two walking landmines. (ft. Cinis hoping a fight doesn't break out πŸ™ˆ)

the names of Cirnu's younger brothers (twins btw) are Nero and Dante respectively

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3 years ago
Misc. Art Dump (aka Idfk How To Properly Talk About Any Of These So I'm Piling Them Into One Post )
Misc. Art Dump (aka Idfk How To Properly Talk About Any Of These So I'm Piling Them Into One Post )
Misc. Art Dump (aka Idfk How To Properly Talk About Any Of These So I'm Piling Them Into One Post )
Misc. Art Dump (aka Idfk How To Properly Talk About Any Of These So I'm Piling Them Into One Post )
Misc. Art Dump (aka Idfk How To Properly Talk About Any Of These So I'm Piling Them Into One Post )

misc. art dump (aka idfk how to properly talk about any of these so i'm piling them into one post 🀑)

(Future) Duke Berebis R. L'Ephegor!! Though he already often acts as a stand-in for his father in certain social events, he is yet to be labeled as THE Duke currently due to still being in school and it is specifically what he and his father agreed upon; Bel won't become the next Duke until he finishes all 4 years in NRC.

Make Gil cry, even unintentionally, and Vinea WILL try to harm you, they're that overprotective over Gil,,,,

Ehe babby Ren go brrrr; he actually used to be a quite and very reserved kid that was simultaneously feared by other kids and thought of as "not normal" by adults due to his demeanor, the way he carried himself, and his piercing gaze that felt like it was staring at your bare soul.

the idea here is just,,, "Cirnu falling into the [Abyss]"-- honestly it could mean a lot of things especially given her,, "unique" existence uwu;;

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3 years ago

Sudden TWST OC lore in the morning

Cirmu at a young age was actually nearly this close to suffering very deep existential crisis and shattering of her morality. She knows about her past lives and how some of them lived and ended, as well as the true nature of her existence and how it makes her different from others, but as a result it made her felt severely alienated from other people even including her own parents (of this lifetime). She is [Cirnu] but can she really even be considered as her own self due to only being given "life" because of the whims of an ancient god that decided to "dream"? What does it matter if she even lives or dies early, or even if she commits any heinous actions in this current life when it will not in any way affect the next generation of her "life"? Mentally speaking, she was not a child in any sense of the word, but technically speaking, at least in this lifetime, she is still a child, so it would do no wonders to her young and developing mind to think about the meaning of existence, life, death, and morality in regards to reincarnation and cycles. It was only thanks to Sybil, one of her previous lives, and her current parents that she fortunately didn't fall into a "Villain's" mindset.

Lala actually has a sense of inferiority complex in regards to using magic despite having overwhelming pride in her physical capabilities. The reason lies in her unique and rare condition, which is also the cause of her appearance-- most of her magic reserves is practically almost 24/7 being used and spent on making sure that she DOESN'T die from her affliction nor to let her body suffer by constantly pulling and fixing together her insides. As I think I have stated in the past, her early childhood was spent in near-constant excruciating pain and agony, more often than not accompanied by bouts of severe dry coughing (often accompanied by blood) and being too weak to even move a single foot, thus having to be carried by either her mother or Shir. As a result of being almost considered (if not outright) a cripple and liability at a young age along with still being affected by her condition albeit in a tiny bit more subtle way, to say that she has an issue in anyone making a comment on her being rather crap at using magic is a HUGE understatement.

Raetel actually has a rather volatile temper and some anger issues despite his seemingly collected and well-kept-together attitude, along with not really being trusting of others that aren't already in his social circle or people he already knows, is because of the fact that he spent a good portion of his childhood as a kid in the streets all alone. He never knew any parental not mentor-like figure before Hokusai, and it just so happened that where he used to "live" was rather... dangerous, shady, and a bit corrupt to say the least; if you showed any sign of weakness or couldn't adapt to doing practically anything to survive, then you'd die like a stray animal. Even from a young age, he was already a loner-type kid mostly because he was disgusted at the idea of sucking it up to anyone in order to survive like a parasite along with the fact that he KNOWS that practically no one can be really trusted-- it was use or be used back at "home". Raetel still has some of, if not all of the scars that he gained throughout his time there that he refuses to get magically healed, because to him it serves as a reminder of all what he did in order to survive and to never forget his pride for himself now that he has better access in actually and legitimately making his life better; which is another reason why he firmly HATES people who seemingly slack off for no good reason or any at all especially if they come from a well-to-do family.

Despite their quite innocent and downright friendly personality, Orchis actually often thinks about what they used to be like and would it be possible to go back to how they were like, or at the very least remember their past to some extent. They usually act like their current situation doesn't bother them in the slightest, but everytime whenever someone mentions either their family, friends, any loved ones, or even just an event from their past, Orchis sometimes ends up wondering about if they've ever experienced anything like that or if they cared/thought about someone like that. They genuinely would like to get closer to the other students, but Crowley has specifically advised the Prefect(Yuu) and Grim to make sure that Orchis doesn't do anything to maybe potentially harm the other students due to their nature as an [Undead]. It is also near impossible for them to develop/keep any long-term memories, with the longest they can keep their memories before it fades into nothingness is around an entire day; emotions on the other hand, are rather tricky. Orchis IS able to "remember" the emotions associated with something or someone, but will not be able to recall anything complex or deep in regards to that thing or person.

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3 years ago
"Hallo~! Just Your Friendly Travelling Big Sis Of A Witch Passing By~. Say, Young One, Do You Want Me

"Hallo~! Just your friendly travelling big sis of a witch passing by~. Say, young one, do you want me to ask the stars of your future?"

The Witch of the Crimson Moon, [Sybil]-- also known as one of Cirnu's previous lives/incarnations. Her specialty was divination, be it the use of the water's mirror or even use of the cards or even that of the stars' gaze.

She used to be a happy and cheery young woman who loved nothing more than to help anyone and everyone that she could see. Sybil also loved to travel and go to various different and unique places, no matter how far or near, no matter how remote or bustling it was.

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