randomikemendegen - Atlaisea Index
Atlaisea Index

Mun Yasu || Main multi-purpose fandom blog; mostly/mainly OC-centric and (art)reblogging || Ask box: OPEN || I'm back!! || 20+ years old

903 posts

With Melanie And Orchis Please!

😁 with Melanie and Orchis please!

Orchis is pretty much very friendly with Melanie, and will practically do almost anything and everything for her solely because she's a nice lady who treats them kindly. Will more often than not follow her around, like how a duckling follows their mother, and it even extends to when they're both just chilling in Ramshackle dorm.

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    ellovett liked this · 3 years ago
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More Posts from Randomikemendegen

3 years ago

Hehe 💕 hi👀

Apologies! But as I have stated in my tags of the reblog of the OG post and in an earlier ask, I will not be answering any asks that have only 💕><;;; 

I’m sorry! I hope you understand hskskssddskjd *head in hands, sobbing*

You can send another ask though and re-try! Just please specify which OCs you want for the shipping ask thing kskssksks

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3 years ago

Mun exposes herself:

Certified MalleYuu shipper (would make my own content for Malleus x Yuu(ya) but alas, I am a coward)

101% supports OC x Canon ships (so long as it aint wack) (again, would make my own content and make shit official, but alas, I am a coward)

Has spent around $100 on Genshin Impact because of Xiao banner 🤡

Used to do roleplays (can still somewhat do it, but hasnt had the opportunity to do so in a long time)

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3 years ago
In The Yokai AU, Raetel Gets Adopted Into Shir's Family After Hokusai Willingly Gave Him To The Onis

in the Yokai AU, Raetel gets adopted into Shir's family after Hokusai willingly gave him to the Onis to be raised as an Oni after sometime raising him from childhood.

He and Lala get into petty sibling spats from time to time, and both even get royally pissed if any one mistakes them for twins (due to being Onis and having black-and-white hair) Cirnu meanwhile, in this AU, was the one who raised both Shir and Lala after they were orphaned as children.

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