rangersveppir - Skjøldur Labs with Ranger Sveppir
Skjøldur Labs with Ranger Sveppir

Hello, I am Ranger Sveppir. This is just a place where I talk about where I "work".

469 posts

It's Hot As Heck Here In Ohrken Right Now, So I Was Having Icecream For Dessert (Nanab + Chocolate Fudge

It's hot as heck here in Ohrken right now, so I was having icecream for dessert (Nanab + Chocolate Fudge if you are interested) and Sol decided she wanted some, of course I told her she couldn't have it, dairy isn't good for her and she still had half their own food left. She got angry and decided to act out by sticking my legs ontop of the fridge. Jokes on her though, I have my old man grabbers hah.

So yeah that's been my night so far, how's everyone else?

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More Posts from Rangersveppir

9 months ago

Can confirm, my good ol' boy Woops turned 64 this year.

how did you end up acquiring your sire? and how old is Bobby?

- @pokestudentfen

I caught him out by the Battle Resort here in Huval. I don't actually know exactly how old Bobby is,but he's probably around 10-15 years old, and quagsire can live up to around 70 years in captivity, so he'll be around for a long time.

Fun fact: quagsire are generally sedentary enough that you can kinda just sit there with a timer ball primed for as long as you want.

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9 months ago

Not sure I'll keep you posted.


[Guess who sent a letter! It reads:]

“Hello, Sveppir!

Peachy is technically the ‘main’ focus, since she’s my longest-standing partner, but I currently have three others in my care. Grapefruit the Bewear, Lemon the Togedemaru and Mango the Mimikyu. I was previously caring for a Ribombee named Mahalo, but she was recently transferred to her proper trainer. How is life in the Okren (did I spell that right?) region? We don’t have any researchers there.

Best wishes,


[Return Letter]

Howdy Pat,

All of them sound adorable, I've never seen a Togesemaru outside of pictures/ video before. It is spelled Ohrken. In the nativelanguage it means "Dry Land" in the native language. The only lab we have here is the one I work at. Speaking of research you research the Tapu right? Well these might be of interest to you.

[Included with the letter are 6 photos of what appears to be Tapu Bulu in the middle of the desert. It is fighting with a Crustle]

This is one of those right? No idea why it is here, a local apparently snapped some pics of it before it flew off. Have any idea what might be going on? We don't have anyone on staff with experience on these pokemon so I figured I would ask.

--Ranger Sveppir

9 months ago

Those are some happy pokes

My two beautiful slowpokes, Soup and Stew have been given a new kiddie pool to soak in. Joyous occasion.

9 months ago

Dr. Amilee is working with sandy today, has something to do with Cherrim but I don't know what yet, I'm staying home today. So if you want to send any asks I'm more that happy to answer.

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9 months ago

Vaporeon, so I despise that stupid copy pasta with a passion.

Um first post, what’s everyone’s favorite eeveelution?