readnasty - Untitled

206 posts

Being The New Teacher In School And You Know You've Caught The Attention Of Your Coworkers, Especially

being the new teacher in school and you know you've caught the attention of your coworkers, especially Takeda.....

you notice the way his ears go pink when you lean over his desk to see what he's working on, the way he loses track of what he's saying when your skirt is a little too short.....

hes just so fun to tease, so fun to lead on, that you can't help but be a little mean just to make him flustered

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More Posts from Readnasty

3 years ago

in the palm of my hand

In The Palm Of My Hand
In The Palm Of My Hand

part of: vinseuls/ @yeouls 1k collab event -> 'god of abundance'

pairing: bokuto koutarou x fem! reader

wc: 6.7k+ (whoops)

warnings: smut (18+ minors DNI), reader has female anatomy, slight degradation, creampie, size kink, cockwarming, slight spit mention, nipple play, slight dumbification, possibly ooc bokuto, plane sex

a/n: thank you (and sorry for being late) to @yeouls for letting me join your collab. also big big big thank you to @whats-her-quirk for beta-reading you are the literal loml june

smut under the cut

In The Palm Of My Hand
In The Palm Of My Hand

Sporting a slender Piaget watch in one hand and a black card in another, Bokuto Koutarou steps on to his private jet, fresh after team Japan’s historic victory in Volleyball at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Showing that luxury and opulence are pretty abundant in the star athlete’s life.

In his private jet last month, KG magazine had the opportunity to sit down with Bokuto for an interview. The following Q&A has been edited for clarity.

“Hope you’re not making me sound like too much of a douche in your article.” The man of the hour sat across from you, golden eyes boring into you as a Cheshire cat-like grin spread across his face.

“Who do you take me for Bokuto-san?” You paused your typing, chuckling lightly at his statement.

He leaned over, grabbing a grape from the charcuterie board placed on the table in front of you and popped it in his mouth. His eyes flickered over to the plane window, watching the white clouds pass by, sharp jaw moving as he diligently chewed the fruit.

“My favourite food is still barbecue. Favourite colour is cobalt blue. I don’t read much, but my favourite book is Atlas Lane by Akaashi Keiji. Yes, the attention sometimes gets overwhelming, but at the end of the day, it’s what motivates me to be a better player.” He turned back to face you, flashing another smile your way. “Now that that is over, I want to know more about you.” He leaned back in his leather seat, black dress pants practically straining against his well-built quads.

You found it difficult not to stare, eyes darting from his thighs to eyes, “I’m sure other interviewers were interested to know about your favourite food and dating deal-breakers.” He raised his brows at that, “but I assure you Bokuto-san, I’m here to get to-”

“Know the real me.”

Pursing your lips in annoyance, you shifted your attention to the laptop screen, fingers resuming to type.

Bokuto Koutarou also happens to be a flaming douchebag.

Attractive or not, his comment left a sour taste in your mouth. Were you really that predictable?

“Didn’t mean to offend you. Honestly, I’ve just heard the same shit from so many people; after a while, it just gets pounded into your brain.” You quickly backspaced what you typed out. Taking a deep breath, you found it in yourself to calm down.

This was the Bokuto Koutarou; securing an interview with him was no easy feat, and it was exactly what you needed to prove your potential to your editor-in-chief. But not even 15 minutes after meeting the man, the task proved to be nearly impossible.

“So, why even accept my interview request? I mean, if you’ve already heard this stuff before.” You tried your best to keep your tone professional and respectful, but it was still laced with irritation as you spoke.

Running his fingers through the mess of salt-n-pepper strands that sat atop of his head, Bokuto let out a small sigh before resting his cheek on his propped-up hand. You were trying to get a read on the guy; one minute, he’s acting like an absolute dick–the next, he’s sincere.

As if on cue, that same teasing smile returned to his face.

“Because-” crossing your legs, you listened intently, interested to hear what he had to say, “you’re special.”

You scoffed. God, he probably uses that line on every girl he meets.

“Nah, most of the time, I don’t have to say anything.” Bokuto winked and sat up straight, grabbing his champagne flute and taking a sip.

Your eyes widened slightly; you hadn’t meant to let that slip, and judging by his answer, even Bokuto realized that.

“You know, Bokuto-san, for someone who really doesn’t want to be seen as a douchebag, you do seem to act like one.” Recuperating from the slip-up, you resisted the urge to roll your eyes.

“Aw doll, is it really being douchey, if I mean it? ‘Cause I do. You are special.”

Heat crept up your skin, and you averted your gaze from the man; if this was his way of flirting, you wanted no part in it. Glancing back at the laptop screen, you read the time.

He was attractive, and he knew exactly what to say to get under your skin; you’d give him that; maybe that’s all there is to him. That and the freakishly impressive spikes. This time around, you made sure to bite your tongue, not wanting another slip to occur as well as an accidental boost to his ego.

You let out an exasperated sigh. “Well, if you think I’m all that, then the least you could do is answer some questions for me.” He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, and you tried to ignore the way his biceps nearly bulged out of his dress shirt when he flexed like that. “That way, we can get this interview done with.” You quietly muttered under your breath.

“Sorry, what was that, darling?” Seemingly broken out of the trance he was in, his attention turned back to you.

“Hmm? Uh, nothing. Just about the interview-”

“Yeah, that seems boring; how ‘bout you ask a question, and then I ask one.” He nodded his head as if to seem proud of his idea.

You blinked a couple times, stunned expression clear on your face. “I’m sorry, are you... are you asking me to play 21 questions with you?”

He wasn’t fazed in the slightest, simply shrugging at your shock and turning to look at the plane window again. “We have at least two hours before we land in Tokyo. Need something to keep me entertained.”

You stared at him blankly, quickly realizing that he was serious. Squeezing your eyes shut, you contemplated grabbing the emergency parachute to jump out of the plane; that would be easier than having to spend the next two hours playing 21 questions with Japan’s biggest dickwad.

However, the image of your editor-in-chief flashed in your mind, and you slumped your shoulders, “Okay. Fine. I’ll play, but you have to answer my questions honestly.”

You opened your eyes to Bokuto, smiling widely at you, thoroughly pleased that you agreed; golden eyes practically beaming as he drummed his fingers on his thick thighs, waiting for you to ask the first question.

Switching tabs on your laptop, you found the list of interview questions and hit the record button. “So, this was your first Olympics, and to win Gold is no easy feat. What are some takeaways from this experience?” You spoke almost monotonously, trying to seem as detached as you could.

He was a little taken aback by the question, and the corners of your lips quirked up lightly; a part of you was pleased, seeing that he was struggling to answer, not used to being asked thoughtful questions.

“Finding a balance. It’s easy to lose yourself in the glamour of it all. Everything is just dialled up to the max; it’s incredibly emotional. The wins feel amazing, but the losses are a brutal blow to deal with. I’m fortunate and proud to have played and won with such a great team, but keeping emotions in check is definitely the biggest takeaway. How was that?”

You chewed the inside of your cheek, once again not expecting such a genuine answer, “that was, uh, really good.”

He flashed another toothy smile at you. “My turn. What’s your favourite colour?”

And so the next hour inside Bokuto Koutarou’s private jet went like that. A rapid-fire ricochet game of asking and answering questions. It wasn’t going as badly as you thought it would be. He responded to your questions thoughtfully, and his own questions were never too inappropriate. You slowly eased into it, growing more comfortable by the minute and as much you hated to admit it, he was a pretty charming guy.

“Your teammates play for some of the highest-ranked leagues in the FIVB from Brazil, Poland, and Russia. Are there any feelings of inadequacy when you play with such accomplished players?”

You held your breath; the question wasn’t written by you, but it was put in the list specifically to get a rise out of him, stir up something for a juicy headline to drive up ratings for the magazine. However, Bokuto’s smile widened at the question, his eyes darkening with a certain intensity you had only seen when watching clips of his matches.

“There aren’t. I put in just as much effort, if not more, as these other players, and I’m confident in my abilities.” He leaned forward, jaw clenched with eyes boring into yours, “I assure you, I’m a very passionate player; I put all my effort into everything I do.”

“I-I’m sorry Bokuto-san, that question was-”

“Don’t sweat it, sweetheart. I’m not offended.” He stood up from his seat, walking over to the small window to look at the world hundreds of feet below.

You hit the stop button for the recording and shut your laptop before sinking further down the seat. To say you were ashamed would be an understatement; the question was rude and uncalled for; you had just implied that the Bokuto Koutarou, olympian, gold-fucking-medalist was seemingly inadequate. Digging the heels of your palm into your eyes, you let out a gentle sigh, already thinking out the letter of resignation you would probably have to write after this.

“Come here; I wanna show you something.” Bokuto’s velvety smooth voice broke you out of the endless loop of deprecating thoughts you were having.

Reluctantly you stood up, eyes tracing over his back and arms, the tight shirt doing little to conceal the ripples of muscles underneath. He was intimidating, but your heartbeat quickened as you thought about running your hands over his back, how his taut muscles would tighten underneath your touch.

“You done staring?”

It was one embarrassing moment after the next for you. Bokuto turned his head, smirk plastered across his face as he took in the unmistakable look of panic in your eyes.

You opted to say nothing, afraid that your voice would betray you at that moment. Instead, you averted your gaze from the man, silently walking to stand next to him with your fists clenched.

He smelt nice, like expensive cologne, spicy and woody at the same time with a hint of vanilla; up close, you were able to see the faint lines of ink popping out from underneath his rolled-up sleeve. He moved closer next to you, placing a hand on the small of your back, gently guiding your body in front of him.

His hand felt warm against your back, and subconsciously, you relaxed into his touch. Unclenching your fists, you decided to look through the window, watching the clouds pass by as the plane flew over the bustling city down below.

Bokuto extended his free hand and pressed a finger to the window, “right there,” his breath was hot against the shell of your ear as he spoke in a hushed whisper. “Right there is where I won my first game with MSBY.” You squinted, trying to find whatever arena he was talking about among the minuscule buildings.

“You’ve got to be shitting me. I- you’re lying; how can you even see that far?” Laughing in disbelief, you turned your head to look at him, only for your laugh to be caught in your throat at the realization of how close Bokuto was standing to you. His aureate irises flickered to your lips, lingering for a moment, and you caught the way his Adam’s apple bobbed slightly as his eyes drank you in.

“‘M not lying, doll. I’ve got perfect vision when it comes to this shit.” His eyes slowly dragged over the rest of your figure before returning to meet your gaze. He was smiling at you, but it was different than before; whatever playfulness was in it had been replaced with carnal desire. The look he was giving caused goosebumps to erupt all over your exposed skin.

“Yeah, you are; you won your first game in Tokyo, Komazawa Gym to be exact.” Your voice was shaky as you spoke, knees threatening to buckle under his gaze. The both of you stared at each other, the faint whirring of the jet engine filling the cabin as no words were exchanged between the two of you. It lasted for less than a split second but felt like minutes before Bokuto’s hand shifted to your waist, flipping your body towards him and pushing it against the sidewall of the plane all in one fell swoop. The action made you gasp and squeeze your eyes shut.

You heard him laugh and press his body against your chest, his leg slotting in between yours. “Didn’t know you were such a big fan, darling. What else are you hiding from me?” His breath fanned over your face, and you were sure that he could hear the way your heart was practically beating out of your chest. Your eyes flew open, and you shook your head wildly, sputtering out a response.

“Bokuto-san, I’m just a-” His hands travelled up your sides teasingly, eyes never leaving yours, as he wet his lips.

“Baby, you don’t have to lie; you don’t think I haven’t been noticing the way you’ve been looking at me, hmm?” His lips brushed up against yours, and you let out the slightest of whimpers. “Driving me fucking crazy.” Your head was dizzy, whatever was going on was highly unprofessional, and your mind was telling you to pull away, but you stayed put, caged between the wall and his body.

You braced your hands against Bokuto’s chest, fisting his shirt, professionalism be damned, you wanted him, the pulsing deep within your core and urge too strong to ignore, “fuck, kiss me. Please.”

He sighed at your words, breathy and faint, as a crooked smile overtook his lips; he kissed you hard, and you couldn’t help but drag your hands up into his pulling him in closer. His lips slotted against yours, a gentle groan leaving his throat. One of his hands was squeezing your waist, the other resting against your throat as he kissed you fervently. You moaned quietly into the kiss as your hips ground against his thigh, relieving some of the built-up pressure within you. He parted his lips and lowered his tongue past, gently licking into your mouth before pulling away altogether.

His voice was husky yet tender as he spoke. “You sure you want this, doll? I don’t wanna push you, you gotta tell me-” Your heart warmed, and you gently smiled at him, hands moving to cup his cheeks. It was the bare minimum that he was asking for consent, but the fact that he did made the want deep in your belly grow stronger.

You pulled him for another kiss, gentler this time. “Yeah, I do, Bokuto-san.” Fluttering your lashes at him, he groaned again, pushing his hips against your thigh. You could feel the effect you were having on him as his bulge pressed against you.

“God, you sound so cute when you say my last name, bet you sound even sweeter when you say my first name.” He kissed you, messy and quick, before resting his forehead against yours. “Say it for me?”

Your knees were jelly at this point. If it weren’t for Bokuto’s thigh and hands at your waist, you would have melted into the floor; pressing your lips against the corner of his mouth, you trailed kisses down his jaw to the column of his throat. Your hips moved on their own accord, swivelling on his rigid thigh as little moans left your mouth. There was no doubt that your panties were soaked.

“Koutarou, I want you.” You licked a stripe up his throat, eliciting a deep groan from the man; his hands squeezed your waist, stopping your movements, causing you to whine.

“Such a fucking minx.”

His hands skirted the hem of your top, and you pulled him into a kiss, fingers flying to unbutton his shirt. The fabric was silky and slipped off his shoulders quickly, and you wasted no time latching your mouth onto the newly exposed skin, peppering kisses over his collarbone and chest between little whimpers as his large hands grabbed at your tits. Your fingers traced over his abs, to which he shivered. It was as if he had been chiselled by the gods themselves; you wanted nothing more but to spend hours licking, sucking, and biting at his skin, worshipping every possible inch. But before you could, his hands came up to tilt your chin up before enveloping your lips into a kiss that mainly was tongue and teeth; you could taste the remnants of the champagne on his tongue as it slid against yours. This time you pulled away, a trail of spit connecting both of your lips together. Your lips were spit-slicked and swollen, and you giggled lightly at his equally dishevelled appearance. His hair was unkempt due to the way you had been fisting it, and his cheeks and chest were dusted with the faintest of pink, indicating his desire for you.

You tested the waters, snaking one of your hands down his abdomen past his V-line and happy trail you gently palmed his rock-hard bulge. The action made him suck in a sharp breath and grab at your wrist. However, he made no effort to stop your actions. Biting your lip as coyly as possible, you batted your lashes at him; you could hear his breathing get heavier and more ragged the more you worked his cock through his dress pants.

Bokuto looked at you through half-lidded eyes, lechery present in them. “I see the attitude is back.” He shook his head teasingly before pulling your hand away. A pout was present on your lips, and before you could express your displeasure, one of his hands came up to squish your cheeks together while he tensed the thigh lodged between your legs. It rubbed right against your clothed cunt, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body. Your head fell forward as a high-pitched whine slipped through your lips. Bokuto only laughed at your neediness, dragging his leg against your core, causing even more whimpers to tumble past your squished lips. Your skin was hot with humiliation and desire. As much as you wanted to turn your face away in embarrassment, Bokuto’s grip on your face was firm; your own body was betraying you, moving in sync with his leg, chasing after much-needed pleasure.

“Such a needy baby, aren’t you? Guess I need to fuck that attitude out of you, don’t I?” Garbled pleas slipped through your lips, and he only chuckled sinisterly, nodding your head with his hand as he cooed, “You had me for a moment there, that snarky interviewer act you had goin’. But you’re just a cock-hungry whore aren’t you, doll?”

His words were degrading, and yet arousal pooled in your panties at them. All you could do was helplessly whimper as he toyed with you.

He planted a wet kiss on your lips before letting go of your face and swiping his thumb over your swollen bottom lip, “Yeah, you are.”

Obediently, you parted your lips, drool gathering in your mouth as you sucked on his thumb, tongue swirling around it and coating it with your spit. Bokuto watched, his own lip caught between his teeth, and you noted the way his sharp canines almost punctured the soft skin. You pulled off with a ‘pop,’ giving him a dazed smile.

His hands slid down your arms and to your middle before tugging on the bottom of your top, indicating you to take it off. You quickly tore off the top, and goosebumps erupted all over your skin as the cool plane air blew past it.

The man cocked his brow at you, and you understood the meaning by the look quickly, ridding yourself of your bra causing your tits to fall out of the restrictive cups. Bokuto’s lips were on your chest almost immediately after; sighs of contentment could be heard as his tongue flicked against your puffy nipple, hardening it instantly. While his mouth sucked and nipped at one of your breasts, his hand was teasing the other, pinching at the sensitive bud with his thick fingers. You arched your back into his touch, and he looked up at you, eyes glinting with pleasure as he moaned against your chest.

You needed more; Bokuto’s thigh and mouth weren’t enough for you. As much as you writhed and rutted against him, he was depriving you of what you craved the most. That of which was currently straining painfully against the material of his dress pants.

“Koutarou, please, I need you so bad. I can’t- Kou, please.” Your cries were desperate. He pulled away from your chest, grinning like a devil, before attaching his lips to your neck. Bokuto nipped at your neck lightly, making you jolt and gasp, your hands wrapped around his back, nails digging half-crescents into his skin.

His hands slipped behind your middle, pulling your body off the wall and leading you back till the backs of your knees hit the leather seats. You sat back, chest heaving; Bokuto’s fingers travelled to the loops of your pants, deftly tugging down the material, leaving you only in a pair of panties. His heavy hands gripped at the flesh of your thighs before spreading them to kneel in between. You squirmed underneath his gaze; his eyes were trained right at the pool of wetness gathered in the middle of your panties.

Peppering wet kisses all over the inside of your thighs, he smiled up at you with an almost boyish grin. “Wonder if you taste as sweet as you look.”

You nearly choked on your spit, hearing those words come from his mouth. His hands were sliding up and down your thighs; the rough calluses gliding over the smooth skin made it difficult for you to sit still. With the hungry look in his eyes as he stared at your clothed centre, you knew that your panties were drenched in your arousal. Your thoughts were confirmed once Bokuto languidly traced his tongue over your slit through the now see-through material.

Golden eyes fluttered shut as he let out a guttural moan. His nails dug into your thighs, and the almost painful sensation was practically blocked out by the wave of pleasure that shot through your entire body. Biting your lip, you did your best to hold back a whimper.

He pressed a light kiss on your swollen clit, before pulling away; he opened his eyes, revealing his darkened irises. You sighed out his name quietly, mind a haze.

“Koutarou, please anything, need you, mmh, anything.” You knew you sounded desperate as the wanton pleas filled the cabin, but you were too far gone to care. Jerking your hips up slightly, his nose brushed against your clit, and you let out a broken whimper. But before you could get too carried away, Bokuto’s grip on your thigh relaxed, and one of his hands slipped down to your crotch.

His teasing was endless, as you watched him with half-lidded eyes as he slid one of his fingers under the waistband of your panties before snapping them against your hip. Laughing lightly at the way your brows furrowed, he pressed his lips against your hip while he shifted your panties to the side, revealing your glistening cunt to his eyes.

Bokuto wet his lips, eyes trained on the way your needy hole clenched around nothing. Your stomach churned with growing arousal, thinking that he was going to finally give in to what you were craving.

However, he stared up at you once again, eyes glinting mischievously as he blew cold air over your pussy. Your jaw clenched; you were growing annoyed as he kept denying you his touch, so without thinking, your hands flew to his head, fingers coming to tightly grip the salt-n-pepper roots as you pulled at them. “Stop. Teasing. Me,” you huffed out before letting the grip on Bokuto’s hair loosen.

The lightest of moans escaped his throat when tugged on his hair. His lust-filled gaze glossed over for the briefest of moments before returning. He proceeded to lick a hot wet stripe up the center of your cunt, “again.” His voice hoarse as he whispered.

You barely heard the request, mind reeling with satisfaction and delight from how Bokuto’s tongue was lapping up your juices, devouring your cunt like a man starved. It wasn’t until his thick fingers pinched at the sensitive skin of your inner thigh, making you yelp.

“Pull my hair again.”

That was all he said before he went back to burying his face in your pussy. Your eyes widened slightly, mouth falling open as little moans escaped; you quickly complied with his request. Gripping his roots tightly, you began grinding your cunt into his face, fully succumbing to your lust-filled desires.

Bokuto groaned loudly against your pussy, making you keen. His mouth latched on to your clit, tongue flicking it lightly before he began to suck on the swollen bundle of nerves. You were squirming in the seat, both hands lost in the mess of his hair as you rode his face. He pulled away sparingly only to breathe before delving back in. His lips were slick with your arousal, a wild look present in his eyes, enjoying this as much as you were.

His finger circled your entrance, sliding up lightly, collecting your slick. You threw your head back on the seat when he finally ended the torment and pushed his finger in. Your toes curled from the sensation. His tongue flattened against your clit, before flicking it as his finger slid right into your dripping hole. The feeling was like no other, and you heard Bokuto chuckle at your high-pitched moans. His finger was thick, nothing like your own. It was only one digit, and yet he was stretching your tiny hole out, filling you in ways you never thought imaginable.

“Oh, fuck, that feels good.” Your eyes squeezed shut as the man began moving his finger in and out slowly, making you clench around him. If this was how delirious one of his fingers and mouth were making you feel, you couldn’t imagine what his cock would do to you.

He pulled away, licking his lips. His cheeks and chest were dusted with the same shade of red, and you didn’t miss the slight sheen covering his chin. He was smiling up at you, eyes darting between your face and your entrance. Between your moans and the squelching of your cunt, the entire cabin was filled with the most sinful of noises.

“God, baby, you’re taking my finger so well.” He pressed a kiss to your clit, and you arched your back, releasing his hair from your grip. You felt another finger push against your dripping hole, making you shiver. “Think you can take another one?”

The question was rhetorical, you quickly realized, because before you could even answer, a second finger pushed in next to the one already pumping in and out of your cunt, and an almost pornographic moan left your lips. Your entire body was lit aflame with the way Bokuto’s rough fingers were moving inside you at an unforgiving pace. He curled his fingers upwards against your walls, and your abdomen tense as his digits rubbed directly against that sweet spot that made you see stars.

Whatever intentions you had of concealing the moans leaving your lips were thrown out of the window as you chanted out various curses laced with cries of Bokuto’s name.

Your hands slipped from his hair to his broad shoulders, and you dug your nails in, making him hiss. You tried to keep your eyes open as his fingers curled into you. He simply got up, leaning forward to press a messy kiss against your lips, swallowing your moans. His palm rubbed against your clit, and your thighs clamped around his hand, effectively keeping it there. You could taste yourself on his lips, which only made you whimper; his lips were soft, and he smiled against your mouth.

Tingles of electricity shot through your body, and you tensed your thighs against Bokuto’s hand. Your mouth fell open to let out a silent scream, and Bokuto rested his forehead against yours. His free hand travelled upwards to squeeze at your boobs, pinching at your sensitive nipples. White dots lined your vision, and you bucked your hips as your orgasm hit you. Your skin was hot, and you were left panting as his fingers worked you through your climax.

“Just like that, baby, cum on my fingers.” His voice was muffled by the pounding of your heartbeat in your ears. But slowly, you regained your sense as the final jolts travelled through your body. His breath was hot against your lips as he whispered words of encouragement that gradually became clear to hear.

“Koutarou-” You exhaled a shaky breath as his fingers pulled out of you, leaving you with a feeling of emptiness. However, you were thankful to rest your legs and collect your breath.

“You sound so pretty when you cum.” He pressed another kiss to your lips; this time, it was deeper, and you found yourself sighing into the kiss as his lips moved against yours. You heard the clinking of his belt coming undone, and you pulled away from his lips.

He pushed his pants down to his ankles, and his hands slipped to the backs of your thighs once again as he parted them while shifting you back to make room for himself.

“You were squeezin’ my fingers so tight, think you can do it again?” He smirked as he dropped one of your thighs and used his free hand to pull off his briefs. His cock sprung up, slapping against his stomach, and you gasped. His cock was thick and veiny, the tip a dark shade as it leaked with pre-cum. Your eyes widened at the girth of it. His fingers were one thing, but you weren’t sure if you could take him. Bokuto smirked at the hesitancy in your eyes. “Wanna see how you’ll look when you cum around my cock, princess.”

He gripped his cock and slipped it between your slick folds, and you planted your hands on his enormous biceps, whimpering. His cockhead rubbed against your sore clit, and you gasped when he tapped it with his tip.

His shaft was slick in a mixture of your arousal and his pre-cum as it glid along your slit with no resistance; little huffs of pleasure could be heard from Bokuto as the swollen tip would catch onto the tight muscle of your entrance every so often. He didn’t have to say anything, but you could tell from the concentrated expression on his face that his patience was fraying. The both of you could only hold out for so long; you wanted him, but the sheer thickness of his cock was daunting.

“Kou, I don’t think I can take it, aah. You’re gonna break me in half.” You stared down to watch his cock disappear between the petals of your cunt, and worry mixed with excitement laced your voice.

Bokuto cupped your cheek with his free hand, and when you looked back up at him, there was a shift in his expression, as if your words had ignited a deeper, darker desire from within him.

“Oh, baby. Don’t worry, ‘m gonna go slow, promise baby, I’m gonna make you feel so good.” He gently caressed your cheek, looking down at you with concern painted in his golden irises. You could do nothing but nod dumbly at his words as his cock continued to move against your sloppy cunt.

The corners of his lips quirked upwards, and he was quick to shift his cockhead to your entrance. His hand shifted down to your mound, thumb moving to rub gentle circles on your clit in an attempt to help you relax. Your eyes fluttered shut, and you felt him pepper kisses on your neck.

“You ready, princess?” He nibbled on your ear, and you shuddered, whispering a faint yes.

A gasp fell from your mouth, and your hands grasped at Bokuto’s chest when you felt him push into you. There was a slight burn with even just his tip, but the thumb working your clit made the pain fade away. Bokuto’s eyes were screwed shut; loud groans filled the jet as your greedy cunt pulled him in deeper.

“Holy shit, doll. You’re clenching around me so tight, I can barely move.” He gulped, and a tiny bead of sweat trickled down the column of his throat. Without thinking, you dragged your tongue over the spot, savouring the salty taste of his skin in your mouth.

“Kou, more.” You whimpered against his skin before pulling back, “I want more. ”

“You gotta relax for me, okay?” You could hear him smile as he said it, voice gruff tainted with passion as he stared at your doe-eyed expression.

He moved his thumb from your clit and spread your folds apart, eyes trained on where your cunt met his cock, and with a deep moan, he pushed in further. His fingers were one thing, but the slight burn of his cock as it stretched your gummy walls out was purely addicting.

You were a mess of broken moans and whimpers as he pushed further in. Raking your nails down his chest, Bokuto bit his lip, and you trailed your eyes down, blinking away the tears dotting your waterline as you watched your cunt swallow the thickest part of him until he buried himself to the hilt. He paused for a moment, shakily exhaling and smiling at the sight before looking up at your glossy eyes.

“Look, baby, I‘m all in there.” His hand travelled to your tummy, resting there as a proud expression overtook his face. He pushed gently and watched as your face contorted into a look of pleasure.

You felt full, stretched out to your limits, your cunt clenched around his cock, and you squealed when he began to move slightly, legs moving to lock themselves behind his back to pull him back into you for another kiss.

He gave a shallow thrust and smiled when he saw how your eyes rolled to the back of your head. The pain had dissipated, and you were left with pleasure overtaking your senses. Planting another kiss on your lips, Bokuto began to move, his cock throbbing against your tight walls as they tightly squeezed around him.

You were in a haze, pussy pulsating as the gentle thwack of skin against skin filled your ears; one look at your expression and anyone could tell you were getting fucked stupid by Bokuto. Hot, wet tears cascaded down your cheeks as his cock abused your poor little cunt. Nothing was making sense to you except for the way he felt in you, the way he would grind himself against you, the base of his cock rubbing against your puffy clit, making you scream.

Each of Bokuto’s thrusts was more powerful than the next, and they left you twitching and crying out for him. Heat surged through your entire body, churning deep in your belly, making you arch your back, the delicious scrape of his thick cock in your pussy becoming too much.

“Koutarou, hmmph, feels s-so-” His cock had reduced you to a babbling mess, you were incoherent, and he wasn’t much better. His hands gripped your hips, and he drove his cock deeper into you as groans mixed with promises of making you cum for him left his swollen lips.

“Fuck, baby, your pussy, ahh, was made for me. Gonna make you cum, hmm, gonna make you cum all over my cock.” He eagerly panted, hot breath fanning over your face as he watched your puffy lips get split in half with his cock.

His words were barely registering in your brain, and all you could do was meekly gasp out his name as he rutted into you, making the fire in your belly grow stronger.

Your head lolled to the side, every thrust of his cock making your entire body bounce. There was drool collecting on the side of the pristine leather, but the both of you were too fucked out to care. All that was on your mind was the approaching orgasm as your thighs began to twitch.

As if Bokuto read your mind, he grabbed the back of your thighs and pushed them up to your chest, folding you in half. He pulled out with a groan, leaving only the tip of his cock buried in your pussy, but when he thrust back in, you let out the loudest, high-pitched whine. His cock bullied your cunt, delving deeper than you ever thought it could. He was fucking your sweet spot directly, grunting every time he dug his hips into you. You clenched against his cock, a slurry of moans tumbling from your lips, and Bokuto began to fuck you faster.

“You gonna cum for me, sweetheart? C’mon, baby, wanna feel your pretty pussy cum for me.” He pressed his entire body weight against you, chest against your thighs, as your legs dangled over his shoulders.

“Y-yeah, ‘m g-gonna cum, mmf, baby.” You turned your head weakly, facing him, as he wiped the tears from your face. You were a hiccuping mess underneath him, reduced to a fucktoy as your toes curled and the tightening coils in your abdomen snapped.

You were shaking as your climax ripped through your body, shrieks falling from your lips as your heels dug into Bokuto’s shoulders, eliciting a groan from the man as he continued fucking you through your orgasm.

A tingling sensation overtook you as your orgasm washed over you, and you relaxed, falling limp against the seat. Your eyes fluttered shut, and a gentle sigh of Bokuto’s name left your sore lips as he buried his head into your neck, exhaling a shaky breath.

“So tight, ‘m gonna cum, holy fuck, I’m- fuck, cum–” Bokuto gasped. His own hips stuttered to a stop as he tried pulling out of you.

In your post-orgasm haze, you weakly pulled him in. “Cum in me, Kou, want you, want you to f-fill me up.” He let out a broken moan, letting himself relax as he buried himself back in you to paint your walls white.

His thighs tensed as he came, and gentle praises fell from his lips. You could do nothing but smile faintly as you felt hot thick spurts of his cum fill your cunt to the brim. His cum was practically spilling out of you, and he thrust a few more times, fucking his load back into you before the overstimulation was too much to bear, and he collapsed against you.

You giggled as he pressed open-mouthed kisses against your neck, shifting your body to a more comfortable position so he was sitting and you were laying on top of him, cock still buried inside you as the both of you collected your breath.

Bokuto remained like that for a bit, and you quietly traced your fingertips over the tattoo on his arm.

“The Olympic rings, huh? Did it hurt?” You hummed, placing a kiss on his shoulder.

“Mmm, not much; looks cool, doesn’t it?” He whispered against your head, breathing in your scent. His hands rested on your thighs, and he gave a gentle squeeze, making you lift your head to look at him.

“You know, I never got to ask you that last question,” he smiled widely, rosy cheeks and all.

Rolling your eyes at his words, you settled back onto his shoulder, “Oh really? I wonder what salacious and tempting question you were gonna ask me. Oh well, I guess-”

“What would it take for you to go out on a date with me?”

Needless to say, one Sakusa Kiyoomi autographed volleyball, a signed copy of Atlas Lane, and tickets to a private tasting with a particular Parisian chocolatier landed on your desk the following week. There was not much you could say to the dumbfounded assistant standing in front of you, except, “Call Bokuto Koutarou. Tell him he’s fucking crazy. Oh. And tell him to pick me up at seven.”

In The Palm Of My Hand

a/n: I just want to say a quick apology for not being able to post anything, these last two months have possibly been the most hectic ones I've ever experienced in my entire life. and because this is already late for this collab, (yall im a mess im so so sorry) please take this fic as a gift for being so patient with me. I hope you enjoyed, I was very nervous posting this one in particular!!

taglist: @clean-soap, @glittrkink, @amnxsia, @kentos-kinfolk, @ally22042000, @jeansbabycake, @samiyadhahir, @kuroosluthoe, @crystal-lilac, @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein, @fwoqkie, @buzymanifesting

click here to join my taglist

likes and reblogs (especially with feedback) are always appreciated and encouraged !!

Tags :
3 years ago



Characters - 3rdYear! Megumi, Gojo, Nanami, and Sukuna

Synopsis - The one where you fuck them a lil tew good and now they can’t help but see you in a whole new light! Aka Y/n issa freak✨

[Alternate Version]

Cw - NSFW & CRACK, Dank Memes, Fem! Reader, Menace! Y/n, Strong and Crude Language, Slang Terminology, Sorcerer! Y/n, Y/n on top, Protected and Unprotected Sex, Virgin! & Subby Megs, Hook Ups & A Lil Alcohol, Creampies, Implied Blowjobs, Nanami is your work Senpai, Sukuna Being Sukuna, Premature Ejaculations, Side Commentary, Y/n got that gorilla grip

A/n ~ this is the alternate version kinda of my original one lmaooo I swapped out toji and yuji thoughhh hope u bust out laughing… even a lil snort will suffice



☆ You were always such a sweetheart to Megumi from what he could remember, pretty and good hearted :D that’s why he decided to pursue you in the first place

☆ After months of seemingly unrequited flirting he was finally able to proudly call you his girl, and with time as your relationship blossomed the soft kisses and touches became more heated and desperate

☆ He soon was ready to finally take that next step with you, he was quite nervous being that he was a virgin but he tried to be as reassuring to you as possible not knowing……your cherry been popped! [pussy don’t fuck itself mah boi]

☆ Maybe it was his fault for assuming that it would be a brand new experience for you both but when you dropped to your knees abruptly to suck him off on your 3 month anniversary night he literally had an out of body experience

☆ Like damn Y/n, you sucked him DRY and then you rode him till he soiled ATLEAST like 4 condoms before you took a short juice break THEN PROCEEDED TO REPEAT THAT SAME PROCESS [ok but was it cranberry juice tho?¿]

☆ Literally you were riding him like a mad bull, he was holding onto the bed for dear life before you both fuckin flew off and broke a hole in the wall [mom pick me up I’m scared]

☆ At one point Yuji even knocked on the wall asking if he was okay to which Megumi didn’t really know how to answer

☆ When you FINALLY tired out from showing him what that “big ole juicy badussy” could do you sweetly kissed him goodnight before cuddling into him like nothing and falling asleep

☆ Meanwhile he was watching you like-


☆ Never in his life did he think his first time was gonna be that fuckin wild lmao, PLS he swore he could hear sukuna laughing from in his domain [yooo I can hear it too]

☆ He was scared lowkey, you really gotta warn a man sometimes, his balls were legit shriveled up from all the cumming he did while you were just snoring without a care in the world [he got raisins for balls!💃🏽]

☆ He googled after that day “How to make girlfriend cum HARD in seconds” and “Is my girlfriend a reformed thot pocket?” BC HE FELTED SO CHEATED AHAHA

☆ He wanted to knock your socks off but instead you had him gasping like a little bitch all night and he wanted to redeem himself and also WHO TAUGHT YOU ALL OF THAT [legit havin a midlife crisis]

☆ So the next time he scheduled you to come over he made sure he was fully prepared to take control and fuck the shit out of you ٩( ᐛ )و

☆ …….but so were you σ(^_^;)

☆ His determined smile slowly dropped once he noticed the large black duffel bag you had brought with you, let’s just say you had a lot more tricks left up your sleeve to please your man

☆ He swore that night that he would one day 1-up you in bed before he passed out from his umpteenth dry orgasm, he fell in love with a fucking sex demon apparently [aww shucks he’s too sweet (*≧∀≦*)]

☆ Better luck next time Megs 😭



☆ You and Gojo often had a playful relationship where you’d both banter back and forth all the time, it was lighthearted and fun!

☆ Yeah there was subtle flirting but for the most part nothing went too far, not that he’d be apposed to it

☆ You actually used to mess around with Geto back in the day and he still couldn’t get over how good you were in bed and would often gush about you to Gojo, so naturally Gojo was intrigued to hear just how wild you were

☆ He prided himself on being a god in bed so he wanted to see if you really were “on his level”

☆ So one night when you both were out for drinks he casually tested the waters to see if sex was on the table or not

☆ To which you downed the rest of your shot and dragged him back to your place in reply [SIT y/n, SIT! 🐩]

☆ He was so cocky the whole ride to your home, ready to make you addicted to him just like all the other people he’s gotten into bed

☆ You both kept the foreplay relatively quick before haphazardly crashing onto your bed, clothes scattering everywhere

☆ He took the initiative to take the lead from above, pinning your thighs down so you could get all his ✨work✨ […the DOOR!🚪]

☆ BUT the second he slipped in GIRL—

☆ On the outside you only noticed the slight tensing of his abdomen but on the inside??


☆ MANS WAS IN A DILEMMA LMAO [thats what his ass gets!]

☆ His dick literally felt like it was melting in a sea of warm marshmallows but also like tight? Marshmallows? [wtf BYE😭], what ever the fuck it was your pussy was def grade A—honestly even higher than that

☆ AND PLS THE SOUNDS, every time he plunged in it sounded like a damn bowl of mac & cheese! [yuh cuz that’s what good pussy sounds like—]

☆ He definitely made up an excuse for a snack break or something halfway so he could lock himself in the bathroom and text in his Nanami and Geto group chat Bc THE GREAT GOJO WAS ABOUT READY TO TAP TF OUT [nanami has been trying to leave for months]

☆ All he got was a “good luck xD” from Geto before he heard your sing song voice from the bedroom luring him back out

☆ You yourself was a little surprised to see the forever smug Gojo get diminished into the “submissive and breedable” version, it was quite a humbling sight

☆ He legit came out the bathroom like 👉🏻👈🏻 before you yanked him back on top of you

☆ When he was finally ready to cum for the last time you even reached around and squeezed his balls for any residual nut left WHILE HE WAS INSIDE OF YOU OML [so u a freak freak 🤨]

☆ The way his last grunt got caught in his throat! He let out loud ass “NNGH!~” as he bit his bottom lip for dear life

☆ He was breathing so hard once he plopped down next to you WHEW, Geto was not exaggerating damn!

☆ He licked his lips as he watched your naked body yawn from beside him, “So… you’re free tomorrow night? :D”

☆ You thought he was about to keep this as a one time thing?? Uh think again! He might just settle down for you, emphasis on MIGHT tho



☆ You were his clumsy Kohai from the office, he often looked after you and even invited you out for drinks after work occasionally

☆ You were always scrambling around the office haphazardly and bumping into everything, it was quite cute and it made him want to discreetly support/protect you whenever he could

☆ So one day he noticed that the office was more relaxed than usual and much to his chagrin he found you pouting in the break room

☆ “Y/n, Did you get yelled at again?”

☆ “Uh No! That was yesterday… it’s my boyfriend—well ex now, he just broke up with me :(“ you dramatically sighed

☆ Well he wasn’t expecting that, he closed the door to give you privacy to ramble on as he offered you his water bottle [thx baby daddy 💦🧎🏽‍♀️]

☆ “He’s my fourth boyfriend this year alone! Like everytime I have sex for the first time in a new relationship they always break up with me a week later. Everything is perfect until BAM, they leave! Am I just no good? Is there something wrong with me? Does my coochie stink—”

☆ You always were a bit of an open book he thought before assuring you—

☆ “From what I can gather you’re perfectly fine, Y/n. I’ve never been personally initimate with you but I’m sure that you’re not the problem—“

☆ “THEN PROVE IT” you exclaimed “SLEEP WITH ME” [i am dyinnnn bitch RELAX oml 😭]

☆ He sweatdropped but he didn’t decline, you were always a bit more eccentric from the norm but he also didn’t like seeing you beat yourself up


☆ Being the good Senpai he was he decided to ease your mind for the night so you’d feel better by the morning, that is all [he totally ignored his rapid heart beats when you came out the bathroom scantily clad in a silk robe]

☆ Now what he wasn’t expecting was for you to legit TACKLE him on the bed in excitement and scarf his dick down like you hadn’t ate in a week σ(^_^;)

☆ No judgment but make sure to breathe missy, his dick wasn’t going anywhere 💀 no need to rush

☆ He was only 27 but it truly felt like he was getting the exercise of his life, You both [mainly u] were flipping all over the bed running THRU the condoms provided by the establishment

☆ When ya’ll were inbetween changing positions he caught his reflection briefly in the mirror AND-


☆ MANS WAS WORN TF OUT AHAHAH, lips chapped, hair damp and out of place shittt he thought his glasses might’ve gotten a crack in it somewhere across the room [y dis low key look like him tho 😭 oh no]

☆ He literally could NOT pull out, you were draining his cum, his strength, and his soul via coochie [somebody call the ambulam!~🚑 🚨]

☆ But for some goddamn reason you were not tiring out! Like he knew he was hella old for his age but that could not be normal [lmaooo u gotta see it thru mah boi]

☆ He was honestly worried that maybe you were pushing yourself too much from him but when he caught your blinding face of ecstasy he concluded that you were just super ultra mega horny

☆ Now he was starting to realize that your boyfriends probably didn’t break up with you necessarily because something was wrong with you but moreso because that gorilla grip was bordering fatal! [lmaooo pussies]

☆ But that ain’t no problem, sure his back was cramping up but minor details are minor details [ugh don’t u love when he jus]

☆ Despite the immense sweat and fatigue plaguing his body he was right there with you, Receiving and dishing out as much pleasure as you were giving him—he wanted you to feel better so he wasn’t leaving until you did

☆ Even if he couldn’t make it to work in the morning or the whole week actually because he’s pretty sure his asthma from childhood was starting to resurface [lmaoo he was a wheezer back in the day, he confessed this to me yall I would never lie]

☆ But apparently you already had an inhaler on hand in your purse… it’s almost as if this was a normal occurrence for you…



☆ You were such a cute little sorcerer, they really sent you alone to handle him? He would’ve been offended if it weren’t for your tight little uniform

☆ What could’ve possessed the the organization to send someone as weak looking as you

☆ He was wondering what your technique could’ve possibly been but the second you started unbuttoning your top the he was brought back to the current moment

☆ “Oi, what the fuck are you-“

☆ “6 minutes,” You said as you seductively brushed your hair from your face, his confusion quadrupled

☆ “If I make you cum in 6 minutes then you’re forever bound to me by contract, ‘Kay?”

☆ PLS HE BURSTS OUT LAUGHING, so this is how they’ve been training y’all huh? He could applaud the creativity

☆ You must be quite sure in your skill to think him of ALL people would ever be made to cum in just a mere 6 minutes

☆ He was intrigued nonetheless, so he took you up on your little game, and in return if you failed you were to serve him for the rest of your existence




☆ What type of vacuum seal did you get installed?!? Nahhh that don’t feel like no pussy, that’s a TRAP 🪤

☆ His nails were digging into your thighs for any type of grip as you swiveled your hips expertly because this was a fight that he wasn’t so sure in anymore

☆ “The FUCK IS THIS?!” He sneered as the inside of you grew hotter and tighter by the second, at that point “wet” wasn’t even the appropriate word anymore you were ✨gushing✨ [ 🎶 ion drip I’m leaky 🎶]

☆ It felt like you were twisting his dick all around within you, his toes were twitching and everythingggg [not so strong now big boy?]




☆ like GOD DAMN what is in the new sorcerer curriculum!!! [its called the hidden art of wap 💅🏽✨]

☆ “GET OFF ME BITCH” He growled Bc um ma’am HES ABOUT TO LOSE THE FIGHT and his pride couldn’t take the blow‼️

☆ BUT OOP it was too late my friend, that nut errupted like the mightiest volcano recorded in history the second after and he could literally feel the contract of servitude burn against his soul as he gritted his teeth

☆ Oh he wanted so bad to cuss you to hell and back but his orgasm was still rockin TF out of him while you teasingly clenched just to see him flinch

☆ “3 minutes and 42 seconds? I thought the king of curses would do better than that!” You snidely remarked [ur god complex is showin miss girl 📸]

☆ Yuji, Nobara, and Megumi all listened in horror and amazement as Gojo went over the history of how Sukuna was defeated and later sealed away by the famous sorcerer known none other than “Y/n” [gojo was a big fan of ur work 💀💀]

☆ Your strength and courage were highly respected by jujutsu sorcerers all around, you really put pussy sorcery on the map! 💁‍♀️ [but can u beat goku—]

☆ Sukuna was still big mad to this day as he sat grumbling inside of Yuji, he hated you but… that pussy was SUM ELSE he had to admit [I MEANNNN 😩], Lowkey was hoping you reincarnated soon ✨

☆ Who knew pussy jutsus were THAT overpowered [thats what I’m sayin!]


A/n ~ y’all I CANNOT lmaoo, I hope this was half as funny as my original one Bc these memes are killingggg meeeee

Tags :
3 years ago


pairing | kozume kenma x fem!reader

genre | fluff, smut (18+)

scenario | in which the youtuber kodzuken, or boyfriend kozume kenma sets a timer for his girlfriend at precisely fifteen minutes, and no more, to make herself come undone on his cock before his scheduled weekly livestream starts.

warnings | nsfw. timeskip manga spoilers. so fluffy. drabble. unprotected sex. sex on a gaming chair and in front of a camera that could start streaming at any minute. very light degradation. pet name 'kitten' usage. edging? cursing.

word count | 1.5k


mind blank, just clouded with the single thought of college student/stock trader/pro-gamer/youtuber KENMA who times his girlfriend at precisely fifteen minutes, and no more, to make herself come undone on his cock before his scheduled weekly livestream starts.

otherwise, everyone will have to see her cum live. and you wouldn’t want that to happen, would you? it’d be so humiliating, how pathetic you’d look whining and not being able to cum, having to depend on him all the time. what would his fans think? hm.

letting you, his girlfriend he’s yet to reveal to his fans, fuck yourself on his cock, his rather expensive leather gaming chair shaking with every bounce on his dick that you take; your whines and nerves of not cumming before the livestream is scheduled to start sending not only adrenaline through your veins but adding further to the sensitivity of the situation. sloppy movements to try and make yourself come alone, without his help before anyone would get to see.

your youtuber boyfriend can be so mean.

he isn’t opposed to it, he’ll have to reveal your relationship to his subscribers at some point. but, obviously, he’d prefer your relationship gets revealed some other way. not this current sight of you bouncing on his cock, face resting in the crook of his neck as you sniffle from how hard it is to try and make yourself cum without his fingers without any of his help.

you’re all his and you better fucking cum before the livestream starts. as much as he enjoys tormenting you at the worst times, but your body is only for him to see. he loves sharing personal things with his subscribers, but he’d rather keep the most about you to himself. to only see you in such a flustered state off-camera. but this is too thrilling.

you’re just so pretty and the littlest things you do drive him insane enough to do stuff like this.

all you had done was walk into his gaming room thirty minutes before he would start live streaming, your soft pads into his room and sweet voice calling out to him to see if he needed anything.

you’re just too fucking cute.

he hadn’t needed anything until he saw you walk in so innocently and shyly, afraid that you’d bother him, with the cutest pink shorts hugging your legs and ass so well. he’d take off his headphones and usher for you to come over.

and he’d pat his lap for you to sit on. your cheeks would flush at the gesture and you’d oblige and climb into his lap, wrapping your arms around him and nuzzling into his neck. he’d press a kiss to your cheek and a small ‘hello’ to greet you. and as you nuzzle into him further he’d inhale your scent and softly rub your back, enjoying your company before he’d have to stream.

almost like a kitten.

but then you’d accidentally shift in his lap and your ass hugged tightly by your shorts would grind against his crotch, and you’d freeze of utter embarrassment. you didn’t mean it.

then he’d get hard, but he can’t have that. especially when he’s supposed to stream in a couple of minutes.

so that’s when he asked, well more or so told you to fix the problem you caused. when you apologized, saying you didn’t mean to he told you to hurry up. you kept mumbling about how you can’t possibly do it because you don’t have enough time.

“we’ll make time, kitten,” kenma softly stroked your hair. “we have fifteen minutes until my livestream automatically starts.”

“a-automatically? no! ken, i can’t make it,” your cheeks flush pink, eyes wide as you’re anxious.

“you’ll have to, kitten,” kenma smiled assuringly. “c’mon, we don’t have much time.”

and you’d nod hesitantly and pull his cock out of his comfortable sweats, shyly pulling your panties to the side as you hover above his tip, biting your lower lip as you’re still anxious. kenma would lean to press a reassuring kiss against your forehead before pulling away.

you’d let out a little moan as you sink down on his length, slowly, pawing at his shoulders for proper balance and for something to hold onto. you look up to meet his lustful gaze and he notices you’re still nervous; so nervous that this was still a turn-on for you because he’d feel your walls pulsating around his dick.

“relax, kitten,” kenma turns around to grab his phone.

“hey siri, set a timer for 15 minutes.”

your lips part as kenma puts the phone down after the time had been set, capturing your lips with his and licking at the entrance of your mouth before pulling away and pressing a chaste kiss against your cheek; resting his hands at the dip of your waist.

“there we go,” he smirks as you fully sink down on his cock and moan, slowly moving your hips. “be a good kitten and cum before the timer ends, sound okay?”

and you’d nod hesitantly, picking up the pace so you could hurry up and cum for him before his livestream starts. and for some reason, the thrill of not finishing on time, the thrill of being in his lap when the livestream starts, sent shivers down your spine as you rode his cock to the sweetest extent you could attempt.

even though he was reassuring, he was still being mean. he wasn’t helping you out in the slight; not letting his fingers go anywhere but resting on the dip of your waist. not touching your clit, he wasn’t even guiding you or thrusting up into you so you’d cum faster. he cupped the flesh of your ass once.

he wasn’t being helpful at all and you were starting to panic. because when you turned to look at his phone from over his shoulder, you gasped as the timer read 5 minutes remaining.


and you’d start to get a little angry and frustrated at the fact you can’t get yourself to cum that easily, not without his help. not without his hips snapping faster against yours, not without his hands roaming everywhere on your body; groping your tits or your ass as he guided your cunt up and down his cock.

“kenma, baby, please!” you’d whine softly in his ear, pawing at chest, eyes glossy with frustrated tears.

“aw, my kitten can’t cum?” he’d coo, stroking your hair as you pick up your pace sloppily against his dick. it just wasn’t enough!

“no, i need you,” you cling to him, causing him to chuckle softly and stroke your back as you rode him; desperate to cum.

“mm, and what do you need, kitten?” kenma would ask you, causing you to whine further because he knows damn well what you need right now. you need to cum, you need some sort of friction to send you towards the edge—!

“need—hngh!” you’d pull away from your hiding spot in his shoulder, pressing your lips against his with small licks and grabbing his hand that rested on your waist. “need your fingers, need your touch.”

kenma’s heart would melt, and he’d no longer be able to resist you. he was holding in all his self-restraint to thrust up into you, make you see stars on his gaming chair. make you cum faster than a span of fifteen minutes.

so he’d finally give in, and use his fingers the way you like. he’d rub lazy circles with his thumb over your swollen clit; giving you just the friction you wanted. he’d pressed kisses to your neck and further down your collarbone, and he’d pick up the pace by squeezing your waist and thrusting up into you faster, groaning into your neck. and he’d be over the moon when he hears your whines and quick breaths that are signaling how close you are to actually cumming.

and then there was a minute left.

you’d whine repeatedly in a span of seconds of how close you are to cumming, how he’s hitting all the right spots—!

and then the knot in your stomach snaps far too quickly for your liking; an orgasm that was built up this quick was bound to leave you shaking in his arms, your hold on his shoulder tighter than it was before as you gush around his cock.

and he’s so proud of his little kitten of a girlfriend, looking so cute every day and being something he’s unable to resist; to bring out such a spontaneous side to him.

he was planning on revealing you to his subscribers soon, he’s just so crazy about you.

your eyes widen as you realized his timer went off a second ago as you rested in his arms, you peeked over his shoulder to see comments just now rolling into his stream.

kodzuken who is that!!! :0

omg is this a gf reveal?? AHHHH finally <3333

he has a gf? (╥ω╥)

is she crying…? i can’t tell.


“k-ken, it started—!” you whisper yell in his ear, causing him to chuckle softly and press a sweet kiss to your cheek.

“don’t worry, they didn’t see anything,” kenma spins the chair with you still in his lap— thankful that the camera can only catch what’s above your waist. he wouldn’t know what he’d do to himself if anyone saw.

“but,” he'd grope your ass where they can't see. “we do have to tell them we’re dating now, kitten.”


for every reblog i'll give you a kith on the nose <3

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3 years ago

Thinking of slow, sensual, loving sex with mammon. Indulging in something more vanilla almost pure and innocent, getting lost in just showing and feeling how much you love each other. Soft but passionate touches, unwavering eye contact, kisses that convey feelings that words never could. Him taking charge and being on top just because he cant hold back from taking you and making sure you know just how loved you are. His usually fast and almost impatient movements replaced by slow and calculated thrusts that hit just right. They have you moaning into his kisses and gasping for air. He swears under his breath and almost sobs at how good he was feeling. The feeling of being connected, the feeling of your hands through his hair, how you're moaning his name, knowing he's the one that gets to see you like this, its almost too much for him. Your heart swells at the way he looks at you, with nothing but adoration and awe behind those teary eyes. The way he whispers your name and rests his forehead against yours. He presses his body against yours as if its possible to be any closer than you already are. The heat is searing but you wrap your arms around him anyway, firmly keeping him there with his chest against yours and his face buried into your neck. In that moment he's convinced that hes the luckiest being alive. To love so strongly and unconditionally and having that love reciprocated just as intensely? To know he means just as much to you as you mean to him? To be fully and wholeheartedly accepted and adored and cared for and pleasured and loved. "I love you" Ah, how long had he been chanting those words for? It flows from his mouth just as freely as the tears that run down his cheeks. "I love you, i love you, fuck i love you so much..." he knew no matter how many times he said it, it wouldn't be enough. No matter how many times his lips meet yours, however many times he's inside you, however close he holds you, it'll never be enough. He loves you more than he could ever know how to show.

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3 years ago

That Boy Is A Real Pussy Pleaser

Matsukawa, Atsumu, Tendou, Tsukishima, Ushijima when their s/o sits on their face. 

Matsukawa Issei x Reader

Miya Atsumu x Reader

Tendou Satori x Reader

Tsukishima Kei x Reader

Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader

A/N: This is all I have to offer today,,, I was just in a silly goofy mood and thought hmmm hmmm! Face-sitting with the besties!!! This is sooo much crack bc I wrote this during a thunderstorm while being scared shitless so…. muah, pls try to enjoy! 


WC-3,339 (I cannot believe how long I made this)


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