Evolution - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

a Thing about me is that i'll have moments where I randomly look up from whatever I'm doing and observe the many objects in my surroundings and think, "wow, this was all because of thumbs"

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EVOLUTION"S REVOLUTION Written & Composed by Michael Woodhead Copyright ©1971, 2021

Are you one of us Are you on the bus of Evolution's revolution Are you in a dream Are you in the stream of Evolution's revolution Evolution's revolution It is what we feel Evolution's revolution In the minds we peel

Are you still alive Are you still deprived of Evolution's revolution What will you soon find Inbetween the mind of Evolution's revolution Evolution's revolution It is everywhere Evolution's revolution Feel it in the air

When the people stare And when you are bare Evolution's revolution Sit upon my chair Stroke your silken hair Evolution's revolution Evolution's revolution Know that you're so fair Evolution's revolution You know you are there With us as we share Evolution's revolution

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3 years ago

Meet the most extra male cetacean alive

Ok so you know how sometimes evolution, and particularly sexual selection, leads to some really over-the-top traits in males? Like how male birds of paradise develop ridiculous plumage for mating that makes them more visible to predators and hinders their flying ability? Well, let me introduce you to Mesoplodon layardii, the strap-toothed whale. 

Meet The Most Extra Male Cetacean Alive

Yes, those are tusks growing out of the male’s lower jaw. Tusks that can grow up to a foot in length, and curve back and over the jaw, eventually preventing the male from opening his jaw by about 50%. 

Meet The Most Extra Male Cetacean Alive

The tusks aren’t used for feeding (they primarily eat squid, so no teeth necessary), but instead are used for fighting, similar to a narwhal’s tusks. Does it seem practical to partially fuse your jaw shut, severely limiting the variety of prey you can pursue, in order to fight for mates? No. Seems like really bad idea to me. But what do I know? I’m not a strap-toothed whale. 

These whales are super rare to see (they live in the Southern Ocean around Antarctica), so there’s still a lot we don’t know about them. And their weird teeth is only one of the unusual things about them (they also have unusual countershading where they’re darker on the bottom and lighter on the top, unlike pretty much every other animal in the ocean). Anyways, I just found out this whale existed and I was fascinated. Hope you enjoy!

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6 years ago

Absolutely beautiful gif set - regardless how one feels on the Kylo/Rey situation, this is such an ode to Kylo/Ben and the evolution we see in him between the films. It’s important to remember too, there are only a few hours/days between the two films.

The Force Awakens 2015 / The Last Jedi 2017
The Force Awakens 2015 / The Last Jedi 2017
The Force Awakens 2015 / The Last Jedi 2017
The Force Awakens 2015 / The Last Jedi 2017
The Force Awakens 2015 / The Last Jedi 2017
The Force Awakens 2015 / The Last Jedi 2017
The Force Awakens 2015 / The Last Jedi 2017
The Force Awakens 2015 / The Last Jedi 2017
The Force Awakens 2015 / The Last Jedi 2017
The Force Awakens 2015 / The Last Jedi 2017

The Force Awakens 2015 / The Last Jedi 2017

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1 year ago

carcinization is wild. like…everything really said: want b crab plz

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1 year ago

relationships are dumb. i wanna be a dinosaur

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2 years ago
2008 Vivid Racing Mitsubishi Evo X

2008 Vivid Racing Mitsubishi Evo X

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6 years ago
Daily Draw #92

Daily draw #92

As an incineroar main I can feel the power in his physique. I can only strive to be this unit.

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2 years ago

Dall e wolf pokemon evolution all types

Dall E Wolf Pokemon Evolution All Types
Dall E Wolf Pokemon Evolution All Types
Dall E Wolf Pokemon Evolution All Types
Dall E Wolf Pokemon Evolution All Types
Dall E Wolf Pokemon Evolution All Types
Dall E Wolf Pokemon Evolution All Types
Dall E Wolf Pokemon Evolution All Types
Dall E Wolf Pokemon Evolution All Types
Dall E Wolf Pokemon Evolution All Types
Dall E Wolf Pokemon Evolution All Types

Ice > Grass > Fire > Electric > Dark > Steel > Psychic > Poison > Ground > Normal (final)

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2 years ago
Affolter Diablo Evolution GTR Le Mans

Affolter Diablo Evolution GTR Le Mans

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1 year ago

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution

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2 years ago

The third prompt I received was to draw an alternate evolution for Kirlia. For this one, I wanted to stick to the theme their megas have, which is princess and knight. Male Kirlias have the option to become a knight instead of a prince, so I wanted to give female Kirlias an option too, which is in the form of Gallagon.

The Third Prompt I Received Was To Draw An Alternate Evolution For Kirlia. For This One, I Wanted To

Gallagon is a Psychic/Dark type evolution of Kirlias. To evolve a Kirlia into Gallagon, a female Kirlia must hold a Dragon Scale and level up. Gallagons, similar to Gallades, want to be in the front of the fight. Their dark typing makes them immune to half of their alternative evolutions moves, but it makes fighting do neutral damage while fairy packs a punch.

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1 year ago

Red-spotted Purple Butterfly

Limenitis arthemis astyanax

Red-spotted Purple Butterfly

As an evolutionary defense mechanism against predators, this nonpoisonous species mimics the poisonous pipevine swallowtail butterfly in appearance, with which it usually shares the same geographical area. It is a great example of batesian mimicry.

Aug. 14th, 2023

St. Louis County, Missouri, USA

Olivia R. Myers


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1 year ago
Arhou Dex #H045, Teraleon! This Normal-type Evolves From Kecleon!
Arhou Dex #H045, Teraleon! This Normal-type Evolves From Kecleon!
Arhou Dex #H045, Teraleon! This Normal-type Evolves From Kecleon!

Arhou Dex #H045, Teraleon! This Normal-type evolves from Kecleon!

Teraleon love to show off their shifting, vibrant colors. When they encounter another Teraleon, they will both brighten their colors to try to become more radiant than the other.

Kecleon is one of my favorites and I wanted to make an evolution for it. I ended up going for something based on some of the crazy vivid colors you get on panther chameleons!

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4 years ago

Random headcannon I came up with, yes it has to do with watcher Grian:

So first of all the watcher lives in the End-End, (the original) and time goes way much more slower there. So ageing and growing will be much slower, that is why Grian is so short and why Grian doesn't remember being at the watcher's home for too long.


The day that Grian joined (or got taken) (by)the watcher's is the day they celebrate his "birthday", making him loose track of his age,

I dunno how long the end is compared to the over world, maybe 1 years in the over world is half year in the end?

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