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It's been brought to my attention that the proposed Tumblr blackout is actually going to be harmful for disabled folks, as it removes the ability to have users fix improperly tagged content and will decrease the reach of Disability Pride Month content.
So I'm not going to be stepping away this week.
This is an issue that several people have tried to mention to the one who proposed the blackout, and the message has been repeatedly ignored. Though the blackout had an impact on Reddit, the truth of it is that Tumblr is not Reddit and so we likely need to use different methods.
Please do not join the blackout. It will actually harm those with disabilities, because it will prevent many people from seeing and spreading disability awareness content.
Sorry for the confusion, and thank you for the understanding.
According to this article, there are 8 main types of disability. So to for disability pride month, let's have a poll!
Bonus question, what are your thoughts on this classification?
Say what you will about lore Olympus but I love the way Hera is portrayed in it. So many people have this idea of Hera in their heads that she’s just a jealous wife. But she’s so much more than that and lore Olympus is one of the few Greek mythological adaptations that portrays her as more than that.
She’s shown to be so human, yes she gets jealous but she’s also a dedicated wife, a loving friend to Persephone. She supports those around her even if they can’t see it. The minute she finds out what Apollo did to Kore she trusts her, she doesn’t question her or blame her. She may come off at times as kinda elitist and self centred but she does so to protect herself. She made mistakes and has done things she regrets but she still stays strong.
Not only all that but we see a side of Hera and Zeus’ relationship not often talked about; that she likely wasn’t as willing to be with him as we often get told. She did what she felt she had to to protect others. She puts up with a lot from her husband and yes she sometimes takes anger that should be directed at him out on others but she’s trying her best to do what she feels is her duty as the goddess of marriage.
So yes there are definitely a lot of very valid criticisms about Lore Olympus but I’ll forever be thankful to the series for actually making Hera more than just a angry wife who only wants revenge.
I sit in the ‘hyper verbal’ most of the time but become non-speaking when I’m in a particularly anxiety causing place like a medical appointment or with strangers
remember that non-verbal/speaking & semi-verbal/speaking are permanent states. episodes of inability to speak are called "speech loss" (or similar), not "going non-verbal".
Idk if I can watch Yoons new MVs, I feel so fucking guilty and like I’m a shitty fan but even just the pics and posts about him smoking in the mv are making me so fucking uncomfortable and nauseous. And like I know realistically it’s possibly a fake smoke that actors use when they don’t smoke but it still makes me so fucking uncomfortable. Like I get the reason he’s done it but it’s really fucked with me and I know I have no right to feel this way but ugh. Idk how to describe it. I just feel so fucking shit rn. Like one post made be feel PHYSICALLY pale and nauseous, it was like that feeling when you get the cold sweats.
(TW: mentions of smoking trauma. Trauma rant)
This may be a controversial topic. But if you suspect an idol of vaping or smoking, keep it to your fucking self. If they do smoke I don’t wanna know about it because it genuinely really triggers me when people point it out. Like I know this is a toxic idea but it really fucking changes my view of people when I find out the might smoke. Like I saw a Koreaboo post about an idol possibly accidentally showing a vape on live and it actually made me feel physically I’ll. Like I had a physical reaction and it’s actually made me feel really uncomfortable and shitty. Like my skin went clams and I literally felt myself go pale and my stomach turn. I have huge trauma around smoking and I can’t get over the way it makes me feel when rumours come up around people I look up to smoking. Like I know I have no right to feel like I’ve been betrayed by that idol if they are smoking but I do. And I’m sick of people pointing it out cause i literally feel myself tear up cause it feels like someone I trusted had stabbed me. And idk if it’s the autism or the CPTSD but it makes me feel physically ill. Like I’m not exaggerating when I say it literally made me go pale and feel like I couldn’t breathe. And like it’s not even as if I can try to avoid it because I already fucking do my best to avoid it but I literally can’t because it’s fucking everywhere. And I know I probably sound super selfish and self centred but can you guys just shut the fuck up and keep it to yourself if you suspect an idol of smoking. Like some of us don’t wanna know about that shit and y’all make it impossible to avoid it. I’m so fucking tired. I already feel like everything is going to fucking shit in my life and I’ve already had a fucking breakdown today and I’m so fucking tired and I fucking hate how much this has fucking affected me cause y’all can’t mind your own fucking business and keep your suspicions to yourselves.