Welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy your stay 🩷What not to do on this blog❌:Harass me or others, use racist or offensive language, make inappropriate comments/remarks, etc.(Doing this will get you blocked)Do's of the blog ✅:Do what makes you feel comfortable, have fun, do things appropriately, be respectful and kind towards others, etc.Bonus note:Stay safe and take care y'all <3
64 posts
Here Is The Huffish Controller. Though She May Be Annoyed And Irritated At Times Because Of The Engines,

Here is the huffish controller. Though she may be annoyed and irritated at times because of the engines, she cares deeply for them and will always be looking out for them, even if that mean disciplining them through scolding.
More about her.
✨She will actually go by any pronouns, she just prefers she/her✨
✨Loves hot pink and Lime green✨
✨She is irritable✨
✨Gets very sick of all the confusion and delay the engines (Thomas) causes✨
✨Likes having a lot of accessories✨
✨Despite having a hard shell, she loves all her engines and cares for them deeply✨
✨She is multiethnic (🇱🇦🇺🇸)✨
✨Real name is Kim, meaning expensive in Hmong✨
More Posts from Ratslovepinktoo
Great edit!
Henry is really a tumblr sexyman xd

If you wanna protect AO3 or character ai. Or Wattpad. Or Tumblr. Or discord. Or even the right for undocumented people and minors to use the fucking Internet reblog this I swear to God. Reblog this and reblog as many KOSA posts as you can go on their website and contact your Representatives. Do it. Do it. Do it.

I saw this Rosie design made by @asktrio516 and I wondered what she would look like in shorts. I drew the shorts which took a while, but I thought it turned out really good :)

Here is the original picture. Again, full credit goes to @asktrio516
(Hi, this is a quick edit btw. I apologize to @asktrio516 for not asking her for permission to edit the picture but that’s my fault. Sorry TvT)

Meet Pamelle. She is based off the U.S. Sugar 148 which was built on April in the 1920s (This is where she gets the flapper dress and trousers). Since I can not draw engines, this is just her in human form. Here’s some more stuff about her.
✨Pamelle is a very kind and forgiving soul who rarely ever gets angry with others✨
✨Pamelle isn’t a morning person. She struggles to get up early and is very sluggish at first, yet she still somehow manages to get through it and get on with her work✨
✨She isn’t very good at starting conversations with new people. Social interaction can make her nervous and fidgety but does eventually warm up to others✨
✨Despite being built over 100 years ago, she is still a rather young engine (About Gordon’s age)✨
✨Every night she does a skin care routine and meditates for about 20 minutes so that way she can reflect on her day✨
✨She puts her hair up in a messy bun when she’s stressed✨
✨Loves coffee but makes sure that she’s not drinking too much to the point she’s unhealthy✨
✨She comes from aMERica (like me)🇺🇸✨
✨She is not a picky eater and loves eating cuisines from a lot of different cultures and countries✨
✨Pamelle is also quite motherly as well. She looks out for everyone, but pays special attention to younger engines. She loves everyone equally though✨
✨Pamelle can get easily jealous when someone she feels as if someone is getting too close to someone else she loves. She doesn’t do anything about it though. She just kinda sucks it up✨
✨She has a strong tendency to be overprotective and aggressive if she feels jealous or someone is trying to take her place✨
This oc took forever because I had to find the right color palette and study the fashion of the 1920s
This is pretty much all there is for now. Take care 🫶