Mad science boy making evil science memes, drawings, and entertraining science articles. Find those on my website-inator https://ravingsofamadscientist.com/ I love science!
287 posts
Lab Safety Is Important

lab safety is important
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More Posts from Ravings-of-a-mad-scientist

Age: vaguely 20s
Gender: Fanshionless Femboy
Height: Short Enough That I’m Afraid to Measure
Length: Short Enough That I’m Afraid to Measure
I am me; a mad scientist supervillain. More specifically my name is Dr. Alex Erkon. Or is it? Could that just be an alias to protect my identity as a member of the deep state? Is it actually a meaningless sound I think sounds cool? Might I actually just be a bored undergraduate? Who knows!?
I enjoy long walks on the beach and world domination. The only thing greater than my interest in all the sciences is my extreme mental stability. I have been diagnosed with Science-Related Memetic Disorder and my insurance doesn’t cover the medication. Hence I have a compulsion to do mad science, laugh nefariously, and replace all the light switches in my home with dramatic Frankenstein-esque blade switches. I have 36 doctorates and a Ph.D. in evil. Also my main specialty is biology.
I am a ‘pataphysical anomaly. Basically, if you read all the mad scientist-related tropes on TVTropes.com, that’s my superpower. I have unrealistically broad scientific expertise, but also have selective memory based on the needs of the plot. I can routinely break the laws of physics and logic to create doomsday devices and other McGuffins.
However, it is virtually impossible for me to actually win against protagonists. But I also can’t be defeated permanently as I am a recurring character! I usually just make a quick getaway while laughing maniacally. Even if I do somehow die, that just gets retconned so I can return as the next villain of the week.
I’m also a queer-coded villain. I used to be a super straight masculine manly man full of manliness, but as soon as I committed my first evil scheme I was transformed into an unambiguously gay femboy. Beware the flamboyant villain pipeline.
Lately I've mostly just been writing blog posts about science and doodling.

How Mitochondria used to be Parasites that Created Gender
How Mitochondria used to be Parasites that Created Gender
How Mitochondria used to be Parasites that Created Gender Forward: I’ve been too busy this past week to write an article but didn’t want to be on hiatus for so long. I found this article which I wrote four or five months ago but didn’t post because the humor turned out a lot darker than what I would normally do. I dunno, mitochondria are just really based and spicy, I guess. Keep that in…

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