94 posts
Theory For Allison's Heel-face Turn At The End Of S2: The Argent Family Does Some Kind Of Subliminal
Theory for Allison's heel-face turn at the end of s2: the Argent family does some kind of subliminal messaging thing to foster violence/proper hunter vibes in the members of the main family. Heirs might get a more intense version of this (the real reason she had to stay back a year was because of the more thorough brainwashing requirement, but she remembers it as a very weird hospital stay of some sort--also an opportunity to have a sleeper agent of some kind).
She seems pretty freaked out about training/hunting, but not nearly as much as she could be.
Her face when she pulls out the ring dagger is "why the f*ck do I have a knife while I'm sleeping"
Again with the knives (yes, I know knife=/=dagger, right now I don't care)--we know she did archery and gymnastics as a kid, but how the heck does she know how to use those??? If I tried to do the spinny thing, I'd accidentally cut off a finger or end up impaling myself. This could be something like Starkiller's flash training from SW:TFU.
At the party, she gets shot by a shadow version of herself, and later she becomes the shadow. This could mean that the dark version is in her subconscious, waiting to take over.
She's reluctant to kill anyone up to her mother's death, and even then it's very focused on Derek (who she blames), and Derek-adjacent characters.
The previous point changes as she ends up diving deeper, but creepy grandpa seems like he's playing her like a fiddle--maybe he knows where/how to push to trigger the coding?
At the start of s3, she's pretty much back to normal--and creepy grandpa is gone, so dad could maybe use a phrase to turn off the brainwashing-lite?
I say brainwashing-lite because despite the OOC behavior and dark spiral, underneath it all she still maintains characteristics inherent to Allison; her free will is not overridden, merely twisted. This makes subliminal messaging, or subtle, hidden changes a much more likely choice.
This could also explain why Kate is so nutty--something went wrong in the process for her.
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Haha, yes! I'm still a diehard fan of the line "I know something about pain you don't. Pain drowns other people. I just swim in it." from NJO. My top 5 characters don't end up on most people's radar because they're from the EU books.
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“Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.”
-William Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure, Act 1 Scene 4
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