Pokemon Ranger - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Your favorite weather vs. your partner pokémon’s favorite weather?

Mine: Rainy

Woops: Also rainy

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8 months ago

Do you use Potions and other manmade medicines for your pokémon, or do you prefer herbal/natural healing items?

I'm not a trainer but we use man-made meds at the lab mostly as they are quicker. I personally prefer them as well but always keep revival herbs in my belt. Speaking of I need to replace them with fresh ones so thank you for the ask.

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8 months ago

Food Review 1 + Job Ad

( OOC: Edit: I can no longer post anything I save to drafts. No explanation as to why. It makes tumblr crap itself )

Nothing interesting happened today so just gonna ramble for a bit haha. For a bit now I've been terrorizing @thatfailedpokemontrainer with our Paldean Lab Tech's lunches. (Who for future posts I'll be calling Sandwitch Steve). Today I decided Sprite shouldn't be the only one exposed to the horrors.

Today Steve brought a marshmallow fluff, nanab berry, and chocolate frosting sandwich. Which while unhealthy looked really good until he began dipping it into cold tomato soup. 8/10 at least this one didn't smell.

Speaking of food Skjøldur is making plans to reopen the site cafeteria and they asked that I advertise it a little on here as that means the cook position is open again. So if you need a job keep reading.

The cafeteria schedule is 8 am to 5 pm during thr day, opening up again for the night crew from 12 am to 2 am. Most food being made to order though you will be required to make some pre-made sandwiches and stuff.

Pay is 25,000 PD (25.00 USD) an hour, you'll be given housing here on site. Skjøldur also provides free heath and dental for you and your pokemon.

Now I'm supposed to list the requirements they gave me but part of their list is a "Go-Getter Attitude" so I'm not going to do that because that's not useful information.

Here's the actual requirements:

* Some level of cooking skill (you dont need to be a professional but if you are you might get paid extra.) If you don't have much experience with cooking, don't worry you'll get caught up. Skjøldur management is really good at drilling health and safety requirements into your head.

* A willingness to put up with people ordering the stupidest things at 1 am.

* The ability to deal with the crushing isolation of Ohrken.

So uh yeah, if you are interested send me a letter as I was given the task of reviewing candidates.

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8 months ago

I find all the books and movies about the Paras line's tochukaso infecting people and turning them into monsters incredibly silly. The amount of massive biological changes it would take to work on humans would be incredible and would be like growlith suddenly growing human hands with which to open the fridge.

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8 months ago

Food review 2

Steve really outdid himself today. He brought a kimchi, peanut butter, and ham sandwitch with peacha berry jam. I belive he might be messing with me now, not sure. 4/10 vile, smelled pretty bad but could be worse.

You can find the previous one and the included job offer here.

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7 months ago

I return

Hello, sorry for suddenly disappearing for a bit. We had an incident hear at the lab so for now pc transfer of pokemon is no longer allowed, we are very sorry. I am currently in the medicenter so I may not be as responsive I usually am but I will try to answer any questions, stay safe out there everyone.

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7 months ago

Surgery Tomorrow

CW: Medical Stuff, Mild Violence, Death

Howdy, so turns out taking a tyranitar tail to the back, can mess you up haha. My gear prevented my spine from being snapped like a twig and as far as could be found I just had a broken rib, turns out it damaged the system by prosthetics connect to so a section bunch of stuff needs to be replaced, most of it is on the outside so its not too bad but a section about a foot long will need to be replaced in my lower back and a small section in my right shoulder, thankfully its not too deep in so as the doctor joked "if we somehow mess up the only thing you will lose is some feeling in your toes". Anyway

Since I never really got into what occurred I probably should, so we have a pc system on site so that people can transfer their pokemon here for check-ups and so forth. The lab is also the main producers for prosthetics for people and pokemon. One of our patients in this regard was a Clefa, now Cleffairy named Rosie, and absoluty sweetheart, she was born with Phocomelia so she had no arms, she was sent to us and got a prosthetic set so she could live a normal life with her trainer, since she evolved she was being fitted for a new set which had just been finished and she was being sent to us to have them tested, give her some physical therapy with them, they are very similar to the ones she had before so it wasn't thought it would be much trouble. So Dr. Glide picked up the ball from the pc, took it over to the check-up room and released, a very pissed off mega tyranitar, needless to say the room nor the doctor were prepared for this kind of pokemon and it quickly evolved into a very dangerous situation. Turns out the pc system here in the region had been compromised and as such some unknown party was able to redirect Rosie and replace her with this tyranitar. (for those worried, yes we found Rosie, she got redirected to a pc in a pokemon center about 4 hours away, shes now back with her trainer) We have the tyranitar contained and the regional police and the local rangers are looking into it but have had no luck so far.

Thankfully we were able to get through this with no deaths, just some injuries and a lot of broken equipment.

Update: I learned Dr. Glide passed away this morning due to complications from her injuries, we will miss you Ivar.

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7 months ago

I'm alive

Surgery went well, super drowsy still but on the plus side the nuse has the most adorable jolting in her shirt pocket that waves at me whenever she walks in. I'm going to cry it's just too cute.

Anyone else here wish they could live in a shirt pocket? It would be so nice.

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7 months ago


Thank you again for the Cran Berries. I wanted to share a favorite recipe in kind. While I was born and raised in Fiore, my mother was from Alola, and brought her love of big malasadas with her. But living in Fiore, she started experimenting with more local ingredients. Attached is a recipe for one of my favorites- a big malasada with a Lyra forest mixed-berry filling. Since a recipe can't be eaten directly, I've also included a dried nut and seed mix popular in the Sekra range. It preserves well and I always find it handy on long trips as a ranger. I hope you enjoy!

--Ranger Lark

Thank you Lark, I can't wait to try both of these. It has been a long time since I was in Fiore. How long have you been a ranger if you don't mind me asking? Also did they ever build that ranger academy? I know it was very touch and go for a long time so it wouldn't surprise me if the whole thing got scrapped. Anyway I am rambling, thank you so much. Stay safe in the field.

-- Ranger Sveppir

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7 months ago
Hey @4ster-bl4ster Looks Like I Was Able To Snap A Photo Of A Ohrken Surskit After All. Its A Little

Hey @4ster-bl4ster looks like I was able to snap a photo of a Ohrken Surskit after all. Its a little blurry so I will definitely have to get another. I should probably explain the differences between the hoennian and Ohrken Surskit, Ohrken Surskit are bug psychic type and feed off small insects and the lichen that grow on rocks (like this lil one I caught getting a snack) as well as the emotional energy given off by people and pokemon. They do the latter using their antenna, this antenna has a ring like formation at the top that the Surskit will run a series of silk strings inside of forming almost a dreamcatcher-like design. Each surskit has its own unique design. They also tend to grow to be larger than their Hoennian counterparts, where as the main body of a Hoennian surskit grows to about six inches in diameter sometimes larger a Ohrken Surskit's body have been known to get as large as 1 ft. in diameter in not larger. This increase in size prevent them from being able to walk across the surface of the water like their Hoennian counterparts. They do however skit just above the ground using their psychic abilities, they also have an additional set of legs when compared to the Hoennian version. So uh yeah hope guys are doing well, I'm recovering slower than expected so I may be gone longer. Being stuck in bed like this is driving me crazy. To @4ster-bl4ster hope you and jellybean are doing well.

Everyone stay safe.

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7 months ago

(@zoruascanbetrainerstoo) Hihi. I'm reallyreally scared. I met a reallyreally weird woman named Cara Liss on Galar Route 6 who said she could revive fossils if I gave her two of them, and I gave her a Plume fossil and a Sail fossil, but there's only one revived Pokemon, an Archen-Amaura, and they're in a lot of pain and I don't know how to help them. -Illanero

This is a rather odd circumstance, first report this person and their location to the authorities if you have not already, Cara Liss sounds like it might be a pseudonym (careless), so make sure to give the authorities as clear a description as you can. As for the pokemon itself I am not sure what could be done, if you like I can put you in touch with our fossil pokemon specialists here at the lab, fossil pokemon are not my specialty so I am not entirely sure what could be done, however if there is anything that could be I'm sure Dr. Raster would know.

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7 months ago

It's 4 am, ac in my room is blasting at max, it's still 82°F in here wtf.

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7 months ago
rangersveppir - Skjøldur Labs with Ranger Sveppir

Okay so I'm friends with one of the Archeologists here in Ohrken, Dr. Dawn. Not going to go into too much detail as to not lose the point of this post, but her job is to photograph the accessable sections of the many ruins of the region, partly for preservation mostly for a lot of regional governmental requirements and other crap. Well, she was looking at some of her pictures before sending them off when she noticed the lil guy on the floor in this one. She went back and it was gone. She's both excited and freaked out haha, unown haven't been documented in the region and this guy doesn't look like any form I've seen, so new discoveries may be coming out way, I'll keep you updated the best I can, very exciting stuff.

rangersveppir - Skjøldur Labs with Ranger Sveppir

A closer look.

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7 months ago

Update on the strange unown.

Current theory is its some kind of regional form, Dr. Dawn's team got permission from the regional government giving them permission to and I quote "non-destructivly alter/excavate _____ ruins for the purposes of archeological and biological discovery"

The quote isn't important I just find it funny how this kind of stuff has to be worded.

So yeah if they find anything I'll let you guys know.

Also I got some questions about the carving on the wall. No one has any idea what it means, I personally think the pokemon in the image is a sliggoo but that's just me.

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7 months ago

Since Saturday they've let Woops stay with me in my room, and sol gets to come in during the day. Helps a lot with the Isolation haha. However Woop'salot has developed an odd if kinda funny behavior, so in the room next to my bed they've got a lot of equipment set up, mostly to monitor my heart and oxygen and stuff after the surgery. Most of its off but about every four hours one of the machines let's off a a series of low beeps, and Woopsenstein has decided that it's a challenge haha. Every time it goes off Woops bellows back at it and stances up a bit, and when it stops he looks at me with such a proud "look dad I won" face.

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7 months ago

As a pokemon ranger, what's the most dangerous pokemon you've ever had to wrangle? I'm sure it's all sunshine and Butterfree out there!


Oh that's that's tough one, I've had lots of wild cases but if I had to pick an example off the top of my head, excluding this incident with the tryanitar which I don't count since I'm retired now, I would say a chingling. I'll probably make a full post on this sometime but to keep it short a little girl and her chingling fell don't one of the abandoned Mines near Driftveil, we had to bring them both up while keeping them calm because that mine was in horrible shape and one scream from that little bell would have probably gotten us all crushed. So yeah probably not the most dangerous in the usual sense but it was terrifying in the moment.

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7 months ago

Apparently I have 52 followers now, I feel like I should do or say something profound but I have no idea what, thank you all.

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7 months ago

I am Home

I finally made it out out of the hospital and now I am home, my house is a wreck hahah so I may be a bit spotty throughout the day. Otherwise things are going pretty good so far, as soon as we got home Woops curled up in their bed.

Stay safe everyone

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6 months ago

When it rains it pours doesn't it. Bad news, I won't be going back to work as planned. Good news, Its because I'm leaving the region to pick up a patient. Because we can't trust the PC system. Don't know where yet, but might be Unova so I am a little excited, after the incident everything here has gone real "hush hush" about every little thing, I understand it but it makes planning for anything hard haha.

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6 months ago

Strange Unown Update

Just heard back from Dr. Dawn, they excavated a lot more of the ruins, discovered a lot of important historical stuff but no signs of any unown. So I suggested setting up a motion sensitive camera in one of the rooms, I had a few spare so I loaned her one and here is what we got last night:

Strange Unown Update
Strange Unown Update
Strange Unown Update
Strange Unown Update
Strange Unown Update
Strange Unown Update

These come from about 2 am, the camera did not survive but at this point I could care less these photos are cool, I am more interested in finding out stuff like why it attacked the camera and why its just kinda staring at it like that (the 2nd to last pic is just one of about 15, it sat their for about half an hour just staring right into the camera). I'll keep you updated with any new info.

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