rayisahuman - some stuff
some stuff

23 / this is a main blog that i use like a sideblog // mainly on @recoveryforray and witchy shit on @raybutwitchy

1777 posts

3.25.1911, Anonymous

3.25.1911, Anonymous

3.25.1911, Anonymous

More Posts from Rayisahuman

7 years ago

i swear to god, men raising their voice is the most terrifying thing in the whole world. they dont understand, like its an immediate panic response, game over

7 years ago

"We reached the beach in the late afternoon. The tide was high and the surf was heavy. I dived in and rode a couple of waves, but they had reached that stage of power in which you feel the whole strength of the ocean in them."

John Knowles, "A Separate Peace"

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7 years ago

"And she thought home might not be a place or a human but a life, An emotion. She saw it in the lights of an empty theatre, In the floorboards of a creaky stage and the hills made of lights and shadows, sharp as knives. She dreamt in dimmers, in light cues gently coming up like sunrises of brilliant red and blue and deep purple; In sound cues and the quiet 'go!' followed by the thunder of a blooming flower."


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7 years ago
Source For More Facts Follow Ultrafacts

Source For more facts follow Ultrafacts

7 years ago

by 海螺壳