Ttte Duck - Tumblr Posts
Ttte Halloween Headcanons: (1-12)
🎃How to Scare The Steam Team Without Traumatizing Them 🎃:
Thomas: Play extremely romantic or SPICY songs in his room, shed or any place where he normally hangs out in. He might joke about segg or romance and thinks it's funny but absolutely hates it when people start to become TOO comfortable with each other and start doing... Things that I can't name because I'm a minor. Baby by Justin Bieber would make him scream for Satan to take him out of his misery.
Edward: Second hardest person to scare in Halloween. One, he can surprisingly handle extremely dark topics. (I mean, he's a punk. What do you expect). Two, due to his insomnia giving him nightmares. Regular horror just seems like comedy to him. But, Edward does have one weakness: Sonrisas from Unicorn Wars. Has watched the film, loves it except for the parts where Sonrisas is in. In his words: Why the fuck does that orange bitch smiles in EVERY SCENE THAT HE'S IN??? A Sonrisas mask should do the trick.
Henry: Maybe dress up as Jason Voorhees and chase him around with an axe. Or cut some of his trees. (Although that last one would probably have you screaming your head off with an angry Henry ready to kick your ass)
Gordon: Get Bill and Ben roped in with your scheme and have them completely trash his room, shed or his express coaches! Gordon's face will be white as flour when he sees what you have done!
James: Fill his entire makeup collection with butter, nutella, egg yolk and anything else that is NOT makeup and put it back to her drawer. They will be screaming in less than 3 minutes when they're putting on their eyeshadow. Bonus points if you fuck up his clothes as well!
Percy: Number 1 hardest person to scare. Literally everybody has tried scaring him. But nothing seems to work on them! The only thing that would be closest to "scaring Percy" is Urbanspook. But even then, Percy looks more disgusted than frightened.
Toby: Literally any slasher movie, no matter how cheesy it is. Genuinely becomes horrified whenever a character dies even if they deserved it. His friends have no idea how easily spooked he can be. Not even Henry!
Duck: Just do anything that isn't the Great Western way. It's that easy.
Donald and Douglas: Throw a grim reaper costume onto a drone. Wait for the two to come and unleash the drone onto the two of them!!!! Chase them back to Scotland!!! To the moon!!!! To HEAVEN!!!!!!
Oliver: Send the mushiest Valentine's Day card to him. Go wild! Write it like you're simping for this man!!!!! (Unfortunately for Ollie, he is asexual)
Emily: Make the most disgusting Boba Tea with the most despicable ingredients that you can think of. Once you're done, just give it to her! Her reaction will be priceless.
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 401:
*In the shunting yard, Oliva, Dana and Donella were talking to each other when Douce walked towards them*
Douce, holding a card: Hey Ollie! Leuk at this card thon Bill give tae me! A'm pretty sure it's another ane o his stupid pranks!
Oliva: Let me see.
Oliva, reading out the card: "YOU'RE ONE HOT DADDY"
Donella: EWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!
Oliva, opening it up: "Will you marry me? Signed, Douglas"
*Glass shatters in the distance as Douce has an exasperated expression on her face. She tried to say something, anything in fact to prove to Oliva that she was always a straight ally. But all that came out was:*
Douce: B-b-b-bubba-bobba-hob-hobba-hobba-wah-wah.....

Donella: Douggie, DOUGGIE?!?! ARE YOU THERE?!?!?
Oliva: DUCK NO-

Duck in the Water (ft. Henry) 🦆🐸
It was one of my old artworks but I forgot to upload here, woops...
Remember the Henry with Frog raincoat artwork I’ve made ago? @/TylerBlackFive once made the post of Henry in the swamp(or water), with a frog hat inspired from that Frog raincoat Henry.
So I decided to make a small art based on it. As well as fusing with my favorite scene from Duck in the Water, when the actual ducks were passing by Duck.
I added snorkel on Henry, because.. well, why not. At least he is trying to hide, If you ever see him, pretend you haven’t seen him-
[🚫 Do NOT Steal/Use/Re-upload my works! 🚫]
Beautiful story, interesting to see Emily sticking up for Diesel, don't believe I've seen this storyline before.
"...are we supposed to care?" this sent me.
Keep up the great work.
TrainTober 2023: Devious
"Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't"

A storm raged fiercely out in the morning dawn.
Many engines were gathered at the Big Sheds. Emily, who was still new to the Island, sat center-stage atop the Turntable, listening to the commotion around her.
"Everyone," she spoke pointedly, "We have a serious problem. Diesel is going to be scrapped."
The Sheds fell quiet. Too quiet. An uncomfortable, deafening silence hang in the air.
"...are we supposed to care?" someone murmured meekly. Emily shot a glare into the crowd of engines.
"Is this railway not a safe haven engines of all creed?"
"I wasn't aware Diesel had a creed," someone grumbled. There were faint murmurs of agreement among the crowd.
"Diesel has come back to our Island multiple times over the years!" Emily continued, "He's proved himself a hard worker, and that he's dedicated to giving his all for each and everyone of us. Most of all, he's proven, time and again, that he's a changed engine!"
"But not exactly a good engine, has he?"
Emily blinked, turning towards the familiar presence of a Great Western Pannier Tank sitting at the far corner of the Shed.
"Sure, he's changed," Duck grimaced, "We all have, but that doesn't change anything about the lies he told about us -- about me."
"This isn't about you, Duck. A fellow engine is in need of help, and--"
"--Your 'fellow engine' spread nothing but lies and deceit when he first came here," The Pannier scolded, "You are more than welcome to greet him with open buffers, but understand that I won't."
"No one said you had to." Came an oily voice.
The engines jumped as a crack of lightning danced across the horizon, revealing a dark boxy figure looming at the shed entrance. With a coughing wheeze, Diesel crept into the shed, looking exhausted.
"Don't mind me," he coughed, "Had to sort out a late arrival from the storm. What were you all talking about?"
The other engines didn't reply.
"I see," Diesel sighed, "You found out too, didn't you."
Duck and Emily glanced to one another, unsure of whether to say anything.
"Well, if you want me to say my piece," said Diesel, "Here it is: So be it. I've lived a fair life. If they're going to call my number, they'll call my number and get it done with. But..."
An oily grin, worn-out yet wily as ever, formed on Diesel's lips. Duck scowled at the sight of the devious look in his eyes, bringing back bad memories for the Great Western Engine.
"Let's just say, you all have more than enough incentive to keep me around."
The uproar was ferocious. Engines whistled and yelled, many cursing out the oily wreck standing at the shed entrance until it was silence by a Great Western whistle. Duck eyed the other engines, her gaze on them as stern as it was on Diesel.
"What sort of incentive?"
Diesel chuckled. "Oh, a little parting gift. You'd be surprised, but for all the time I've spent on your railway, I've been privy to some of the most interesting of tales. Tales I'm sure many of you would love to keep out of the public eye."
"Are You Blackmailing Us?!" Gordon spluttered.
"I'd call it more of a barter, really," Diesel smirked, "In exchange for my silence, and the destruction of any and evidence I have of such scandalous encounters that would besmirch quite a few fellow famous engines, all I ask in return is a place on this wonderful railway."
The engines huddled together, conversing quietly over whether Diesel could be trusted to keep his word. At last, Emily spoke up.
"We would be more than happy to have you with us," she answered.
"Excellent, I'll let--"
"--Provided you keep your word." put in Duck.
"Of course," said Diesel smugly.
"That means no lying, no tricks, and definitely no talking to the Troublesome Trucks."
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Good," Duck replied, and she looked out to the horizon. "Storm's clearing up. I best be off. I shouldn't keep Alice & Mirabell waiting."
Duck set off out of the shed, only to be stopped by the cough of a devious diesel.
"One more thing," he grinned, "I assume there will be a deputation with the Fat Controller, to let him know where the engines stand on the matter, yes?"
"--Diesel is a hard-worker. He's dedicated beyond a doubt, and more than willing to put others before himself. He's Responsibly, Reliable and Really Useful. And most of all, he's..."
The Fat Controller stared. "He's...what, Duck?"
Duck coughed, feeling herself gag a little at the thought of her next words. "He's a better shunter than me, Sir."
The Great Western Engine stared as the Fat Controller fought to compose himself.
"Is everything alright, Sir?"
"Of course, Duck," he smiled, "It's just... did you and the others not know I was already intending to purchase Diesel from the Other Railway?"
Traintober: Day 8 "Bird"
"They say I waddle"

[Western Region Docks, United Kingdom]
"Oi, Monty where's the eggs?" 1437 ventured. 5741 let out a long sigh, "Terrence if this about my waddle then I don't wish to hear anymore." but 'Terrence' rallied again. "No, I mean, there were a few trucks of eggs on your line that I was meant to arrange." He clarified.
"Don't know Terrence, I just got back from the coaling stage." Just then a low whistle sounded out as 517 came in with a small mixed goods. "Afternoon Montague, Terrence." She whistled to the pair. "Hey Matilda, have you seen some trucks of eggs by chance." Terrence asked.
"A few hours ago."
Terrence grumbled to himself as his face produced a long frown, Matilda only continued to smile.
"Not entirely helpful." Montague replied.
"The truth isn't entirely helpful." Matilda replied in kind.
"The Great Western Way would beg to differ," Terrence retorted, but Matilda merely smirked and said, "The Great Western Way ALSO admonishes failures that could have been avoided. I think losing your train in such conditions would be highly avoidable."
Sprites and backgrounds by PrincessMuffins, CJTheCreator, tsDra90n, Amelheronemus.
Inspiration wasn't really there for this, sorry.
I don't know if I have, but I believe I've committed a sin. I originally didn't know what to post on the 8th when I quickly looked up who the 8th engine was on Sodor, I found out it was Duck. I did have an idea for him ages ago when I first drew my centaurs but I never put him down on paper. So I drew him and started working on him yesterday on the 8th but I grew tired because of my F'ed sleeping pattern at the moment, and now I'm working on also drawing Donald and Douglas and finishing up Duck to post today. At least it's the 8th somewhere in the world... though I'm not proud of myself for skipping Ducky.
Duck: "It's either the great western way or the wrong way, AND YOU DID IT THE WRONG WAY!"
Me: "Get back in the closet feather brian!"

Sorry about the late from yesterday, so here, have a Duck. Donald and Douglas will be here shortly.
As I've finally got around to writing Duck in the next chapter for my ttte giant au, I've realized I've made him a bit of an a-hole to Thomas or about the topic of giants as a whole. At first, I was writing him to have a turnaround when he realizes why the engines all like him so much, but then it got me thinking about other ideas after I did a little research. I'm thinking of making Duck on the spectrum, maybe specifically with Asperger syndrome or another thing like it. Idk, what do you guys think? Let me know through messages or in text through reblogs, simply favoriting this doesn't tell me anything, I need words on opinions.
Oh my gawd! I am so sorry guys... NOT REALLY!
How about Turo in A-3 and Duck in A-4? I'm thinking they lost a bet.

Pendennis Castle had a good day visiting Sodor that day.
Risking what exactly Duck? I'd actually recommend him staying away from Jayde by this point otherwise he's going to be called a coward in a none to happy way.
Does Duck know Jayde was turned into a snake? Or is he staying far away from them at the moment?

Gods... poor Duck... I hope he lets Jayde give him a hug if they ever meet.
How has Duck been? Edward has caught him now so I'm wondering about his opinions. Has he seen the other engines as humans? Or is he afraid to go see them because that would mean also having to see Jayde? Speaking of whom, how did they treat Duck while he was "ducked"? And what does he think of them now in their current situation if he's even seen them at all?
He has seem the engines as humans before he was caught and he's afraid to even get close to them since it gives them pain. Even though a duck is less complex than a human he could see the rotting around their bodies.

What ever they want me for it better be quick. Any misfortune during with them I'm out...
How did jayde and the 8 famous engines meet how there's first impressions?
I've actually written a little fic on how Jayde met Thomas and Gordon because Spencer was invited to a gala at the national railway museum. The two were there for the event with Sir Topham Hatt and Jayde took the piss out of Thomas initially. Small cut of the story- Once they stopped at the platform of the museum for visiting engines, Jayde and Spencer exited their side of the coach and opened the door for the Duke and Duchess. When the Duchess saw that Jayde had changed she pouted. “Aw, couldn’t you even survive the trip Jayde?” she asked. “I figured it’d be more formal to show my official attire given to me by my place of origin ma’am. Besides, I feel I have a lot more to be proud of than in a dress.” Jayde said as they and Spencer took to standing behind the couple and letting them take the lead. The Duke smiled and held his wife’s arm to guide them inside whom smiled back as she held on and began to walk with.
When they entered the front doors the room came into a cheer as the graces entered the building. Soon some of the engines rolled up to Spencer who entered behind his owners with Jayde behind him. To the silver A4’s surprise Gordon was present for this event which was a rare sight. “Good to see you finally arrived Spencer, my what took you so long?” Bittern asked as he rolled to a stop in front of his silver brother. “The Duchess of Boxford was just getting my new work comrade here looking spic and span.” Spencer said smugly as he stepped aside to reveal Jayde in their military formal uniform with medals to display and all.
Most of the engines looked very surprised to see a humanoid that was able to take them in height by a head, but they were also very shocked to see that they were wearing a 100% authentic military uniform suit. “Salutations.” Jayde stoically said down to the smaller humanoids, deciding to take the micky out of them. “Ah… h-hello, whom may you be?” Green Arrow asked as he and a few of the others gave Jayde space. “No.2 of the I.A.H corps and support of the A.R.H.I. But you may call me Jayde. Now, who are you ivory locomotive?” Jayde said looking sternly at Green Arrow.
Though it was Flying Scotsman himself who came to his cousins seeming rescue. “Why hello then Jayde, pleasure to meet you. I am the Flying Scotsman, and this is my cousin Green Arrow. This here is my brother Gordon, that one there is Bittern, next to him a little away is Mallard, a bit behind us is Duchess of Hamilton, and a lot of others are still in the main hall.” Scotsman said. Jayde clicked their tongue before looking to Spencer. “Quite the odd nuclear family you have Spencer, though, I shouldn’t be one to judge.” Jayde then took a few steps forward and began to float up into the air. “Shall we old silver?” the quadcopter grinned cheekily before pushing off into the main hall. “Oh you cheap shot young plastic!” Spencer cheered as he moved off after them.
The others were quick to follow also but so they could chat more to Spencer about the new comer. Once they entered the main hall where the preserved engines bodies were sitting they could see Jayde and Spencer move in to stand by their owners who were talking to Sir Topham Hatt. They caught up to Spencer and pulled him aside to talk while Jayde landed close by to their owners.
“Ah, here they are now. Jayde, I would like you to meet Sir Topham Hatt, controller of the north-western railway on Sodor.” The Duke said as he watched Jayde land beside them. “Oh, well hello sir Topham.” Jayde said as they offered their hand out for a shake. The stout gentlemen returned the shake in kind with a smile on his face. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Jayde. From what the Duke here told me you’re former military, and I can see you have a few medals.” Sir Topham said as they scaled the humanoid up. “Yes sir, I served in Iraq for two years before being withdrawn from service.” “How come? I would have thought you’d have a far longer working career than that.” “Oh… it was due to ill management sir. A chain of events that ended up in a disaster. I’d rather not speak of it.” “Completely understandable, but while I have you here I was wondering if you would like to meet my engines that I brought with me today, I have a feeling you’ll be seeing them again at some point if you ever come to Sodor along with Spencer someday.” “I’d like that sir, are they close by?” “Yes, Gordon! Thomas! Could you come over here please?”
Sir Topham called out to his two blue engines who both began to head over to his location. Thomas was a hot topic at this event as many photographers came to get a picture of him, the world’s most famous engine in media. And Gordon was in a group huddle with the other engines talking to Spencer when he heard his name being called.
The two came over and stood at attention in front of their owner. “Yes sir?” Thomas asked. “Thomas, Gordon, I’d like you to meet the Duke and Duchess of Boxford’s newest purchase, Jayde the Quadcopter. I expect they’ll be coming over to Sodor this summer with the graces annual summer vacation. So I’d like to get introductions sorted now.” “Ah, I believe someone already introduced me to Gordon before when Spencer showed me to his relatives. But let’s be honest here, the tank engine that needs no introductions, it’s amazing to meet you Thomas.” Jayde said as they kneeled down and offered a hand to the little engine.
Thomas smiled shakily and gently grasped Jayde’s hand to shake it. “It’s nice to meet you mister.” the Duke and Duchess along with Spencer gritted their teeth with an expression that read- ‘uh oh’ when Thomas called Jayde mister. Jayde decided to play a little joke with Thomas once the opportunity aroused, they didn’t let go of Thomas’s hand as they glared with an angry expression to the little loco in front of them. “‘Mister’?” they stoically question with the engines face quickly turning fearful. “I am female. You call me miss.” Gordon backed away from the little seemingly soon to be dead tank engine with sir Topham looking to the Duke and Duchess for them to hopefully intervene.
When the number 1 engine started to attempt to back away Jayde suddenly broke out into a fit of laughter. “Pfft! Hahahahaha! Oh my god you should see the look on your face! Haha!” Thomas was suddenly very confused until it clicked that Jayde was messing with him. “Ooohhh, very good! Haha! You got me hook line and sinker just then.” The little engine laughed. “Hehe, yep. Always fun to take the micky out of unsuspecting little machines. But in all seriousness, I am a girl and not even a decade old, so I am really to be addressed as miss.” “Oh, well, my bad then, it’s a pleasure to meet you miss.” Thomas repeated. “Oh please, call me Jayde. Now, I believe proper introductions are to be had with you Gordon, I’ve been told by Spencer at one point that you were the prototype of the A1’s, is that true?” Jayde asked while moving over to the engine that was closer to their height and offering a handshake.
Gordon seemed to smile a little with pride as he shook Jayde’s hand. “Why yes I was, the proud prototype to a long line of future success!” the other Gresley’s groaned as they had heard that boasting for years now. “I was actually a prototype as well, and once I proved to be a major success in Iraq they made the plans to build more of me after I was discharged, though, I unfortunately doubt I’ll ever have the chance to meet any of them. Say, how about a race? I’ve had many with Spencer up until now but we’re often at an equals, I want to have the chance of racing something new, no offense Spencer.” “None taken?” the silver A4 said sounding confused on whether to be offended. ---------------- So Jayde fulled Gordon's ego and swept the rug out from under Thomas. When the Duke and Duchess had their next holiday they brought Jayde alone with them and that's how she was introduced to the others. She mixed up Edward and James's names on purpose as a joke, quote- "You both look the same to me." James took it very personally so Jayde made him a tailor-made red suit with rubies as an apology, all was forgiven after that. She made Edward a little decor piece for his tie that was a gold coin with a number 2 on it, there weren't any hard feelings but Jayde just wanted to be nice. With Henry, once she saw that he was a plant lover, she found very rare and expensive flower seeds called silent princess. She gave them to Henry and he was floored as the flower was very rare, presumed near-extinct, and the seeds alone cost a pretty penny. He was very grateful to her after that, the two often gossiping about plants since Jayde liked to paint them or make art with them as her inspiration, and Henry liked to look after them. With Percy she actually made him a letter opener to break the ice, he warmed up to her after that and the two like to chat about random stuff. With Toby she made basic pleasantries with but otherwise didn't talk to often, she liked to listen to him tell tails and that was about it. With Duck she actually completely froze, she was stuck in a state of pure shock when she saw and heard him for the first time, sort of going into a panic attack at how similar he was to her old co-piolet and how she thought she was seeing a ghost. She flew off after tears started to fall down her face and didn't really talk to him much after that aside from when she chatted with Oliver, but she admired him from a distance.

It's the 8th of the 8th! Happy Duck day! Montague is now available for asks....
IDK why but this just made me think of @crossover-fraternity 's Duck, even though I doubt he'd do this.
The worlds hungriest animal
I'm in the middle ground, I don't dislike either Duck or Diesel but I wouldn't say they're my favorite characters either. They contrast each other like a reflection very well and I think that's what makes them equals in my mind.
i think the people who love diesel and hate duck and the people who love duck and hate diesel should set aside their differences and make out

Isle of Engines part 8

Do you feel any light-headed or anything like that?
Only on the impact, lucky for me that I have a hard head!

Hold on for me! It'll be quick.
[what in the name of godred did i hit?]

Duck threw Donald over his shoulder and Donald's been on it ever since
And he's got no plans on getting off anytime soon

Edward is the only one concerned/confused about the gator suddenly there
(Just realized I spelled Diesel wrong😶)