Om - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

MC : *picking up a fish* How will henry eat this? He's a goldfish...

Levi : Just give it to him and you'll see

MC : *throws the fish at henry*

Henry : *turns his head into a big sea monster and captures the fish*

MC :

Levi : See? He got it!


Levi : He is, but a special one!

Henry : *turns his head back to normal*

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3 years ago

What if MC turned into a frog thou, would Lucifer kiss it? I'm curious 😂

Lucifer : . . .

MC : 🐸

Lucifer : Are you absolutely sure that If I kiss MC right now they will turn into a human again? *Furrows eyebrows*

Levi : Yep!!! Absolutely! It almost always works in the animes, I'd say 70% of the time

Lucifer : That doesn't sound convincing.

Levi : A true loves kiss will break the spell, or—

Lucifer : No way, Beel here you go. *accidentally hands it to Diavolo thinking he was Beel*

Diavolo : . . .

Diavolo : *kisses the frog* I love you very much, please turn back to normal

MC : *poof, turns into human*

Diavolo : *smiles at them*

Lucifer :

Levi :

Levi : See?! i told you! Look who's the real man, lord Diavolo loved MC enough to give them a kiss!— wait a minute—?!

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3 years ago

MC : In exchange for a pact with you I immediately give you my soul

Diavolo : *shocked* MC, No-! ! !

Mephisto : Deal. *Makes a pact with MC.*

Mephisto : *about to kill MC and take their soul* Goo-

MC : *gives Mephistopheles candy called ”My soul“* here you go.

Diavolo :

Mephisto :

Mephisto : *trying to process that he just signed his life away pretty much and got tricked*

Diavolo: Ahahah! *Sighs in relief*

Solomon :

Solomon : I'll use that...

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3 years ago

Mammon : I made a pact with MC first! Why did ya idiots make a pact with em?!

Levi : I had to

Lucifer : I just did.

Belphegor : *flashback to when he killed MC*

Satan : Because I wanted to. *glares at Lucifer*

Beel : because they're MC

Asmo : Because of their power!!

Mephisto : I got tricked into it.

Michael : I wanted it

Diavolo : I had to do it if I wanted to be closer to them, otherwise I would have had almost no chance to realise my deep feelings for them and confess my love to them, I had to be close to support them through their hardships, I had to be able to protect them if they were ever in danger, therefore they ca—

Barbatos : My lord, that's a whole love confession right now.

Diavolo : I'm practicing... To confess...

Luke (grown) : I just guard MC?

MC : This has nothing to do with why you're all here, Why the heck are you all in my living room?! I understand why Luke is here but what the fuck guys???

Solomon : Weird...

MC :

MC : Where did YOU come from Solomon?!

Raphael : It appears we're all here

The demon king : Pests.

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3 years ago

Mammon : I'm the first man!

Mephisto : I'm the best man!


Simeon : I'm MC's fiancé and guardian And Luke, you're still a little boy

Luke : I'm not a little boy!


Beel : I'm MC's man.

Belphie : I'm the boyfriend.

Lucifer : I'm the first husband.

Michael : I'm the better husband.

Diavolo : I'm the fiancé

Barbatos : I'm the royal butler and assistant of MC. Including their beloved.

Levi : I'm their best friend and otaku boyfriend!

Satan : *scoffs* I'm their favourite husband.

Raphael : I'm the new boyfriend



Lucifer : Someone get this dog to stop barking *Glares at Simeon*

Adin : I regret asking who you are

MC : *silently crying because they just wanted to watch TV*

Solomon : Did I mention I'm the best boyfriend?

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3 years ago

Demons be like ; be careful not to wrong any of the human exchange students, one is a very powerful sorcerer and the other has pacts with all 7 lords of hell! They're very dangerous! They're also friends with the angel exchange students and the future king.

Meanwhile the demons & their friends ; Mammon was turned into a dog, AGAIN. Levi is sobbing on the floor because Luke keeps on beating him at some board game, Satan is trying to strangle Asmo for getting makeup on his book, Beel is eating the couch. Belphie is laying on the other side of the couch which Beel is eating. Lucifer is trying to stop the usual madness that is going on, Simeon is complaining about the couch, Diavolo is trying to start a sleepover, Barbatos is making food for all of these loud annoying kids.

The dangerous humans ; MC and Solomon have gotten into a physical fight with eachother in the kitchen while trying to help Barbatos cook and are now rolling on the floor and trying to slap wheat flour on eachother's faces while casting spells and using wooden spoons as swords.

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3 years ago

MC : So, when I die... You will come pick me up?

13 : Yes.

MC : What happens after that???

13 : Marriage.

MC :

13 :

MC : I'm dying right now—

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3 years ago

Lucifer : MC!!!


Lucifer : MC!!!


Raphael : Why are they yelling at eachother?

Solomon : They're trying to assert their dominance.

Lucifer : *grabs MC and throws them across the room out of frustration*

Solomon : Have you ever seen a flying sheep before? *chuckles*

Raphael : ...*internally facepalms*

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3 years ago

Raphael : I don't like you.

MC : That's ok-

Raphael : I'm not finished talking so politely close your mouth.

Raphael : I love you.

MC : Aw..? I love you too

Solomon : or you could just yell "SHUT UP MC" it's less words.

Raphael : If you don't shut up I'm going to pierce you with my spear.

Solomon : Yes that works too.

Raphael : ...

Solomon : ...

Solomon : Wait, that was directed towards me... wasn't it?

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3 years ago

5 year old MC

13 : I've decided to adopt MC.

Lucifer : No.

13 : MC needs an ACTUAL mother.

Lucifer : MC doesn't. And MC has enough fathers that could take the role.

13 : Oh?

13 : You mean 3 chaotic kids, one angry bookworm, one makeup obsessed chick, a giant who would probably eat them and one overworked "single mom"?

Lucifer : Did you just call me an overworked single mom?!

13 : You instantly got that.

13 : Anyway, MC needs an actual mom therefore I'm taking em with me.

Lucifer : As if I'd give MC to you.

Mephisto : *crashes through driveway with a car* HEY, I TOOK THE CHILD, LET'S GO.

Lucifer : ?!!!

MC : *happily sitting in the backseat with Raphael and waving at Lucifer* HI LUCI!

Raphael : ...

Lucifer :

Lucifer : *turns into his demon form*

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3 years ago

Solomon : ...

Solomon : At this rate MC is going to make god fall in love with them.

Lucifer : No way.

Barbatos : ...They've already got : Lucifer, Lord Diavolo, The demon king, Michael, Thirteen, Raphael, Mammon, Mephistopheles, Leviathan, Satan, Me, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Solomon, Belphegor, And that guy from majolish, also Simeon.

Diavolo : *sighs* How is it even possible...

Raphael : ...

Raphael : It's because of their fluffy pink coat...

Diavolo : I don't understand how they got my father wrapped around their tiny....sheep...hoof?

Solomon : *muttering* Their fluffy soft pink sheep wool...

Luke : *walks into the room* Wah... Why are you all sulking?!

Lucifer : *slams fist on table and breaks it*


Luke : *is terrified and screams*

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3 years ago

Mammon : Aha! And the culprit who's been breakin into MC's room is.....

Mammon : *pulls mask off of the tied up stranger's face*

All demon brothers : *GASP*


Michael : Haha.. it appears I've been caught..

Mammon : What're ya doin in the devildom?!


Michael : Someone has to keep the place clean and bring MC fresh flowers and sweets everyday, along with a few little notes of love and encouragement every few days!

MC : WAIT WAIT WAIT! You're the one who always cleans my room and brings me lots of pretty flowers?! Food too! I thought it was Lucifer Beel and Asmo This whole time!!! And... Wait a minute.


Michael : *winks at MC*

MC :

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2 years ago
WARNING 15+ MC Has Body Dysmorphia, F!MC Headcanons
WARNING 15+ MC Has Body Dysmorphia, F!MC Headcanons
WARNING 15+ MC Has Body Dysmorphia, F!MC Headcanons

⚠️•⟨WARNING⟩•⚠️ 15+ MC has Body dysmorphia, F!MC ⟨ Headcanons⟩

WARNING 15+ MC Has Body Dysmorphia, F!MC Headcanons


It pains Lucifer to no end to know that his loved one is suffering. He frowns every time he sees you checking yourself out in the mirror and clearly judging yourself, nitpicking at flaws that he cannot even see. you may not say anything but he can practically hear your thoughts as he hugs you from behind.

Lucifer will offer to get you treatment like therapy so your image of yourself has a chance to improve even one teeny tiny little bit, he will do absolutely anything that he can to help you.

Lucifer will listen to anything and everything you have to say, you can vent for hours to him, he is your safe space and you know he will never judge you, and you can always trust him.

You're special to him, he will hold you when you isolate yourself from others as dark thoughts occupy your mind. He will remind you of what he loves about you and make small talk with you, whispering sweet little nothings with the most gentle and affectionate look on his face. He will place your hand on the pact mark on his chest to let you feel all of the admiration and love he has for you.

"MC, you know I can't lie.

I will always hold you tight whenever you're feeling low, And even if you do not see it yourself I love you for you. to me you are beautiful, I love you dearly and I love all of the flaws you hate. will never leave you no matter what."

Lucifer will always love and support you no matter what as you deal with this together.


Levi will look into your disorder and do as much research as he can.

Did one of his figurines with what you wished was your body make you feel self-conscious just now? He'll insult his figurine and remark on how much better looking than it you are. and how you're a better person too.

Despite all his research Levi isn't sure what he can do... his mind always goes blank. when he feels self-deprecating thoughts occupying your mind through the pact mark.

For now, he tries his best to learn what triggers your compulsive behaviors. (Oh, and the figurine from earlier has been put away.)

Levi will begin to draw characters with your body type and your features as a way to encourage you that if these characters are all beautiful then you are beautiful too.

His poor little heart cannot handle it when your brain is overrun by negative thoughts about yourself. he will slump against your side and wrap his tail around you, Hoping to make you open up to him about your feelings and thoughts is difficult, but he's willing to wait forever if he has to. he'll open up about his insecurities and how his envy feels like it's suffocating him at times.

Levi will do his best to explain his feelings and tell you how and why he loves you, faults and all. You love him too no matter what right? yes. and he loves you too, your flaws and everything you have.


Asmo feels awful when he sees you excessively exercise and try your hardest to change little things about yourself. or start covering yourself up even more. Asmo will tell you he understands wanting to change and how your feelings are valid, but he will also remind you that you have a distorted view of yourself because of your disorder. And, if you ever try to do anything that will damage you, he will stop you.

Asmo will always encourage you to talk to him about your feelings. he's here for you he will always support you. And he will try to accept your feelings! He will also encourage and compliment you a lot, after all, you are the most beautiful woman to him!

Asmo will get you any outfits that make you feel good, you are his dearest treasure so he will get you anything at all!

On days when you aren't feeling good, he will soothingly rub your back and try to have a conversation with you, even if he's the one doing all the talking. If Asmo has to be annoying in order to overrun all of those negative thoughts going on in your head at the moment then so be it. It's going to be worth it even if you get annoyed and snap at him.

He's not sure what he can do to help you so he will ask you about it.

"After all the time we've spent together, I've finally realized my love for you, you won't be getting rid of me. I want to live with you forever and look into those pretty eyes of yours that I adore so much!

Look back into mine and never leave me, please?

My heart has been stolen by you! ♡"

"Asmo get out of my shower!"


Beel is like a puppy, he's always following after you, and he will offer you practical support. Can't get out of your room to pick up your schoolwork from RAD? Beel will get it for you.

He's always with you, so even if you're looking yourself up and down in the mirror he will make a positive remark about you. You never judge anyone the way you judge yourself, and you frequently analyze random little flaws about yourself, so, he's here to let you know that even if you don't love yourself, he loves you.

Even long after finding out about your disorder Beel often wonders what it's like to look at yourself from your eyes. in his eyes, you are picture perfect. And yet, you always nitpick such little things that he never notices. It's honestly saddening for him, you're his favorite person (Don't tell Belphie.), and yet you're struggling, it irritates him how he can't do anything to help. You see, he's trying his hardest to support you in whatever way he can. and, it may be a bit overwhelming for you, but even so, you're grateful for his support. He's always here for you which is very reassuring. Beel will take you on flights if he senses the tiniest negative change in your mood and you tell him what's wrong, after all, he doesn't have these wings on his back for nothing, he will use them to take you on adventures so the two of you can have fun and enjoy yourselves, RAD assignments be damned. he'll deal with Lucifer being angry later.

First and most important is you being happy because your happiness is his happiness.

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2 years ago

Obey Me! Battles, Who would win?


Avatar of Pride.

The eldest demon out of his brothers.

A grown-ass man with a son.

Powerful Demon.

Someone who can destroy 8 or more worlds within 2 minutes of anger.

A demon that everyone fears.

A sadist.

A very malicious man.

The man who knows 3000 years’ worth of curses and all kinds of spells.

Goddamn Lucifer Morningstar.

The guy who started the Great Celestial War.

The man who LITERALLY rebelled against God himself.

Lucifer who knows how to burn someone in the blink of an eye.

Lucifer who can make someone perish.

The man who’s literally a ruler in hell.

This guy whom knows all kinds of black magic and is still studying a lot about magic, potions, etc. At RAD.


A sheep.

A REALLY fluffy sheep.


Calculating results...








MC has won!

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6 months ago

Barbatos after hearing things about koalas from DevilTube. (Crack)


Beel : Belphie clings onto me like a koala-

Barbatos : He is so stupid that he believes you are a tree.

Belphie : Are you still mad I ate your cake?!

Barbatos : *smiles*


Lucifer : Mammon, you are the MOST stupid demon!

Barbatos : Actually, it has come to my knowledge that Mammon is quite smart compared to a certain creature– a koala.

Mammon : Eh?! A koala?! Those cute gray furballs that live in trees and eat leaves?!

Lucifer : Not now, Barbatos.

Barbatos : *intensely* Listen to what I have to say Lucifer. I've learned new things about those species.

Lucifer : *shook by Barbatos‘ tone*

Mammon : *gawks at Barbatos*


Barbatos : To be completely honest, Leviathan drinking all of these so called "energy" drinks which actually do not give him any energy is like koalas eating eucalyptus.

Levi : What's up with you comparing everything to koalas, Barbatos!? I'm getting scared!


Barbatos : Belphegor sleeping just to have energy is just like a koala.

Belphegor : You– when will you stop comparing everything to koalas?!


Barbatos : Today I have learned a fun fact that koalas in captivity may have intimacy as lesbians and have intimate activities up to a group of five while rejecting the males. it reminded me of you, whenever you're in captivity you're like a lesbian that rejects all men.

Asmo : How am I supposed to feel about this?!

Asmo :

Asmo : Barbatos stop it! The group of five sounds fun but no more facts about koalas!


Barbatos : Belphegor has the brain of a koala, he would sleep outside while it's raining and not even process what's happening.

Belphie : I'm sorry about the cake?!


Barbatos : The koala facts I've learned from DevilTube are good enough to irritated everyone on my blacklist. *Pours tea*

Diavolo : *shook* I didn't know you had a blacklist Barbatos

Barbatos After Hearing Things About Koalas From DevilTube. (Crack)

This has been in my drafts for a while 💀


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1 year ago

MC: Last night, on New Year's Eve at the Devildom, Solomon and I only realized that it wasn't fireworks when we heard screams.

Solomon: Which was quite worrying, since they haven't stopped and it is now May.

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2 years ago


GN!reader x Beel


It’s been almost a few weeks since you were brought to devil dom and it was hard for you, you were feeling homesick and you’re body still wasn’t accosted to the new atmosphere. It left you with a restlessness that you couldn’t escape from despite sleep’s open arms. Water wouldn’t necessarily help but one could hope it would dilute the aching feeling you felt.

You come to find the (now) normal scene of Beel raiding the fridge of all of it contents. He watches you from the corner of his eye as you take a seat at the island, swallowing the chunk of food he was eating. He continues to eat, Consuming a smaller amount in case you wanted to talk. But you stayed quiet and he followed suit. The only sound that could be heard was the small happy hums and the sound of munching throughout the kitchen. The water seemingly forgotten.

“Can’t sleep?” He finally says, finishing what appeared to be last of the food. You hum in acknowledgment. “I’ll make you something.”

“I’m not really hungry right now. I appreciate it tho.” You mumble softly. His face shows nothing, a blank sheet as he scans your face. He notices the deep bags under your eyes, the way your face sags with exhaustion and the way your shoulder tense despite only just getting out of bed. He turns back to eat some more when he recognizes the uncomfortable twitch of you being watched.

“I know a recipe that’ll help.” He speaks softly and warily as if he could sense how desperately you were trying to hold on. He continues rummaging through the fridge, his finger skimming products of food he would later consume.

“Beel, love, I’m not really in the mood to eat right now but maybe in-“

“It helped me” he interrupts. He pauses for a second in his one sided war against the fridge. His eyes turn to meet yours and you can’t help but notice how this is once more one of the softer moments of Beel he’s allowed you to see. His features are soft with slumber but his eyes are sharp and honest, always quietly reading the room, always quietly reading you. “When I had my nightmare, this is what I would turn to….before you came.” He says softly.

You nod and watch him get the materials he needs to make this mysterious midnight snack. Your eyes travel his body curiously. His tattoo, moving almost as if it was alive, slithered with each whisk of the small pot while the black tank top did little to cover his toned back. An innocent urge pushes you out your chair and before you realize, you’re wrapping your arms around his tiny waist. He continues as if you hadn’t, but you can hear his heart beat a little faster and feel his muscles tense at the contact. He knew you needed this. Hell, he probably needed this more than you but for right now it didn’t matter. All that mattered was his warmth and his unusual caring side was extended to even “just a human”


Notes<3 please excuse me if he seems a little of character! I just started Obey Me and I am absolutely smitten with Beel! I just had to write this idea out when I saw him say this!! (It was almost midnight to!! How cute<3) this was a fun little start up from a 9 month Hiatus!

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1 year ago

Welcome back home || Lucifer x f!reader

Summary: You find yourself eagerly awaiting Lucifer's arrival back home

Warnings: praise kink, rough sex

Word count: 750

Authors: Bear

A/N: I'm so happy to partake in this exhilarating Kinktober '23 Collaboration. My prompts were: praise kink & rough sex


Welcome Back Home || Lucifer X F!reader

"Welcome back home," you say, your voice breathless with excitement as you catch sight of Lucifer. He's beaming, swiftly kicking the door shut before pulling you close and claiming your lips in a passionate kiss. Your anticipation for Lucifer's return is palpable, as you detest the solitude that accompanied his business absences. You crave his presence and the excitement it brings, making the moments apart feel like an eternity of isolation.

"You look absolutely stunning, Y/N," he whispers, his lips trailing down the side of your neck. "Exquisite. It fits you perfectly, doesn't it?"

You're adorned in the lingerie he thoughtfully sent you, and nothing else. It's a delicate ensemble of strappy lace that barely qualifies as panties, a matching bra, and a short silk robe. Even when he's away from Devildom, he still loves to spoil you. You pull back just enough to give him a little twirl, and his dark eyes devour every inch of your body with hungry desire.

He licks his lips sensually, wrapping his arms around you once more, his hands eagerly squeezing your enticing curves. Your entire being feels ablaze with desire. "Did you do as I asked?"

"Yes," you reply, your voice a sultry whisper.

"Really? For three whole weeks?" He teases, sliding a leg between yours, allowing you to rock your hips against his thigh. The heat between your bodies intensifies, and you can't help but fear you might leave a telltale wet spot on his impeccably fitted uniform pants. "You didn't make yourself cum?"

"I promise," you swear, trying to contain your excitement.

"That's my obedient girl," he grumbles. "Just give me a few minutes."

Lucifer's shower seems to be over in a flash, yet the minutes stretched into an agonizing eternity for you. The anticipation hang heavy in the air, making your heart race.

As soon as you hear the water cease, a surge of desire compells you to action. Your hand find its way between your thighs, fingers delicately tracing the path along your slick, heated pussy. You gasp. "Lucifer..."

The panties he had sent are far from ordinary; they are crotchless, leaving your pussy exposed and framed by their sensual lace. Every movement seems calculated to draw attention to the treasure concealed within, and you can't help but feel the excitement building inside you. The knowledge that he will soon walk through that door, catching you in this passionate act, send a shiver of excitement coursing through your body. With bated breath, you continue to explore your own desires, slowly succumbing to the intoxicating sensations that radiated from your wet, warm core.

And then, like a perfectly orchestrated moment, he appears, his intense black eyes immediately locking onto the very place where you were pleasuring yourself with a deliberate and sensual rhythm. He didn't bother with a towel, standing there completely naked, his dick rock hard, already leaking precum from the slit on his tip.

It's clear that he had missed you just as intensely as you had yearned for him. The electric chemistry in the room crackles, a magnetic pull drawing you both together.

“That’s my girl,“ he says, in a sinful low rasp. "Good, little girl."

He gently caresses himself, his own touches sending shivers down his spine. Slowly, he ascends the bed, his desire evident in every calculated move. Hooking his strong arms under your knees, he skillfully spreads your legs, granting him an unobstructed view of your eager pussy, clenching aroung nothing. The head of his throbbing cock brushes against your longing entrance, and an involuntary, passionate groan escapes your lips. “Is this what you want?” he asks, eyes dark as he looks down at you.

“Please,” you gasp. “Please, I was so good!”

“I know you were, princess,” he soothes, and fucks into you with one smooth thrust.

In the throes of passion, you can't help but moan, your body arching upward in anticipation. Your desire brings you to the brink, and you tremble with the intensity of it all. "Please," you gasp.

Lucifer engages in an unrelenting, rhythmic motion, his hips swaying back and forth with precision as he fully penetrates you. A series of subdued grunts escape his lips as he revels in the incredible sensation of your wetness enveloping around his throbbing cock.

"Oh, Lucifer!" You moan, yor head rolling back to the mattress.

“You can come, sweetheart,” he says, and you’re clenching around his dick, seeing white sparks of unbearable pleasure even before he says, “You earned it, my good, little pet.”

Welcome Back Home || Lucifer X F!reader

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3 years ago
Om Is Not Just A Sound Or Vibration. It Is Not Just A Symbol. It Is The Entire Cosmos, Whatever We Can

“Om is not just a sound or vibration. It is not just a symbol. It is the entire cosmos, whatever we can see, touch, hear and feel. Moreover, it is all that is within our perception and all that is beyond our perception. It is the core of our very existence. If you think of Om only as a sound, a technique or a symbol of the Divine, you will miss it altogether. Om is the mysterious cosmic energy that is the substratum of all the things and all the beings of the entire universe. It is an eternal song of the Divine. It is continuously resounding in silence on the background of everything that exists.” (Amit Ray, Om Chanting and Meditation) 🧘🏻‍♂️ sing it a few times a day 🧘🏻‍♂️ feel the energy flow through your body 🧘🏻‍♂️ feel the vibration through your head, and lips Tell me feedbacks about it. 🙏🏼 #om #omchanting #mantra #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yoga #omchantingcircle #omchantingportugal #mantradodia #mantras (at Póvoa De Santa Iria, Lisboa, Portugal)

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