AO3 + FurAffinity + Patreon Blind cartoonist, writer, and general creative. Not sure what this blog will be yet but here I am. :) All my love to people who use alt text and describe images on this website! Art tumblr: razzekart
1670 posts
What's Happened To Music In The Past 20 Years Has Deeply Saddened Me With The Way Just Two Massive Coorporations

What's happened to music in the past 20 years has deeply saddened me with the way just two massive coorporations own and fake most of the radio we now hear. Looks like it's even worse than previously thought, but this article is a little hopeful. Just because physical sales aren't being reported doesn't mean they aren't happening and I like seeing that.
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This was an interesting read!
Things go from bad to worse nowadays
I may lose internet soon.
It's not my decision to make since I'm not paying for connection at all and I support it even if it sounds horribly lonesome for me.
Long story short our electric bill is high this time around and unfortunately coincides with another surgery that my dad is going to undertake to fix his eyesight. (2 out of 3 surgeries if I'm correct) My dad is still the only one working. My mom may as well be disabled. I went to graduate so I could look for a medical coding job only to find out that I was misinformed by three different advisors at the college. I still have at LEAST one more class in the fall to take. (Furious does not begin to describe how I feel.)
I don't have a monetary goal in mind because it doesn't feel right to ask for money right after the laptop fundraiser but.... if you want me to draw something for money I could? It probably won't be big. Just icons, doodles, or maybe Final Fantasy Tactics style sprites. (I used to do those a LOT back in my deviantart days.) DM me for art examples.
Or I could write you a thing. I'm a way better writer than I am an artist. I dunno. I feel awful even asking-- but if I have to choose between my pride and having my needs/wants met... I choose the latter.
Me: Aww man, I don't wanna go all the way through the frigate crash site just to get to shitty Phazon Mines East. I know! I'll go through the Chozo Ruins! That won't take long!
(literally an hour later, exit above the frigate)
Me: Ffffffff.... It's time to stop playing for the day. >8C
Speaking of housekeepers for the disabled, mine is very kindly going to run by the store for me so I don't have to be sick and starving. ;_; I have nothing I can eat right now and we've all been there with an upset stomach that is also hungry. So glad I have help with this right now!
Not a trailer since, as a blind person, movie trailers range from “eh” to “…the hell was that?!” but Silicon Delphi absolutely has an overarching theme song. :3
You could probably make a suitably epic trailer out of this though (also from my SD playlist):
Be shameless with me for a minute
That original story you work on and love so much. I know you've daydreamed a movie trailer for it. What's the music? Share it with me.