rayisahuman - some stuff
some stuff

23 / this is a main blog that i use like a sideblog // mainly on @recoveryforray and witchy shit on @raybutwitchy

1777 posts

3.25.1911, Anonymous

3.25.1911, Anonymous

3.25.1911, Anonymous

More Posts from Rayisahuman

7 years ago

"But poetry had always appealed to her, Even in its broken thoughts and strange lines and shifts and flows It sang to her."


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7 years ago
This Isnt Mine & I Found It On Facebook But I Feel Like It Needs To Be Put Here. Thank You

this isn’t mine & I found it on Facebook but I feel like it needs to be put here. Thank you

7 years ago

"The Boardwalk lights against the deepening blue sky gained an ideal, starry beauty."

John Knowles, "A Separate Peace"

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